to view registration form. - General Contractors Association of Hawaii
to view registration form. - General Contractors Association of Hawaii
2015 GCA Safety Awards Banquet Aloha, On June 9, 2015, the General Contractors Association of Hawaii (GCA) will be hosting its Annual Safety Awards banquet at the Pomaikai Ballrooms at Dole Cannery. Please join us as we celebrate the achievements and success of construction companies who excel in providing safe and healthy workplace for our men and women in the construction industry. This kind of achievement is tremendously important to construction companies, their employees and the communities we work in. It’s all about preventing workplace injuries, illness and fatalities to ensure the safety and health of our workforce. The GCA and National AGC Safety Awards (NASA) program has been an ongoing effort to offer AGC members an opportunity to evaluate their safety record. NASA compares an AGC member’s safety record with other AGC members according to the member size and construction type. Additionally, NASA provides a great opportunity for contractor members who have excellent safety records to compete for nationally recognized awards. The GCA is offering a great opportunity for your company to participate as a sponsor, showing your commitment to safety and health in construction. Enclosed is a form to indicate your level of interest in assisting us. We humbly ask for your support and hope that we will see you at this event which provides such tremendous value to construction companies in our state. Sincerely, Howard Hendricks GCA Safety Committee Chair 1065 Ahua Street, Honolulu, HI 96819 Phone: 808-833-1681 FAX: 839-4167 Email: [email protected] Website: 1065 Ahua Street Honolulu, HI 96819 Phone: 808-833-1681 FAX: 839-4167 Email: [email protected] Website: GCA SAFETY AWARDS BANQUET Tuesday, June 9, 2015 5:00/6:00 p.m. (No-Host Cocktails/Dinner) Pomakai Ballrooms at Dole Cannery – 2nd Floor 650 Iwilei Road, Honolulu The General Contractors Association (GCA) will be holding its Annual Safety Awards Banquet on June 9, 2015 at the Pomaikai Ballrooms at the Dole Cannery. Join GCA Safety Committee for a “Safety Hoedown” and recognize the winners of the 2015 AGC/GCA Safety Award Program. Table top displays will be available. To register, please fill out form and mail or fax to 839-4167. Please reserve __________ space(s) for our company at $65 per person for members and $100 for nonmembers. LIST NAME(S) ATTENDING (Please print) AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER II. DINNER III. SAFETY AWARDS PROGRAM IV. OTHER BUSINESS V. ADJOURNMENT For billing purposes, please (ü) below where applicable: To reserve your space, please fill out the registration and return it to the GCA ASAP. Seating is on a first-come-first-serve basis and by reservation only. r Payment Enclosed Total $_______ r For Credit Card Payment, Please fill out the attached Form. r Please bill company. (GCA Member Only) Name: Company: Cancellations must be made by Friday, May 29, 2015, to avoid being billed in full. For more information, please call Gladys at 8331681 ext. 24. E-mail: Mailing: City/Zip: Phone: FAX: GCA’S 2015 ANNUAL SAFETY AWARD BANQUET Pomaikai Ballrooms at Dole Cannery Tuesday, June 9, 2015 PLATINUM SPONSOR 4 Seats Corporate Sponsorship Recognition One Table Top Full Color logo—Slide Presentation GOLD SPONSOR $500 2 seats Full Color logo—Slide Presentation Corporate Sponsorship Recognition SILVER SPONSOR $1,000 $250 Corporate Sponsorship Recognition Full Color logo—Slide Presentation SPONSOR COMMITMENT FORM To indicate your support, please complete and return this form by May 15, 2015 to: GCA of Hawaii 1065 Ahua Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 p: 833-1681 f: 839-4167 e: [email protected] Platinum Sponsor - $1,000 Gold Sponsor - $500 Silver Sponsor - $250 Company : Contact Name: Address: City: State: Phone: FAX: E-mail: Zip: TABLE TOP INFORMATION AND APPLICATION The GCA of Hawaii will have table tops available at the function below for those companies who are interested in presenting their products and services. If you are interested, please complete the form below and fax to 839-4167. COMPANY: DATE: Type of Product: CONTACT: PHONE: FAX NO.: EMAIL: EVENT: GCA Safety Awards DATE OF EVENT: 5:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M. Tuesday, June 9, 2015 PLACE: Pomakai Ballrooms at Dole Cannery – 2nd Floor SET UP TIME: 4:00 P.M. TABLE COST(S): (Space is limited and based on a first come first served basis.) NO. OF TABLES (limit 2 per company) TOTAL @$200.00 (before 05/22/15) / $300.00 (after 05/22/15) @ $65 Dinner Ticket Total Costs For billing purposes, please (ü) below where applicable: r Payment Enclosed r Please bill company. (GCA Member Only) Name: Company: Mailing: City/Zip: Phone: FAX: Please call Gladys at 833-1681 ext 24 if you would like to donate towards DOOR PRIZES.