Olivier Pfister - Faculty Web Sites at the University of Virginia


Olivier Pfister - Faculty Web Sites at the University of Virginia
Olivier Pfister
Department of Physics, University of Virginia,
382 McCormick Road, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4714, USA
Phone: (1) 434 924 7956. Email: [email protected]
May 4, 2015, 16:16
Ph.D. in Physics Experimental and theoretical study of the hyperfine interactions in the ν3 vibration band
of 28 SiF4 .
Advisor: Dr. Christian Chardonnet, Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Universit´e Paris-Nord (1993)
M.S. in Physics Lasers and Matter: Atoms, Molecules, and Lasers, Universit´e Paris-Nord (1989)
French National Service (mandatory), Sergeant, 60`eme R´egiment d’Artillerie, France (1988)
B.S. in Physics, Modern Optics and Lasers concentration. Universit´e de Nice (1987)
Professional experience
Professor of Physics, University of Virginia (2011–present)
Associate Professor of Physics, University of Virginia (2005–2011)
Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Virginia (1999–2005)
Research Associate with Prof. Daniel J. Gauthier, Duke University (1997–1999)
Research Associate with Dr. John L. Hall (2005 Physics Nobel Prize), JILA, University of Colorado
Lecturer, Institut National de M´etrologie, Conservatoire National des Arts et M´etiers, France (1993–94)
Lecturer, Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Universit´e Paris-Nord, France (1992–93)
Research Assistant, Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Universit´e Paris-Nord, France (1989–92)
Honors and awards
Fellow, American Physical Society (2013. Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics)
Distinguished Research Award, University of Virginia (2013).
Mead Honored Faculty, University of Virginia (2004).
JILA Chairman’s Clever Idea Contest. Second Prize (1996).
Lavoisier postdoctoral scholarship, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France (1994).
Student grant, Les Houches NATO Summer School Fundamental Systems in Quantum Optics (1990).
Doctoral scholarship, Ministry of Research and Technology of France (1989–92).
Bronze Medal of the French National Service (1988).
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
Awarded external research funding
• Massively Scalable Quantum Entanglement and
Quantum Processing in the Optical Frequency Comb
• REU supplement to grant 0855632
◦ FINESSE Imaging: Fundamental INformation
Efficiency of electromagnetism with Squeezing and
Spatial Entanglement
◦ MRI-R2 Consortium: Development of a photon number
resolving system for universal quantum computing
• One-way quantum computing
in the optical frequency comb
• REU supplement to grant 0555522
• REU supplement to grant 0555522
• REU supplement to grant 0555522
• Ultrastable heterodyne quantum information
• Multipartite entanglement, multimode
squeezing, and non-Gaussian light from
quantum cascades and concurrences
• Realization of an ultrasensitive
Heisenberg-limited interferometer
• Continuous-variable quantum information
with bright-beam entanglement
• Novel light sources for quantum optics
& quantum information
Coding theory & quantum computing conference
• Equipment grant for a
Heisenberg-limited interferometer
• Realization of an ultrasensitive
Heisenberg-limited interferometer
NSF PHY 1206029
(Phys. Info. Frontier)
NSF PHY 1240334
DARPA “InPho,”
09/01/12 3 yrs
$540 000
06/01/12 3 mo.
09/03/10 2 yrs
$10 000
$350 000
NSF PHY 0960047
02/01/10 3 yrs
$900 000
NSF PHY 0855632
(AMO Physics)
NSF PHY 0937326
NSF PHY 0833219
NSF PHY 0735333
NSF CCF 0622100
NSF PHY 0555522
(AMO Physics)
08/01/09 3 yrs
$520 000
$5 000
$10 000
$10 000
$275 000
$380 000
(AMO Physics)
NSF CCF 0323623
NSF PHY 0245032
Jeffress Trust
8/01/01 5 yrs
$278 000
08/01/03 3 yrs
$300 000
06/01/03 3 yrs
$410 956
05/01/03 1 yr
5/15/02 1 yr
$11 990
$105 000
7/01/01 1 yr
$28 285
(NSF: National Science Foundation. ARO: US Army Research Office. Single-PI grants are denoted by a bullet.
Main-PI grants are denoted by a circle.)
Research articles in refereed journals
N. Sridhar, R. Shahrokhshahi, A.J. Miller, B. Calkins, T. Gerrits, A. Lita, S. W. Nam, and O. Pfister,
Direct measurement of the Wigner function by photon-number-resolving detection, Journal of the Optical
Society of America B, 31, B34 (2014). Special issue on Photon-Number-Resolving Detectors for Quantum
State Engineering.
P. Wang, W. Fan, and O. Pfister, Engineering large-scale entanglement in the quantum optical frequency
comb: effects of quasiphasematching and of dispersion, Subm. to Int. J. Quantum Inf.; arXiv:1403.6631
[physics.optics] (2014).
P. Wang, M. Chen, N.C. Menicucci, and O. Pfister, Weaving quantum optical frequency combs into
hypercubic cluster states, Physical Review A, 90, 032325 (2014).
M. Chen, N. C. Menicucci, and O. Pfister, Experimental realization of multipartite entanglement of 60
modes of a quantum optical frequency comb, Physical Review Letters, 112, 120505 (2014).
N. Sridhar and O. Pfister, Generation of multipartite spin entanglement from multimode squeezed states,
Physical Review A, 89, 012310 (2014).
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
R. Shahrokhshahi and O. Pfister, Large-scale multipartite entanglement in the quantum optical frequency
comb of a depleted-pump optical parametric oscillator, Quantum Information and Computation, 12,
953 (2012).
Ch. Weedbrook, B. Perrett, K.V. Kheruntsyan, P.D. Drummond, R.C. Pooser, and O. Pfister, Resonant
cascaded down-conversion, Physical Review A 85, 033821 (2012).
M. Pysher, Y. Miwa, R. Shahrokhshahi, R. Bloomer, and O. Pfister, Parallel generation of quadripartite cluster entanglement in the optical frequency comb, Physical Review Letters 107, 030505 (2011).
Highlighted in Physics Today.
R. Evans and O. Pfister, On the experimental violation of Mermin’s inequality with imperfect measurements, Quantum Information and Computation 11, 820 (2011).
R. Bloomer, M. Pysher, and O. Pfister, Nonlocal restoration of two-mode squeezing in the presence of strong
optical loss, New Journal of Physics 13, 063014 (2011). (VIDEO ABSTRACT) 2011 Highlights.
