The Manin-Mumford Conjecture for number fields Danny


The Manin-Mumford Conjecture for number fields Danny
The Manin-Mumford Conjecture
for number fields
Danny Scarponi
Universite´ Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
IMT - Equipe Picard
Damian Rossler
The statement
4. If Y /R is a smooth projective curve of genus g ≥ 2, then the
torsor Y01 → Y0 is not trivial.
Manin-Mumford Conjecture for number fields is a deep and
important finiteness question (raised independently by Manin
and Mumford) regarding the intersection of a curve with the torsion
subgroup of its Jacobian:
¯ an algebraic closure
Theorem 1. Let K denote a number field, K
5. Since H 1(C0, FC∗0 Ω∨C0/k ) ' Ext1(FC∗0 ΩC0/k , OC0 ), the torsor C01 corresponds to an extension
of K and let C/K be a curve of genus g ≥ 2. Denote by J the
Jacobian of C and fix an embedding C ,→ J defined over K. Then
¯ ∩ J(K)
¯ tors is finite.
the set C(K)
The non-triviality of the torsor implies that this extension is nonsplit and one can deduce that the vector bundle E is ample.
Theorem 1 was proved by Raynaud in 1983, see [Ray83a].
Some months later, Raynaud generalized his result obtaining
the following ([Ray83b]):
¯ be as above. Let A be an abelian variety
Theorem 2. Let K and K
and X an algebraic subvariety, both defined over K. If X does not
contain any translation of an abelian subvariety of A of dimension
¯ ∩ A(K)
¯ tors is finite.
at least one, then X(K)
Various other proofs (sometimes only for the case of curves)
later appeared, due to Serre ([Ser86]), Coleman ([C+87]),
Hindry ([Hin88]), Buium ([Bui96]) , Hrushovski ([Pil97]), PinkRossler ([PR02]) and Baker-Ribet ([BR02]).
6. C01 identifies with P(E)\P(FC∗0 ΩC0/k ) which is affine thanks to the
ampleness of E.
7. If p > 2, the map ∇10 : J(R) → J01(k) is injective if restricted to
J(R)tors, so
](C(R) ∩ J(R)tors) = ](∇10(C(R) ∩ J(R)tors)).
8. Let B := pJ01 be the maximal abelian subvariety of J01. Then the
image of ∇10(J(R)tors) under the homomorphism
J01(k) → J01(k)/B(k)
is a finite set.
9. ∇10(C(R) ∩ J(R)tors) is a finite union of sets of the type
Buium’s proof
0 → OC0 → E → FC∗0 ΩC0/k → 0.
(B(k) + b) ∩ C01(k),
we sketch Buium’s proof of Theorem 1:
1. Thanks to a result due to Coleman (see [C+87]), Theorem 1 is
an easy consequence of its “non-ramified version”:
Theorem 3. Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0 and let R be the ring of Witt vectors with coordinates
in k. Let C/R be a smooth projective curve of genus g ≥ 2 possessing an R-point and embedded via this point into its Jabobian J/R. Then C(R) ∩ J(R)tors is finite.
2. For any variety Y over R and for any n ∈ N, Buium defines the
p-jet space of Y1 := Y ⊗R R/p2 of order n.
3. The first order p-jet space of Y1 is denoted Y01 and is provided with a map ∇10 : Y (R) → Y01(k). If Y is smooth along
Y0 := Y ⊗R k, then Y01 is a torsor on Y0 under the Frobenius
tangent bundle F T (Y0/k) := Spec(SymFY∗0 ΩY0/k ).
where b ∈ J01(k). Each of these is finite, since B is proper and
C01 is affine.
My research
aim is to generalize Buium’s proof to any dimension in order
to give a new proof of Theorem 2. As in the dimension one
case, it is still true that the main point is proving the non-ramified
version. So let R be as before. Let A be an abelian variety and X
an algebraic subvariety both defined over R. The main difficulty in
generalizing Buium’s work are parts (5)-(6): if X is a subvariety of
dimension greater than one, then X01 needs not to be affine. The
idea to overcome this problem consists in regarding not only X01,
but also the higher p-jet spaces and in using some tools coming
from the theory of strongly semistable sheaves.
Matthew Baker and Kenneth A. Ribet. Galois theory and torsion points on curves. arXiv preprint math/0212133, 2002.
Alexandru Buium. Geometry of p -jets. Duke Math. J., 82(2):349–367, 02 1996.
R. Coleman et al. Ramified torsion points on curves. Duke Math. J, 54(2):615–640, 1987.
Marc Hindry. Autour d’une conjecture de Serge Lang. Inventiones mathematicae, 94(3):575–603, 1988.
Anand Pillay. Model theory and diophantine geometry. Bulletin of The American Mathematical Society, 34(4):405–422, 1997.
Richard Pink and Damian Roessler. On Hrushovski’s proof of the Manin-Mumford conjecture. arXiv preprint math/0212408, 2002.
´ e´ abelienne
[Ray83a] Michel Raynaud. Courbes sur une variet
et points de torsion. Inventiones mathematicae, 71(1):207–233, 1983.
´ es
´ d’une variet
´ e´ abelienne
[Ray83b] Michel Raynaud. Sous-variet
et points de torsion. In Arithmetic and geometry, pages 327–352.
Springer, 1983.
J.-P. Serre. Course at the college
de France. 1985-1986.
GAeL XXIII, Leuven, 2015