May 29, 2015 Bulletin - Denver Park Hill Seventh


May 29, 2015 Bulletin - Denver Park Hill Seventh
Denver Park Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church
3385 Albion Street
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 202702
Denver, CO 80207
Denver, CO 80220
Pastor Charles Osborne, III
Home 303-200-0310
Cell 313-770-5520
Welcome To Denver Park Hill Seventh-­day Adventist Church May 29, 2015 Office Hours: ........................................................................ by appointment only
Pastors Study.................................................................................. 303-333-0467
Church Office ................................................................................ 303-333-5089
Email: [email protected] Website:
Department Leaders:
Audiovisual – Chima Akotaobi ....................................................... 303-451-7315
AY/Youth Ministries – Chanelle Watson* ................ [email protected]
Children’s Ministries – Jacquelyn Pullman* .................................. 303-371-6059
Clerks – Karen Allen* ..................................................................... 720-244-1200
Building Committee – Gary Franklin* ........................................... 720-276-4542
Bulletin Clerk – Matthew Paris [email protected]
Communications – Ricky Webber* ................................................ 303-537-4823
Community Service – Michelle Lewis* .......................................... 303-598-0405
Deacons – Nathan Semakula--*....................................................... 720-365-4230
Deaconess – Joan Ponder*............................................................... 303-366-6721
Disability Ministries – ............................................................................................
Education – Carol McKnight* ................................................................................
Elders – Phil Ragland* .................................................................... 303-877-7893
Finance – Albert Groves* ................................................................ 303-355-6361
Family Life – Launice Brown*........................................................ 303-321-7155
Guest Relations – LaJuanda Willard ............................................... 303-363-1123
Health Ministries – Dr. Byron Conner*........................................... 303-680-4064
Interest Coordinator – Kathryne Groves*........................................ 303-355-6361
Couples Ministry – Sam& Sheritha Semakula ................................ 720-841-6987
Men’s Ministries – Charles Brown .................................................. 303-321-7155
Music Ministries – Matthew Paris* [email protected]
Pathfinder Clubs – Bernadict Quarles* ................ [email protected]
Personal Ministries – Elizabeth Arnold* ......................................... 303-307-8184
Publishing Coordinator –Floyd Hopton*......................................... 303-297-1597
Religious Liberty - Rafael Small* ................................................... 720-254-8779
Sabbath School/Adult – Vernon Jackson*....................................... 303-973-1847
Sabbath School/Children’s – Jacquelyn Pullman ........................... 303-371-6059
Senior’s Ministries – Gerald Christmas, Sr ..................................... 303-366-6038
Single’s Ministry – Alisha Owens ............................ [email protected]
Social Committee – Roy Johnson.................................................... 303-562-7703
Socialites – Bernadict Quarles .............................. [email protected]
Stewardship – Arthur Varney* ........................................................ 303-520-9050
Treasurer * ......................................................... [email protected]
Technology Team – Chima Akotaobi.............................................. 303-451-7315
Ushers Leader – ......................................................................................................
Women’s Ministries –.............................................................................................
*Board Members
3385 Albion Street,
Denver, CO 80207
Hours of Service:
Sabbath School: 10:00 a.m.
Divine Worship: 11:15 p.m.
Wednesday Prayer Meetings:
11:00 am and 7:00 pm
Worship Service
Sabbath School
Theme of the Quarter: The Book of Luke
Introit........................................................... “In the Beauty of Holiness”
Invocation........................................................................................ Elder
Affirmation of Faith ........................................................................ Elder
Opening Hymn ........ “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder” Hymn #216
Worship by Welcome
Pastor’s Corner/Welcome ....................................Sister Carol McKnight
Children’s Corner.................................................. Brother Al McKnight
Worship by Giving
Tithes & Offering........................................................Bryant Quarles Jr.
Worship by Prayer
Call to Prayer ............................................................................... “Altar”
Prayer .............................................................................................. Elder
Prayer Response ...........................................................................“Altar”
Doris Ellis - 2503 Tremont Pl Denver, 80205, 303-293-9155
Gertrude Bass - 1380 Detroit St Apt 304, Denver, 80206, 303-329-3858
Mildred Walker - 1599 Williams Street Apt 203, Denver, 80218, 303-377-2358
Eunie Dennis – Julia Temple Center, 3401 S. Lafayette St. Englewood, 80010, 303-761-0075
Delores Martin - Heritage - Club Mountain View, 8101 E. Mississippi Ave, Rm 158, Denver
Bobbie Felder – 3350 Cleveland pl. Unit 619 Denver, 80205, 303-399-8016
Jewell Miller – 3366 Pontiac St. Denver, 80207, 303-355-9920
Gerald Christmas – 3109 Victor St. Aurora
Betty Marcanno 9380 E Center Ave Apt 10B, Denver, CO, 80247
Avalone Chris Hughes 2665 Holly Street, Denver, CO, 80207
Worship by Music
Songs of Praise, Worship ...................................... Congregational Choir
Worship by Spoken Word
Scripture ......................................................................... ………… Elder
“II Timothy 3:15-17”
Speeches............................ ………… Queanna Osborne/Alaysha Harris
Presentation ..............................................................................................
