BREATHALYZER R TESTS WITH THE EQUILIBRATOR AND THE EFFECT OF ROOM TEMPERATURE. A.E. WELLS ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE CRIME DETECTION LABORATORY HALIFAX, CANADA INTRODUCTION Ontario was the first province in Canada to use the Breathalyzer , beginning in August, 1956. The city of Vancouver started operations in June, 1957 and soon after, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police began a program in the province of Saskatchewan. By 1967, the program had expanded to all of Canada. Since the program's earliest beginnings, very strict controls have been maintained over operational procedure (1). One of the controls has been that the accuracy of the evidentiary breath testing instrument must be checked each time a person is tested. For this purpose the 2 R.C.M.P. program has used an equilibrated aqueous alcohol solution. The solution will impart alcohol to air pumped through the solution and the alcohol-laden air is analyzed. The amount of alcohol in the air will depend on the degree of equilibration, the concentration of 1. 2. In Canada, "Breathalyzer" is a registered trade mark of Robert Frank Borkenstein - Registration No. 108,824 (December, 1957; renewed December, 1972). The unqualified word "alcohol" in this paper means ethyl alcohol. 699 alcohol in the solution, and the temperature of the 3 solution. The Equilibrator , the device used to generate the sample, has a finely sintered gas dispersion stone which ensures the sample is equilibrated. The concentration of alcohol in the solution is kept constant. The solution is not maintained at a constant temperature so it will vary with room temperature. Since dilute aqueous alcohol solutions obey Henry's Law up to at least 1 %w/v (2), the amount of alcohol imparted to the air passing through the solution should depend only on the temperature of the solution. The accuracy of the Breathalyzer is confirmed by comparing the actual reading with the expected one. Present standards (1) require the test result to be with in - 10 mg% of the expected value. This paper will deal with two aspects of the Standard Alcohol Solution test. One aspect will be to determine the effect of a room-solution temperature differential on the accuracy of the test. However, a pre-requisite will be to determine if the expected readings currently being used are accurate. To date, the table of values given in the Breathalyzer Instruction Manual (3) has been used. Several publications have dealt with the partition ratio of alcohol between water and air at different temperatures. The other aspect of this paper will be to compare the expected readings in the Breathalyzer Instruction Manual with those predicted from data in the scientific literature. All statistical analyses used are based on methods recommended by the United States Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards (4). 3. Smith & Wesson (Canada) Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario - 4. Part Number 003-0007-000. Breathalyzer readings in this paper are expressed in the units: mg alcohol per 100 ml blood, or as abbreviated: 700 mg%. EXPECTED BREATHALYZER READINGS ON AQUEOUS ALCOHOL SOLUTIONS. Table 1 summarizes most of the published data dealing with the k a /#w (Ostwald *partition ratio of alcohol between air and its aqueous solution) values determined experi mentally. It includes the data of Dobson (5), Harger et al (2), Foote and Scholes (6), Grosskopf (7), Thomas (8), Wrewsky (9), and Jones (10). The data of Haggard and Greenberg (11) and Haggard et al (12) have not been included since these results are so grossly different from all the other data. Haggard (12) stated the results published in 1934 are in error and it is probably safe to assume the possibility of error in the 1941 results. It seems unlikely that these results are correct and all the other data are wrong. A plot of the temperature (T) against the natural logarithm of ^a/w x 10 3 is ahown in Figure 1 (using the data in Table 1). If linear regression can be assumed for these data sets, an exponential equation can be calculated relating , to T (in °C): 6 k a/w k / a/w = 0.0000415 e0*0658 T (Equation 1) M Dubowski has reported similar values of 0.00004155 x 0.06591 T (13), 0.00004156 n nnno/.r/ e0.06575 T (reported / . , in . e private communication January, 1979) and 0.00004145 x /+/\ ,T . . j • j in • 4 -ue0.06583 T (14). Using an equation derived this manner, partition ratios for all temperatures in the 15 - 40 °C range may be calculated. These calculated ratios may then be used to calculate expected Breathalyzer readings when using an aqueous alcohol solution of known concentration and temperature. Before proceeding, it is necessary to determine if these calculated ratios will be an accurate reflection of the k < values obtained experimentally. To determine J a/w K this, two questions must be considered: (i) Is the relationshipr between T and ka/w , functional 701 or statistical? (ii) Is the assumption of linear regression between T and ln ka/w # Jjustified? A functional relationship assumes there is an exact mathematical formula which relates the two variables and the only reason the experimental data do not exactly fit this equation is error in measuring one or both variables. For a statistical relationship, the assumption is that there is only a statistical association between the two variables and that there is no exact mathematical relation ship between them. There should be no doubt that a functional relationship exists between ka/w , and T (for a v purely statistical relationship, the correlation coef ficient for the data in Figure 1 is 0.9989). With respect to the second question, Dubowski (14) stated that a direct relationship does exist over the short temperature ranges for simulators and equilibrators. However, statistical analysis shows that the array means (the average value of ln k 3 //W for each T) do not lie in a straight line (Fq for (5, 21) degrees of freedom is 2.68; F calculated from the data in Figure 1 is 13.6). A review by Franks and Ives (15) suggested that several abnormalities may exist in dilute aqueous solutions of the lower alcohols (including ethyl alcohol). Negative deviations from Raoult’s Law are observed in very dilute solutions. At low temperatures, the volatility of the alcohol increases with concentration more than predicted . by Henry's Law. At higher temperatures, the opposite occurs. Although the data of Knight (16) suggests there are no major effects of this nature at concentrations below 0.01 mole fraction, the conclusion of Franks and Ives in the review mentioned above is probably sound; that is, as stated by Scatchand (17): "The best advice which comes from years of study of liquid mixtures is to use any model in so far as it helps, but not to believe any moderately simple model corresponds very closely with any real mixture". 702 It would be imprudent, without sufficient jus tification, to suggest that the deviation from linearity is due to experimental error. In fact, the very similar results obtained by different authors would tend to suggest the opposite. A better fit to the experimental data is obtained from the second order equation: k , = 0.0000326 e(0.0840 T a/w (Equation 2) - 0.000318 T2) Table 2 compares the values of k / calculated from a/w Equation 1, Equation 2, and the average experimental values (from Table 1). The values calculated from Equation 2 are all within - 1 x 10-^ of the experimental range. It should be noted that all values from Equation 2 fall within 2s of the experimental range while the values calculated by Equation 1 for 15, 30, and 40 °C do not. In Table 3, a comparison is made between the expected readings for a Standard Alcohol Solution test calculated from Equation 2 and those presented in the Breathalyzer Instruction Manual. Readings were calculated for an alcohol solution containing 3.38 mg/ml (the value currently being used in Canada). EFFECTS OF R00M-S0LUTI0N TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES 1. GENERAL Since the Standard Alcohol Solution test is the Breathalyzer technician’s assurance that the instrument is functioning properly at the time of the test, there should be no chance that the instrument produces as apparently correct result that arises from a combination of two or more errors. For example, assume the Breathalyzer mal functions and reads falsely high. Secondly, assume the 703 correct reading for the Standard Alcohol Solution test is lower than anticipated from measuring the temperature. The combination of these two errors could theoretically produce an apparently correct response. For driving offences there would not be as much concern if the reverse happened (the Breathalyzer would have to be reading falsely low which would be to the benefit of the person being tested). Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of the equilibrator. The thermometer is graduated to 0.2 C but can be read to 0.1 °C. The immersion mark is near the top of the equilibrator where the bottle starts to taper. When taking a sample, the technician is instructed to maintain a head of foam on the solution up to the immersion mark of the thermometer. The clear, plastic liquid trap is used as a precaution against liquid entering the Breathalyzer in the event that the foam is accidentally pumped too high and passes into the outlet tube. In this paper, T^ designates the room temperature, T 2 is the temperature of the solution near the mercury reservoir of the thermometer, and To is the temperature at the air-solution boundary. There are two possible effects of a room-solution temperature difference on the Standard test: (1) The effect on the temperature of the solution. Two factors to be considered here are: (i) Heating or cooling effect of the air passing through the solution. The heat capacity (C ) of air at 25 C is approximately 0.240 P _i _i cal deg g . If 2 liters of this air are passed through a Standard Alcohol Solution which is at 20 °C, the air would only add 3 cal to 100 ml solution. This would raise the temperature of the solution by only 0.03 C. In other words, unless very extreme temperature differences occur, the temp erature of the air going in the solution 704 will have a negligible effect. (ii) Heat transfer through the walls of the equilibrator bottle. The heating (or cooling) effect will depend on the value of (T.. - T 2 ), the amount of air pumped through the solution (effectively stirring the solution) and the thermal conductivity of the bottle . Earlier studies with an equilibrator indicate that if (T.. - T 2 ) is greater than 1 C but less than 5 C° and 3 liters of air are pumped through the solution, the change in temperature of the solution is approximately 0.1 C°. (2) The effect on the temperature and alcohol con tent of the air leaving the solution. If T ^ < T 2 , a temperature gradient will be produced in the foam above the solution such that T^< T o < T 2 » The final partition of alcohol from the liquid to the vapour phase will occur at T^. The result is that the vapour being analyzed will contain less alcohol than predicted by measuring T 2 . Another factor to be considered is that the temperature of the outlet tube will be close to T^ so that condensation will occur. One liter of air above a 3.38 mg/ml aqueous alcohol solution at 30 °C will contain 30 mg water and 1.05 mg o alcohol. On cooling to 25 C , 7 mg water will condense. By knowing the total amount of alcohol available for distribution between air and water (1.05 mg) and knowing k ^ w for 25 °C, it is pos sible to calculate the alcohol concentration of the condensate. In this case, the loss of alcohol from the vapour phase would be 3 °L (the 5. Wells, A.E. (1977), unpublished report. 705 concentration of alcohol in the condensate would be approximately 460 mg%). Similarly, if the air is cooled from 30 C to 20 °C, a loss of 7.5 7o could occur. For cooling from 25 °C to 20 C, the loss is approximately 3.5 7». For the reverse situation where T ^ > T 2 , the temperature gradient will be such that T ^ > T 2 > T ^ with the final partition of alcohol from the liquid to the vapour phase again occuring at T~. In this case, condensation will not be a factor. 2. EXPERIMENTAL Apparatus (i) (ii) Breathalyzer Model 900A. Accuracy of the instrument was checked using a Smith & Wesson Simulator and aqueous alcohol solution of 122 mg70. A series of 10 tests gave an average result of 99.0 mg°L (s = 0.50). The instrument was checked periodically throughout the experimental runs to check calibration. Certified thermometers (Brooklyn Thermometer Co. Inc.). Two thermometers (ranges of 9.00 - 21.00 °C and 19.00 - 31.00 °C with 0.01 °C divisions) were supplied with certificates stating they had been calibrated according to NBS Test No. 199114 with all temperatures based on IPTS-68. Correction factors were supplied. (iii) Equilibrator (Smith % Wesson (Canada) Ltd.). The only modification to the equilibrator was that the standard thermometer was removed and two thermocouples were inserted. These were used to measure T 2 and T^. The equilibrator was then sealed at the top to prevent leaking. 