São Paulo, March 27th, 2015 – EDP - Energias do


São Paulo, March 27th, 2015 – EDP - Energias do
São Paulo, March 27th, 2015 – EDP - Energias do Brasil S.A. (“EDP Brasil” or “Company”) (BM&FBOVESPA: ENBR3)
announces to the Market and its Shareholders, that following the renounce of Mr. Miguel Dias Amaro to the positions
accumulated as Vice- President to assume a new position within EDP Group, effective on April 11th, 2015, the Company
developed a selection process for these positions, in which Mr Henrique Manuel Marques Faria Lima Freire was assigned
as "Chief Financial Officer", and Mr. Michel Nunes Itkes as "Vice President of Distributions Operations”.
Additionally, at a meeting held on March 17th, 2015, the Corporate Governance and Related Party Committee of EDP Brazil
gave its assent to the candidates to fill the positions mentioned above. Their formal elections shall be assessed in the Board
of Directors Meeting to be held after the EDP Brasil´s Shareholders Meeting, to be held on April 10th, 2015.
Mr. Henrique Manuel Marques Faria Lima Freire has Portuguese nationality and a large knowledge at financial area in the
past 15 years, appointed as partner of the audit firm KPGM. Resides in Brazil for more than four years, launched as CEO
and partner a start-up in Brazilian market.
Mr. Michel Nunes Itkes has Brazilian nationality and works in the electricity sector over 20 years. Throughout his career
held the positions of Regulatory Director, Energy Planning Director and Distribution Commercial Director of EDP Brasil.
Currently holds the position of Managing Director of EDP Bandeirante (Commercial and Technical and Environment).
Miguel Dias Amaro
Vice president of Finance and Investor Relations