Closing Song ........................................... “May His Peace Be With You”
Benediction ..................................................................................... Elder
Sunset Tonight 8:20p.m……………………Sunset Next Friday 8:24 p.m.
CLERK: Karen Allen
Today’s Scripture
King James Version (KJV)
Isaiah 43:1-13
Zechariah 2:10-13
Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell
in the midst of thee, saith the LORD.11 And many nations shall be
joined to the LORD in that day, and shall be my people: and I will dwell
in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath
sent me unto thee.12 And the LORD shall inherit Judah his portion in
the holy land, and shall choose Jerusalem again.13 Be silent, O all flesh,
before the LORD: for he is raised up out of his holy habitation.
Revelation 21:1-3
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the
first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God
out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the
tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they
shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their
1. Park hill band: Anyone who plays an instrument can join. See bulletin
board or Myron Nealey for details.
1b. Come join in the Church Congregational Choir: We sing every fifth
Sabbath. Our next rehearsal will be August 28th at 7:00 p.m. preparing to
sing August 29th here at church. Come one come all! Matthew Paris
1c. MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE! Children's Choir! Parents, children's
choir has started. Ages 5-13. Please contact Sister Debbie Jackson for
more information.
2. PERSONAL MINISTRIES call for everyone: Is it your heart’s
desire to serve our Master by fulfilling His commission that was given
to us all? Personal Ministries would like to offer some ways for you to
be of service:
• Early Morning Prayer meetings: Sabbath Mornings at 8:30
• Outreach to Nursing Homes, once a month
• Quarterly field days to pass out literature from door to door
• Letter writing, inspiration and encouragement
• Reading scripture and devotionals to those homebound
“I have been instructed to refer our people to the fifty-eighth chapter of
Isaiah. Read this chapter carefully and understand the kind of ministry
that will bring life into the churches. The work of the gospel is to be
carried by means of our liberality as well as by our labors” WM 29
3. Park Hill Prayer Line- Jesus on the main line!! Please join us every
Sunday evening on the new Park Hill prayer line. Time: 7:30 pm. Callin number (712) 775-7031. After dialing the call-in number use access
code 833-175-295 followed by the # sign. Start your week out with
4. Women's Ministry donations have been made by members of
Parkhill church for the women's downstairs restroom. Donations include
soaps, lotions, air fresheners, and containers. Please continue to donate
as needed. Please be mindful of your children, as we do not want them
playing with the products. Thank you and enjoy.
5. Attention: Senior Ministries is short on funds. Please begin your
donations toward the ministry. Thank you. And God bless you.
6. Save the date: Marriage Retreat is scheduled for October 16th - 18th.
Our speakers will be Trevor and Edith Fraser from Oakwood University.
Additional information to follow shortly.
7. Community Service is requesting donations for dry cleaning. They
also need quart and gallon size freezer zip loc bags, and packing
tape. Thank you, Michelle Lewis.
8. Business Meeting is this evening after sunset.
Thank you for your support to Denver Park Hill SDA Church. Because
of your financial support and generosity, you have planted the seeds that
will enable Park Hill to grow in our community, and provide a church
home for you and others. Thank you for answering the call to contribute
to God's work here at Park Hill.
Besides collection during our 11:00 service, there are more ways to
donate to Park Hill church:
1. We offer safe and secure online giving:
Go to and select the donate button.
2. We have a locked donation box at the top of stairs to the 2nd floor
where you can leave your
3. You can mail your donation to:
Park Hill SDA Church
P O Box 202702
Denver CO 80220
Attn: Treasury
In the Beauty of Holiness
Come let us worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
Come let us worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
Give Him the honor. Give Him the praise.
Come let us worship the Lord, and give Him the praise.
Worship Him, worship Him
Give my God the glory, give my God the praise.
Worship, worship. Come let us worship the Lord
And give Him the praise.
The Altar
Bulletin Submission(s): Please submit announcements by
5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Announcements submitted after
this time will be included in the following Sabbath’s bulletin.
There will be no exceptions.
At the altar you can tell Jesus all about it.
At the altar you can tell what your heart has to say.
You can tell Him how need Him, how you thank Him,
And how you love Him.
At the altar when you kneel to pray.
Breathe on Me Breath of God
Breathe on me breath of God.
Fill me with life anew.
That I may love as thou dost love.
And do what thou wouldst do.
May His Peace be with You
May His peace be with you, ‘till we meet again.
May His peace be with you, ‘till we meet again.
‘Till we reach that distant shore,
And we’ll shed a tear no more.
May He give you strength to endure,
‘Till we meet again?
‘Till we meet again.