"Are You Ready and Able to Protect Yourself and - Fitness-Copy


"Are You Ready and Able to Protect Yourself and - Fitness-Copy
WARNING: If you unexpectedly find yourself in a violent situation... you have 3
seconds to react. Do you know what to do?
"Are You Ready and Able to Protect Yourself
and Your Family from Criminals Who Want
to Hurt You or Your Loved Ones?
Former Navy Seal and Self Defense Expert Shows You How to
Program Simple, Effective Self-Defense Moves into Your Mind
and Body so They Automatically Come to You When You Need to
Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones from an Attack!
These simple yet powerfully effective self-defense tactics have helped
thousands of our students protect themselves and their families against
"real world" violent attacks. Now you too can learn them from the comfort
of home —no matter your age, gender, experience, or physical ability...
Dear Friend,
It's no secret... we live in a crazy, messed up world today. Robbery, murder, car jacking,
school shootings. There are sick people out there who want to cause you and your family
serious harm if given the chance.
My question is... are you going to let them? Are you prepared to stop them? Or will you
be like most who unfortunately believe that 'nothing is going to happen to me.'
Until it does. And then... they have no idea what to do when suddenly faced with a “life or
death” situation. All they can do is stand there paralyzed by fear as criminals do what they
want. Bottom line, if you'd like a GUARANTEED way to protect yourself and your loved ones
from a brutal attack...whether you're armed or unarmed...you'll want to read this important
message. Here's why.
My name is Larry Yatch and I'm a retired Navy Seal, current firearms instructor and selfdefense expert here in Minnesota. I own a firing range and self-defense facility called “Sealed
Mindset”. Here's a picture of us and our crew...
Here at Sealed Mindset... we teach simple, practical, effective self defense techniques you
can use with or without a firearm to protect yourself against violent attacks.
As a Navy Seal, I've learned how to handle myself in some of the most stressful and
dangerous “life or death” situations... both armed and unarmed. So I know what works when it
comes to self-defense.
These days... my mission is to help keep law-abiding people safe by teaching them selfdefense techniques that are simple to learn and easy to use.
I guess you can say protecting people and self-defense is my life... it's what I know and do
best. As a Navy Seal... serving and protecting civilians was my duty. And just because I'm
retired doesn't mean my passion to protect law-abiding citizens is gone.
So when I retired from the Navy Seals after 10 years, I decided to dedicate the rest of my life
to learning the world's most effective tactics that I could teach regular, average civilians to use
in order to protect themselves and their loved ones from criminals stalking our streets.
What's more, my method of teaching will help you learn quickly and retain those skills so they
come to you immediately, in the heat of battle, without having to think about them!
There's a HUGE Reason We Train Self-Defense Tactics in
this Specific Way
See, even though I'm a Navy Seal... it's a proven fact that we all react to stress the same
way... mentally and physically.
In other words, during the extreme stress of a violent encounter... our brains and bodies
undergo chemical changes that allow us to do SOME things and limit us from doing others.
In a real “fight for your life” situation... your ability to move is shut down or severely limited.
We have trouble thinking, we can't speak, our fine motor skills are limited, our hearing is
distorted, and we get tunnel vision.
Basically, your body freezes up and becomes paralyzed. This “fight or flight” response is
genetically hardwired in us all since back in the caveman days... when we used it to protect
ourselves from predators.
That's Why We Teach You How to Work WITH Your Body's
Natural Responses and Leverage Them to Win an attack
Thankfully, there are ways to overcome the effects and limitations of your body if you're faced
with an attacker trying to harm you.
Since I know what happens to our bodies during a stressful attack... I teach effective
techniques that work WHEN your body is almost paralyzed by fear.
So here at our training studio, we've learned how to work with those limitations... and
incorporate reactionary responses that could mean the difference between surviving an
attack or not. Instead of submitting to an attack, there are simple, effective self-defense
moves you can use to your advantage to protect yourself and your family during an attack.
I'm talking techniques that are field tested and proven to be “real world” effective.
Surviving A Life-Or-Death Attack Isn't Flashy Like You See
on TV or in Martial Arts Movies...
Look, humans have VERY limited physical abilities when faced with a real threat.
The “fight or flight” response makes it impossible for you to use any fancy kicks and strikes
like you see in martial arts movies. Those will NOT do you any good in a real life or death
situation. You don't have time or the distance to pull off some fancy spinning back kick. Your
body can't function well enough to perform a lot of complex motor movements.
Winning any fight or neutralizing any attacker comes down to just a handful of moves and
tactics. Better yet, you CAN actually program a few simple, proven-effective tactics into your
brain and body so they come to you even during times of extreme stress.
