THE ONE CLUB 260 FIFTH AVE 2ND FL NEW YORK NY 10001 T 212 979 1900 ONECLUB.ORG 2015 ONE SHOW – UX/UI FINALISTS BY CATEGORY WEB UX DESIGN: INTERFACE CRAFT Code and Theory / New York Los Angeles Times The redesign of latimes. com Deutsch / Los Angeles Volkswagen vw.com Droga5 / New York Under Armour Gisele Bündchen – Will Beats Noise Google Creative Lab / London Google Spell Up Hello Monday / Aarhus C j.viewz The DNA Project TBWA\PARIS / Boulogne Billancourt + DAN PARIS / Boulogne Billancourt SNCF The most serious game ever Work & Co / Brooklyn Virgin America Virgin America – Responsive Website Redesign Deutsch / Los Angeles Volkswagen vw.com Heye / Munich Mammut Sports Group AG #Project360 R/GA / San Francisco Airbnb Airbnb Create 72andSunny / Amsterdam + Google Creative Lab / London + Emea Google / London + MediaMonks / Amsterdam Google Google Night Walk CLM BBDO / Boulogne-Billancourt GUY COTTEN Trip Out to Sea Code and Theory / New York Los Angeles Times The redesign of latimes.com DDB Group / Düsseldorf BIC The Universal Typeface Deutsch / Los Angeles Volkswagen vw.com Hello Monday / Aarhus j.viewz The DNA Project Heye / Munich Mammut Sports Group #Project360 North Kingdom / Skelleftea Google & LEGO Build With Chrome 2.0 Publicis Conseil / PARIS ORANGE #Futureself The Martin Agency / Richmond Benjamin Moore Design By What Matters Sony PlayStation Gamer Masterpiece WEB UX DESIGN: UTILITY WEB UX DESIGN: USER EXPERIENCE WEB UX DESIGN: CROSS-CHANNEL INTEGRATION BBH / New York 1 THE ONE CLUB 260 FIFTH AVE 2ND FL NEW YORK NY 10001 T 212 979 1900 ONECLUB.ORG 2015 ONE SHOW – UX/UI FINALISTS BY CATEGORY MOBILE UX DESIGN: INTERFACE CRAFT LA RED / Hamburg + Artificial Rome / Berlin Kia Motors Europe GT RIDE - Viral Gaming for Kia MING Utility and Entertainment Group / New York Swedish Match Altitude Drop Mutual Mobile / Austin Nike Nike SB 2.0 North Kingdom / Stockholm Warner Bros. / Google The Hobbit: The Battle of The Five Armies R/GA / London Beats Music Beats Music R/GA / New York Nike Nike+ Running on Samsung Gear S The Barbarian Group / New York + Cheil Worldwide / New York Samsung Samsung CenterStage DigitasLBi / New York Taco Bell Taco Bell Mobile Ordering Application Geometry Global / Moscow + Ogilvy CommonHealth / Moscow Sanofi Get Well Kit Qol Devices / New York + R/GA / New York Qol Devices Alvio R/GA / New York Logitech Logitech Harmony App R/GA / New York Nike Nike+ Running on Samsung Gear S serviceplan / Munich + plan.net / Munich O2 Watch Out! – Telefónica Germany Watch Out! The first national mobile initiative to... Cheil Worldwide / Seoul Samsung Electronics Look At Me CLM BBDO / Boulogne-Billancourt GUY COTTEN Trip Out to Sea CP+B / Boulder Domino's iPad Ordering App DigitasLBi / New York Taco Bell Taco Bell Mobile Ordering Application FCB BRASIL / São Paulo NIVEA Protection Ad MOBILE UX DESIGN: UTILITY MOBILE UX DESIGN: USER EXPERIENCE 2 THE ONE CLUB 260 FIFTH AVE 2ND FL NEW YORK NY 10001 T 212 979 1900 ONECLUB.ORG 2015 ONE SHOW – UX/UI FINALISTS BY CATEGORY MOBILE UX DESIGN: USER EXPERIENCE (CONT.) Grow / Norfolk + Wieden+Kennedy / Portland + Nike / Google Mindshare / Portland + Google Creative Partnerships / Mountain View Nike Phenomenal Shot: A Google Art, Copy & Code Project Ogilvy / Paris BABOLAT PLAY BABOLAT Qol Devices / New York + R/GA / New York Qol Devices Alvio R/GA / London Beats Music Beats Music AKQA / Portland Nike Your Year. Directed by Nike+ Dentsu / Tokyo Japan Sport Council Future Ticket Dentsu / Tokyo Tokyu Corporation MASS RHYTHM – Transforming pedestrian chaos of Shibuya into graphics and rhythm. GREY Germany / Dusseldorf + GREY / Berlin SoundCloud The Berlin Wall of Sound Loducca / São Paulo Easy Way Language Center Word Map Razorfish / New York Spotify Spotify Year in Music Tool / Santa Monica Airbnb Airbnb Maps Y&R / São Paulo IPÊ (Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas) The Feeling Tree Dentsu / Tokyo Japan Sport Council Reviving Legends Dentsu / Tokyo Sports Biz Co. Fencing Visualized Mullen / Boston National Geographic Channel Live From Space Ogilvy & Mather / New York IBM US Open Sessions R/GA / London Google Google World Cup R/GA / New York Nike Nike Genealogy of Innovation serviceplan / Munich Bytro Labs The Game Report DATA VISUALIZATION & INFOGRAPHICS DATA-FOCUSED DESIGN 3