Legislative Meeting - Funeral Service & Cremation Alliance of


Legislative Meeting - Funeral Service & Cremation Alliance of
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
The Madison Club
5 E. Wilson St.
Madison, WI 53703
Membership Meeting at 11:00 am | Legislative Meetings
begin at 1:30 pm
The FSCA membership meeting and legislative update is approved for 2 hours of funeral
director CEUs in Category 2.
Funeral Service & Cremation Alliance of WI.
PO Box 67
Madison, WI 53701
The FSCA is hosting a statewide legislative day, which will be free for all within
funeral service to come to Madison and meet with your area legislators. The
goal of this event is to introduce the funeral profession to the policy makers of
Wisconsin, thereby creating a connection between industry and legislative
The event will begin with a general membership meeting, a working luncheon
and legislative update* as a preparation for the afternoon of “Hiking the Hill”
where those in attendance will go to the Capitol and meet with their area legislators.
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Location: The Madison Club
5 E. Wilson St.
Madison, WI 53701
Time: Membership Meeting
11:00 am
Luncheon at 12:00 pm
Hike the Hill to begin at 1:30 pm
It is IMPERATIVE that we have a good turn out for this event! While everyone is busy, it is essential to come
to this event to show that as an industry we are working towards positive reform. A large part of advocacy is
working with and educating legislators about legislation that affects their constituents, your families and your
Please complete this form and mail it to FSCA, PO Box 67, Madison, WI 53701. Or complete form and fax to
608-237-2299. Also, please make sure that your home address is included on the form, as that is how we will
be matching you to your legislators. For more information, please contact the FSCA Office at 608-204-0306 or
[email protected].
*The membership meeting and legislative update is approved for 2 hours of continuing education for funeral
directors under Category 2.
Company: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________ Fax: _________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________________________________ State: _________________ Zip:_____________________________
Attendee: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Attendee Home Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Attendee: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Attendee Home Addresss: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Total # of Registrations: _______________
This event is free of charge. We welcome all within funeral service to come and participate on behalf of
the funeral profession at no cost to you!