It's true. See, I wanted these self-defense tactics to be like second nature to you if you find
yourself in a violent situation.
So I researched the easiest way for any person to learn and use these techniques without
thinking. I found out about Neuroscience and how it can accelerate learning these techniques.
Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system in humans. I learned that you can literally
program your nervous system to react on demand with certain self-defense moves that get
triggered automatically. This means these self-defense techniques get hardwired into your
brain and body from repetition... so you can automatically use them without thinking about it.
Instead of being vulnerable because your body shut down... these effective self-defense
techniques are ingrained and hard wired into your brain, body and nervous system... so that
you perform them while you're in the heat of battle... EVEN as that initial threat forces your
body to freeze. You'll react instinctively and use these techniques whether you're armed or
unarmed. Becaue of that... you can protect yourself and your family without even thinking
about it.
You just react calmly, with a clear head and you'll instinctively perform proven self-defense
moves that will neutralize any danger and overtake any attacker.
We Realized These Techniques Could Literally Mean the
Difference Between Life or Death!
Here's an example. We've learned that people with some firearms training can draw and fire
their gun in one second or less.
But most gun fights and lethal situations are in very close quarters, when the attacker is at
arm's length or when they have their hands on you.
In that case, the attacker could effectively stop you from using your gun. So, you need to be
able to keep the attacker back long enough for you to get a shot off.
Since your motor skills are greatly limited during an attack and adrenaline dump, this HAS to
be a programmed response... something that's hardwired into your body and brain.
This way... even with the minimal motor skills you'll have, you can learn a few powerful moves
that can separate you from your attacker long enough to create distance and separation for
you to either get away, fire off a shot, or use another tool.
We'll Show you an Attacker's Most Vulnerable Spots!
Look, your attacker WILL be human. And every human being is made up of bones, tissue,
organs and nerves.
No matter how big or strong your attacker is... they'll have the same vulnerable spots you and
I do. Your job is to get to their vulnerable spots before they do.
And it doesn't matter if your attacker is 6'5” with rippling hard muscles everywhere... if you
know what to do and how to do it... you can injure, cripple, or kill any attacker.
Whether you're armed or not... whether your attacker has a weapon... with some simple,
proven-effective techniques you can learn from home...you can quickly and calmly neutralize
any attack in seconds and defend your family from a life or death situation.
Even if you're a bit older, not as strong as you used to be, and not in shape... you can defend
yourself against skilled, stronger, and more powerful opponent.
I've seen regular, average men who were older and not athletic be able to neutralize violent
attackers who were threatening them. You don't need to be strong, fast, or in shape. And you
don't need any experience or fighting skills.
Let's Face it... It's a New, Vicious World We Live In...
In this day and age... riots, widespread panic, and chaos can happen any time.
Did you ever think that Hurricane Katrina would force hundreds of thousands of people into a
“survival of the fittest” situation. There was story after story that talked about rapes and
violent attacks going on in shelters. Stories of people killing others for material possessions.
That's the kind of world we live in. Based on sheer statistics alone... the odds are hight
that you'll encounter an attack at some point in your life. And my goal is to help regular,
average people of this great country protect themselves when the proverbial “shit hits the fan”
in our country.
The amount of crime and violence that COULD happen if the U.S. economy comes crashing
down or a disaster causes widespread panic. It will be absolute chaos.
The fact is... big cities like LA, Chicago and New York will always be a target for terrorists. And
there are more school shootings then ever. According to the FBI... a murder happens every
35 minutes in the US, a rape every 6 minutes, a robbery every 2 minutes, and an assault
every 39 seconds.
Pretty startling statistics, right? It's tough just thinking about it, I know. But the fact is, you DO
have to think about it because....
Being Unprepared Can Get you Killed!
You need to be ready in case you suddenly find yourself in a violent encounter.
Don't wait until it's too late to realize that you're helpless to protect your wife or your kids.
I truly believe most people simply do NOT understand just how quickly things can go wrong.
Sure, you may feel confident now. But when faced with an actual lethal threat... your body
WILL act in a way that's completely out of your control.
If you want to survive and protect yourself... be prepared instead of just thinking you can
handle yourself. By learning just a few simple, easy self-defense moves...you'll be prepared to
protect yourself or your family from thugs. Being prepared will help you feel more confident
when you're out at night, walking the streets.
Whether it's leaving a movie theater or walking in a parking lot downtown. you'll be able to
face any situation with confidence.
