A Short Glossary of Camera, Shot, Scene and Editing Terms and
A Short Glossary of Camera, Shot, Scene and Editing Terms and
A Short Glossary of Camera, Shot, Scene and Editing Terms and Abbreviations Types of Shots [ a.k.a. Composition Techniques I Framing Descriptions] ES Establishing Shot (sometimes called a Master Shot, generally an overview) ws (often landscape related) (look to horizon) (crowd scene) (head to toe, or more) (head to knees) (head to waist) ECU Wide Shot Extreme Long Shot Long Shot Full Shot Knee Shot Medium Shot Head and Shoulders Head Shot Close Up Extreme Close Up 2S 3S GS Two Shot Three Shot Group Shot (two people featured in frame) (three people in frame) POV IPOV OTS RA RS Point of View Inventory Point of View Over the Shoulder Reverse Angle Reaction Shot (of character, object, projectile) (POV showing something being carried) (usually facing same direction as actor) (approximately i 80 degrees) (generally without dialog) LL WA FEL SP Long Lens [Telephoto] Wide Angle Lens Fish Eye Lens Split Focus ELA LA HA EHA BE TH Extreme Low Angle Low Angle High Angle Extreme High Angle Bird's Eye Tilted Horizon ELS LS FS KS MS H&S HS cu (head fills the frame) (face or whole body part) (partial body part) [a.k.a. Canted Shot or Dutch Angle] Techniques of Perspective VOY DVOY Mask VIN Voyeur Dark Voyeur [black cutout] Vignette (spying on another) (looking through bushes, from a closet, etc.) (seeing through binoculars or a key hole, etc.) (looking through a non-black masked area) i of 4 SIL Shadow Reflection Portal Subjective HC Silhouette (e.g. action shown on a TV screen in the scene) (CU of actor by camera strapped to them) Helmet or Head Cam Camera Movements Fixed Point (Static) Shots Pan LIR Whip Pan L/R Tilt U/D Pedestal U/D Zoom In/Out Rack (Rotate camera left or right from a fixed position) (Rapid Pan) (Tilt camera up or down from a fixed position) (Use a tripod with an adjustable column to raise or lower the camera) (Change the focal length of the lens) (Manually change the focus between presets) [a.k.a. Pull Focus (PF)] Moving Camera Truck L/R Arc LIR TS HH Boom Tracking Shot Hand Held [see Mechanical Techniques] Dl /DO DU/DD Depth Dolly Expand Dolly Contract Dolly Collapse Dolly Zoom Dolly In/Out Dolly In/Out Dolly Up/Down Mechanical Techniques CCRU CFD CULD CDLU UMA CDMT CFT CE (Move camera left or right) (Follow a circular track about the scene) (Follow the action, often with a 'Steadi-cam' device) Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane Crane (Move camera toward or away from action) (Dolly with the camera tilted up or down) (Dolly perpendicular to scene's line of action) (Actor is walking away faster than dolly is following) (Dolly toward actor walking towards camera) (actor overtakes Dolly Out) (Zoom with Dollying in opposite directions) (Crane or Boom or Jib) Rise Up (extended version of Pedestal Up) (extended version of Pedestal Down) Fall Down Up, Look Down Down, Look Up Up, Move Away Down, Move Towards Front to Top (move forward and rise, pivoting downward Expression (various dramatic crane moves) 2 of 4 Advanced Techniques Master Shot {Don't confuse with MS} LT Long Take Search Up su DISC Discovery B2F Back to Front Pull Back Reveal Pull Back Retraction Multi level Action MLA ROT Rotate Shift Shifting Angle Flip Flip Over SO Sleep Over FOPO Focus Out, Pass Out CT Ceiling Twist SA Spin Around SL Spin Look PI Push In Fly TTS Fly Over Track Through Solid (Continuous take of scene) [Term is also used for ES] [a.k.a Staging] (look up a body or object) (begin away from, or blocked from, the action, then move to reveal action) (shift from background to foreground) (reveal more of a scene) (place distance from scene) (actions happening in foreground and background) (move the camera around the axis of the lens) (a moving Dutch Angle shot) [a.k.a. Rotate] (turn upside down I right side up) (bird's eye with rotation and/or mechanical) (POV- un-focus and Fade Out) (rotate while looking up) [a.k.a. 360 degree dolly] (camera spins around an actor to see what he is looking at, alternative to Cut Away) (zoom effect created by dolly motion [a.k.a. Character Dolly] (either a cut-a-way set or CGI) Editing Techniques SM FM TL FF Look MT SOL Strobe Slow Motion Fast Motion Time Lapse Freeze Frame Look At Multi-take Slice of Life MSEQ MF COL Sub Sl (images with little or no dialog) (Multiple scenes show in one frame) (moving imagery added to frame in editing) (picture in picture) ss Montage Sequence Montage Frame Collage Sub-clip Superimposition Split Screen Snap P2S S2P Camera Snap Photo to Scene Scene to Photo (POV- temp. FF to show action of taking a photograph) (multi-angle SM or FF) 3 of 4 Transitions Fl FO xo DIS Cut CIN CAW MC JC cc sc we JCS CZI czo IF FT FRF WRF EM cs Fade In Fade Out Cross Fade Dissolve Cut In CutAway Match Cut Jump Cut Cross Cut Subliminal Cut Whip Cut Jump Cut Sequence Cut Zoom In Cut Zoom Out Impact Flash Focus Transition Fill, Reveal Frame Walk, Reveal Frame Eye-line Match Color Seep (to different shot or scene) (to object in scene) (to off-screen related shot or scene) (cut to different scene, but with similar framing or placement of objects) (breaking the time continuity of a scene) (links two different, simultaneous scenes) (inserting a few frames) (often used with Whip Pan) (similar to MSEQ) (jump cut zoom in sequence) (jump cut zoom out sequence) (flash to white, then Cut) [a.k.a. Flashed Cut] (go out of focus, then into focus of new scene) (use object to fill frame, then show new scene on reveal) (use person/object as 'wipe' bar) (match eye level or sight lines) (change image saturation or hue over time) Other Terms OS CH= DoF SD LIR/U/D Off Screen Camera Height Is ... [Ground (GND)/Low/Waist/Chest!Eye Level (EL)/Roof Top, etc.] Depth of Field (range of 'in-focus') Screen Direction Left/Right/Up/Down (visual flow of the action) DS PS Depth Staging Planar Staging (Characters placed from background to foreground) (Characters placed in a line across the frame) Stunt SFX Special Effects (dangerous action) (done live on set) MM CK RP CGI Mixed Media Chroma Keying ('Blue Screen', 'Green Screen') Rear Projection Computer Generated Imagery CaseyTownsend.com 4 of4