FPC draft minutes 20 Jan


FPC draft minutes 20 Jan
DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of Fressingfield Parish Council
held in the Sancroft
Hall, Fressingfield
on Tuesday 20 January 2015
Present: Prue Rush; Garry Deeks; Peter Davidson; Caroline Day; Philip Eastgate; Judy Fullam; Warren Last;
Malcolm Roberts; Ian Smith; Nick Stolls; Peter Vincent; Keith Wykes
In Attendance: Cllr Marilyn Curran; Carol A Smy (Clerk)
3 members of the public
PUBLIC FORUM: one resident stated that it should be noted that people were generally not against
development but were concerned at the particular site near School Lane being used. One person who resided
near the school was concerned at traffic going past and felt there could be an alternative entrance created to
avoid vehicles passing the school. It was mentioned that the move from Cratfield Road to a newly formed culde-sac ensured no through traffic and a car park would not solve problems but would encourage fast traffic but
an alternative entrance/exit would ameliorate this. A request was made for more detail of the proposed
housing as there were people interested in the likely properties available. A question was posed about the
future of the houses on Stradbroke Road if the gardens were used for housing. This was nothing to do with the
proposal at issue as owners could apply for planning permission for their gardens at any time. Light pollution
and traffic were the concerns of another resident. Development in the village was preferred but not on this site
so that ‘woodland’ could be preserved by using another area for housing. Someone had heard that an
ecological survey had been completed; this was not so but once the commissioned survey was complete it
would be submitted to MSDC. It was also stated that it would be a good thing to put the chapel by the school
and the proposed footpath would provide a safe route to the medical centre. The car park would alleviate
congestion in the vicinity. The chapel building was intended as a facility for all to use and being in the centre
of the village would make it convenient for all. The area of the settlement boundary was questioned and it was
explained again (as had been done at the previous meeting attended by MSDC’s Lead Planning Officer) that
this no longer existed in its previous form. There were likely to be three or four other proposals submitted for
development but at what time was unknown. It was stressed that the Parish Council did not dictate the number
of houses required for the village; the proposed Housing Needs Survey would direct development in
accordance with the results it provided. Another resident with links to the school stated that a car park near
the school had been needed for years; the current double parking was extremely dangerous and the proposed
footpath would prevent the general public having free access to the school. The proposal would make it much
safer for the children.
15.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave the reminder that whilst it was now
legal to record Parish Council meetings it was good manners to inform the meeting that this was taking
place. Also, members of the public must be given the opportunity to object to being filmed.
15.2 Apologies for absence were received from: Paul Clark; PCSO Steven Long
15.3 Members’ Declarations of Interest – PGD & IS item 15.6.4.ii
15.4 Dispensations – there were no requests
15.5 The Minutes of Last Meeting – 18 November 2014; approved unanimously and signed. Prop: GD;
seconded KW
15.6 To consider any Planning Matters including:
15.8.1 No applications for consideration at this meeting
15.6.2 Applications considered at previous planning meetings:
Approval recommended for:
3089/14 retention of works including replacement of 9 x windows, rainwater goods and internal alterations
Lodge Farm, Gules Green Lane
3101/14 erection of first floor extension to rear
Jubilee Cottage, Stradbroke Road
3472/14 tree work
2 Tansy Meadow
15.6.3 Notification of decisions reached by MSDC:
Approval was granted for:
3101/14 erection of first floor extension to rear
Jubilee Cottage, Stradbroke Road
3042/14 non-compliance c/w condition 4 of p/permission 0047/03 (restriction to use as holiday
accommodation) to enable use as residential on a permanent basis
Red House Farm, Priory Road
3472/14 tree works
2 Tansy Meadow
The following application had listed building consent refused:
3089/14 retention of works including replacement of 9 x windows, rainwater goods and internal alterations
Lodge Farm, Gules Green Lane
15.6.4 Other Planning Matters:
15.6.4.i 3621/14 application of 90mm weber insulation with textured render finish. Paintwork to be matched
with existing external colour
Orchard Cottage, Laxfield Road
The above application was withdrawn
15.6.4.ii the Council informally discussed the presentation displayed in the Sancroft Hall prior to the meeting
on a proposed development for the land by School Lane. PGD and IS absented themselves from the
discussion. Comments made:
Ugly design for the chapel building; this needed to be re-considered
Ideally all proposals for development would be viewed together
Development was needed
Parking was currently dangerous and the car park would be used and would be a useful additional facility for the school
Doubts raised that car park would be used; speed should be addressed
Hard to assess the plan until the proposed number of houses was known
The Chapel building was characterless and appeared too industrial for a rural village
Traffic would not be passing directly in front of the school leading to greater safety
Construction traffic could pose a danger to children so perhaps a limit could be set to the times such vehicles could come and
There was a requirement for all levels of housing in the village
Fressingfield could not remain aloof from the need for housing and there were no building plots available other than
exceptions sites. Demand was not yet known for the number of dwellings needed (either for rent or ownership) but the
MSDC housing list probably exceeds the number of properties proposed. A Housing Needs Survey would illustrate the
requirement and that could be acted upon. Car parking could be seen as a problem but practical, sensible measures could be
put in place to keep children and pedestrians safe.
