Emily J. Blanchard - Faculty & Research
Emily J. Blanchard - Faculty & Research
CURRICULUM VITAE Emily J. Blanchard Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth 100 Tuck Hall Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755 http://faculty.tuck.dartmouth.edu/emily-blanchard/ [email protected] (+01) 603.646.8962 ACADEMIC APPONTMENTS Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, Associate Professor (without tenure) Assistant Professor 2015 - current 2011 – 2015 University of Virginia Department of Economics, Assistant Professor 2004- 2011 NON-ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Analyst/Senior Analyst, The Economics Resource Group, Inc., Cambridge, MA 1997-1999 EDUCATION Ph.D. Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison M.Sc. Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison A.B. with Honors in Economics, Wellesley College 2004 2002 1997 JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS “U.S. Multinationals and Preferential Market Access,” with X. Matschke. Forthcoming in Review of Economics and Statistics “A Shifting Mandate: International Ownership, Global Fragmentation, and a Case for Deeper Integration under the WTO.” 2015. World Trade Review 14(1), pp. 87-99. “The U.S. Generalized System of Preferences in Principle and Practice,” with S. Hakobyan. 2015. The World Economy 38(3), pp. 399-424. (lead article) “Escaping a Protectionist Rut: Policy Mechanisms for Trade Reform in a Democracy,” with G. Willmann. 2011. Journal of International Economics 85(1), pp. 72-85. “Reevaluating the Role of Trade Agreements: Does Investment Globalization Make the WTO Obsolete?” 2010. Journal of International Economics 82 (1), pp. 63-72. “Trade Taxes and International Investment,” 2009. Canadian Journal of Economics 42(3), pp. 882-899 “Production and Gains from Trade,” with L. Anderson, K. Chaston, C. Holt, L. Razzolini, and R. Singleton. 2008. Perspectives in Economic Education Research, 4(1) pp.3-22 (lead article) “Foreign Direct Investment, Endogenous Tariffs, and Preferential Trade Agreements.” 2007. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 7(1) [Advances] “Testing Subgame Perfection Apart From Fairness in Ultimatum Games.” with J. Andreoni. 2006. Experimental Economics 9(4) pp.307-321 (lead article) Page 1 of 4 April 2015 BOOK CHAPTERS AND POLICY PAPERS “Leveraging Global Supply Chains in Canadian Trade Policy.” Forthcoming Institute for Research on Public Policy Art of the State Symposium: Adapting Canadian Trade and Commerce Policies to New Global Realities. “What Global Fragmentation Means for the WTO.” 2014. WTO Working Paper ERSD-2014-03 and background paper for the 2014 World Trade Report “Opening (and Closing) Doors: Country Specific Shocks in U.S. Doctorate Education,” with J. Bound and S. Turner. 2009. In Doctoral Education and the Faculty of the Future, edited by R. Ehrenberg and C. Kuhn, Cornell University Press. WORKING PAPERS/WORK IN PROGRESS “Trade, Education, and the Shrinking Middle Class,” with G. Willmann. R&R at JIE “Private Label Exports: Trading Variety for Volume,” w/ T. Chesnokova and G. Willmann. R&R at CJE “Carry-Along Trade,” with A. Bernard, I. Van Beveren, and H. Vandenbussche R&R at ReStud “Unequal Gains, Prolonged Pain: A Model of Protectionist Overshooting,” with G. Willmann “Global Supply Chains and Trade Policy,” with C. Bown and R. Johnson “Globalization and Human Capital Investment: How Export Composition Drives Educational Attainment,” with W. Olney “Evidence on the Link between Bilateral Investment and Trade Deals,” with X. Matschke “Liberalizing Tariff and Factor Mobility Policies: The Expropriation Effect” TEACHING Tuck School of Business: Global Economics for Managers: Winter 2012-current Firms, Governments, and the Future of Trade Policy (RTP): Spring 2013-current Ethics in Action guest lecturer: Spring 2013 – current. University of Virginia: Undergraduate International Economics: 2004-2011 Graduate Micro Theory I: 2004- 2006, 2009-2010 PhD Advising (University of Virginia): [Chair] Shushanik Hakobyan, defended 2011 [Reader] Ganesh Seshan, defended 2005; Bilgehan Karabay, defended 2006; Geun Tae Lee, defended 2006; Kieun Shim, defended 2006; Minjung Kim, defended 2009; Alta Batchuluun, defended 2010; Moonjung Choi, defended 2012. PRESENTATIONS, CONFERENCES (PAST 5 YEARS) 2015 2014 NBER Spring ITI Meetings (Cambridge); [scheduled] Handbook on Commercial Policy Conference (Hanover); [scheduled] IEFS/SEA Meetings (New Orleans) Shanghai – Dallas Fed Trade Conference; Hitosubashi University; NBER