706 (iv) BAT-8 Digital Thermometer (Bailey Instrument Co.) with PT-6 sensors. The sensors were checked for accuracy and found to read within 0.1 °C from one sensor to another. Additionally, the sensors would read within 0.1 C of the certified ther mometer for at least 10 minutes after calibration. The sensors were used to measure T^, T 2 , To, and the temperature of the water bath. (v) Thelco Model 183 Water Bath (GCA Precision Scientific). The water bath could be heated and maintain temperatures which cycled over less than a 1 °C range. For sub-ambient data, a cooling coil was used. Reagents (i) Standard Alcohol Solution (BDH Chemicals, Lot Number 807001). This solution is supplied in 100 ml aliquots. A random sample was analyzed (modified Widmark procedure) and found to con tain 3.41 mg/ml (manufacturer stated 3.41 mg/ml both by redox and gas chromatography). After analysis, the solutions were stored at 4 °C and removed just prior to use. (ii) (iii) Simulator solution. This solution was prepared by placing 31 ml of absolute alcohol (Consolidated Alcohols Ltd., Toronto) in 20 liters water (distilled in glass). Analysis by modified Widmark procedure showed 122 mg% (theoretical 122.3 mg7o) . The solution was stored at 4 C and 500 ml aliquots were removed just prior to use. Potassium dichromate solution (BDH Chemicals, Lot Number 802565). Analysis of a random sample of ampoules indicated they were suitable. 707 3. PROCEDURE Standard Alcohol Solution (100 ml) was placed in the equilibrator and the equilibrator was immersed in the water bath such that the surface of the solution was level with the surface of the water bath. Temperatures (room), T 2 (solution), and T^ (air-liquid boundary) were measured using the digital thermometer. The temperature of the water bath was measured using both the certified ther mometer and the digital thermometer. In this manner the digital thermometer could be calibrated to the certified thermometer prior to each test. Temperatures T^ and the temperature of the water bath were adjusted to the desired temperatures. With T 2 equal to the temperature of the water bath, room air was pumped through the solution (approximately 2 liters of air per test) into the Breathalyzer at a rate that would maintain a level of foam on the solution up to where the immersion mark of the thermometer would normally be (near the tapered top of the bottle). Temperatures T^, T 2 , and T^ were recorded and the result of the Breathalyzer test was determined. A maximum of four tests was conducted on each solution. 4. DATA A total of 36 tests were conducted where the room temperature was below the solution temperature. These results are presented in Table 4. There were 34 tests conducted where the room temperature was above the solution temperature. These results are given in Table 5. A plot of 7o A R£ (the percentage difference between the actual and expected readings) against AT 2 is presented in Figure 3. A positive aL AR^ means the actual reading was higher than expected. 708 5. DISCUSSION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS When a technician is performing a Standard Alcohol Solution test, he would measure T 2 • Therefore, ARg is the measure of the difference between the actual test result and that expected by the technician. It should be remembered that all of ARg may not be related to A T 2 (the manufacturer's stated accuracy is - 10 mg% although actual measurements with the Breathalyzer demonstrate that, in most cases when properly calibrated, it is capable of analyzing a Standard Alcohol Solution to with in - 5 mg?o of the anticipated result). Condensation is not a factor in Table 5. Therefore, the AR-p values should average "0" over a series of tests if A T 2 is not a factor. Three other possible explanations why this is not the case are: (i) The calculated expected values are inaccurate. (ii) Temperature measurements are inaccurate. (iii) The Standard Alcohol Solution test, because of the procedure involved or the calibration of the Breathalyzer, tends to overestimate the actual reading. The temperature measurements were accurate to with in 0.1 C so this should not be a factor. The expected results are calculated using Equation 2. If Equation 1 were used, values of 75 mg7o for 15 °C, 77 mg7o for 15.5 °C, 80 mg7o for 16.0 °C, and 83 mg79 for 16.5 °C are obtained. These would demonstrate