Program International Conference "Don´t Look Away!"


Program International Conference "Don´t Look Away!"
International Conference "Don´t Look Away!"
Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy
in the Gobelinsaal/room II (first floor), Stubenring 1, 1010 Vienna
22 and 23 March 2015
The campaigns „Gegen das Wegsehen” and „Don’t Look Away”
The campaign „Gegen das Wegsehen" was initiated in 2009 by the former
Austrian Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth, together with Germany and
Switzerland in order to send out a strong, coordinated message against sexual
exploitation of children in tourism and, at the same time, motivating travellers to
report suspicious encountering and observations.
In September 2010 the campaign was officially launched in the three countries,
using the spot „Witness”, and accompanying material (leaflets, pens, etc.) as well
as introducing the national reporting mechanisms.
The campaign was built on three pillars:
 Awareness raising: spot, material
 Reporting mechanism: websites, email-addresses in close cooperation with
the police
 Multi-stakeholder cooperation: Governments, Tourism sector, NGOs
Conferences took place from 2009 - 2013 in Vienna, followed by Bern and Berlin.
Based on this campaign, ECPAT partners in Europe in 2011 designed the EUproject „Don’t Look Away” which was accepted by the EU/DG EuropeAid for
funding. The EU-project built very much on the campaign „Gegen das Wegsehen”
and it was clearly aiming at strengthening the campaign and on inviting other EUcountries to join and set up similar mechanisms. France, Luxemburg, The
Netherlands and Poland agreed to be part of this multi-stakeholder initiative.
Sweden and Belgium are considering joining.
The conference
This is the first conference to welcome new members. It aims to set the framework
for cooperation and joint actions for the next 2-3 years.
Goals and expected output are:
 Strengthening the existing campaign: Exchange of experiences between
founding members of the campaign (Austria, Germany, Switzerland) and the
new partners;
 Integration of new members in a common structure;
 Strengthening the multi-stakeholder approach: Stronger involvement of
tourism partners; planning of concerted, yearly actions.
22 March 2015
Get together/ Welcome Dinner
Lugeck 4, 1010 Vienna (5 min. walk from Stephansplatz)
23 March 2015
Moderators: Katlijn de Clercq, ECPAT Belgium and Vice-Chair ECPAT International
Registration in front of Room II “Gobelinsaal” (first floor)
Angelika Liedler, Head of Division of International Tourism
Affairs, Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy,
Opening remarks (2 min each):
Elisabeth Udolf-Strobl, Director General for Tourism and
Historic Buildings, Federal Ministry of Science, Research and
Economy, Austria
Madeleine Schrade, Desk Officer of Division 514, Federal
Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth,
Talia Bongni, Director ECPAT Switzerland
Josef Peterleithner, President ÖRV, Austrian Travel
Dorothy Rozga, Executive Director ECPAT International
Keynote Address (20min):
Anette Paavilainen, Operations Department, European
Cybercrime Centre (EC3)
Flash Talks - Founding Partners (3 x 5 min)
"The campaign’s strength and weaknesses", followed by Q&A
Germany: Dorothea Czarnecki, Project Coordinator ECPAT
Switzerland: Talia Bongni, Director ECPAT Switzerland and
Fabian Ilg, Head of Unit Pedocriminality, Swiss Federal
Criminal Police
Austria: Astrid Winkler, Director ECPAT Austria
Presentations - New Partners (4 x 10 min)
"Ideas for joint activities", followed by Q&A
France: Guillemette Vuillart, Project Manager ECPAT France
and Elise Bonneau, Project Manager Sustainable
Development, ACCOR France
Luxembourg: Hannah Bristow, Project Manager, ECPAT
Poland: Gabriela Kühn, Program Coordinator, Nobody’s
Children Foundation Poland (Polish ECPAT Coalition)
The Netherlands: Nur Albayrak, Dutch Ministry of Security
and Justice
Coffee break
"How to set up corporate identity and make best use of
social media": Martin Sternsberger, Director Media Consulting
Lunch (Room III)
Two parallel workshops
Please split up in Team A and Team B
13:10 - 14:05 Session I:
Team A starting with "Working Group I":
Corporate Identity and (Social) Media Strategy,
Room II (“Gobelinsaal”)
Facilitator: Martin Sternsberger, Director Media Consulting
Team B starting with "Working Group II":
Future cooperation structure and management of the campaign,
Room VI (“Sophiensaal”)
Facilitator: Celine Verheijen, Project Coordinator ECPAT
14:05 - 15:00 Session II:
Change of Working Group
Coffee break
Discussion of Results of Workshops
Conclusions & Setting up a common activity plan
Closing of the Conference
Angelika Liedler, Head of Division of International Tourism Affairs,
Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Austria and
Astrid Winkler, Director ECPAT Austria
Contact details
Contact for general questions and clarifications:
Ms Katharina Skorpik, [email protected]
Office phone: +43 1 923 76 01
Contact for questions and clarifications on content and program:
Ms Astrid Winkler, [email protected]
Office phone: +43 1 293 16 66
Cell phone: +43 6991 923 76 02