M. Pysher, Y. Miwa, R. Shahrokhshahi, D. Xie, and O. Pfister, A new method for locking the signal-field
phase difference in a type-II optical parametric oscillator above threshold, Optics Express 18, 27858 (2010).
S. L. W. Midgley, M. K. Olsen, A. S. Bradley, and O. Pfister. Analysis of a continuous-variable quadripartite
cluster state from a single optical parametric oscillator, Physical Review A 82, 053826 (2010).
S. L. W. Midgley, A. S. Bradley, O. Pfister, and M. K. Olsen, Quadripartite continuous-variable entanglement via quadruply concurrent downconversion, Physical Review A 81, 063834 (2010).
M. Pysher, A. Bahabad, P. Peng, A. Arie, and O. Pfister, Quasiphasematched concurrent nonlinearities in
periodically poled KTiOPO4 for quantum computing over the optical frequency comb, Optics Letters 35,
565 (2010).
S.T. Flammia, N.C. Menicucci, O. Pfister, The optical frequency comb as a one-way quantum computer,
Journal of Physics B 42, 114009 (2009), special issue on few-photon optics.
M. Pysher, R. Bloomer, O. Pfister, C. M. Kaleva, T. D. Roberts, and P. Battle, Broadband amplitude
squeezing in a periodically poled KTiOPO4 waveguide, Optics Letters 34, 256 (2009).
N.C. Menicucci, S.T. Flammia, and O. Pfister, One-way quantum computing in the optical frequency
comb, Physical Review Letters 101, 130501 (2008). Highlighted in APS Physics and in Nature.
H. Zaidi, N.C. Menicucci, S.T. Flammia, R. Bloomer, M. Pysher, and O. Pfister, Entangling the optical
frequency comb: simultaneous generation of multiple 2x2 and 2x3 continuous-variable cluster states in a
single optical parametric oscillator, Laser Physics 18, 659 (2008).
D. Xie, M. Pysher, J. Jing, and O. Pfister, Enhanced optical communication and broadband sub-shot-noise
interferometry with a stable free-running periodically-poled-KTiOPO4 squeezer, Journal of the Optical
Society of America B 24, 2702 (2007).
N.C. Menicucci, S.T. Flammia, H. Zaidi, and O. Pfister, Ultracompact generation of continuous-variable
cluster states, Physical Review A 76, 010302(R) (2007).
J. Jing, S. Feng, R. Bloomer, and O. Pfister, Experimental continuous-variable entanglement from a
phase-difference-locked optical parametric oscillator, Physical Review A 74, 041804(R) (2006).
A.S. Bradley, M.K. Olsen, O. Pfister and R.C. Pooser, Bright tripartite entanglement in triply concurrent
parametric oscillation, Physical Review A 72, 053805 (2005).
R.C. Pooser and O. Pfister, Observation of triply coincident nonlinearities in periodically poled KT iOP O4 ,
Optics Letters 30, 2635 (2005). Featured in the Materials Research Society Bulletin (November 2005).
S. Feng and O. Pfister, Sub-shot-noise heterodyne polarimetry, Optics Letters 29, 2800 (2004).
O. Pfister, S. Feng, G. Jennings, R. Pooser, and D. Xie, Multipartite continuous-variable entanglement
from concurrent nonlinearities, Physical Review A 70, 020302(R) (2004).
S. Feng and O. Pfister, Quantum interference of ultrastable twin optical beams, Physical Review Letters
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
92, 203601 (2004).
R. Pooser and O. Pfister, Particle-number scaling of the phase sensitivity in realistic Bayesian twin-mode
Heisenberg-limited interferometry, Physical Review A 69, 043616 (2004).
S. Feng and O. Pfister, Stable nondegenerate optical parametric oscillation at degenerate frequencies in
Na:KTP, Journal of Optics B, Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 5, 262 (2003).
N.-K. Tran and O. Pfister, Quantum teleportation with close-to-maximal entanglement from a beam
splitter, Physical Review A 65, 052313 (2002).
J.J. Fern´
andez, J.L. Font, R. Vilaseca, D.J. Gauthier, A. Kul’minskii, and O. Pfister, Two-photon amplification and lasing in laser-driven potassium atoms: theoretical analysis, Physical Review A 65, 031803
O. Pfister, W.J. Brown, M.D. Stenner, and D.J. Gauthier, Polarization instabilities in a two-photon laser,
Physical Review Letters 86, 4512 (2001).
O. Pfister, W.J. Brown, M.D. Stenner, and D.J. Gauthier, Two-photon stimulated emission in laser-driven
alkali-metal atoms using an orthogonal pump-probe geometry, Physical Review A 60, R4249 (1999).
J.L. Hall, L.-S. Ma, M. Taubman, B. Tiemann, F.-L. Hong, O. Pfister, and J. Ye, Stabilization and
frequency measurement of the I2 -stabilized Nd:YAG laser, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation
and Measurement 48, 583 (1999).
T. Kim, O. Pfister, M.J. Holland, J. Noh, and J.L. Hall, Influence of decorrelation on Heisenberg-limited
interferometry using quantum correlated photons, Physical Review A 57, 4004–4013 (1998).
O. Pfister, J.S. Wells, L. Hollberg, L. Zink, D.A. Van Baak, M.D. Levenson, and W.R. Bosenberg, CW
frequency tripling and quadrupling by simultaneous three-wave mixings in periodically poled crystals. Application to a two-step 1.19-10.71 µm frequency bridge, Optics Letters 22, 1211 (1997).
O. Pfister, M. M¨
urtz, J.S. Wells, L. Hollberg, and J.T. Murray, Division by 3 of optical frequencies by use
of difference frequency generation in noncritically phase-matched RbT iOAsO4 , Optics Letters 21, 1387
O. Pfister, C. Chardonnet, and C.J. Bord´e, Hyperfine-induced lifting of parity degeneracy in noninverting
molecules, Physical Review Letters 76, 4516 (1996).
O. Pfister, F. Guernet, G. Charton, C. Chardonnet, F. Herlemont, and J. Legrand, CO2 laser sideband
spectroscopy at ultra-high resolution, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 10, 1521 (1993).
Invited conference talks and papers
O. Pfister, Massively scalable entanglement in the quantum optical frequency comb: new results and perspectives, Quantum 2014, VII International Workshop “Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
and Quantum Information with atoms and photons,” Torino, Italy, May 25–30, 2014.
