Weekly Bulletin - Grace Baptist Church
Weekly Bulletin - Grace Baptist Church
Welcome to Grace Baptist Church April 19, 2015 Mr. Mrs. __ AM In an effort not to interrupt the work of the Holy Spirit during the worship service, please silence all pagers and cell phones. Unless an emergency arises, please do not leave the Sanctuary until the invitation has concluded Thank you for your consideration! __ PM Ms. Welcome to . Name____________________________ We’re So Glad You’re Here! How to Join Grace Baptist Church Address __________________________ At the end of the Worship Service, we will sing a hymn of decision. During this time, you are invited to walk to the front of the Church in response to the leading of the Holy Spirit that you sense in your heart or mind. Our Pastor and a counselor will be at the front to talk with you about your decision. City______________________________ State ______________ Zip ___________ Email ____________________________ One of the decisions you may wish to make is to become a member of Grace Baptist Church. You may do so by telling the Pastor or Staff Member one of the following: Marital Status: __Married __Single __ Single Again Phone ___________________________ Are you a member of a Church? __yes __no What Church? __________________________ City & State: ____________________________ What grade/age does your family represent? Infants-2yrs. 3-4yrs. 1st-5th grade 6th-8th grade 9 -12 grade College th th 5-6yrs. Do you know for certain that you have eternal life and that you will go to Heaven when you die? __yes ___no ___not sure I would like: ___Information about Grace ___To receive today’s Sermon on CD (please pick up your CD in the Fellowship Hall) (Sermons are also available on www.gbce.net) ___To participate in a Bible Study ___A phone call or visit ___To know Jesus ___Other_______________________________ Decisions made today: ____Prayed to receive Christ as Lord & Savior ____Recommit my life to Christ ____I desire Believer’s Baptism ____Would like to join Grace Baptist ____Other______________________________ I am a guest of __________________________ I want to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, but don’t understand how. I need someone to help me. I have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and desire New Testament baptism. I have previously received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The Church I joined did not practice New Testament baptism, so I want to be baptized and join Grace Baptist Church. I am a member of another Baptist Church and want to join Grace Baptist on a promise of letter from that Church. I have previously received Christ and was baptized into a Church by New Testament baptism, however, the record of my Church membership is unavailable, or I have been a member of another denomination and wish to return to a Baptist Church. If none of the above are an expression of your desire, you may schedule an appointment with Pastor Hilley or a Staff Member by calling the Church Office at 706-868-9729. Pastor & Ministerial Staff Contact Information 706-868-9729 Pastor Minister of Students 4945 Hardy McManus Rd Evans, GA 30809 www.gbce.net Bill Hilley [email protected] Bryan Carter [email protected] Minister of Music Brent Odom [email protected] Minister of Education and Missions Children’s Ministry Director Mark Otstot [email protected] Tricia Mason [email protected] Preschool Ministry Director Lisa Wamack [email protected] April 19, 2015 My Dearest Church Family and Friends, A little over a year ago our phone rang. On the other end was a doctor who told us he needed to see us as soon as possible. That day we embarked on a journey that led down a road that began with shock and then continued on with elements of distress, strength, bravery, tears, and very often of hope. When this expedition started I immediately found myself in a position that was both unfamiliar and uncomfortable. After all, I have been called by God to be a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My DNA is to minister. This was different, the roles were reversing. You began offering us help of any, and every, kind. You offered to drive us, to cut the yard, clean our house, and especially to pray. Then the meals started. At first we were able to keep up with the ‘Thank You’ cards and tried our best to send them diligently. As things digressed physically, your ministry increased exponentially. Soon we were overwhelmed by your outpouring of love. I have had the opportunity to tell other friends and family just a few of the things you have done for us. To a person, they have been utterly astounded at the heart and faithfulness you have shown to our family during this time. I