And let me just say... as a former, highly trained Navy Seal... I've learned the best selfdefense skills in the world. I purposely created and refined my self-defense techniques so that
everyday, regular people could use them without any long training, super physical abilities, or
any special advantages.
I know you're often too busy to sign up for self-defense classes... so I purposely created this
so you can...
Learn it from the Comfort and Privacy of Your Home
Over the last 7 years... I've studied the world's best combat styles, martial arts, and selfdefense systems. I've learned and tested out thousands of techniques... kept the most
effective techniques that worked and were proven effective by science and real world
results... and put them all into a step by step video training course that you can use to protect
yourself and loved ones.
I learned what it took for ANY regular, average person to win against an attack... whether
armed or unarmed. From all of my years of rigorous training... I can honestly tell you that the
simple self-defense tactics I teach regular folks can help anyone protect their family from a
violent criminal.
In fact, I've created a VERY effective training system that helps you learn faster by practicing
and experiencing certain situations... both armed and unarmed.
These self-defense techniques help you feel confident knowing you can respond in times of
stress when facing imminent danger.
Because I want to help as many people as possible be prepared in times of danger... I
created Sealed Mindset Video training series... the first and only at-home self-defense training
course that hard wires techniques into your neurology so you don't have to remember them.
The techniques are taught to you in a way so they're ingrained into your mind and body using
Neuroscience so you can use them instinctively at a moment's notice against any attacker.
Introducing the Navy SEAL Firearms Training 8 Part
Video Series...
This 8-part video training was designed for any regular, average person who wants to protect
themselves and their family from violent predators.
You don't need to be a world class athlete, karate black belt, or hulking muscle man.
Anyone, regardless of previous training, can learn and REMEMBER the techniques.
My instructors are using this material in over 140 live training sessions at our training facility
every month.
As you can see in the video below, all of the techniques are demonstrated by a skilled
instructor... so you know exactly what to do. In Lesson 1: Never Unarmed - this means that no
matter where you are, you always have weapons around you can use at your disposal if you
know where to look.
As you can see in the video above, all of the techniques are demonstrated by a skilled
instructor... so you know exactly what to do.
How important is this information to your safety and your family's protection?
Well, in Lesson 1: Never Unarmed you'll learn that no matter where you are... you always
have weapons around you can use at your disposal if you know where to look. So even if you
THINK you're unarmed... you're not.
You Get Eight Training Sessions in All... Including the
Skills and Techniques... practice drills and exercises
In these 8 video training sessions, we give you the fundamentals and foundation needed to
effectively defend yourself against an attacker... whether you have a firearm or not.
We've found that even if you have a tool, like a gun - you still need to learn how to physically
defend yourself effectively.
Even with a gun, you're vulnerable. You still have to know how to protect yourself if you're
carrying. Like we mentioned, most gun fights happen when the bad guy is at arm's length
from you. They can reach out, grab you, hit you, and do many things to hurt you.
We'll teach you how to break away and separate yourself from an attacker and create enough
distance to get a shot off, run, or use another defensive tool.
Even if you're unarmed... you still have weapons you can use anytime you need to thwart off
violent attackers. The drills you'll learn in the video training will program the techniques into
your subconscious so they become reactionary responses.
Most firearms training videos show you high speed live drills on a range. But this is the first
training is designed to be used at home... but it also helps you practice and experience things
as if they were really happening.
These Self Defense Techniques Work Whether You're
Armed or Unarmed
We'll cover the basic fundamentals of shooting- The draw, deterrence, reloads,
malfunctions, multiple targets and transitions, dynamic weapon positions
After each video training sessions, you'll get the correlating training drills to do. You'll
have Video Drills-Written Drills and Live Fire Drills
You'll learn specific techniques from all 8 sessions: For shooting fundamentals, you'll
learn Stance, Grip, Sight Picture, Trigger Press, Follow Through, Shooting Cycles
Techniques taught during Session 3: Concealed Draw, Sealed Mindset Deterrence
Techniques Taught: Inside 45 Degree Transition and Outside 45 Degree Transition
Combat versus competitive target transitions
instruction on Multiple Targets and Transitions
Where does reset happen and why
Techniques Taught: Load and Unload - Tactical Reloads-Emergency Reloads
Resetting trigger gun
Malfunctions- Soft & Hard Malfunctions
Loading and Unloading and how it relates to Malfunctions
Why Alternative Carry Positions and how did to use them in real life?
What Others Have Said about this Video Training...
Why Sealed Mindset is Different and Better than the Rest
Again, the main difference with this course and others is that we designed ours around the
science of how your brain actually learns and absorbs information.