O. Pfister, M. Chen, P. Wang, and N.C. Menicucci, Weaving hypercubic cluster-entangled states in the
quantum optical frequency comb, Advances in Photonics of Quantum Computing, Memory, and Communication VII, OPTO, Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2014.
R. Shahrokhshahi, N. Sridhar, S. Guha, A. Miller, A. Lita, B. Calkins, Th. Gerrits, A. Lamas-Linares,
J.L. Habif, S.W. Nam, O. Pfister, Phase retrieval near 2 bits/photon using a heralded single-photon source,
Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XI, SPIE, San Diego, CA, August 2013.
O. Pfister, M. Chen, P. Wang, and N.C. Menicucci, Large-scale cluster entanglement in the optical frequency
comb: new developments, Advances in Photonics of Quantum Computing, Memory, and Communication VI,
SPIE OPTO Photonics West 2013, San Francisco, CA, February 2013.
O. Pfister, M. Chen, P. Wang, M. Pysher, R. Shahrokhshahi, R. Bloomer, Y. Miwa, and N.C. Menicucci,
Entangling the optical frequency comb into hypercube cluster states, invited talk, Quantum Optics VI,
apolis, Uruguay, November 12-16, 2012.
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
O. Pfister, M. Pysher, Y. Miwa, R. Shahrokhshahi, and R. Bloomer, QM4C.1. Scaling Multipartite
Entanglement in the Optical Frequency Comb, invited tutorial talk, OSA CLEO/QELS 2012, San Jose, CA,
May 2012.
O. Pfister, Parallel generation of 15 quadripartite cluster entangled states over the optical frequency comb
of a single optical parametric oscillator, Advances in Photonics of Quantum Computing, Memory, and
Communication V, SPIE OPTO Photonics West 2012, San Francisco, CA, January 2012.
O. Pfister, Parallel generation of 15 quadripartite entangled states in the optical frequency comb, 2011
Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics Symposium “Frontiers in Photonics Science and Technology,” Duke University, October 2011.
O. Pfister, Protecting an EPR state by quantum engineering of decoherence, 5th Asia-Pacific Conference
on Quantum Information Science, Taiyuan, China, August 21-24, 2010.
O. Pfister, Protecting an EPR state by quantum engineering of decoherence, QCMC 2010, Brisbane, Australia, July 19–23, 2010.
M. Pysher et al., 19th International Laser Physics Workshop, Brazil, July, 2010.
O. Pfister, Multipartite continuous-variable quantum information with a single optical parametric oscillator,
CVQIP 2010, Herrsching, Germany, June 2010.
O. Pfister, Observation of nonclassical photon-number statistics in a continuous-wave OPO below threshold,
V International Workshop “Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with
atoms and photons,” Torino, Italy, May 19–23, 2010.
O. Pfister, R. Bloomer, M. Pysher, S.T. Flammia, N.C. Menicucci, Concurrent nonlinear interactions and
scalable cluster states in the optical frequency comb of a single optical parametric oscillator, 18th International
Laser Physics Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, July 13–17, 2009.
O. Pfister, Towards quantum computing over the rainbow: scalable multipartite entanglement in the optical
frequency comb, APS DAMOP 2009, Charlottesville, VA. May 20–25, 2009.
O. Pfister, Toward mesoscopic quantum optical entanglement, 17th International Laser Physics Workshop,
Trondheim, Norway, June 30 – July 4, 2008.
O. Pfister, Playing the quantum harp: from quantum metrology to quantum computing with harmonic
oscillators, IV International Workshop “Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum
Information with atoms and photons,” Torino, Italy, May 19–23, 2008.
O. Pfister, Playing the quantum harp: multipartite squeezing and entanglement of harmonic oscillators,
Quantum Electronics Metrology session, Advanced Quantum and Optoelectronic Applications, SPIE OPTO
2008, San Jose, January 19–24, 2008.
O. Pfister, R.C. Pooser, A.S. Bradley, and M.K. Olsen, Multimode Squeezing and Entanglement with
Concurrent Nonlinearities, Laser Science XXI Meeting of the American Physical Society. Tucson, AZ,
October 17–19, 2005.
O. Pfister and S. Feng, Quantum interferometry with ultrastable optical parametric oscillators, in Proceedings of the John Hall Symposium, Boulder, CO. August 13–14, 2004.
O. Pfister, Ultra-stable twin beams for quantum information and high precision measurements, Quantum
Communication and Quantum Imaging II, SPIE Annual Meeting, Denver, August 2004.
O. Pfister and S. Feng, Quantum interference of phase-locked twin beams, International Quantum Electronics Conference, OSA, San Francisco, May 2004.
O. Pfister and N.K. Tran, On quantum teleportation with beam-splitter-generated entanglement, 2001
Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Charlottesville, Virginia, November
O. Pfister, The two-photon laser: a novel source of nonclassical light?, 30th Winter Colloquium on the
Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, January 2000.
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
O. Pfister, W.J. Brown, M.D. Stenner, and D.J. Gauthier, Experimental realization of a two-photon laser
in strongly driven potassium atoms, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, 1999 OSA Technical
Digest Series (OSA, Washington D.C., 1999), p. 160.
O. Pfister, Heisenberg-limited interferometry with quantum correlated photons, 28th Winter Colloquium on
the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, 1998.
Edited books
Coding Theory and Quantum Computing, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 381, American Mathematical
Society (2005). ISBN 0821836005.
Invited departmental talks
Experimental generation of a 60-mode entangled cluster state in the quantum optical frequency comb,
Quantum Information Seminar, Raytheon-BBN Technologies, March 4, 2014.
The quantum optical frequency comb as a (really large) quantum computing register, Physics Colloquium,
College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, November 22, 2013.
Scaling entanglement in the optical frequency comb, Optics and Quantum Electronics Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, March 2, 2011.
Quantum computing over the rainbow, CQuIC Seminar, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM,
November 18, 2010.
Quantum computing over the rainbow, Physics Colloquium, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR,
November 20, 2009.
Quantum computing over the rainbow, NIST QIBEC Seminar, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, November 19, 2008.
Quantum computing over the rainbow, Physics Colloquium, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA,
September 25, 2008.