am embarrassed that I wasn’t able to catalog all that you have done for us for these many months. I wish that I had so that I could look at each of you face to face to thank you personally. Please forgive me in this. As a member of Grace I want you to know that as a church family you all have been Jesus to Stephanie, to my boys and to me. Please take that to heart. I can think of no higher compliment to give. As a pastor, I have never been more proud of a congregation of believers than I am of you. That is because on the day of that phone call, WE embarked on that journey. WE traveled that road together; all of you, as a family, with all of us. Words cannot express the enormity of my gratitude. Our journey concluded this month in heartbreak. Please know that it did not end in disaster. I love you all and I am humbled and honored to be a minister at Grace. Brother Mark Changing our world by loving God & loving each other! Week at a Glance Sunday - April 19 Prayer Time......................................................................................... 7:45 am F.I.S.H. Market Coffee Shoppe ....................................................8:15 am 1st Morning Worship Service ..................................................9:00 am 1st Hour Sunday School/Bible Study.....................................9:00 am 2nd Morning Worship Service ..............................................10:30 am 2nd Hour Sunday School/Bible Study ................................10:30 am K-Church ............................................................................................10:30 am Kids Alive! ..........................................................................................10:30 am Adult Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting .............................. 5:00 pm Preschool & Children’s Choir .....................................................6:00 pm Evening Service..................................................................................6:00 pm Monday - April 20 Burn Center Breakfast ..................................................................7:30 am Weekday Preschool ........................................................................9:30 am Trail Life Meeting ..............................................................................7:00 pm Pick Up Basketball ...........................................................................7:00 pm Tuesday - April 21 Ladies Morning Bible Study ......................................................... 9:30 am Weekday Preschool ........................................................................9:30 am Elder’s Meeting..................................................................................6:30 am Wednesday - April 22 Men’s Prayer Time (Cracker Barrel) ......................................6:00 am Weekday Preschool ........................................................................9:30 am Youth Café/Games .........................................................................5:30 pm Children’s Programs.......................................................................6:30 pm Bible Studies .......................................................................................6:30 pm Adult Choir ........................................................................................... 7:45 pm Kids Alive! Rehearsals ....................................................................7:45 pm Thursday - April 23 Burn Center Breakfast ..................................................................7:30 am Weekday Preschool ........................................................................9:30 am Friday - April 24 Weekday Preschool ........................................................................9:30 am Men’s Wild Game Dinner ............................................................. 6:30 pm Celebrate Recovery .........................................................................7:00 pm Saturday - April 25 Priscilla Shirer Simulcast .......................................................... 