15.6.4.iii a planning meeting would take place on 03 Feb 15
Matters of Report:
15.7.1 The Fressingfield Tree Plant – 28 oak saplings had been procured for planting at the school to
commemorate Fressingfield’s war dead of WW1. This item would now be removed from the agenda.
15.7.2 Benches and Notice Boards – Church Street board awaiting better weather
15.7.3 Dog signs and waste bins – bins received but fixtures need to be ordered. The Chairman and Clerk
would walk the proposed areas for bins to ascertain suitable places for them to be sited. Suggested areas were
at the end of Priory Crescent near the oak/post box and opposite/near the Old School. PGD kindly offered to
provide posts, if required.
Chairman and Clerk to action
15.7.4 MSDC Community Achievement Award – unfortunately, those proposed were not selected to
receive an award
15.7.5 Housing Needs Survey/Parish Plan update - four members met Sunila Osborne on 19 January 2015
(Clerk in attendance) and were given an update on the Housing Needs Survey. If the Council decided to
proceed with a survey then it was suggested that two months or so should be given over to advertising so
residents were aware that it would be in circulation. The questionnaires would need to be delivered by hand
with a closing date of two weeks after delivery to ensure the best result. The results of the analysis should be
available 2/3 months after the closing date (backlog at CAS). The Council could suggest additional questions
but those directed at shops, green spaces, play areas were best dealt with in a different survey. There had been
changes since the last survey was undertaken and rural exception sites were generally only considered for
affordable housing. The scope of HNS had been broadened to enable those owner-occupiers that might wish to
down-size but remain in the village to purchase a market property to enable them to relinquish their large one.
GD proposed proceeding with a Housing Needs Survey as soon as possible; seconded IS; Members agreed
unanimously. PR, GD, JF, MR would comprise the working party and would meet soon to work on questions
and logistics.
Clerk to action
To receive the Financial Report & Approval of Accounts for payment:
15.8.1 Approval of accounts for payment – cheques as per appended sheet – prop ; seconded ; unanimous
15.8.2 Account balances at 31 December 2014:
Current account: £24,293.63
Tracker account: £19,785.59
There were 3 unpresented cheques totalling: £1,993.16
Balance at 31 December 2014: £42,086.06
15.8.3 Budget and precept setting – the FGPWG met to formulate a budget for 2015/16. It was recommended
that an extra column be added to the reserves for Cemetery Maintenance (fabric). It was also recommended
that the unspent amounts for street light energy from 2008/9 onwards be calculated and added on an annual
basis to the Street Light Renewal account. Cost of grass cutting at the Playingfield would be increased to
£1,428.50; the Clerk was asked to seek and alternative quote from Matthew Hammond. The Finance and
General Purposes Working Party had recommended the precept remain at £15,300 for the FY 2015/16. PGD
proposed acceptance of the budget and precept proposals in their entirety, seconded MR and agreed
15.8.4 The estimate of charges had been received for the forthcoming elections. If the election to the PC was
contested this year the fee would be iro £702; uncontested £87.50.
15.8.5 Due to Christmas, New Year and holidays the assets register remained to be reviewed
15.8.6 A legal briefing from NALC had been received on the Transparency Code for Parish Councils with an
annual turnover not exceeding £25,000: WEF 01 April 2017 (Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014) the
council would be exempt external audit. In its place the Council would be subject to the Code to enable local
electors and ratepayers to access relevant information about the accounts and governance. The Clerk would be
attending a briefing on this topic in early March.
15.8.7 The Clerk’s appraisal had been satisfactorily undertaken.
To receive reports from the County & District Councillors and the Community Beat Officer:
15.9.1 County Councillor – no report
15.9.2 District Councillor - Cllr Curran brought the following items to the attention of the meeting: free
insulation was available from Suffolk Energy Action; meetings were being organised for councils on the
subject of the Joint Local Plan; the Suffolk Family Carers’ bus would be at Metfield for five sessions Jan/Mar;
MSDC was looking into bringing empty properties back into use and were offering to help the owners with this
(if there were any empty properties in the village MSDC would be keen to hear about them); s106 was being
replace by the Community Infrastructure Levy although this was still in its draft state…concern was raised that
funds would not go to projects local to the source of the CIL but would be distributed much further afield.