Scalable one-way quantum computing in the optical frequency comb, Physics seminar, Max-Planck Institute
for the Science of Light, University of Erlangen, Germany, July 9, 2008.
One-way quantum computing in the optical frequency comb, NIST Physics seminar, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO, April 23, 2008.
Towards Quantum Computing with Graphs and Light, Seminar on Applications of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Virginia, February 14, 2008.
Playing the quantum harp: from quantum metrology to quantum computing with harmonic oscillators,
PiQuDos seminar, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada, February 6, 2008.
Quantum interferometry below the shot noise: of distinguishability and entanglement, Physics Colloquium,
Hunter College, City University of New York, December 7, 2005.
Sub-shot-noise interferometry with correlated photon numbers: who needs indistinguishability?, Quantum
Information Theory Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, September 29, 2005.
Quantum interference and entanglement from optical parametric oscillation, Physics seminar, University
of Maryland College Park, November 8, 2004.
Classical and nonclassical interferences with quantum fields and the Heisenberg limit for ultrasensitive
interferometry, Physics seminar, University of Maryland Baltimore County, October 1, 2003.
Interf´erences classiques et quantiques: vers la limite de Heisenberg pour l’interf´erom´etrie de ultra-haute
sensibilit´e, seminar, Institut Non-Lin´eaire de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France, May 26, 2003.
Group representation theory and quantum physics, algebra seminar of the Mathematics Dept., University
of Virginia, April 23, 2003.
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
Quantum science and technology, 2020 NanoQuEST Institute Rollout presentation, University of Virginia,
March 13, 2003,
An introduction to quantum information, Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept. seminar, University of
Virginia, September 30, 2002.
Quantum information with quantum fields: creation and entanglement of twin beams of light, Physics Dept.
colloquium, University of Virginia, January 25, 2002.
Quantum optics and quantum information, Physics Dept. colloquium, College of William and Mary, April
6, 2001.
Contributed conference talks and papers
O.Pfister, M. Chen, P. Wang, W. Fan, N.C. Menicucci, Experimental entanglement of 60 modes of the
quantum optical frequency comb and application to generating hypercubic-lattice cluster states, DAMOP
2014, Madison, WI, June 2, 2014.
M. Chen, N.C. Menicucci, O.Pfister, Experimental Generation of a 60-Mode Cluster State in the Quantum
Optical Frequency Comb, Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM), Berlin, March 19, 2014.
R. Shahrokhshahi, N. Sridhar, O. Pfister, S. Guha, J. Habif, A. Miller, A. Lita, B. Calkins, Th. Gerrits, A.
Lamas-Linares, S.W. Nam, Information-efficient phase imaging photon by photon, Single-Photon Workshop,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, October 2013.
O. Pfister, P. Wang, M. Chen, M. Pysher, Y. Miwa, R. Bloomer, R. Shahrokhshahi, N.C. Menicucci,
Large-scale cluster entanglement in the quantum optical frequency comb: from linear chains to n-hypercubes,
APS DAMOP 2013, Qu´ebec, Canada, June 2013.
R. Shahrokhshahi, S. Niranjan, O. Pfister, J.L. Habif, S. Guha, A. Miller, S.W. Nam, A.E. Lita, B.
Calkins, Th. Gerrits, A, Lamas-Linares, High Photon Information Efficient Imaging Using Single Photon
Source, CLEO: QELS Fundamental Science, San Jose, CA, June 2013.
M. Chen, P. Wang, N.C. Menicucci, and O. Pfister, Generation and characterization of hypercubic cluster
states in the optical frequency comb, APS March Meeting 2013, Baltimore, MD.
R. Shahrokhshahi, N. Sridhar, O. Pfister, S. Guha, J. Habif, A. Miller, A. Lita, B. Calkins, T. Gerrits,
A. Lamas-Linares, and S.W. Nam, Information-efficient phase imaging with heralded single photons, APS
March Meeting 2013, Baltimore, MD.
O. Pfister, Hypercubic cluster entanglement in the optical frequency comb, 15th Annual Meeting of Southwest Quantum Information and Technology (SQuInT), Santa Barbara, CA, February 21-23, 2013.
M. Pysher, Y. Miwa, R. Shahrokhshahi, R. Bloomer, and O. Pfister, Generation of Multiple ContinuousVariable Cluster States from a Single Optical Parametric Oscillator, talk, CLEO:QELS Fundamental Science,
Baltimore, May 1–6, 2011.
R. Shahrokhshahi and O. Pfister, Multipartite entanglement in the optical frequency comb of a depletedpump optical parametric oscillator, poster, CLEO:QELS Fundamental Science, Baltimore, May 1–6, 2011.
M. Pysher, Y. Miwa, R. Shahrokhshahi, R. Bloomer, and O. Pfister, Simultaneous generation of multiple
quadripartite continuous-variable cluster states in the optical frequency comb of a single optical parametric
oscillator, Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Dallas, March 21 - 25, 2011.
O. Pfister, N.C. Menicucci, and S.T. Flammia, Scalable Quantum Computing Over the Rainbow, Annual
Meeting of the American Physical Society, Dallas, March 21 - 25, 2011.
R. Shahrokhshahi and O. Pfister, Multipartite entanglement in the optical frequency comb of a depletedpump optical parametric oscillator, Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Dallas, March 21 25, 2011.
R. Evans and O. Pfister, On the Experimental Violation of Mermins High-Spin Bell Inequalities in the
Schwinger Representation, Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Dallas, March 21 - 25, 2011.
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
M. Chen and O. Pfister, Optical Engineering for Quantum Computing Over the Optical Frequency Comb,
Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Dallas, March 21 - 25, 2011.
O. Pfister, Scaling up entanglement in the optical frequency comb: recent experimental progress, 13th
Annual Meeting of Southwest Quantum Information and Technology (SQuInT), Boulder, CO, February
17-20, 2011.
O. Pfister, R. Bloomer, and M. Pysher, Entangling the optical frequency comb into continuous-variable
cluster states, August 2008, Quantum Communication and Precision Measurements 2008, Calgary, Canada.
O. Pfister, N.C. Menicucci, S.T. Flammia, and H. Zaidi, Compact optical generation of continuous-variable
graph states, International Conference on Quantum Information, Rochester, NY, June 13–15, 2007.
R.C. Pooser and O. Pfister, Generating nonGaussian states of light using resonant nonlinear cascades,
Laser Science XXII Meeting of the American Physical Society. Rochester, NY, October 8–12, 2006.
