2015 SOP Course Schedule - Environmental Health Section


2015 SOP Course Schedule - Environmental Health Section
2015 SOP Course Schedule
Rabies and Other Zoonotic Diseases: Their Control and Prevention
April 20-22, 2015
NC State Laboratory of Public Health, Raleigh, NC
Registration Fee: $125
Groundwater and Wells: Preparing for Tomorrow
April 30 – May 1, 2015
Carteret County Health Department, Morehead City, NC
Registration Fee: $99
North Carolina Environmental Health Law
August 26-28, 2015
Greenville, NC
Registration Fee: $200
Participants for Environmental Health Law will need to send registration and fees to
Eastern AHEC once it is posted on their website. Please do not send registration and
fees for this workshop to NCEHSOP.
***Please use this link to register for EH Law:***
tion=NC Environmental Health Law August 2628&cost=0.0000&casce_id=45750&event_date=2015-08-26
Food Course – Special Processes at Retail – FDA 312
October 20-22, 2015
Location TBA
Registration Fee: $125
Child Care and School Sanitation
Fall 2015
Location TBA
Registration Fee: $125
Lead Investigation and Remediation
Fall 2015
Location TBA
Registration Fee: $125
Seafood Quality and Safety
November 3-5, 2015
Southern Foods, Greensboro, NC
Registration Fee: $125
To register for these SOP sponsored courses (except Environmental Health Law), you
must print out and mail payment and registration form to the address on the
NCEHSOP registration form. Please note that our address for registrations and
payments has changed as of January 1, 2015 and is now:
P.O. Box 316
Wentworth, NC 27375
If you are registering for Environmental Health Law, participants will need to send
registration and fees to Eastern AHEC once it is posted on their website. Please do not
send registration and fees for this workshop to NCEHSOP.
***Please use this link to register for EH Law:***
tion=NC Environmental Health Law August 2628&cost=0.0000&casce_id=45750&event_date=2015-08-26
All registration and payments must be postmarked at least 7 calendar days before the
start of the course in order to be registered, as room permits. If you have questions,
contact Jeff French at [email protected]