This allows you to learn faster, retain information, and be able to USE the techniques during a
stressful attack. The drills will actually imprint these self-defense techniques directly into your
nervous system.
Without conscious effort... you'll be able to use them during life or death situations... without
freezing up or feeling paralyzed with fear. Even if you've never been in a real life or death
situation... I created these techniques and videos using a "quick learning" mechanism so
anyone can absorb the information as fast as possible.
That's why I include drills you can use to get your body used to responding to an event.
With proper drills, you can train your mind, body, muscles, and nerves to react under stressful
conditions and be ready to react a certain way if an attack happens.
That's why we use the Neuroscience based modules of “learn, practice, experience” to train
your body and mind to work together and automatically use these responses during an attack,
without having to think about them.
You'll be able to react faster and more decisively. This at-home firearm self-defense training is
based on learning small, simple, repetitious steps so you absorb the self-defense techniques
faster. The methods are broken down into simple, step by step chunks so the techniques
become hard wired into your brain, body and nervous system to react a certain way during
"Learn - Practice - Experience"
After all, you can't really “think” during a lethal threat. The only thing you can do is train your
mind and body to react a certain way.
Using these techniques and training yourself in these movements will program your body and
mind to react and deal with any violent situation and lethal attack... whether you're armed or
You'll feel confident walking back from the movies at night, with your family... knowing you can
handle any situation and protect them from harm. Your family will feel safer and more secure
knowing that you can take care of them and protect them if an attack happens.
In fact... learning this stuff will give you such confidence... you'll have a look that just says...
I'm Not Someone you want To Mess Around With!
Imagine the peace and confidence you have knowing your skills can protect loved ones no
matter what kind of trouble you find yourself in.
This video course will give you THE most effective self-defense tools available today. You can
instantly use what you learn anytime you need... only you don't have to think about it.
You won't have to worry about what to do if you find yourself in a violent situation.
Never, Ever Walk the Streets in Fear Again!
Learning the self-defense methods in this 8-session video course will be the best peace of
mind you can buy.
Don't wait until it's too late. You have no idea when and if you'll find yourself in a violent
encounter. Believe me, you don't want to wait until you find yourself in an attack situation to
realize you wish you had learned how to defend yourself. You don't want to wait until you or
one of your family members have been hurt.
Let's face it, most attacks are a surprise that you're not expecting. That's what causes your
body to create this “fight or flight” response that causes you to freeze. Having this system
programmed into your mind and body means you won't have to worry about your body
“freezing up” with fear. No worry about your mind going blank or an adrenaline dump forcing
your body to shut down. You won't just stand there, paralyzed by fear, as you're attacked.
With this system ingrained in your mind and body due to the training... you'll jump to the
occasion in seconds and neutralize your attacker before any harm can come to you or your
family. And since it's easy to program into your mind and body, it's great for guys who don't
have time to spend on taking self-defense classes. And it's better than signing up for a martial
arts class that won't prepare you for real world fights.
Claiming to be prepared for an attack is one thing. ACTUALLY being ready and able to handle
a lethal attack is another... and it's something you MUST be prepared for. It won't just “come
to you” when you're in the middle of a life or death moment.
You're in Charge of Your Family's Safety!
That's why I want as many people as possible to watch the videos. I want to help regular,
average ordinary citizens be prepared and protect themselves against slime ball thugs who
like to target and prey on others.
I feel, as a former Navy Seal, that it's my duty and obligation to protect the people of this great
country. And one way to do that is to help protect you against violent attackers and criminals
who want to hurt you. So if you're serious about protecting yourself and your loved ones...
which I'm sure you are, there's no need to wait.
I've set up the learning modules so you can master these self-defense techniques quickly and
easily, right from the comfort and privacy of your own home. That's right, they are available
right now, as instant downloaded videos you can start watching in just minutes from now.
You can watch these videos over and over to get repetition of each and every move. This will
help your understanding and give you a faster learning experience.
Here's a "sneak peek"of the incredible secrets you'll learn when you watch the videos
How to protect yourself and your family against ANY attacker. It doesn't matter how old,
small, or weak you are, you can separate yourself from an attacker.
Tricks I learned as a Navy Seal and weaved into this course that will take you from
absolute self-defense beginner to skilled expert in a very short time
Why simple changes in your stance could mean the difference between being safe or
being injured by thugs.
Proven-effective Self-Defense moves that require no strength or skill at all. You can still
use them when you’re attacked by bigger, stronger guys who are on drugs!
How to control the adrenaline dump that occurs during stressful, violent situations!
You’ll be calm, cool, and effective no matter how stressful it gets
Why a simple change in your mindset could mean the difference between being the
winner or loser when fighting for your life.