J. Jing, S. Feng, R. Bloomer, and O. Pfister, Experimental demonstration of continuous-variable entanglement of phase-locked bright beams, Laser Science XXII Meeting of the American Physical Society. Rochester,
NY, October 8–12, 2006.
O. Pfister, S. Feng, G. Jennings, R. Pooser, D. Xie, Multipartite continuous-variable entanglement from
concurrent nonlinearities, Laser Science XX Meeting of the American Physical Society. Rochester, New
York. October 10-14, 2004.
O. Pfister and S. Feng, Quantum interferometry with ultrastable twin beams, Laser Science XX Meeting of
the American Physical Society. Rochester, New York. October 10-14, 2004.
O. Pfister and S. Feng, Quantum noise of bright twin beams, in Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and
Quantum Optics II, Proc. SPIE 5468, 29 (2004).
S. Feng and O. Pfister, Realization of an ultrastable twin-beam source for continuous-variable entanglement
of bright beams, in Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging, Proc. SPIE 5161, 109 (2004).
O. Pfister and N.-K. Tran, Number-phase teleportation and the Heisenberg limit: a “paradox” and some
surprises, in Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging, Proc. SPIE 5161, 4 (2004).
O. Pfister and N.K. Tran, Quantum teleportation with close-to-maximally entangled states from a bean
splitter, in Coding Theory and Quantum Computing, University of Virginia, May 21, 2003.
O. Pfister and N.K. Tran, Quantum teleportation with close-to-maximally entangled states from a bean
splitter, DAMOP 2002 Meeting of The American Physical Society.
O. Pfister, Quantum optics and quantum information, EURESCO Conference on Quantum Information
and Quantum Entanglement, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain March 23-28, 2002.
O. Pfister and S. Feng, Quantum phase difference noise of twin beams, 7th International Conference on
Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations, Boston, MA, June 5-8, 2001.
D.J. Gauthier, O. Pfister, W.J. Brown, and M.D. Stenner, Polarization dynamics of a two-photon laser,
Coherence and Quantum Optics VIII, Ed. E. Wolf (2000).
M.D. Stenner, W.J. Brown, O. Pfister, D.J. Gauthier, Observation of polarization instabilities in a twophoton laser, DAMOP 2000 Meeting of The American Physical Society.
O. Pfister, W.J. Brown, M. Stenner, and D.J. Gauthier, Observation of two-photon lasing in dressed
multilevel atoms, American Physical Society Centennial Meeting, March 20-26, 1999.
W.J. Brown, O. Pfister, and D.J. Gauthier, A new mechanism for continuous-wave two-photon amplification, International Quantum Electronics Conference, Vol. 7, 1998 OSA Technical Digest Series (OSA,
Washington D.C., 1998), p. 200.
M. Taubman, B. Tiemann, L.S. Ma, F.L. Hong, O. Pfister, J. Ye, and J.L. Hall, Nonlinear optics to
measure the frequency of iodine-stabilized Nd:YAG, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Vol. 6, 1998
OSA Technical Digest Series (OSA, Washington D.C., 1998), p. 450.
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
J.L. Hall, L.S. Ma, M. Taubman, B. Tiemann, F.L. Hong, O. Pfister, J. Ye, Stabilization and frequency measurement of the I2 -stabilized Nd:YAG laser, 1998 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements,
Digest, (IEEE, New York, NY, 1998), p. 151.
M.D. Levenson, O. Pfister, J.S. Wells, L. Hollberg, W.R. Bosenberg, D.A. Van Baak, Optical frequency
tripling using cascading quasi-phasematched nonlinearities in periodically poled lithium niobate, Nonlinear
Optics ’98. Materials, Fundamentals and Applications, Topical Meeting, (IEEE, New York, NY, 1998), p.
O. Pfister, J.S. Wells, L. Hollberg, M.D. Levenson, W.R. Bosenberg, and D.A. Van Baak, CW third harmonic generation by use of coinciding second-order nonlinearities in periodically poled bulk LiN bO3 , Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Vol. 12, 1997 OSA Technical Digest Series (OSA, Washington
D.C., 1997), p. 122.
O. Pfister, M. M¨
urtz, J.S. Wells, and L. Hollberg, Division by 3 of optical frequencies using noncritically
phase-matched RTA, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Vol. 9, 1996 OSA Technical Digest Series
(OSA, Washington D.C., 1996), p. 279.
M. M¨
urtz, O. Pfister, J.H. Marquardt, M. Stephens, J.S. Wells, S. Waltman, L. Hollberg, H.G. Robinson,
R.W. Fox, D. Mehuys, E.R. Brown, and K.A. McIntosh, Nonlinear optics for optical frequency standards
and an optical divide by 3, 5th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Woods Hole, USA,
J.C. Bergquist, Ed. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), p. 171.
C. Chardonnet, A. Amy-Klein, V. Bernard, R. Butcher, P.E. Durand, T. George, F. Guernet, H.W. Nicolaisen, O. Pfister, and C.J. Bord´e, Ultra-high resolution spectroscopy at 10 µm: applications and new trends,
12th International Conference On Laser Spectroscopy, Capri, Italy, M. Inguscio, M. Allegrini, A. Sasso, Eds.
(World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), p. 208.
O. Pfister, F. Guernet, G. Charton, C. Chardonnet, F. Herlemont, and J. Legrand, Ultra-high resolution
spectroscopy and broadband tunability by using CO2 laser sideband technique, 13th Coll. High Resol. Molec.
Spectrosc., Riccione (Italy), 1993.
O. Pfister, C. Chardonnet, and C.J. Bord´e, Ultra-high resolution spectroscopy of 28 SiF4 : hyperfine induced lifting of parity degeneracy in superfine clusters, 12th Int. Conf. High Resol. Infrared and Microwave
Spectrosc., Prague, (Czech Republic), 1992.
Spring semester
Research leave
PHYS 952 Atomic Physics Seminar
PHYS 842 Atomic Physics
PHYS 393 Optics Labs creation
PHYS 842 Atomic Physics
PHYS 888 Quantum Optics & Quantum Info.
PHYS 532/822 Fundamentals of Photonics
PHYS 888 Quantum Optics & Quantum Info.
Sesquicentennial research leave
PHYS 532/822 Fundamentals of Photonics
PHYS 8880 Quantum Optics & Quantum Info.
