5.15 newsletter - Dutch Neck Presbyterian Church


5.15 newsletter - Dutch Neck Presbyterian Church
Phone: 609-799-0712
Fax: 609-799-4686
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.dutchneckpresbyterian.com
Reverend Jan Willem van der Werff
Ben Johnson, Youth Leader
3, 2015 @ 11 AM;
On Sunday May 3, 2015 after
worship we will continue our
important journey through the
timeline of Children’s and Youth
ministries at Dutch Neck into the
future. This is the initial part of a
visioning process to set the course
of Children’s and Youth ministry’s
future. One of the narratives
around Dutch Neck is what a
wonderful and strong Children’s
and Youth ministry the church had
over the last decades. There are
many metaphors, mission trips,
stories and pictures to illustrate
this. You can admire and relive
good moments and add your own
to the informative timeline in
Fellowship Hall Peggy Redman
made. Many members have
contributed to it with pictures and
comments on post-its. The timeline
MAY 2015
showcases the highly effective
children and youth ministries we
have enjoyed over the last 25
years (and before). It has also
proven to be a good tool to figure
out when and why these
ministries were less successful.
May 3rd we will address the
exciting question: what can we do
concretely to uphold and
strengthen the vibrant and thriving
tradition of Children and Youth
ministries at Dutch Neck?
More information about the
timeline, please contact Peggy at
[email protected] or Jan
Willem at
So we encourage all parents,
youth, and other stakeholders to
please join us (again) as we
continue to go from the past to
the future at our second round of
Café Conversations about the
Children and Youth Ministries at
Dutch Neck. How can we create
a new sustainable approach to
Children and Youth ministries?
How can we create a structure
that will support the ministry?
How can we make this process
enjoyable and fruitful? After this
hour of conversations we are all
invited to join the youth on a
canoe trip!
2) What do you consider the most
important ministries on the timeline wall for the life of the
Children’s and Youth ministries at
Dutch Neck?
Questions to ponder before May 3:
1) What characterizes the high and
low points of Dutch Neck’s
Children and Youth ministries
during the last 25 years?
3) How, concretely, can we
strengthen the Children and
Youth ministries? (May 3)
God bless,
The Rev. Jan Willem van der Werff
It’s that time of year again . . . time for our Spring Clean Up! After a particularly
harsh winter, we have some work and a few projects to take care of.
So, put on your work gloves, grab your rakes and
brooms and come on out on Saturday, May 23 at 1 pm
to help give our facilities and grounds a beauty make
~Bob Dix, Chair ([email protected])
Facilities Chair
Inside this issue:
Our Life Together
Youth Fellowship
Kid’s Page
Worship Services
Page 2
Session met on Tuesday, April 21,
2015 and did much good business.
We reviewed the Nursery School
2015-16 budget, as presented by
Kim Kelly and Barbara Fruh. Bob
Dix will present recommendations
to session this fall for the next
three-year contract renewal. Jan
Willem conducted a robust
discussion of the current committee
structure and led session through a
rethinking of current committees
and how they align (or don’t) with
the five major focus areas defined
by last year’s visioning exercise. It
was agreed that the Children and
Youth area needs a strong group of
young adults representing Christian
Education from nursery through
high schoolers. We need to
formalize what has been informal
and incomplete. The Fellowship
Committee needs new members to
help Florence Cohen (who has
come back on session) and should
focus on both internal activities (in
the “History and Identity” area) and
external ones (aligned with the
“Invitation and Outreach”
emphasis). We agreed that
Personnel and Administration
(currently chaired by Bob Murray)
needs to have members from each
of the teams that hires and
supervises staff, so, at a minimum
representatives from Facilities Care
(which is doing well under its new
structure), Worship and Music, and
Children and Youth Ministries.
Finally, in the boldest move,
suggested by Greg Slonaker,
Stewardship and Finance should be
renamed something like the “Time,
Talent, and Resources
Committee,” which would have
Stewardship, Finance, MPSG, and
Nominating as active and
interrelated subcommittees.
