April and May Newsletter - First Presbyterian Church
April and May Newsletter - First Presbyterian Church
NEB-KAN Parish Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Falls City, NE Hiawatha, KS April/May 2015 _________________ PARISH NEWS PALM/PASSION SUNDAY Join the throng who welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem on March 29th. We will have palms and sing “Hosanna” before asking with the crowd, ‘Who is this?’ MAUNDY THURSDAY Falls City will host the service on April 2nd. Fellowship will begin at 6:15 followed by the service at 7:00. We will celebrate Jesus’ last night with communion as we experience the gathering darkness which surrounds the death of Jesus. EASTER WORSHIP Alleluia! Alleluia! will ring from our sanctuaries on Easter Morning. Come, celebrate the risen Lord with us on April 5th. Worship in Hiawatha will be preceded by an Easter Brunch at 10:00 AM served by the youth of the church and sponsored by the Growth and Nurture Committee. A free will offering will be taken to support the youth activities. WORSHIP TIME CHANGES Worship time changes for both congregations beginning Sunday May 4th, 2014. Worship service in Hiawatha will be at 9:00 AM and Worship service in Falls City will be at 11:00 AM. PARISH CELEBRATION Roxie’s last Sunday is May 31st and she has asked that we celebrate her last Sunday together worshiping as a parish. Since the worship to elect her as pastor was held in Hiawatha the Parish Council decided to hold the final service in Falls City. The Council invites you to join them and Roxie in Celebrating together her 14 years of ministry with us on Sunday May 31st at 10:30 in Falls City. The worship service will be followed by a pot luck luncheon in the fellowship hall. Come wish Roxie well as she begins a new adventure. FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH POST OFFICE BOX 627 FALLS CITY, NE 68355-0627 Web Site Address: http://fallscity.homesteadpres.org E-Mail Address: E-Mail Address: [email protected] HIAWATHA SUPER BOWL SUNDAY Our gathering on Souper Bowl Sunday, February 1st this year, included a $220 contribution and 20 canned goods items given to the food bank. Thanks to all who participated in this caring ministry. LENTEN LUNCHEONS The final Lenten Lunch for this Lenten season is on Wednesday March 25th at First United Methodist Church with Father Dan Gardner bringing the message. STATED MEETING The Presbytery of Northern Kansas will hold their Stated Meeting on Tuesday April 21st in Ellsworth. The Presbytery will be voting on the amendments sent to the presbyteries by General Assembly. If you would like to review these amendments Roxie has copies of them available for you to see. They can also be found on at pcusa.org. MAY 2015 GRADUATES This year’s High School graduates are Ashlyn Riley and Ryker Smith from Hiawatha High School. Ashlyn will be attending KSU and Ryker will attend Highland College. Reagan Riley will be promoted from the eighth grade into high school. FALLS CITY, continued STATED MEETING The Homestead Presbytery Stated Meeting will be held in Tekamah on Thursday May 21st. At this meeting Roxie will be ‘Honorably Retired” along with greeting new members to the presbytery. Pray for the presbytery as it meets. SCHOOL KITS At the congregational meeting in January we decided to prepare 100 school kits for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. We have started making the bags the school items will be put in and now it is time to begin collecting the things to put in the bags. We need 100 of each item please bring boxes of 24 crayons on March 22nd, 12” rulers on Easter Morning, large erasers on April 12th, pencil sharpeners on April 19th, and blunt scissor on April 26th. We will purchase in bulk pencils, construction paper and spiral notebooks. We will gather after worship on May 17th to put the items in to the bags. The school bags will be taken to the Presbytery Meeting on May 21st so they can catch the truck to Arkansas. SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM 2014 The Summer Lunch Program will again be sponsored by the Falls City Area Ministerial Association. The program provides a noon meal for all children under 18 (Children under 3 need to be accompanied by an adult or care provider) and runs from June 2nd through July 31st. Mornings begin at 11:30 with lunch at noon. The children are off to afternoon activities by 12:30. This program runs on volunteers. We need food preparers, servers and clean-up as well as children tenders. Please share some of your time this summer with the children of our community. Sign up to volunteer by speaking to Roxie. FALLS CITY SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY Our congregational offering for Souper Bowl Sunday, February, 1st, was $40.00 to the ministerial association’s helping fund and 42 items for the food pantry. Thanks to all who joined in this caring ministry. SERMONS A LA CARTE March 27th at St Peter and Paul Catholic Church with Roxie Sullivan preaching on “deliver us from evil’. April 3rd at First Church of the Nazarene with Andrew Chavanak preaching on ‘for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory’. There will be no lunch served. HUMBOLDT COMMUNITY CHOIR The annual Palm Sunday performance by the Humboldt Community Choir will be on March 29th with performances at 2:00 and 4:30. The choir will present “The Easter Story” by Tom Frettke and Thomas Grassi. Jennifer James (and probably Dick) is singing in the choir. The music will be inspirational and seasonal so put the date on your calendar. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN EVENING CIRCLE The April 13th meeting of evening Circle will be at Marlene Schwarting’s (2712 McLean). Roxie Sullivan will lead the lesson. The May meeting of evening Circle will be May 11th at Sharan Kerl’s home (1740 320th Street). Sharan Kerl will also PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN be giving the lesson. BAPTISM The Baptism of Noah Kristopher Glather will be May 3rd. The family is hosting a reception following the worship service HIAWATHA, Continued EARLY EVENING CIRCLE The April meeting is the 13th at the home of Deloris Ripple (601 Miami). Deloris Ripple will lead devotions and Roxie Sullivan will lead the Bible Study ~ Lesson #8~ ”Power, Authority, and Honor are not Always What We Expect” May’s meeting is the 11th at the home of Deloris Ripple (610 Miami). Barb Rupe will have devotions and Roxie Sullivan will lead the Bible Study ~ Lesson #9 ~ “A Call to Apostleship in the Twenty-first Century” Coffee and cookies are served each Sunday morning. We hope you will join us for this time of fellowship. Servers for April & May are: April 05- Easter Brunch April 12 - Mary Jane Dawson April 19- Linda Jimeson April 26 - Robyn Lanter GREETERS AND USHERS April - Jim and Barb Rupe May 03- Lynn Lanter May 10 - Mother’s Day May 17- Honor the Graduate May 24- Jena Meyer May 31-Parish Celebration May - Debi Wright and Robyn Lanter RELY FOR LIFE This annual event will be held again on June 12th. We will have our own team this year. The church will be a Gold Sponsor and each team member should pay their entrance fee to the church. Pam Smith has agreed to be captain. She will hand out & collect the envelopes. Please sign up with her to be part of the team. Our Lord asks us to pray for each other, in an effort to help focus our prays here is a list with the name of a person or family or church employee in the parish for which to pray each day in April and in May 2015. We will pray through the list about every four months. When your day to receive pray approaches and you have a special request please make that request known during the worship service so we can pray specifically for your needs. APRIL 2015 1. Nancy Foster 2. Michele Gaskell 3. Kris, Allison, Ella, Brynna, &Noah 4. Lucille Hawks Glather 5. Ron Hazard 6. Jan Hixson 7. Brian, Jamie, Alaina & Lincoln Hopp 8. Russ Hurkman 9. Chick & Carole James 10. Dick & Jennifer James 11. Matthew James 12. Sarah James 13. Art & Linda Jimeson 14. Mary Lou Johnson 15. Leon & Carolyn Joy 16. Rod Joy family 17. Dorothy Kerl 18. Sharan Kerl 19. Wyatt, Alison & Aubrey Kerl 20. Ed Kirkendall family 21. Thelma Kirkendall 22. Dorothy Kline 23. Thomas Kopf family 24. Aaron, Robyn, Austyn & Natalee Lanter 25. Keith & Lynn Lanter 26. Linda Leuty 27. Robin Leuty 28. Stanley Lewis 29. Becki Libhart 30. John & Kathy Martin MAY 2015 1. Rick Martin 2. Kelby, Jena, Kolby, Kloie & Adalyn 3. Dick Moses family Meyer 4. Jerry& Cathy Newland 5. El Dana Nichols 6. Mark Nowack 7. Mark & Carla Patterson 8. Virginia Peck 9. Jordyn Petro & Bentley Wintz 10. Bill, Christy, Morgan & Jordan Phroper 11. Darcy Pralle & Morgan Horsch 12. Deb Push 13. Paul Rieger family 14. Ken & Cheryl Riley 15. Mike, Courtney, Ashlyn & Reagan Riley 16. Harold & Deloris Ripple 17. Jim & Barbara Rupe 18. John, Amy & Katie Russell 19. Jean Sailors 20. Edith Scheuerman 21. Gabi Schuetz 22. Marty Schuetz 23. Rhonda Schuetz 24. Larry & Marlene Schwarting 25. Terry, Pam & Ryker Smith 26. Kristin Soden & Cade 27. Marcy Stalder 28. Merle Stalder 29. Brittany Stevens 30. Wayne & Betty Stoller 31. Roxie Sullivan EASTER LILIES Anyone who would like to purchase a lily in honor of or in memory of a loved one, please call the church office. The Easter Morning bulletin will include those dedication. The cost is usually about $8.00 per lily. SUNRISE SERVICE Our congregation will be hosting the Sunrise Service on Easter morning for the Fellowship of Christians. The service will begin at 6:30. There will be a combined choir join in this celebration. Roxie will bring the good news of the resurrection as we join in singing ‘Alleluia’. Coffee and sweet rolls will be served following the service. “As Jesus Christ is God’s assurance of the forgiveness of all our sins, so in the same way and with the same seriousness is he also Gods mighty claim upon our whole life. Through him befalls us a joyful deliverance from the godless fetters of this world for a free, grateful service to his creatures.” The Theological Declaration of Barmen 8.14