Bibliography - Enhancing Life Project


Bibliography - Enhancing Life Project
Padela, Aasim
Project Bibliography:
Personal Publications Relevant to the Proposal [chronological order]
Padela, A.I. 2010. Public Health Measures & Individualized Decision-Making: The confluence
of H1N1 vaccine, and Islamic bioethics. Human Vaccines. 6:754-6.
Padela, A.I., H. Shanawani, and A. Arozullah. 2011. Medical Experts & Islamic Scholars
Deliberating over Brain Death: Gaps in the Applied Islamic Bioethics Discourse. Muslim World
Journal. 101:53-72.
Padela, A.I., and T.A. Basser. 2012 Brain Death- The Challenges of Translating Medical Science
into Islamic Bioethical Discourse. Medicine & Law. 31:433-450.
Padela, A.I., A. Arozullah, and E. Moosa. 2013. Brain Death in Islamic Ethico-Legal
Deliberation: Challenges for Applied Islamic Bioethics. Bioethics 27:132-9. Epub 2011.
Padela, A.I. 2013 Islamic Bioethics: Between Sacred Law, Lived Experiences and State
Authority. Journal of Theoretical Biomedicine and Ethics 34:65-80.
Padela, A.I. 2013. Islamic Verdicts in Health Policy Discourse: Porcine-based Vaccines as a
Case Study. Zygon. 48:655-670.
Padela, A.I., S.W. Furber, M.A. Kholwadia, and E. Moosa. 2014. Dire Necessity and
Transformation: Entry-points for Modern Science in Islamic Bioethical Assessment of Porcine in
Vaccines. Bioethics. 28:59-66. Epub 2013.
Padela, AI. 2015 Muslim Gazes upon the American Healthcare System: The Discursive Framing
of “Islamic” Bioethical Discourse. Die Welt des Islams [in-press].
Padela, AI. 2015. Rooting the Universals of Bioethics and Human Rights in Natural law:
Theological Dissonance for Conversation with Sunni Islam: In Religious Perspectives on Human
Rights and Bioethics eds. H. ten Have and J. Tham Springer [in-press].
Publications Relevant to the Proposed Research [alphabetical order]
al-Raysuni, Ahmad. Imam al-Shatibi’s Theory of the Higher Objectives of Islamic Law. Trans.
Nancy Roberts. London: The International Institute of Islamic Thought, 2005.
al-Shatabi, Ibrahim Ibn Musa Abu Ishaq. The Reconciliation of the Fundamentals of Islamic
Law. Vol 1&2. Trans. Imran Nyzaee. Berkshire: Garnet Publishing, 2012.
al-Tahir Ibn Ashur, Muhammad. Ibn Ashur’s Treatise on Maqāsid al-Sharīʿah. Trans. Mohamed
El-Tahir El-Mesawi. London: International Institute of Islamic Thought, 2006.
Attia, Gamal Eldin. Towards Realization of the Higher Intents of Islamic Law: Maqasid AlShariah: A Function Approach. London: The International Institute of Islamic Thought, 2005.
Auda, Jasser. Maqāsid al-shariah as Philosophy of Islamic Law: A Systems Approach. London:
The International Institute of Islamic Thought, 2008.
Dallal, Ahmad. Islam, Science and the Challenge of History. New Haven: Yale University Press,
Duderija, Adis. Maqāsid al-Sharīʿah and Contemporary Reformist Muslim Thought. London:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
Padela, Aasim
Hallaq, Wael. Authority, Continuity and Change in Islamic law. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2005.
Hallaq, Wael. A History of Islamic Legal Theories: An Introduction to Sunni Usul al-fiqh.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Hashim, Mohammad Kamali. Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence. 3rd ed. Cambridge: The
Islamic Texts Society, 2005.
Malkawi, Fathi Hassan. Epistemological Integration: Essentials of an Islamic Methodology.
London: The International Institute of Islamic Thought, 2014.
Masud, Muhammad Khalid. Shatibi’s Philosophy of Islamic Law. 1973. New Delhi: Kitab
Bhavan, 1998.
Rahman, Fazlur. Islam and Modernity: Transformation of an Intellectual Tradition. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1984.
Rahman, Fazlur. Revival and Reform in Islam: A Study of Islamic Fundamentalism. London:
Oneworld Publications, 1999.
Ramadan, Tariq. Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2008.
Zaidi, Ali. Islam, Modernity and the Human Sciences. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
Zaman, Muhammad Qasim. Modern Islamic Thought in a Radical Age: Religious Authority and
Internal Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Partial Reading List for Course on “Human Enhancement and the Medical Profession”
Persson, Ingmar and Julian Savulescu. Unfit for the Future: The Need for Moral Enhancement.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Elliot, Carl. Better Than Well: American Medicine Meets the American Dream. 2003. New
York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2004.
Savulescu, Julian and Nick Bostrom. Human Enhancement. 2009. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2011.
Buchanan, Allen. Better than Human: The Promise and Perils of Enhancing Ourselves. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2011.
Mercer, Calvin and Tracey J. Trothen. Religion and Transhumanism: The Unknown Future of
Human Enhancement. Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2014.
Partial Reading List for Course on “Religion, Health and Medicine”
Ferngren, Gary B. Medicine and Religion: A Historical Introduction. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 2014.
Cadge, Wendy. Paging God: Religion in the Halls of Medicine. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 2013.
Koenig, Harlod G. Medicine, Religion and Health: Where Science and Spirituality Meet. West
Conshohocken: Templeton Press, 2008.

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