With the prospect of bringing in as
many as 12 new members, session
agreed to do a final review and
vote at the May 17th meeting (at
which this year’s confirmands will
be examined), then, if the way be
clear, bring the group formally into
membership on Sunday, May 31st,
Confirmation Sunday.
is, almost exactly 200 years
after Dutch Neck was formally
established as a separate
congregation. Session approved
our hosting at that time.
The Abundant Grace dinner
worship project is moving
forward, with DNPC hosting a
second time tomorrow.
Session approved the pastor’s
seeking and appointing two
Board members for this
ministry. Attempts to identify
leadership for Vacation Bible
Camp (VBC) in July have not
met with success to date, and
there was a sense that, under
the circumstances, this activity
might not continue.
Respectfully submitted,
David N. Redman Clerk
After discussion with Plainsboro
and the Princeton Korean church,
it is likely that Dutch Neck will
host the Presbytery meeting on
Tuesday, November 8, 2016—that
Come both Sundays at 8:45 AM - Don’t miss it!
Our pick-up choir for all ages meets on May 10 and 24 for our monthly contribution to the Sunday
worship celebration. We hope that you will join us at 8:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall, when we will
have you ready to sing for 9:30 am worship. No preparation, music reading, or prior choral singing
experience is necessary and the choir is open to all ages--bring the kids! And a friend!
So if you like to sing with others but can't commit to the weekly choir, please join this Non-Ringer-Singers choir! If
you have questions (or name suggestions for the choir, one submitted recently is: the Joyful Singers) contact Martin
Tel ([email protected]), Gail Lee ([email protected]) or Jan Willem van der Werff
([email protected]).
Page 3
Friday, May 1.
Who Are Our Neighbors?"
Participation in Unity Day March
(3:30 - 6:30 p.m.) and Dinner (7
p.m. in Masonic Hall) in Trenton,
to commemorate slain youth: a
follow-up to Rev. Lukata Mjumbe's
class on March 29th.
May 3
Continue the Café Conversation
about Youth and Children's
ministries, in Fellowship Hall, using
the Timeline.
May 10
"Who Are Our Neighbors?":
Discussion and de-brief after May
9th "field trip" to attend
Russian Orthodox church vespers.
May 17
Joint Adult Ed/Confirmation Class
meeting during the 11 o'clock
hour, to discuss Statements of
May 31
Celebration of Confirmation Class
and New Members.
Looking Ahead to June:
June 7 and 14
"Who Are Our Neighbors?": a
two-part series on the Korean
Presbyterian church, both in the
USA and in Korea, led by Jenny
Lee, PTS.
May 24
Presentation related to
commemoration of the Holocaust
Come to Youth Fellowship!
May 3
All-family Canoe Trip - 12 am to 3 pm (following Café
Conversation on Youth & Children's Programs)
$35 per canoe
Canoe Base, 483 Alexander Road in Princeton.
May 17
Ben is preaching at morning worship.
*Bash-In-The Grass Spring 5:15 - 8 pm
Come out for one last night of Youth Group and finish
the year the way it began - with live music, free food,
games, campfire and more!
May 31
Confirmation Sunday
Important information!
Still time to signup for the Montreat Trip that is happening
July 11 through July 18 and for the Mission Trip that
happens July 26 through August 1. Please note that the
Mission trip is now open to 6th-12th graders.
We would love to have you join us! Interested?
Ben Johnson www.dutchneckyouth.org/grow-with-us
- MAY 3, 2015
The Memorial, Planned and Special Gifts
Committee is pleased to announce that The Rev.
Dr. James F. Reese will be the guest preacher on
Wills Emphasis Sunday, May 3, 2015. We welcome
Dr. Reese to our pulpit on this special Sunday
when we acknowledge and give thanks
for the generous bequests Dutch Neck has
received in the past.
Dr. Reese is currently the Minister of
Interpretation for the Presbyterian Foundation. He
previously was the Director of the Racial Ethnic
Ministry Unit of the General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church prior to which he served
churches in Alabama and Tennessee. He holds a
Bachelor of Science degree from Knoxville
College, a Master of Divinity degree
from Pittsburgh Seminary and a Doctor of Divinity
degree (Honorary) from Knoxville College.