How to react the instant a threat appears and do what you need to do to neutralize the
attack, even as the adrenaline hits your system.
How to lock “new” techniques into your long-term memory and nervous system so they
automatically come to you in times of stress
How to get away from a bigger, stronger attacker... keeping you safe from real injury
How to use a strong, oversized man's size and power against him. This is one area of
martial arts that works... using the attacker's size against him.
How to survive the most stressful attacks with simple moves you can learn from home.
How to instantly get away from anyone who walks up to you and points a gun at you
The most important moves you can make in any armed confrontation
The fastest, safest, and easiest way to ensure you're not shot during an armed attack
Plus much, MUCH more...
This Has Been Called the Single Most Effective Training!
Some of the world's most advanced self-defense instructors have called this THE most
effective self-defense system they've seen.
They say the use of cutting-edge Neuroscience to hardwire and ingrain this system into your
body and mind so you can use it in a split second without thinking... that's what makes it
better than the rest of the self-defense systems.
Now, if you trained with me here at my studio, it would cost you the travel expenses and the
lesson cost of $200 per hour to learn this. And since it takes hours to cover everything... you'd
be looking at $2,000 to $3,000 to learn this stuff privately from me.
I've had fellow Navy Seals, and police officers from all around the country sign up for training
here at my studio. They travel for miles and miles and pay me thousands of dollars to learn
these self-defense tactics.
But thanks to modern technology... I can put my techniques down in instant video format, so
you can watch and learn this from the comfort of your home. And because of that, you don't
have to invest in travel costs or private lessons with me. You can learn this self-defense
system in the privacy of your own home for a fraction of what I charge for in-studio training.
I felt a duty and obligation to make this system accessible to everyone and not just high
paying private clients. And since I know the cost and my location would be a hurdle for some
people... I decided to film my self-defense methods and knock the price down to hardly
THAT is why I put this entire self-defense system down on video, for a tiny fraction of what I
charge my in-studio clients. This video version contains the same exact techniques and
tactics I train my in-studio clients.
You Can Get the Same Training I Offer at my Studio... but
You Can Get it at Home for a Tiny Fraction of what my
Students Pay!
Think about this…you can get this same exact self-defense video training instruction for a tiny
fraction of what my in-person clients pay.
And you can use it right in the comfort of your own home. In a very short time, you'll have all
the self-defense skills you need to protect yourself and loved ones from any attack. You won't
have to invest the $2,000 my in-studio clients pay to get this instruction here in person at my
training facility. In fact, it won’t even cost you half of that... or even ¼.
When you take advantage of this special offer right now, your total investment comes to $47.
The reason why it’s this inexpensive is simple: The thought of the good guys being preyed on
by psychos that want to hurt them motivates me to get this simple fighting system into the
hands of everyone who wants to protect their families from thugs and violent criminals. We
can all work together to stops these scumbags.
Act Now and Get The Following BONUSES WORTH $197
Bonus #1: 3 One Hour Video Presentations(Value $)
Bonus #2: (Value $)
Bonus #3: (Value $)
3 1 hour video presentations that Larry did on leadership, innovation, and courage. When he
did them live, he sold them out at $49/seat. "SEALed mindset" and
When you order today, you get these free – so act now!
100%, Money Back, Satisfaction Guarantee!
Don’t even make up your mind right now. Just go ahead and get the 8 session video training
series today and try it out.
Take a full 60 days to go through the 8 sessions and practice the techniques. If for any reason
you're not 100% delighted – if you don’t agree that you'll be able to use what you learn to
protect yourself and your loved ones.. simply let me know and you'll get a rapid, no hassle
100% refund. And, just as a way of saying thanks for trying it out, you can KEEP the bonuses.
Look, you need a self-defense system that works every single time, without fail. It could
mean the difference between going home, going to the hospital, or going to the funeral home.
This 8-part video training series is THE only proven-effective self-defense system based on
neuroscience. So you know what to do. If you're ready to protect yourself and your loved ones
from the criminals that we all unfortunately have to deal with in our society.
This is one way you can make them pay dearly if they mess with you. Go ahead and order
now while it's fresh on your mind.
P.S. Learning this stuff can literally mean the difference between life and death. That's why I
want you to take this entire video series for a spin —without any risk or financial obligation.
You don't need to be here in person at my studio to learn this and you don't need a training
partner to practice.
So, go ahead and order. If you happen to find yourself in a sudden attack one day, you'll be
able to handle yourself quickly, easily, and with confidence. And your attacker is going to wish
he had targeted on someone else.