better agreement between the theoretical and experimental results but the results would Still be biased to the positive side. The Breathalyzer used was shown to be calibrated to within 170 of the anticipated result using the simulator. Finally, there is a tendency for the Standard Alcohol Solution to slightly underestimate, rather than overestimate, the actual reading. Therefore, it is probably a valid conclusion that A T 2 is having an effect on the results. For Table 4, all AR£ values fall within those pre709 dieted if the effect of condensation is considered. Since the technician measures T 2 , the AR^ values in Table 4 are most significant. It should be noted that in only 3 tests does A Rg exceed 10 mg7o when AT 2 is less than 10 C°. It should also be noted that the maximum ARg is -16 mg% occuring when A T 2 is 10.6 C°. For all tests in Table 4, condensation was evident in the outlet tube and the clear, plastic trap attached to the equilibrator. SUMMARY Part of this paper has dealt with the accuracy of the expected readings from Standard Alcohol Solution tests as presented in the Breathalyzer Instruction Manual. The data of Jones verifies the results of earlier investigations. The relationship between T and In kflyw appears to be non linear over the 15 - 40 °C range. An equation which best describes the relationship between T and In k , can be v a/w used to calculate expected Breathalyzer readings which show no significant deviation from those presented in the Breathalyzer Manual. The effect of the room-solution temperature difference has been examined and discussed. In general, experimental results agree with predicted ones except some bias appears to be introduced by the temperature difference. Since the technician's primary concern should be that the breath test instrument is not reading falsely high, it is paramount that the Standard Alcohol Solution test will, under all conditions, indicate any possibility of this occurrence. Tables 4 and 5 show that the only time that it could falsely indicate the instrument to be functioning properly is when the room temperature is considerably lower than the solution temperature. In all these cases, condensation was evident in the outlet tube and trap of the equilibrator. 710 CONCLUSIONS 1. The best relationship between k , and solution o a temperature (in C) for dilute aqueous alcohol solutions in the 1 5 - 4 0 C range is: k j a/w = 0.0000326 e^0 *0840 T “ 0 ‘000318 T ) 2. The table of expected readings given in the Breathalyzer Instruction Manual is accurate for aqueous alcohol solutions of 3.38 mg/ml. 3. Tests conducted with the room temperature higher than the solution temperature will give results higher than expected. 4. Tests conducted with the room temperature lower than the solution temperature will give results lower than expected. 5. If room temperature is not being measured, the outlet tube of the equilibrator should be checked to ensure there is no condensation present. 711 REFERENCES 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. Recommendations of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science on Breath Testing Standards and Procedures, (1969), Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal, 2(4), 88-93. Harger, R.N., Raney, B.B., Bridwell, E.G. and Kitchell, M.F., (1950), J. Biol. Chem. 183(1), 197213. "Breathalyzer Model 900A Instruction Manual", Smith and Wesson, Springfield, Mass., U.S.A., Copyright 1973. "Experimental Statistics", United States Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards - Hand-rbook 91 (reprinted October, 1966) L.C.C. 63-60072, Dobson, J.E., (1925), J. Chem. Soc., 127, 2866. Foote, H.W., and Scholes, S.R., (1911), J. Am. Chem. Soc., 33, 1309. Grosskopf, K., (1954), Angewandte Chemie, 66, 295. Thomas, R., (1922), J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 41, 34. Wrewsky, M., (1912), Z. physik. Chem., 81, 1. Jones, A.W., (1974), Ph. D. Thesis, University of 11. Cardiff, Wales. Haggard, H.W. and Greenberg, L.A., (1934), J. 12. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 52, 150. Haggard, H.W., Greenberg, L.A., Miller, D.P., and 13. Carroll, R.P., (1941), J. Lab. Clin. Med., 26, 1527. Dubowski, K.M., (1979), abstracts - Toxicology Sec., 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 15. 