Dr. Reese is no stranger to Dutch Neck having
previously visited with us to preach on Wills
Emphasis Sunday, to teach an Adult Education class
on "Planned Giving the Christian Way", and to
meet with members of Session and the MPSG
Committee to discuss planned giving at Dutch
Neck. We appreciate that Dr. and Mrs. Reese will
join us again this year.
Page 4
Finally it’s spring! At least for our
area. Folks in Vermont still have
need for warm clothing and
children yearn for hats and scarves.
We have had lovely ‘thank you’
letters from our new friends in
Vermont and their organization is
very much like old time M.A.T.E.
We thank God for bringing us
You will find us upstairs in the CE
building on Tuesday, May 5 at 10
am. Just bring your sandwich and
needles then stay for lunch. Coffee,
tea, dessert and new friends are
For questions, contact
Joan Eddinger at
The CornerBrighteners will meet
Thursday, May 21 at 10:00 am. We will
be traveling to HomeFront on
Princeton Pike in Lawrence to meet
with Sheryl Nomes, the Development
Associate and to tour the facility. Lunch
will follow.
If interested in joining us, please
contact Thelma Bornheimer at
Have you missed a sermon or know someone who
1. Listen to Sunday’s sermon by going to
dutchneckpresbyterian.com and scroll to the
bottom of the page to hear previous sermons.
Hint: Add your comments for all to see
2. OR on your smart phone, download the app
SoundCloud, search for dnpc” and hit follow.
Now how cool is that?
3. OR contact the office (799-0712) and request a
Of note is the following selection from the web:
Share this with friends or acquaintances. Post a link
into a regular email and see what happens. The hits
on the website have been from
Russia, South America and of course
The Netherlands. And keep in mind
shut-ins. Take a CD yourself to the
person, or play it for them on your
smart phone. Contact Skip Williams with any
questions at [email protected].
Every 4th Wednesday of
the month, volunteers
meet at the Christian
Education building at
9:20 AM to deliver food
and assist at TASK. They
usually return around
1:00 PM.
Our next outing will be
Wednesday, May 27.
How to reach the pastor,
the Rev. Jan Willem van der Werff:
Through Robbin Albert in the church office, Monday through
Thursday from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM. at (609) 799-0712.
For pastoral emergencies, please call his cell phone at
(609) 580-0556 anytime.
Through e-mail: [email protected]
Friday is his day off.
For more information
contact Brenda Mihan at
799-1422 or Carl Stillwell at 799-0772.
Non-perishable food
donations appreciated.
Place in basket in church
or wagon
outside of FH.
Thank you.
Page 5
Centering Prayer will meet on Wednesday,
May 6 and 20 at 7:15 pm in the Office Parlor.
NEXT BOOK CLUB we will read The Orphan Train by
Christina Baker Kline, The discussion will be Monday, May 4 at
7:30 pm in the Office Parlor. Come and bring a
friend! Happy Reading! Contact Terri DeVincenzo
at 609-716-1776 or [email protected]
All are welcome to join us as we share in
this time of contemplative prayer. Please
contact Julie Donaldson at
[email protected] if you have any questions.
Wednesday Meetings/Practice sessions are open to
members and non members of Dutch Neck Church.
The next meetings will be Wednesday, May 13 and
27 at 7:30 pm in the Office parlor.
Trish Miele leads this group and asks you to
email her if you plan on attending at
[email protected].
To learn more about mindfulness, visit her website
www.trishthetutor.com and go to the Mindfulness
Feel free to invite a friend.
SUNDAY, June 14 following
Join us for food, fun and fellowship.
All are welcome.
As the date approaches, there will
be a sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall so start planning
on what dessert, side dish or salad you would like to
share. Remember to bring your picnic blankets/chair.
Children’s games, organized walk. hamburgers and
hot dogs provided.
Mark you calendars!
- MAY 2015
Spring is registration time and we
have many visitors sharing our day
with us and enrolling in our school
for the 2015-16 school year.
May is a month of growth
and awakening at the
nursery school. We talk
about April showers that
bring us May flowers. We
plant seeds and learn about baby
animals and eggs. Our caterpillars
have arrived! The children are
amazed as they witness the
caterpillar’s transformation from a
chrysalis to a beautiful butterfly in
just a few days.
