29th March 2015 - Emsworth Methodist Church
29th March 2015 - Emsworth Methodist Church
Welcome to EMSWORTH METHODIST CHURCH Registered Charity No 1127747 Ministers: Deacon Laura Evans Revd Andrew de Ville 023 9247 9728 023 9237 6057 Church Office 01243 373773 Email [email protected] Website www.emsworthmethodistchurch.org Sunday 29th March 10.00am Palm Sunday All Age Worship Led by Deacon Laura Evans followed by coffee and Traidcraft stall in IH Why not visit the Traidcraft stall today for Easter Eggs! and buy some Palm-Oil products on Palm Sunday! Music group before the service: StF 264 Make way, make way, for Christ the King; H&P 162 Trotting, trotting, through Jerusalem; StF 105 God said; H&P 163 Children of Jerusalem During the collection: H&P 163 Children of Jerusalem After the service: StF 263 Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest 6.30pm Ecumenical Evening Service at Waterside URC A Christians Together in Emsworth service Andrew de Ville is at Wymering this morning and Portchester this evening Janet Baker is at Trinity this morning A serving and worshipping Christian church in the heart of Emsworth working closely with other churches and with the local community Monday 30th March 11.30am Clifford Dyke’s Funeral Service at the Oaks Crematorium 2.30pm A service of thanksgiving here at EMC for Clifford’s life and work, followed by tea and cakes in IH We are all invited to attend either or both of these services. 7.30pm United Choir rehearsal of music for Good Friday - at St James’ Church Tuesday 31st March 6.00pm Choice not chance an introduction to Lasting Powers of Attorney with Belcher Frost, Solicitors, free admission and open to all in IH (until 8.00pm) Wednesday 1st April 6.15pm Ecumenical Prayer Fellowship (Waterside URC Hall) 7.30pm Olivet to Calvary: J H Maunder’s cantata will be sung by the augmented choir of Drayton United Church, at Drayton Maundy Thursday, 2nd April 10.00am Thursday Stall in support of home & overseas missions. 7.30pm United Holy Communion here at the Methodist Church, led by Deacon Laura Evans with Revd Joel Ferreira from the Baptist Church. Please support this ecumenical service organised by Christians Together in Emsworth Good Friday, 3rd April The Pastoral Centre will be closed all day 9.30am The Way of the Cross The united procession of witness begins at the Catholic Church, then to the Baptist Church at 10.00am, St James’ at 10.30am, Waterside URC at 11.00am, and ending at the Methodist Church at 11.30am for a short service led by Laura, followed by a soup & bread lunch in IH. 3.30pm Music for Good Friday at St James’ Church The augmented United Choir will sing movements from Requiems by Gabriel Fauré and Karl Jenkins. Organ music from Martin Hogben. Retiring collection for Freedom from Torture. Sunday 5th April Easter Day 6.00am United Easter Sunrise Service and bonfire - on the foreshore beyond the western end of Warblington Road 10.00am Easter Morning Holy Communion Led by Revd Geoffrey Senior and Deacon Laura Evans There will be no service on Easter Sunday evening Andrew de Ville is at Horndean this morning and Drayton this evening Janet Baker is at Stubbington this morning The Communion Bread at all our Communion services here is both gluten-free and dairy-free. Geoffrey Webb’s funeral arrangements Geoffrey’s funeral will be held on Monday 13th April. The committal will be at the Oaks Crematorium at 12.15pm, and the family would be happy for anyone who wishes to attend to join them. There will be a service of thanksgiving for Geoffrey’s life here at Emsworth Methodist Church at 2.00pm, followed by refreshments in IH. Friends will be saddened to hear of the death on Monday of Bill Donovan, Dorothy Colverson’s son-in-law, following a battle with cancer. Our thoughts, prayers and support are with the whole family at this time: Gillian, Lindsey (and Kevin) and Gemma. And of course especially Dorothy whom we remember with great affection. Dorothy moved from Emsworth to Leigh-on-Sea in Essex a few years ago so that she could be closer to her family. Circuit Mission Day Doing and Dreaming – one year on th Saturday 18 April, 10.00am – 3.00pm at Fareham MC Further details in the April Newssheet A New Poetry Group o We are looking into the possibility of forming a poetry group. We envisage that it would meet in an evening about once a month, probably in the home of Peter and Jane Gregory, and every month we’d look at poems on a different theme. o This would not be restricted to religious poetry; we’d hope to look at a wide range of (sometimes challenging) works. The poems would be read, perhaps with some input about the writers and their background, and then there would be time for discussion o If this is something that interests you, please contact Diana Harris or Jane Gregory; then we’ll see if we can get started! Barn Dance June 2015 Peter and Jane Gregory are organising a Barn Dance on Saturday 27th June 2015, in aid of Leukaemia Research. Many people enjoyed last year’s dance, and we hope even more people will be able to come this year. As before, the band will be Tom Gregory’s band iFolk, and the caller will be Peter Gregory. The venue will again be Bedhampton Social Hall, from 7.30–11.00pm. A bar will be available, and a light buffet is included in the ticket price. We hope that people who feel less able to dance will still come along, and enjoy listening to the music, the song spots and the caller. Tickets will not be available on the door, so please buy or reserve your tickets in advance. Tickets are £15 each, available from Jane Gregory from 29th March. Please see Jane about pricing for a family ticket for families with children. Please support this event, so that we can send a good donation to Leukaemia Research. Peter and Jane 01243 370378 Next Sunday’s notices will cover Sunday 12th April as well. Please note an earlier deadline for copy (both to the folder and by e-mail to [email protected]): midday on Wednesday 1st April