The Value of [In
The Value of [In
Internationales Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften (IZEW) 2015 International Tübingen Symposium on Ethics The Value of [In‐]Security July 28‐30, 2015 The – perceived, expressed and sometimes imposed or insinuated – need for more and more security has been increasingly shaping the political and societal systems. It seems to have pervaded almost every sphere of life. New security technologies are developed and implemented for surveillance, identification, access, tracking, targeting and much more. The “quantified self” is framed by discourses that moralize practices like smoking and unhealthy eating, both under the auspices of avoiding risk and hence securing individual health as well as reducing societal costs. The digitalized life strives – as primary or secondary object – to eliminate known insecurities and at the same time creates new ones. And knowledge finds itself more often than not in the realm of (epistemic) security, insecurity, uncertainty and risk, where the uncertainty of knowledge or “truth” is the secure common ground. The International Centre for Ethics (IZEW) is organizing an international symposium on The Value of [In‐ ]Security. The conference opens up the whole realm of “value”‐related questions on (in)security. It will explore the explicit or implicit contradictions or dialectics between dominant discourses which establish security as an important value (or precondition for developing and preserving values) and less dominant discourses which deal with the complexity of „security“, its possible side effects and the question whether „insecurity“ could be considered a value (or precondition for developing and preserving values). The conference will investigate these contradictory lines of thought and fields of practices. It aims at an ethical analysis of the value(s) of both insecurity as well as security in different contexts. Conference language is English. Further information: http://www.izew.uni‐‐value‐of‐in‐security.html Pre‐conference “Festakt” on July 27, 2015: 25th anniversary of the Tübingen Ethics Centre We will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Ethics Centre with a ceremonial act in German language on July 27, 2015. Speaker will be Prof. Dr. Dr. Gesine Schwan, political science professor and former president of the Viadrina European University, Frankfurt/Oder. Conference guests are very welcome to arrive earlier and celebrate with us. Further information: http://www.izew.uni‐‐25‐jahre‐ izew.html Internationales Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften (IZEW) The Value of [In‐] Security Preliminary Program 28.07.2015 09:00 Registration 09:30 Symposium Opening 09:45 Keynote Lecture 1: John T. Hamilton Security: Politics, Humanity, and the Philology of Care 10:45 Coffee & Snacks 11:05 Session 1: Value Discourses in the Face of [In]‐Securities Tobias Matzner Chris Zebrowski 12:35 13:30 15:30 16:45 18:00 29.07.2015 09:00 Entangled Agency and New Materialisms – or Why it Has Become so Hard to Find Accountability for Security Lunch Session 2: What Is Security? Unconventional Approaches Sonia Arribas Small Frames, Play and Security Charlotte Heath‐Kelly Death and Security: The Foundational Masquerade The Ill Body Politic: Medical Metaphors in Georgios Kolliarakis Contemporary Security Policy Discourses Michael Nagenborg Security, Violence, and Cruelty Happy Hour Colloquium Junior Scholars Meet Senior Scholars (Coffee & Snacks & Drinks) Keynote Lectures / Discussion 2: Public Interest – Privacy, Security, Safety as Related Charles Raab Values Public Interest – Societal Security and its Rainer Treptow Ambivalences Stocherkahn on the Neckar Session 3: [In‐] Secure Citizens Security, Power and Fear: Concerns about the Concept Ivon A. C. Mayorga of the Citizen Peter Bescherer/ Urban Life and the Value of [In‐]Security in a Post‐ Friedrich Gabel/ Political Age Dietmar Wetzel Revitalizing the Values of Disorder and Insecurity – About the Usage of the Unknown for City Life under Christoph Lange Conditions of Social Segregation and Spatial Predictability Coffee & Snacks Matthias Leese 10:30 When Samurai Meet Judith Butler: Reflections on the Value of Insecurity The Value of Resilience Internationales Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften (IZEW) Jules Buchholtz/ Philipp Change = Chance ? Re‐Valueing Value Scenarios as Melodramatic Tools to Rehearse [In‐]Security in an Schulte Uncertain Future 12:15 Lunch & Poster Session 14:00 Session 5: "Enemies of the State": Securities and Vulnerabilities Trajectories of Containment: From Cold War and Neocolonial Landscapes to Lori E. Amy Surveillance in the War on Terror World – Case Studies from South Africa and Albania 30.07.2015 Marco Krueger The Fortress Strikes Back – How EU’s Immigration Policy Creates a New Sphere of Insecurity for Asylum‐Seekers and Impedes the European Integration Process 15:30 Happy Hour Colloquium Junior Scholars Meet Senior Scholars (Coffee & Snacks & Drinks) 16:45 Philosophical Walk to Bebenhausen 18:15 Guided tour at the Monastery Bebenhausen 19:15 Conference Dinner in the Monastery Bebenhausen 09:00 Session 6: Security Technologies in the Face of Value Discourses American National Security Ideology and the Values of John Baesler Technology Epistemic Uncertainties in International Security: The Nina Wittjes/Philipp Role of Non‐Governmental Satellite Imagery Analysis in Olbrich Security Discourses on North Korea and Sudan Negotiating the (In)security of Security Technologies: Values of Security in the Public Debate over the Michelle Spektor Implementation of a National Biometric Database in Israel 10:30 Coffee & Snacks 11:00 Keynote Lecture 3: Onora O`Neill Taking a Practical View of Trust 12:15 Final Discussion & Farewell 13:00 Lunch‐to‐go Angela Crow Trajectories of Containment: From Cold War and Neocolonial Landscapes to Surveillance in the War on Terror World – Case Studies from South Africa and Albania 10:45 Session 4: Generating, Threatening, Imagining Security Transnational Organized Crime: A Security Threat or a Security Provider? Luca Raineri Prohibition Regimes, International Legality and Local Legitimacy in Mali Hendrik Burmester At Peace with Militarized Masculinity?
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