Distance Learning Newsletterâ Summer/Fall 2015
Distance Learning Newsletterâ Summer/Fall 2015
Distance Learning Newsletter — Summer/Fall 2015 WEB-100: The WEB-100 tutorial will help you learn how to navigate through D2L. We suggest you take this tutorial to help you experience what an online class will look like, and how to complete tasks required of online students. You may find that you are a good candidate for online classes. It is not required for registration for online classes. Registration: Current students may register by logging into D2L, clicking on "Self Registration," selecting "An Intro to Online Learning Apps," and following the prompts. You will have one week from the day you sign up to complete the tutorial. The course is free. Depending on your computer experience, the course may take from 45 min. to 3 hours. Results: Completion scores for WEB-100 are uploaded Monday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. Support: For more information please visit: http://www.yorktech.edu/Distance_Learning/index.php or contact Distance Learning at [email protected] or call the Distance Leaning Department at 803-327-8038. Online Courses Online courses (identified by INT in the registration system) are taught via the internet. Students who register for online courses should have an up-to-date computer and operating system. We recommend a satellite/cable/broadband internet connection. Higher bandwidth and speed will greatly assist you in the online learning environment. Online courses may include materials, such as video and collaboration tools that require a high-speed internet. For more information on software, hardware, and connection requirements see http://etc.yorktech.com/DistanceLearning/Browsers.htm. Please contact the Distance Learning Office at (803) 327-8038, or check the Distance Learning web page at www.yorktech.edu/ Distance_Learning/index.php for more information. Continuing Education classes can be found under individual programs at www.yorktech.edu/CE/index.php. Testing: Many online course instructors require students to take their tests in the Assessment Center on campus or in an approved proctored environment off campus. If you need a proctored assessment, outside of the three YTC assessment centers, you must contact the Distance Learning Department ([email protected], 803-327-8038 or [email protected], 803-981-7245) for assistance in locating an approved assessment center and setting up the communication. Please visit our website for more information: http://www.yorktech.edu/Distance_Learning/index.php. Attendance: Student attendance in online classes is determined by engaging in academically related activities such as reading content, posting discussion messages, uploading files to a dropbox, or taking a quiz/exam. An instructor will establish specific attendance criteria in the course addendum. Please contact your instructor for specific information regarding online attendance. Additional information can be found online at http://www.yorktech.edu/Distance_Learning/index.php. Please contact Ginger Dewey at (803) 327-8038 or [email protected] for more information. Additional Fees: York Technical College does not charge any additional fees for distance learning courses. Privacy: York Technical College protects the privacy of all students, including distance learning students, by adhering to the rules of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended. For additional information, see: http:// www.yorktech.edu/Distance_Learning/index.php. State Authorization York Technical College is authorized to offer distance education (hybrid, teleclass, and online) courses to persons who are located in South Carolina. YTC is also authorized in Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, Washington, & West Virginia for the delivery of online courses and securing proctored testing. Students receiving their learning outside of the United States may be exempt from this requirement. If you have questions, please contact Academic Records at 803-325-2879 or [email protected]. Students must contact the Distance Learning department (Ginger Dewey: [email protected] , 803-327-8038 or Shelly Myers: [email protected], 803-981-7245) should they need to take a test outside of the YTC assessment centers. Please check the Distance Learning website (http://www.yorktech.edu/Distance_Learning/index.php) for updates. How Do I Find and Log into My Course in D2L? Students who are enrolled in an online course or a course that uses D2L for enhancements can access their course by clicking on D2L on the right hand side under “Web Tools” of the York Technical College homepage (http://www.yorktech.edu). Your username is your first initial followed by your last name and the last four digits of your College Identification Number (all in lowercase). Your password is the same password as your WebAdvisor password. Your WebAdvisor password must be set up before you can access D2L. For additional information, please visit the distance learning homepage at http://www.yorktech.edu/Distance_Learning/index.php. Distance Learning Newsletter — Summer/Fall 2015 Recommended and Suggested Browsers for D2L The recommended browsers are as follows: Windows and Mac: Firefox (newest). Supported browsers for Windows are IE 11.0, Chrome (newest) and for Mac is Chrome (newest). Please see the following website for information regarding supported browsers on mobile and tablet devices. http://etc.yorktech.com/DistanceLearning/Browsers.htm Summer/Fall D2L Orientations for Online, Hybrid and Enhanced classes If you have completed WEB-100, you do not need to attend an orientation session. However, it is important to attend one session if you have never used D2L. You will learn how to log in to your D2L class site and how to use the important tools in D2L. You will not meet with your instructor. Following the D2L orientation, there will be a brief library orientation. For more information and to confirm rooms, please visit: http://flash.yorktech.com/D2L/Orientation/Orientation/index.html. The D2L orientation schedule is: Chester May 12 from 8:30—9:30 in E-118 Aug. 11 from 8:30—9:30 in E-118 Indian Land May 13 from 8:30—9:30 in W-103 Aug 12 from 8:30—9:30 in W-103 Faculty Drop-Ins Kershaw May 14 from 9:00—10:00 Aug 13 from 9:00—10:00 Location: (Study/Lobby area) Rock Hill May 15 from 8:30—9:30 in A-246 Aug14 from 8:30—9:30 in A-246 Chester: May 12 and Aug 11 from 9:30—noon (E-118) Indian Land : May 13 and Aug 12 from 9:30—noon (W-103) Kershaw: May 14 and Aug 13 from 10:00—12:30 (Study/Lobby area) Rock Hill: May 15 and Aug 14 from 9:30—noon in A-246 Drop-In Orientations Chester May 27 from 1—4 p.m. Aug. 20 from 1—4 p.m. Ask at desk for location Indian Land May 27 from 8– 11 a.m. Aug 20 from 8—11 a.m. Ask at desk for location Kershaw May 27 from 8—11 a.m. Aug 20 from 98—11 a.m. Ask at desk for location Rock Hill May 15 from 2—4 p.m. Aug. 20 from 2—4 p.m. Need Help With Technology? The Education Technology Center (ST-243) is available to help with technology Tues. and Wed. from 7:30—4:00. Distance Education Course Location Codes YTC has implemented several new location codes that you will see in WebAdvisor. These codes will assist you in deciding which section of a course you would like to take. Teleclass codes: Teleclass Rock Hill Host: Teleclass on Rock Hill campus and the instructor will be primarily located in Rock Hill. Teleclass Rock Hill Receive: Teleclass on Rock Hill campus and the instructor will not be primarily located in Rock Hill. Teleclass Chester Host: Teleclass at the Chester Center and the instructor will be primarily located at the Chester Center. Teleclass Chester Receive: Teleclass at the Chester Center and the instructor will not be primarily located at the Chester Center. Teleclass Kershaw Host: Teleclass at the Kershaw/Heath Springs Center and the instructor will be primarily located at the Kershaw/Heath Springs Center. Teleclass Kershaw Receive: Teleclass at the Kershaw/Heath Springs Center and the instructor will not be primarily located at the Kershaw/Heath Springs Center. Hybrid Codes: Hybrid Rock Hill: These courses have the face-to-face portion of the course offered on the Rock Hill Campus. Hybrid Chester: These courses have the face-to-face portion of the course offered at the Chester Center. Hybrid Kershaw: These courses have the face-to-face portion of the course offered at the Kershaw/Heath Springs Center Internet Code: Internet — These courses are taught completely online in Desire2Learn. Helpdesk YTC provides a technology helpdesk. You may contact the helpdesk via the web ([email protected]), in person (library) or phone (803-981-7111). A troubleshooting page is located at http:www.yorktech.edu/D2L/index.php. Monday—Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Sunday: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.