PHYS 8420 Atomic Physics
PHYS 8880 Quantum Optics & Quantum Info.
PHYS 5320/8220 Fundamentals of Photonics
Sesquicentennial research leave
PHYS 2415 General Physics II
Fall semester
PHYS 842 Atomic Physics
PHYS 531 Optics
PHYS 531 Optics
Sesquicentennial research leave
PHYS 251 Intro Phys III: Electromagnetism
PHYS 251 Intro Phys III: Electromagnetism
PHYS 251 Intro Phys III: Electromagnetism
PHYS 251 Intro Phys III: Electromagnetism
PHYS 151 Intro Phys I: Mechanics
PHYS 151 Intro Phys I: Mechanics
PHYS 1610 Intro Phys I: Mechanics
PHYS 5310 Optics
PHYS 5310 Optics
PHYS 1610 Intro Phys I: Mechanics
PHYS 8420 Atomic Physics
PHYS 2610 Intro. Physics III: Electromagnetism
PHYS 2610 Intro. Physics III: Electromagnetism
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
Interdisciplinary teaching contributions
(Typically one invited lecture)
MSE 7592 Advanced Topics in Materials Science: Spintronics. Prof. Stuart Wolf. (Spring 2013)
RELJ 3559 New Course in Judaism: Judaism and Science. Prof. Peter Ochs. (Spring 2013)
RELJ 347 Science and Judaism. Prof. Peter Ochs. (Fall 2007)
RELG 744: Science, Language, and God. Prof. Peter Ochs. Debate with Prof. Joanna Drucker. (Fall
Postdoctoral Prot´
Dr. Jietai Jing, Ph.D. Shanxi University, China. Research Associate. August 2004 – September 2006
Dr. Jing is now a faculty member at East China Normal University, China.
Postdoctoral/Doctoral Visitors
Prof. Carlos Eduardo de Souza, Universidade Federal Fluminense, January 17, 2015 - February 28, 2015
Prof. Aaron Miller, Albion College. NSF-funded collaboration. Jan. 10-14, 2011; May 30-June 3, 2011;
Jan. 9-13, 2012; May 22-26, 2012; July 29-31, 2013.
Dr. Xiaolong Su, Ph.D. Shanxi University, China. Research Scientist. May 1, 2010 – April 30, 2011
Yoshichika Miwa, Tokyo University. Graduate research internship. July 3, 2010 - September 30, 2010
Dr. Aaron Pearlman, National Institute of Standards and Technology. March 1 - April 30 2009
Dr. Ashton Bradley, University of Queensland. September 2007
Ph.D. Graduates and Advisees
Moran Chen, Physics Ph.D. defended on April 8, 2015
Large-scale cluster-state entanglement in the quantum optical frequency comb
Reihaneh Shahrokhshahi, Physics Ph.D. defended on July 21, 2014
A cavity-enhanced narrow-band multiphoton source for applications in quantum information
Matthew Pysher, Physics Ph.D. defended on July 27, 2011
Towards quantum computing with light
Dr. Pysher is now an applications research scientist at ESI, Inc.
Russell Bloomer, Physics Ph.D. defended August 2, 2010
A stable traveling-wave optical parametric oscillator for entanglement protection and manipulation
Dr. Bloomer is now a staff member at the National Ground Intelligence Center.
Daruo Xie, Physics Ph.D. defended August 3 and August 15, 2007
Generation of bright broadband squeezed light and broadband quantum interferometry
Raphael Pooser, Engineering Physics Ph.D. defended April 13, 2007
Nonlinear cascades and concurrences for multipartite-entangled and non Gaussian states of light
Dr. Pooser is now a staff member and former Eugene P. Wigner Fellow at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Sheng Feng, Physics Ph.D. defended April 28, 2005
Quantum interference of correlated boson fields: homodyne and heterodyne optical interferometry below the
shot noise
Dr. Feng is now a physics faculty member at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.
Niranjan Sridhar, Physics 6th year
Pei Wang, Physics 5th year
Wenjiang Fan, Physics 3nd year
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
Ph.D. examination committees
Seiji Armstrong (Australian National University), Experiments in Quantum Optics: Scalable Entangled States and Quantum Computation with Cluster States (01/2014).
Advisor: Ping-Koy Lam (Australian National University).
Mor Katz (UVa), Essentially normal composition operators, Mathematics (2013).
Advisor: Thomas Kriete (UVa Mathematics).
Yang Fu (UVa), RF Characterization and Modeling of High-Power InGaAs/InP Photodiodes for Analog
Optic Links, Electrical and Computer Engineering (2012).
Advisor: Joe Campbell (UVa Electrical and Computer Engineering).
Zhi Li (UVa), High-power photodiodes, Electrical and Computer Engineering (2011).
Advisor: Joe Campbell (UVa Electrical and Computer Engineering).
Nicolas Menicucci (Princeton University), Studies in quantum information theory, Physics Department, Princeton University (2008).
Advisor: Gerard Milburn (University of Queensland Physics).
Brett Sickmiller (UVa), High harmonic generation from transiently aligned molecules in a hollow-core
waveguide, Engineering Physics (2008).
Advisor: Bob Jones (UVa Physics).
Charles Molhoek (UVa), The effects of locally controlled strain on nanostructure formation, Engineering
Physics (2007).
Advisor: Michael Reed (UVa Electrical and Computer Engineering).
Jeremy Murray-Krezan (UVa), Probing Stark atoms (2006).
Advisor: Bob Jones (UVa Physics).
Ofir Garcia (UVa), BEC interferometry (2006).
Advisor: Cass Sackett (UVa Physics).
Kristin DeWitt (UVa), Exploring the nonequilibrium reactivity of molecules with Pt(111) (2006).
Advisor: Ian Harrison (UVa Chemistry).
Wenhui Li (UVa), Probing dipole-dipole interactions in a frozen Rydberg gas with millimeter waves (2005).
Advisor: Tom Gallagher (UVa Physics).
John Shields (UVa), The search for the CP-violating emission of an E1 photon from the Kλ → π ∗ π ∗ γ
decay (2005).
Advisor: Brad Cox (UVa Physics).
Victor Klimenko (UVa), Dielectronic recombination in external fields (2002).
Advisor: Tom Gallagher (UVa Physics).
Michael Robinson (UVa), Interactions in a frozen Rydberg gas (2002).