16. p. 155, American Academy of Forensic Sciences Meet ing, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. Dubowski, K.M., (1979), J. Analytical Toxicology, 3, 177-182, Franks, F. and Ives, D.J.G., (1966) Quart. Rev., 20, 1. Knight, W.S., (1962), Ph. D. Thesis, Princeton 17. University. Seatphard, G., (1949), Chem. Rev., 44, 7. 14. 712 Table 1. Published data on the distribution of alcohol o between air and water (expressed as k » x 10 ). r a/w ' Investigators Temperature 15 Dobson Harger et al Foote & Scholes Grosskopf Thomas Wrewsky Jones 0.107 20 0.155 25 0.215 0.217 ( 30 0.310 o C) 35 0.418 37 40 0.470 0.562 0.481 0.565 0.210 0.106 0.158 0.158 0.155 0.313 0.212 0.212 0.217 0.216 0.313 0.305 0.416 0.426 0.469 0.466 0.566 0.555 713 Table 2. Average experimental ka / #W and those calculated from Equations 1 and 2. 3 k , x 10 a/w Temperature ~ ( C) Experimental Equation 1 15 0.107 0.111* 0.107 20 0.157 0.155 0.154 25 0.214 0.215 0.218 30 0.310 0.299* 0.304 35 0.420 0.415 0.418 37 0.472 0.473 0.472 40 0.562 0.577* 0.564 * Values more than 2s from the experimental range. 714 Equation 2 Table 3. Comparison of expected readings from the Breathalyzer Manual with those calculated from Equation 2. Temperature ( °C) Breathalyzer Manual Equation 2 * 20.0 105 104 21.0 112 112 22.0 120 121 23.0 130 130 24.0 140 140 25.0 150 150 26.0 160 161 27.0 173 173 28.0 185 186 29.0 200 199 30.0 215 213 * Calculated for a 3.38 mg/ml solution. 715 Table 4. * T1 25.4 25.0 25.0 25.5 25.7 25.3 25.3 25.4 23.9 24.0 24.4 24.3 18.3 17.9 17.8 18.4 17.5 17.0 Results with room temperature lower than solution temperature. ** ATi AT2 4.5 4.6 4.9 4.5 4.3 4.6 4.6 4.4 4.5 3.9 2.8 2.6 10.0 10.8 4.7 5.2 10.9 10.6 11.6 12.0 5.1 4.6 4.4 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.9 4.0 2.9 2.6 10.6 11.3 11.5 11.0 11.9 12.4 are - 9 -14 - 5 - 4 - 7 - 5 - 7 - 8 -12 - 5 - 6 -10 -16 -10 -12 - 9 -13 - 9 A R ' ++ E T1 *T1 AT2 6 5 2 2 18.0 18.2 14.0 18.5 11.1 11.0 13.7 7.6 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 5 - 7 - 4 - 5 -10 - 8 - 3 - 4 - 4 - 9 - 6 15.2 14.4 16.5 14.8 15.9 16.0 16.4 15.5 16.1 16.5 15.3 14.6 15.4 14.3 9.5 9.5 8.5 9.2 8.1 8.1 7.8 8.6 7.3 7.4 8.8 8.5 8.6 9.6 11.6 11.5 14.4 7.9 9.7 9.6 8.6 9.3 8.5 8.3 7.9 8.7 - 7.5 7.5 9.0 8.7 8.7 9.7 are - 9 -13 -15 -12 - 0 3 5 7 8 4 3 1 7 - 5 9 6 8 6 Room temperature. ** The difference between the temperature at the air/solution boundary and the room temperature. ***The difference between the room and solution temperatures. + Actual reading less the reading expected for T 2 • ++ Actual reading less the reading expected for T^. * 716 AR' E - 2 - 6 -10 -10 + 2 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 4 0 0 0 - 5 4 7 4 7 5 Table 5. * T1 21.6 21.7 21.8 21.9 23.0 22.1 23.3 23.9 23.0 24.0 22.3 22.6 22.0 22.4 22.1 21.6 22.5 * ** Results with room temperature higher than solution temperature. ** 1 -5.6 -5.9 -5.9 -6.0 -7.0 -6.2 -7.1 -7.7 -6.8 -7.7 -5.9 -6.3 -5.7 -6.0 -5.4 -4.7 -5.6 AT2 -5.8 -6.0 -5.9 -6.1 -7.1 -6.3 -7.3 -7.8 -6.9 -7.9 -6.1 -6.4 -5.8 -6.1 -5.5 -4.9 -5.6 are 7 5 6 7 6 7 9 9 10 9 6 4 5 3 5 5 5 AR] 5 5 6 6 5 6 8 8 9 7 5 3 4 3 4 4 5 T1 AT1 22.6 22.3 22.2 24.4 24.4 24.6 25.0 25.0 25.6 25.0 25.5 25.0 25.6 24.4 26.0 25.5 24.5 -5.8 -5.8 -6.1 -9.1 -8.7 -8.7 -9.1 -9.0 -9.5 -8.6 -9.3 -9.0 -9.5 -8.3 -9.8 -9.4 -8.4 at2 -5.7 -5.9 -6.2 -9.2 -8.8 -8.9 -9.3 -9.1 -9.6 -8.7 -9.3 -9.1 -9.6 -8.4 -9.9 -9.5 -8.5 a AR Re 6 7 5 6 6 6 9 7 8 6 7 9 10 10 12 10 11 5 6 5 5 5 5 8 6 8 6 6 8 10 10 11 10 11 Room Temperature. The difference between the temperature at the air/solution boundary and the room temperature. **■*■ The difference between the room and solution temperatures. + ++ Actual reading less the reading expected for T 2 . Actual reading less the reading expected for T^. 717 T (°C ) 20 > 30 ■ 40 a z 1.0 - n © K U| X n = 28 2. 0 - Figure 1. Relationship between the partition ratio of alcohol (between air and its aqueous solution) and temperature (in 718 C). C lear P la stic Trap A ir Pump T h erm om eter Gas D ispersion Stone gure 2. The Equilibrator (Smith & Wesson (Canada) Ltd.). 720 Figure 3. between the difference in room and solution temperatures and the percentage difference between the actual and expected Breathalyzer readings (a positive AT 2 means the room temperature was higher than the solution temperature; a positive °L A R^ means the actual result was higher than the expected result). Relationship
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