Miss Majorette of Virginia 2013
Miss Majorette of Virginia 2013
Miss Majorette of Virginia 2015 Pageant & Open Contest NBTA Sanctioned Miss Majorette & Open Sanction 922 May 9, 2015 Heritage High School 5800 Marshall Avenue Newport News, Virginia 23605 Doors Open – 7:30 AM Contest Begins – 8:30 AM Contest in Order of Appearance Virginia’s Loveliest – Modeling Miss Majorette of Virginia Modeling Best Appearing Modeling Basic Strut Novice Miss Majorette Basic Strut Military Strut Open Super X Strut Miss Majorette of Virginia Super X Strut Instate Super X Strut Visitor Super X Strut Open Solo Miss Majorette of Virginia Solo Instate Solo Visitor Solo Rating Lane Solo and Super X Flag Baton 2- Baton 3-Baton Duet Trio Teams Show Twirl Rhymitic U Information for Miss Majorette of VA Pageant Modeling Attire for the Advanced Miss Majorette of VA Pageant Tiny Tot, Juvenile & Party Dress Pre-Teen – Party Dress or Gown Junior, Senior & College – Gown Modeling Attire for Novice, Beginner & Intermediate Pageant All to wear costumes. Model in Solo or Strut Costume. In accordance with NBTA International, you must wear the same costume twice. Miss Majorette of VA Interview There will be a short interview with the judge after you model for the Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Divisions. Novice does NOT interview. All Contestants will be judged by the following criteria: Solo – 40% Super X Strut – 40% Modeling – 20% Novice Novice Awards for Miss Majorette of Virginia 1st Place – Medallion, flowers & banner 2nd through 5th place – Medal 1st Place in Solo, Strut & Modeling will each receive a ribbon Beginner Beginner 1st Place – Trophy, flowers & banner 2nd through 5th place – Trophy 1st Place in Solo, Strut & Modeling will receive a medallion 1st Place Winner is eligible to compete at AYOP in July 2015 Intermediate Intermediate 1st Place – Trophy, flowers & banner 2nd through 5th place – Trophy 1st Place in Solo, Strut & Modeling will receive a medallion 1st Place Winner is eligible to compete at AYOP in July 2015 Advanced Advanced 1st Place – Trophy, flowers & banner 2nd through 5th place – Trophy 1st Place in Solo, Strut & Modeling will receive a medallion 1st through 3rd places are eligible to compete at AYOP in July 2015 Age Groups: Tiny Tot = Ages 0 - 6 Juvenile = Ages 7 – 9 Pre-Teen = Ages 10 – 12 Junior = Ages 13- 15 Senior = Ages 16+ College General Information Time Limits :30 – 2:00 minutes 1:30 – 2:00 minutes 1:50 – 2:10 minutes 2:20 – 2:30 minutes U Novice Solo Beginner Solo Intermediate Solo Advanced Solo Novice Basic Strut Pageant & Open Basic For Novice Contestants – No Time Limit Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Super X Strut 1:30 – 2:00 minutes Modeling – for all divisions 1:00 minute maximum time Circle “T” Pattern College Solo 2:20 – 2:30 minutes No fire allowed Must have 1:10 min. with one baton Novice Flag Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Flag :30 – 2:00 minutes 1:30 – 2:00 minutes Novice 2-Baton Beginner, Intermediate & Adv :30 – 2:00 minutes 1:30 – 2:00 minutes Beginner & Advanced 3-Baton :30 – 2:00 minutes Rhythmic Freestyle: Routine Choreographed to your own choice of music. Beg. and Adv. Time Limit: 2:00 – 2:30 min. Beg and Advanced. Time limit 1:30 – 2:30 min. You must carry your own props and set up in one trip. Show Twirl: No Stunts or gymnastics allowed for solos or teams. Disqualifications if any of these are used. U Open Awards Novice 1 Place – Medallion 2nd – 5th Places – Medal Beginner & Intermediate 1st Place – Trophy 2nd – 5th Places – Medal Advanced 1st & 2nd Place – Trophy 3rd – 5th Place - Medal Directions from points West: Take I-64 East. Exit 261A Hampton Roads Center Parkway. Left at the first light onto Big Bethel Road. Proceed to Briarfield Rd and turn Right Proceed to school on the corner of Briarfield Rd & Marshall Ave. Highway 17 take I-64 East and proceed as shown above Take I-95 South to 295 Richmond Bypass Take I-64 East and proceed as shown above st Directions U Directions from points North Directions from points North of Richmond U Days Inn Hampton Holiday Inn Country Inn & Suites Recommended Hotels in the Area 11829 Fishing Point Drive Newport News, VA (757) 873-6700 1815 West Mercury Blvd. Hampton, VA (800) 718-8466 1069 J. Clyde Morris Blvd. Newport News, VA 23602 (757) 327-0722 Contest Director: Contest Assistant: Shelvy Manning – Email: [email protected] Arline Silverthorn – Email: [email protected] Entry Deadline: 04/20/15 HU HU U U No phone entries will be accepted No entries the day of the contest Entries must be received with a money order or a check Any entry received after April 20, 2015 will need to include a $15.00 late fee. Do no send mail that needs to be signed for!! Mail Entries to: Arline Silverthorn 331 Woodside Drive Hampton, VA 23669 Checks made payable to: Miss Majorette of Virginia 2015 NBTA Rules will be in effect Miss Majorette of Virginia T-shirts are available on the entry form for a fee of $15.00 Contestants are responsible for reporting to their lanes on time. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. No Refunds will be given. Parents are responsible for damage to the buildings or grounds. Twirlers please keep the dressing room clean!! No Smoking in the Building or on the School Grounds If you would like to place an ad in the program book below are the rates: 1/8 of a page – 2-1/2” x 2” $15.00 ¼ of a page – 5” x 2” $20.00 ½ of a page – 5” x 4” $25.00 ¾ of a page – 5” x 6” $37.50 Full page – 8-1/2” x 11” $50.00 Place your ad on plain white paper scaled to size using black ink. Send the ad and check to Arline Silverthorn no later than April 20th to meet the printing deadline. Miss Majorette of Virginia Pageant & Open Contest Entry Form U Twirler’s Name Birth Date: Address: Phone: City, State, Zip Twirling Age as of Sept 1, 2014 Email: Coach: Please circle age: 0-6 Circle Division for each event entered Event Novice Basic Pageant Pageant Best Appearing Va’s Loveliest Basic Strut Military Strut Open Super X Strut In State Super X Strut Visitor Super X Strut Open Solo In State Solo Visitor Solo Flag Rating Lane 2-Baton 3-Baton Duet Age Group (circle) Twirler’s Names: Show twirl Rhythmiic T-Shirt (circle size) Facility Fee Total 7-9 10-12 13-15 Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Solo Nov Nov 0-18 Beg Beg Beg Beg Beg Beg Beg Beg Beg Beg Beg Beg SuperX Beg Beg Beg 19-14 Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int 25-30 Adv Adv Adv 31+ CL Adv Adv S M Beg CS CM Adv Adv Adv Adv Adv Adv Adv Adv Adv Adv Adv Adv College Boys Boys Boys L XL 16+ Fee $25.00 $45.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $14.00 College Fee Paid $12.00 $12.00 $15.00 $15.00 Participants & Parents Liability Release Form: I give permission for my child to participate in the activity named above on the date shown. The Newport News School Board, Heritage High School, Directors of the contest, nor any of the employees of Heritage High School will be held responsible for any injuries to any contestant or spectator attending the contest. If for any reason your child has health problems and should limit their activity, please let your director know what is needed for your child and the contest directors. Contestants & parents are responsible for any damage to the dressing rooms or to the school. (Miss Majorette of Virginia). Parent’s Name (printed) Child’s Name: Date: May 9, 2015 Parent’s Signature Miss Majorette of Virginia Arline Silverthorn 331 Woodside Drive Hampton, VA 23669 Deadline for entries is: 04/20/15 Mail all entries to: Make checks payable to: U Miss Majorette of Virginia Teams Entry Form Name of Group Coach/Director’s Name: Phone #: Teams Please circle Division U Dance Twirl Team Beginner Tiny Tot Senior Advanced Juvenile Twirl Team Beginner Tiny Tot Senior Advanced Juvenile Junior # of Team Members x $5.00 Please circle Division U Half Time Team Kinder College Pre-Teen Pre-Teen Junior # of Team Members x $5.00 Half Time Teams, Pom Pons, Dance Twirl & School Line Please circle Division Primary Junior Senior # of Team Members x $5.00 Half-Time Pom Pon Kinder College Primary Half-Time Dance Twirl Kinder College Primary Please circle Division Junior Senior # of Team Members x $5.00 Please circle Division Junior Senior # of Team Members x $5.00 Please circle Division Senior College # of Team Members x $5.00 Half-Time School Line Grand Total NEW AGE DIVISIONS for Dance Twirl & Twirl Age Divisions for Half Time Teams Teams!!! Kinder 0-7.999 Tiny Tot Juvenile Pre-Teen Junior Senior 0 – 5.999 Primary 8-10.999 6 – 8.999 Junior 11-13.999 9 – 11.999 Senior 14 & over 12 – 14.999 College 18+ & in college 15 + Participants & Parents Liability Release Form: I give permission for my child to participate in the activity named above on the date shown. The Newport News School Board, Heritage High School, Directors of the contest, nor any of the employees of Heritage High School will be held responsible for any injuries to any contestant or spectator attending the contest. If for any reason your child has health problems and should limit their activity, please let your director know what is needed for your child and the contest directors. Contestants & parents are responsible for any damage to the dressing rooms or to the school. (Miss Majorette of Virginia). Child’s Name: Date: May 9,2015 Parent’s Name (printed) Parent’s Signature Each member of a team must sign the release found on the individual entry form. competing on a team only, (no individual competition), Need permission slip for each member of team. Mail all entries to: Arline Silverthorn – 331 Woodside Drive – Hampton, VA 23669 Checks made payable to: Deadline for Entries: Miss Majorette of Virginia April 20, 2015 Groups will compete at the end of the day If you are