Advisor: Tom Gallagher (UVa Physics).
M.S. examination committees
John Brandon McClimon (UVa Engineering Physics), Synthesis and oxidation of non-stoichiometric
tungsten carbide studied by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (2013).
Advisor: Petra Reinke (UVa Materials Science Engineering).
Donald Norum (UVa Physics), Single- and multi-photon adiabatic rapid passage in lithium (2011).
Advisor: Thomas Gallagher (UVa Physics).
Brett Sickmiller (UVa Engineering Physics), High Harmonic Generation: Quasi-Phase Matching Via
Transient Molecular Alignment, Engineering Physics Ph.D. proposal (2007).
Advisor: Bob Jones (UVa Physics).
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
Jin Liu (UVa Physics), Modeling the isomerization dynamics of cesium-iodide clusters (2005).
Advisor: Lou Bloomfield (UVa Physics).
Undergraduate Advisees on independent research studies
Daniel Hackett, B.S. Physics major, Summer 2012 (NSF REU funding supplement). Advanced graphical
interface for numerical modeling of laser beam propagation
Cori Watson, B.S. Physics major, Summer 2012 (NSF REU funding supplement). Real-time data acquisition and analysis using field-programmable gate arrays
Kian Kamgar-Parsi, B.S. Physics major, Fall 2011. Description of continuous variable entanglement in
terms of effective spin operators
Jiraphat Tiamsuphat, B.S. Physics major, Fall 2010. Quantum computing in the Heisenberg picture
Ruffin Evans, B.S. Physics and Chemistry major, Goldwater and Echols Scholar, Summer 2010 (Ingrassia
Echols Scholar) and Fall 2010. Study of Bell inequalities with high-dimensional quantum systems. Published
in Quantum Information and Computation 11, 820 (2011). Ruffin received a finalist award of the
LeRoy Apker Prize of the American Physical Society for this work.
Brielin Brown, B.S. Physics and Computer Science major, Summer 2009 (NSF REU funding supplement).
Studies of continuous-variable multipartite entanglement from concurrent nonlinear optical interactions
Kian Kamgar-Parsi, Summer 2009. Numerical modeling of laser beams: programming the ABCD law,
including out-of-alignment cases, in C++
Rebecca Mahon, B.S. Physics major,
Summer 2008 (NSF REU funding supplement) and Spring 2009. Fabrication and characterization of periodically poled lithium tantalate crystals
Summer 2007 (NSF REU funding supplement) and Fall 2007. Fabrication and characterization of periodically
poled nonlinear optical crystals
Tyler Criste, B.S. Physics major, Summer 2008 (NSF REU funding supplement) . Phase-lock loops
Jennifer Cano, B.S. Physics major, Goldwater Scholar, Spring 2008. Group theory in quantum physics and
quantum computing
Siri Khalsa, B.S. Physics major, Spring 2008. Mathematical models of graph-state entanglement
Clayton Davis, B.S. Physics and Education major, Fall 2007. The locality assumption in the EPR paradox,
Bell’s theorem, and the GHZ paradox
Joseph Schaffner, B.S. Physics major, Summer 2007 (NSF REU funding supplement) and Fall 2007.
Quantum tomography: Radon transform and Wigner functions
Matthew Simons, B.S. Physics major, Summer and Fall 2006. Ultra-low-noise broadband photodetection
Jirakan Nunkaew, B.S. Physics major, Spring 2006. Continuous-variable cluster states for one-way quantum computing
Rachel Miller, Echols Scholar, Spring 2006. Saturated absorption spectroscopy of Rb
Tyrus Berry, Applied Mathematics and Physics, Optics concentrator, 2004. Saturated absorption FM laser
spectroscopy of Rb
Richard Barnes, Mathematics and Computer Science, Echols & Jefferson scholar, 2003–2004. Quantum
error correction codes for continuous variables
Kirsten Clemmensen, Astronomy-Physics, 2003. High quantum efficiency, low-noise photodetectors
James McCarter, Physics, Optics concentrator, Echols scholar, 2003. Gaussian beams. Fiber delay line
Andrew Cheung, Physics, 2003. Polarization interferometry of crystals
Evan Davis, Physics, 2003. Helium-Neon laser
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
Peter Berger, Physics, 2002. Optical second-harmonic generation in periodically poled RbT iOAsO4
Martin Blevins, Physics, 2000–2001. Characterization of nonlinear optical crystals
Amy Forrestell, Astronomy-Physics, 2000. Optical parametric oscillation
Jennifer Gannon, Physics, 2000. Optical second-harmonic generation in Na:KTP
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
External service
Reviewer and panelist, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council panel, Beckman Center,
Irvine, CA. March 17-18, 2014.
Reviewer and panelist, the National Science Foundation.
Reviewer, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, Optics Letters, Journal of the Optical Society of
America B, Optics Express, New Journal of Physics, Journal of Physics B, European Physical Journal D,
Journal of Optics B, Journal of Optics A, Optics Communications, Europhysics Letters, Nature Photonics,
Reviewer, Science Center programs, Department of State.
Faculty liaison, Student Chapter of the Optical Society of America (2007-)
Relaunched in 2011, the Chapter has hosted 2 colloquia in the past 2 years, hosting Profs. Malvin Teich
(CREOL, University of Central Florida) in 2011 and Margaret Murnane (JILA, University of Colorado)
in 2012. The student members have also done several outreach activities at local K-12 schools.
Nonlinear Optics subcommittee member, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science conference, 2008.
Session organizer and presider, 2006 Annual Meeting of the Division of Laser Science of the American
Physical Society.
Nonlinear Optics subcommittee member, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science conference, 2005.
Co-organizer, interdisciplinary conference Coding Theory and Quantum Computing, at the University of Virginia, May 2003. Invited speakers:
Prof. Mark Hillery (CUNY Hunter)
Prof. Samuel Lomonaco (UMBC)
Prof. David Meyer (UCSD)
Dr. Barbara Terhal (IBM Watson)
Dr. Steven van Enk (Bell Labs)
Dr. Caspar van der Wal (Harvard)
Dr. Lorenza Viola (LANL)
Invited speaker, Charlottesville Area School Business Alliance (7th- and 10th- grade career fairs), 2003.
Invited speaker, (Quantum Information with Photons) 2001 Meeting of the Virginia Association of Science
Teachers, Richmond, Virginia, October 2001.
Member, American Physical Society and Optical Society of America.