10:00 am Lawn Maintenance Crew Schedule Crew 4 April 26 Crew 1 May 3 Eddie LeBlanc Andy Farkas Chris Steele Eric Clark Andy Maloney Jim Rosier Robert O’Neal Billy Works Adam Smelts * Troy McGahee 706-399-5495 Rick Stringfield 706-414-6686 Greg Mason 706-825-9459 Greg Rowland 706-421-4366 Raymond Young 706-860-4844 Teresa Damron Bob & Gerry Corbin Shaun & Sharon Kobert Linda Burleson Beverly Saturday Lane Cook *Team Captain Bob Corbin Tommy Daniels Jake Dressel Mike Troxel Donald Newman Mickey Reville Jim Rosier * Chris Stevens Bernard Axton Gerald Robinson Alisa Taylor Donna Beverly Brooke Steele Corey Ferrando Darlene Harrison Jane Wilkins-Jones Shannon Lariscy Shea Stevens Nicole Rzasa Christa Rowland Leila Hilley John Brittain Michelle Young DEBT REDUCTION REPORT FOR APRIL 12TH WEEK’S GIVING GOAL-TO-DATE GIVING (80K) $ 5,150.28 $ 55,319.51 YEAR-TO-DATE GIVING LOAN BALANCE $ 55,319.51 $ 305,300.74 FINANCIAL REPORT WEEK’S GIVING MONTH-TO-DATE GIVING APRIL 12TH $ 22,054.15 FOR MONTH-TO-DATE BUDGET $ 56,033.65 $ 50,592.30 YEAR-TO-DATE GIVING YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET $ 398,803.00 $ 380,192.31 Chris Figgins Jeff Corbin Terri Thomas Carlye Pankey Nicole Rushin Angie/Chris Holland Brandi Bodie Teddi Lynce Holly Barnes Bill Davis Nancy/Dale Jones Rachel Carter Bernard Axton * David Dickenson David King Eddie LeBlanc Josh Olson Men’s Wild Game Night Friday, April 24th at 6:30pm Join us for great food and fellowship! Special Guest Speaker, Jack Hook will share a great testimony. There is no cost but you must sign up in your Sunday School Class or the Fellowship Hall. Be sure to Bring A Friend! Contact Josh Olson, Mickey Reville or Rick Stringfield for details. Young Single Adults New Bible Study Begins May 13 at 6:30pm in the Admin Building Conference Room The Mingling of Souls by Matt Chandler This study looks at God’s Design for Love, Marriage, Sex and Redemption. See Cynthia King or Chris Lane for details. Bridal Shower for April Sganga Ashley Walden Sandra Brown Melissa Olson Kara Key Shana Munro Brandy Chauvin Virginia Smelts Nicole Rushin Don Sutherland Kristine McGahee Sharon Bell Linda Barber Donna Farkas Adryan Usry Rachel Carter Thursday, April 30th at 6:30pm at the home of Rachel Carter. April is registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Contact Rachel Carter for more information at 706-933-7436. - New Members Class Begins Wednesday, April 29th at 6:30pm in room 203 For anyone interested in getting to know our Pastor or wanting more information about Grace. Taught by Pastor Bill & Leila Hilley. Camp Longridge Parent Meeting Sunday, April 26 at 4:30pm in the Children’s Suite. Contact Tricia Mason at 706-868-9729 or [email protected] for details. Mother’s Day Baby Dedication Care Pregnancy Center Mother’s Day, May 10th annual Walk-for-Life. Saturday, May 2nd Registration 9:00 am - Walk 9:30 am 9th Street Plaza River Walk Theme:“The Difference is Life Making a difference one life at a time.” Services provided by the Center are free. For more information see the Fellowship Hall bulletin board or contact Martha Nalley at 706-364-4693 to make a pledge. We would like to honor our Mothers & dedicate our Grace babies at the beginning of the Morning Worship Services. Save the Dates! Basketball & Cheer Camps Cheer Summer Camp, July 13-16, completed K5-6th grades Contact Trisha Burks at 706-294-0009 for details. Deadline to sign up for your child’s Bible to be engraved is April 26th. We would like to have a baby picture and a family picture to share on the overhead during the ceremony. Please email your pictures to [email protected] or bring them to the Office no later than May 3rd. Parents, with their babies who are to be dedicated, should plan to arrive in the Sanctuary 10 minutes before Service time. Please sit in the front pew on the right-hand side as you face the altar. If you have questions, please call the Church Office at 706-868-9729. Parents’ Names: _____________________ Basketball Summer Camp, July 20-23, completed 1st-6th grade Contact Greg Mason at 706-825-9459 for details. ________________________________ Child’s Name: _______________________ Child’s Age: ________________________ Telephone Number: ___________________ Service Preference: ___9:00am ___10:30am Brazil Mission Trip Graduating Seniors June 22nd - July 9th This is a construction mission trip to build a child care center for the married couples attending the seminary in Pimenta Bueno, Brazil. If you would be interested in being a part of this mission endeavor, please contact Rick Bell at 706-860-3768. 3rd - 5th Grade Summer Camp We have one opening for a Student to attend Camp this Summer at Camp Longridge, June 22 - 28th. If you are interested in filling this slot, contact Tricia Mason at 706-868-9729. Graduate Sunday, May 17th at 6:00pm If you have a young adult graduating from High School or College, we want to share in your excitement and honor them. Please turn in 4 pictures of your graduate to share on the overhead during the ceremony. Please email your pictures to [email protected] or bring them to the Office no later than May 10th. If you have any questions, please call the Church Office at 706-868-9729. Graduate Name: _______________________ ________________________________ School: ___________________________ Telephone Number:______________________