Our four year olds embark on their
Master Artists unit. Children will be
exposed to a wide variety of artists,
art techniques and mediums. They
will compare art styles, mood and
color. They will explore the works
of great artists such as Monet,
O’Keeffe, Matisse, Kandinsky and
The last day of school is Friday, May
29th and we will all gather at
Mercer County Park on Monday,
June 1st for a picnic and an
afternoon of fun and games. Our
Summer Camp program begins June
1st and continues for 4 weeks.
Classes are open to children 3
through 6 years of age, Monday thru
Thursday, 9:00 to 12:00pm. The
camp day will have more outdoor
activities than the normal school day
with a literature based curriculum.
In addition to our 2
½, 3 and 4 year old
cooperative programs,
we offer a three to
five day non-cooperative Kindergarten
Enrichment program held in the
mornings, 9:00am -12:00pm or
afternoons 12:00 – 3:00pm. Busing is
available. We have limited openings in
all of our classes for September so
please share this information with
friends and have them call the school
office at 799-9490 to learn more
about what our school has to offer!
Have a wonderful summer!
Kim Kellly
Page 6
Saturday, May 9 - 7:30 pm
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
An all Dvořák program! Sinfonietta Nova's final
concert this season presents two favorite
masterworks of the orchestral literature: the
beloved Dvořák Cello Concerto and the majestic
Dvořák Symphony No. 7. This year's top prize
winner in our youth concerto competition, cellist
Chase Park, will be the featured soloist. Join
Sinfonietta Nova as the orchestra brings its seventh
season celebration to a close--it's going to be an
evening of glorious music making!
See www.sinfoniettanova.org for tickets and other
information. Gail Lee, conductor
In April, Jim Souders and Bob Jackson rototilled the rows
that were established in 2013, so we will be ready to
plant in May. Another member of our congregation is
designing a drip system for watering the garden so we can
use as little water as possible. Joan Maier is growing early
tomato seedlings. At Kerri Hamm’s suggestion, we have
planted raspberries along the north fence of the garden in
the hopes that garden workers can get a tasty snack later
in the summer (or maybe next year).
Now we’re ready for you to sign up to do your part. We
can use people with all sorts of skills; picking up rocks
from the rows, laying down weed barriers, planting seeds,
planting seedlings, watering, harvesting, delivering
produce to a food pantry, whacking the grass between
the rows, and running or walking between the rows to
keep the paths worn. Please sign up on the yellow sheet
in Fellowship Hall to tell us what you would like to do.
Watch for our first big planting day in May.
Contact Heidi Jamieson at
[email protected] with
Taylor Chapman is in Afghanistan for a
9-month deployment. Taylor grew up in the
church and was an active member until his
enlistment after graduating from WWPHS
North. Members who would like to send
Taylor a card or letter are encouraged to
do so using the address below. In addition,
Kevin and Gerry Mackenzie will be coordinating a monthly
care package schedule for Taylor. Any member or church
group/committee that would like to send a care package
can contact the Mackenzie’s to schedule a month
([email protected] or 609-240-5512). A list
of suggested items to include in the packages is available, or
groups can be creative in what they include. Thank you for
your support of Taylor.
Taylor Chapman
789th EOD CO
Kandahar Airfield
APO AE 09355
COORDINATE VBC 2015 JULY 6-10, 2015?
Last year we concluded that VBC 2014 was a huge
success: “Although it was a hot week, the campers,
teachers and helpers all had a great time learning how
God is everywhere in our lives. God is in us, in our
friends and family, in church, in the garden, in the
world, in prayer, in sharing, in music. GOD IS
EVERYWHERE!!!” There were 64 campers in
attendance. For this year we are looking for (a) leader
(s) that will help organize and coordinate VBC. If you
are such a person, or know one, please let Jan Willem
know asap at
[email protected]
Thank you!
“If at first you don’t
succeed, do it like your
mother told you.”