University service
Judge, Huskey Graduate Research exhibition (2010-2012)
Lower-Division undergraduate advisor.
Faculty Senate Subcommittee for Science and Engineering Planning and Development (2011-12)
University of Virginia Faculty Forum for Scientific Research (2002–2007).
Planning committee for the University of Virginia 2020 Initiative on Nanoscale and Quantum Engineering,
Science, and Technology (NanoQuEST. 2001–2007).
Departmental service
Chair, Teaching Committee (2010-13)
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
Chair, Graduate Admissions Committee (2005-2007)
Master of Ceremonies, Physics and Astronomy Diploma and Awards Ceremony (2005-07, 2009, 2011-14)
Graduate Program Committee (2008-13)
Undergraduate Program Committee (2002-2004, 2013)
Long-Range Planning Committee (2013)
Colloquiua and Special Lectures Committee (2013)
Engineering Physics Committee (2012)
Undergraduate Research Award Committee (2013)
Research Committee (2008-10)
National Physics Day Show (A Family-Oriented Event), Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Financial Aid committee (2005-2007)
Faculty Search Committees in AMO, CM theory, & CM experiment
AMO Seminar Committee
Committee on Instructional Laboratories and Technologies
Invited colloquium and seminar speakers (see also 2003 conference above)
Dr. Avi Pe’er, Bar-Ilan University, Exploiting the bandwidth resource of broadband bi-photons: Efficient
detection with a bi-photon interferometer, Quantum Information Seminar, 06/12/14
Akira Tanaka, Osaka University, Generation of ultra-broadband entangled photons from chirped-MgSLT
crystal: towards mono-cycle temporal entanglement generation, AMO Seminar, 02/11/13
Dr. Jietai Jing, East China Normal University, Shanghai, Realization of nonlinear interferometer and quantum correlated multiple beams using two four wave mixing amplifier in hot rubidium vapor, AMO Seminar,
Sheila Dwyer, MIT. A Quantum Enhanced Gravitational Wave Detector, AMO Seminar, 06/04/2012
Drs. Nick Bertone & Michael Wahl, picoQuant, GmbH, Time Correlated Single Photon Counting
Instrumentation and Applications Plus Photon Counting Detector Overview, AMO Seminar, 04/20/2012
Dr. Nicolas Menicucci, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Optical continuous-variable cluster
states, AMO Seminar, 08/18/2011
Dr. Scott Diddams, NIST, Combing through earth and space: Broad bandwidth approaches to optical and
infrared spectroscopy, AMO Seminar, 02/01/2011
Dr. Alexander Ling, NIST, Producing photon pairs using non-linear optical waveguides, AMO seminar,
Dr. Sae Woo Nam, NIST, Superconducting detectors for quantum information science and technology,
AMO seminar, 04/20/2009
Prof. Claude Fabre, U. Pierre et Marie Curie, Playing with quantum modes of light, AMO seminar,
Dr. Danielle Braje, NIST, Optical frequency combs with microwave repetition rates, AMO seminar,
Prof. Carl Caves, U. of New Mexico, Quantum-limited measurements: one physicist’s crooked path from
quantum optics to quantum information, colloquium, 11/07/2008
Prof. Michael Raymer, U. of Oregon, Photon wave mechanics and spin-orbit interaction in single photons,
colloquium, 09/05/2008
Olivier Pfister — May 4, 2015, 16:16
Dr. Qudsia Quraishi, U. of Colorado and NIST, Optical frequency combs for stable radiation in the
microwave, terahertz domains, AMO seminar, 02/18/2008
Dr. Ashton Bradley, U. of Queensland, Theory and applications of the truncated Wigner method for
ultra-cold Bose gases, AMO seminar, 09/25/2007
Nicolas Menicucci, Princeton U. & U. of Queensland, The Bloch representation of quantum states with
D > 2, AMO seminar, 09/03/2007
Dr. Jonathan Habif, BBN Technologies, The DARPA quantum network: scaling beyond one photon in
Boston, AMO seminar, 05/07/2007
Nicolas Menicucci, Princeton U. & U. of Queensland, Universal quantum computation with continuousvariable cluster states, AMO seminar, 12/14/2006
Prof. Luis Orozco, Joint Quantum Institute and U. of Maryland, Conditional measurements in cavity
QED, colloquium, 10/27/2006
Prof. Howard Carmichael, U. of Auckland, New Zealand, Nonclassical light and Glauber’s theory of
optical coherence, colloquium, 10/06/2006
Prof. Mark Hillery, Hunter College, City U. of New York, Entanglement conditions for two and three
mode states, AMO seminar, 08/01/2005
Prof. John Tucker, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Quantum computers and atom-scale electronics in
silicon, colloquium, 03/05/2004
Prof. Daniel Gauthier, Duke U., Measuring the information velocity in fast- and slow-light media, colloquium, 02/13/2004
Dr. Igor Zutic, Naval Research Lab., Spintronics: fundamentals and applications, CM seminar, 03/04/2004
Prof. Paul Kwiat, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Entangled photons for quantum information: 101
uses for a Schr¨
odinger cat, colloquium, 11/07/2003
Dr. David DiVincenzo, IBM Watson Labs., Prospects for quantum computation, colloquium, 01/24/2003
Dr. Fran¸
cois Bondu, Observatoire de la Cˆote d’Azur, France, Interferometric detection of gravitational
waves: technical issues and Challenges, colloquium, 10/07/2002
Dr. Daniel Gammon, Naval Research Lab., Optically probing and controlling a single quantum dot, colloquium, 01/18/2002
Prof. Min Xiao, U. of Arkansas, Atomic coherence in multilevel atomic systems and its applications, AMO
seminar, 02/19/2001
Prof. William Wootters, Williams College, Quantum entanglement as a resource for communication,
colloquium, 03/23/2001
Prof. Yanhua Shih, U. of Maryland, Baltimore County, Quantum entanglement and quantum teleportation,
colloquium, 11/01/2000
Dr. Samir Bali, Duke U., The quest for quantum degeneracy in an optically trapped gas of fermions, AMO
seminar, 01/17/2000
Dr. Mikhail Lukin, Harvard U., Ultra-slow light, AMO seminar, 12/06/1999
Prof. Alexander Sergienko, Boston U., Polarized entangled photons in quantum communications and
optical metrology, AMO seminar, 11/30/1999

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