Spring ITI Meetings (Washington DC); Dartmouth/SNU International Trade and Political Economy Conference (Hanover, NH); Barcelona GSE meetings on Trade, Growth, and Inequality; Institute for Research on Public Policy (Ottawa); CAGE/CEPR Conference (Brussels) Page 2 of 4 April 2015 2013 2012 2011 2010 World Bank/WTO Conference on Reengineering the WTO (Washington DC); Political Economy of FDI and Labor Conference at Texas A&M University (College Station); EIIT (Charlottesville, VA); Syracuse University; Cambridge University; Atlanta Fed/NYU International Trade and Macro Conference (Atlanta) ECARES at U. Libre de Bruxelles; CEPR/OECD Conference on the WTO (Paris); Stanford SCID Conference on the Future of the WTO (Palo Alto); Clark University; ETSG (Leuven); Dallas Federal Reserve; Chicago Federal Reserve; SEA (New Orleans); Yale University PTA Workshop at Copenhagen Business School; ETSG (Copenhagen); NBER Summer Institute (ITI); Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth; Williams College; Middlebury University of Virginia, Midwest ITE Meetings (Evanston, IL), The World Bank GRANTS AND AWARDS 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2007-2008 2007 2007-2008 2006 2005-2006 2005-2006 2002 2000, 2002 1999 1995 Bankard Fund for Political Economy, “The Decline of Mercantilism” (~$30K) [declined] Bankard Fund, “Globalization, Education, and Democracy” (~$30K) Bankard Fund, “Distribution Networks, Market Access, and Multinational Firms” (~$25K) Sesquicentennial Assoc., University of Virginia: one semester paid research leave All-University Teaching Award, University of Virginia ($3500) Bankard Fund, “Quid Pro Quo Trade Agreements and Foreign Investment” (~$23K) UVa Department of Economics Undergraduate Teaching Award UVa Excellence in Diversity Fellow Bankard Fund, “The Political Economy of International Integration” (~$25K) UW-Madison College of Letters and Science Teaching Fellow Anna Morris Ely Outstanding Teaching Scholarship (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Peggy Howard Scholarship for Graduate Studies in Economics (Wellesley College) Joseph P. Lambie Prize in Economic History (Wellesley College) UNIVERSITY AND DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE Tuck School of Business 2011-2013 2011-2013 2012-curr. 2013-curr. Strategy Monitoring Committee; Faculty Task Force Recruiting: Economics (2011-12); Revers Chair (2012-2013) Academic FTR Committee Curriculum Committee; Admissions Committee University of Virginia 2007-2011 2009-2011 2004-2011 2005-2007 2008-2009 2006, 2007 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006 2008 2008-2011 2008-2010 Page 3 of 4 Department of Economics: Supervisor of International Economics Concentration Department of Economics: Aigrain Scholarship Selection Committee Chair Department of Economics Core Exam Committee (Chair 2005-07, 2010) Department of Economics Graduate Program Committee Department of Economics Distinguished Majors Committee Department of Economics Faculty Search Committee Department of Economics Chair Search Committee Office of African American Affairs Faculty Mentor Lecturer, “The Best of UVA: A Collection of Unforgettable Lectures” (LASE 306) College of Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Award Selection Advisor Frank Batten School of Public Policy and Leadership Admission Committee Faculty Review Committee, Virginia Policy Review April 2015 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Referee: American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, American Economic Journal, Journal of International Economics, Journal of the European Economics Association, Games and Economic Behavior, International Economic Review, National Science Foundation, Berkeley Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Canadian Journal of Economics; Economics Letters, Economic Inquiry, Economic Journal, Economics and Politics, European Economic Review, Experimental Economics, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Journal of Economic Education, Journal of Economics and Business, Journal of Globalization and Development, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Japanese Economic Review, China Economic Review, Journal of African Studies and Development, Southern Economic Journal, World Economy; Review of International Economics Member: American Economics Association, AEA-CSWEP Other: Unpaid Special Sworn Employee of the Bureau of Economic Analysis PERSONAL Married, 2 children (born 2008 and 2010) Dual citizen of U.S. and Australia Page 4 of 4 April 2015