~Author unknown
Page 7
Sunday Offerings*
9:00 AM - Nursery care; 9:30 AM – Worship Celebration; 9:45 AM Sunday School - 4 yrs. to 4th grade & Bibles and Bagels - 5th - 7th grade;
10:30 AM – Fellowship Hour; 11:00 AM - Adult Education
Page 8
Page 9
Kimberly Osborne
Kyle Van Dyke
Oscar Benkard
Robert Dix
Marion Whitney
Janet Jordan
Rene Seeland
Ryder Van Dyke
Jill O'Brien
Claire Cirullo
Virginia Dearborn
Jacob Hamm
Suzannah Sabin
Deborah Gervasio
Norman Bergstrom Jr.
Jeff Cirullo
Phoebe Melchior
Bonnie Burns
Kevin Appelget
Luke Hansen
Margaret Acheampong
Gerry Mackenzie
Noah Horan
Connie Kartoz
Theresa Gleim
Alice Jackson
Trish Miele
Charlotte Dey
Cathy McClenahan
Cindy Haegley
Jessica Mains
Emily Brooks
John Pakulski Jr.
Walter McIntyre
Katherine McCormick
Samantha McCormick
Sandra Browne
Kevin Mansfield
Giulia Marolda
Jack Carter
May 3
Don & Gay MacQueen
Fellowship Hour
Gordon & Barbara Riggs
May 24
Amy & Ken Carter
Fellowship Hosts
Stanley & Pat Tantum
May 10
Frank & Nancy Roff
Fellowship Hosts
Clifford & Kay Reed
May 31
Kevin & Gerry Mackenzie
Fellowship Hosts
May 17
Andrew & Diane Marolda
Fellowship Hosts
Frank & Kathleen Liao
Friday, May 1, 2015 has officially been
declared the Day of "Unity in the
There will be a prayer walk for unity
and peace in the places where men,
women and children have been
murdered in Trenton this year. United
Mercer Interfaith Organization, area
faith and community leaders, and a
coalition of area families will walk. You
are urged to participate.
The starting time is 3:30PM and the
starting points are the Westminster
Presbyterian Church (1140
Greenwood Avenue, Trenton) and the
Islamic Center of Ewing (685 Parkway
Avenue, Ewing). The ending point, at
6PM, is the Gandhi Peace Garden (223
East Hanover Street, Trenton).
Followed by dinner at the Masonic
More info and sign up sheet for dinner
at a Dutch Neck Table contact David
Redman at [email protected].
This year's NAMI Mercer Walk to
benefit people with mental illness and
their families will be held on Saturday,
May 2nd at Educational Testing
Service. Our church is sending a team
for the second year in a row, and you
can be a team member even if you can't
join us on May 2nd.
Visit http://
fpcdn to donate or
to join the team as a
walker or a "virtual
If you have any questions about the walk
or NAMI Mercer, please contact Heidi
Jamieson at 609-371-0247 or
[email protected].
Join us Sundays at 9:30 am for our Worship Celebration followed
by Fellowship Hour at 10:30 am
Sunday, May 3
5th Sunday of Easter
Acts 8:26-40; Psalm 22:25-31; 1 John 4:7-21; John 15:1-8
Sunday, May 10
6th Sunday of Easter
Acts 10:44-48; Psalm 98; 1 John 5:1-6; John 15:9-17
Sunday, May 17
7th Sunday of Easter
Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Psalm 1: 1 John 5:9-13; John 17:6-19
Sunday, May 24
Day of Pentecost
Acts 2:1-21 or Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b;
Romans 8:22-27 or Acts 2:1-21; John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
Sunday, May 31
Trinity Sunday
Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29; Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17
Members of Session
Shannon Cirullo
Florence Cohen
Bill Davis
Robert Dix
Sharon Gladwin
Cindy Haegley
Megan Haegley
Diane Marolda
Robert Murray
David Redman, Clerk
Anne Reilly
Michael Ruddy
Greg Slonaker
Scott Weingaertner
Rev. Jan Willem van der Werff, moderator
Linda Benfer
Simon Brooks
Julie Donaldson
Jim Gladwin
Don Hanley
Donna Kramer
Ruth Nieckoski
Gail Shook
Joy Whipple
Bonnie Benkard
Terri DeVincenzo
Eric Dunn
Kerri Hamm
Pam Hansell
Diane Mendes
Marybeth Ruddy
Benny Sun
Frances Wonnell
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