15.9.3 Police – there had been 9 crimes since the last meeting: 3 assaults at the same incident over Christmas;
1 assault during a separate domestic incident; 1 public order offence at the shop; 4 thefts of large, heavy garden
ornaments from Priory Crescent, New Street, and Harleston Road. Such thefts have risen in the past few
weeks and residents were urged to be vigilant, take photos and check insurance conditions. Burglaries increase
at this time of year so there was a need to maintain home security and this extended to outbuildings. Small
valuables (jewellery, cash, wallets, phones and tablets) were keenly sought items rather than wide screen tvs.
PC Jacqui Thomas was not to be replaced as local police officer; Sgt Tony Watts was due to retire in April
2015 and it was not known if he would be replaced.
15.10 Social Club
15.10.1 Minutes of the December and January meetings circulated and noted
15.10.2 It was reported that things were quiet but steady and a small profit had been made
15.11 Playingfield Management Committee
15.11.1 nothing to report
15.12 Play Area
15.12.1 this was discussed at the FPMC meeting but nothing was to be done at this time of year and the
outcome of planning applications would be awaited with interest to see how they would affect the Play Area
15.13 Correspondence
15.13.1 Letter from Dr Dan Poulter MP enclosing an email sent to him by a resident of the village about the
possible development of a piece of land near School Lane. The Clerk had responded to Dr Poulter.
15.13.2 Copy of the points raised at the public meeting ref development of land near School Lane
15.13.3 Letter from Headway giving a brief update of the charity’s work and seeking financial support
15.13.4 Free business support offered by the New Anglia Growth Hub
15.13.5 Details of new management structure at EFMS
15.13.6 Confirmation of deposit of documents at the County Records Office
15.13.7 Letter from a member of Pulham Market PC wishing to publically thank a group of young men in the
village for giving assistance to help a member of that community who had fallen in the road. They got help,
called emergency services and kept in contact until paramedics arrived, alerted traffic and contacted his family.
The gentleman died but these young men did much to help and they endured his family were able to be with
him at the hospital. The Clerk was asked to publicise this in the magazine
15.13.8 A letter was circulated concerning rail services
15.13.9 An email from St Elizabeth Hospice – seeking financial assistance. The writer was happy to come out
to talk to the PC on its work or host small groups for a tour of the establishment. This would be kept on file for
future reference.
Tabled items: TLC; Clerks & Councils Direct;
15.14 To Receive the Clerk’s Report
15.14.1 the Clerk had undertaken a training day on the forthcoming elections and a would be attending a
briefing on the replacement for the Quality Status Scheme
15.14.2 following the Clerk’s house move various documents eg old minute books had been removed to the
County Record office at Ipswich
15.14.3 members were reminded that elections would take place on 07 May 2015. The Clerk would be in
receipt of nomination forms in good time. It must be noted that strict compliance with the rules for completion
of the forms was required or they would be void. Proposers and seconders for each nomination must be
resident in the parish and could propose or second more than one person. There were changes afoot for the
submission of nomination forms which would be notified in due course. Deadlines had been changed so there
was no option of a candidate dropping out to prevent a ballot.
15.14.4 further to item 15.13.3…Councillors agreed to a get-together at the end of this term of office. Details
to be agreed.
Clerk to action
15.15 Matters of Information brought by the Chairman or Members:
15.15.1 The Christmas Tree collection service provided by MSDC was again well received
15.15.2 ANNUAL CLEAN-UP – this would take place on Saturday 28 February 2015; timings 10am/12 noon;
the Chairman would make a pick-up truck available for larger items and bag collection. Refreshments would
be available in the Sancroft Hall from noon.
15.15.3 A letter and plans concerning a planning proposal for land belonging to George Brown had been passed
to the Chairman. The letter was read out and the drawings inspected. Members would await developments.
15.15.4 The designation of Hussey Green Lane was queried…footpath or permissive path?
15.15.4 A presentation would take place in the Sancroft Hall on Tuesday 17 February 2015 prior to the
planning meeting. This would be concerned with another proposal for housing development and the building
of a Scout Hut
15.16 There were no Matters for Inclusion in the Agenda for the next Meeting of the Parish Council –
17 March 2015 – advised at this time
There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.20hrs.
17 March 2015
Closing Public Forum: the Council was asked if an assessment of housing need for the village would be
completed prior to the submission of planning applications for the various purported developments. It was
stated that such an assessment would take longer than the time landowners were likely to want to wait.