Release Notes
Release Notes
SeeTestAutomation Version: 8.3 Experitest Copyright © Experitest 2015. All rights reserved. Release Notes.. SeeTestAutomation Contents What's New in SeeTestAutomation .................................................................................................... 3 Location simulation for android devices ......................................................................................... 3 Other New Features ............................................................................................................................ 4 Resolved Issues................................................................................................................................. 4-6 Known Issues ....................................................................................................................................... 7 System Requirements.......................................................................................................................... 8 SeeTest Product Suite.......................................................................................................................... 9 Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 10|[email protected] 2 Copyright protected. All rights reserved. Experitest Ltd. Release Notes.. SeeTestAutomation What's New in SeeTestAutomation SeeTestAutomation version 8.3 supports the following new features related to SeeTestAutomation Version 8.3 and instrumentation 690: Location simulation for android devices This feature will allow the user to test location based applications. Two commands were added: setLocation and clearLocation. setLocation enables to set coordinates (latitude and longitude) on device. clearLocation resets the coordinates that were set.|[email protected] 3 Copyright protected. All rights reserved. Experitest Ltd. Release Notes.. SeeTestAutomation Other New Features Key Summary Description Link to documentation Xpath in UIPicker iOS Add Device Added support for Xpath in UIPicker SA-6471 GetVisualDump Added an option to get visual dump as XML (getVisualDump). bHelp/ElementSetProperty.htm bHelp/Connect_iOS_(Nonjailbroken_device)__.htm bHelp/GetVisualDump.htm SA-6177 Report Command bHelp/Report_command.htm Tuned the period after which a postaction screen is taken for report Now a user can insert custom images into test reports using command Report with a URL to the image. Now users can tune the period after which a post-action screen is taken for report. For more information, see option screen.latency in the attached link. ApplicationClose Command WP - Added support of ApplicationClose command. bHelp/ApplicationClose1.htm SA-5918 Export Code to Python Now Python client can be used with Python version 3.x bHelp/Export_Code_to_Python.htm SA-6080 GetInstalledAppl ication SA-5222 Set Network Conditions Added new command getInstalledApplication. Command returns list of application installed on the device. Command to select the profile configured on the Network Virtualization server to test the device under the different network conditions. SA-3436 CollectSupportD ata SA-4884 SA-6153 SA-5668 SA-6318 SA-6324 Flick|[email protected] Changed Policy of noninstrumented-mode CollectSupportData command was added to SeeTest. Enables customers to integrate collect support data step into tests. Android - Add Command - Flick 4 bHelp/SetProperty.htm bHelp/GetInstalledApplications.htm bHelp/SetNetworkConditions.htm bHelp/CollectSupportData.htm bHelp/Flick.htm Copyright protected. All rights reserved. Experitest Ltd. Release Notes.. SeeTestAutomation Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in version 8.3: Key Summary SA-3826 Now a Windows Phone turns automatically unlocked when an application is launched on it SA-6641 iOS Instrumentation - When open reflection in certain application some views weren't displayed at the reflection. SA-6183 iOS instrumentation - Component is being displayed on the device but not on the SeeTest reflection. SA-6125 SA-6067 Wrong object spy layout (Standard View) on iPhone 6 in instrumented mode is now fixed. ElementListSelect not behaving properly on customer instrumented iOS app. SA-6414 Fixed iOS6 orientation issue. SA-2125 Mac - reset device bridge - operates only on iOS device according to documentation. C# - Program doesn't terminate when running a test from VS itself (and not from a testing environment). iFrame layer is blocking child elements in the Object Spy. SA-5565 SA-6151 SA-6073 SA-6455 SA-6564 SA-5992 SA-5798 SA-6579 Installation of an application removes the existing app instrumentation. WP - SilverLight apps (XAP) - Instrumentation improvements, The AppBar instrumentation has been revised, Now AppBar returns only non-instrumented objects since these are more accurate. WP - WinRT apps (APPX) - Added ability to get objects properties from multiple popups. Error pop up on Android application. Android Instrumentation - cannot get hybrid application dump in a second attempt. SA-6179 Instrumentation of hybrid app fails on an Android device. SA-6388 Android - enabling Long Click operation from the reflection window. Enabling Long Click and Drag of element from the reflection window. WP - SilverLight apps (XAP) - Instrumentation improvements of Panorama and Pivot, now object spy will display only onScreen elements. SA-6625 SA-5660 Prevented command Swipe of swiping more than one screen. SA-6181 SA-6459 Now ElementSendText with an empty text property clears the text inside the destination element. Object spy in instrumentation failed to display objects on screen. SA-6674 Regression - Android - Not able to get web dump twice in a row. SA-6420 Android Instrumentation - cannot get hybrid application dump. SA-6885 Android - Causes hybrid application crash|[email protected] 5 Copyright protected. All rights reserved. Experitest Ltd. Release Notes.. SeeTestAutomation Known Issues This section details outstanding issues for SeeTestAutomation 8.3 and their workarounds, where available. General Issues SeeTest can’t handle more than one device with same serial number Videos displayed on Android applications cannot be viewed in the SeeTestAutomation reflection Error in iOS 8 when uninstalling an application that is not installed iPhone 4 when running iOS 7 and higher is not supported in noninstrumented mode (including safari) Android 4.0 and below – web dump will not appear when keyboard is open Android application built with libraries of the appcompat v21 lose the id property|[email protected] 6 Copyright protected. All rights reserved. Experitest Ltd. Release Notes.. SeeTestAutomation System Requirements The following are recommended system requirements for the target machine on which SeeTestAutomation is installed: Hardware Requirements: •Intel® Pentium® 4, 3.6 GHz or equivalent AMD processor •500 MB free hard disk space •4 GB RAM •A USB 2.0 port and USB cable OS and software requirements for Windows: •Microsoft® Windows XP™ SP2 (32 bit), Vista (32/64 bit), Windows 7 (32/64 bit), Windows 8 or higher •.Net Framework 3.5 or higher. OS and software requirements for MAC: •OS X version 10.7 or higher. •XCode along with Command Line Developer Tools must be installed. OS and software requierments for testing Windows Phone applications: •Windows 8.1 (if you intend to test on emulators, it should be Professional edition). •Visual Studio 2013 Premium or Ultimate edition with Windows Phone 8.1 SDK update 4 (or above) installed into its default location, i.e., C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0. Note: For supporting the Android instrumentation process JDK6 must be installed on your machine.|[email protected] 7 Copyright protected. All rights reserved. Experitest Ltd. Release Notes.. SeeTestAutomation SeeTest Product Suite SeeTestAutomation is an automated testing tool for fast and reliable functional and regression testing. It helps development teams, quality teams, and business analysts deliver higher quality software faster. With SeeTestAutomation you can record and replay tests across multiple platforms and devices to ensure that your applications work exactly as intended. SeeTestManual is a productivity tool for testers performing manual testing. It allows a manual tester to perform actions on real devices using their PC mouse and keyboard. With SeeTestManual you can record and replay repetitive scenarios. SeeTestCloud is a platform which enables accessing real devices across the organization from anywhere in the world. SeeTestLoad is upcoming in Q1 2015. The SeeTest product suite is made up of the following tools:|[email protected] 8 Copyright protected. All rights reserved. Experitest Ltd. Release Notes.. SeeTestAutomation Installation To install SeeTestAutomation on either Windows or Mac simply download the application and follow the installation wizard. Nothing else is required.|[email protected] 9 Copyright protected. All rights reserved. Experitest Ltd.
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