Page 1 GRAND FORKS COMMUNITY TRAILS SOCIETY Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Selkirk College, Room 1, 6:30 p.m. DIRECTORS’ MINUTES Directors Attending: Lesley Matthews, Margo Deane, Chris Moslin, John Grandy, Alan Peterson, Dawna Small, Mary Ann Westaway, George Longden Guests: None; Regrets: Jock Mackay and Peter Naaykens; Welcome Members: None 1. Meeting called to order: 6:30 p.m. 2. Acceptance of Agenda: as amended, carried 3. Review and Acceptance of previous Minutes: as presented, carried. 4. Electronic Motion: Chris sent out an electronic motion April 2nd, 2015 to the Directors/Members. It was seconded by Mary Ann as follows: Chris moved that the GFCTS purchase a Peter Perepelkin commemorative city bench with arms and plaque for $1,800.00 and seek reimbursement through donations. Carried electronically. (This electronic motion and vote was printed off and filed in the Secretary’s Binder.) 5. Reports: Treasurer’s Report: Balance in the GFCTS chequing account $1,201.04, and balance in the project account $6,846.31. Moved by Mary Ann that the Treasurer’s Report be adopted as read. Seconded by George. President’s Report: (a) Chris and George reported on the Boundary Trails Meeting that took place on Friday, April 17th, with elected officials and Doug Zorn of the ATV club in attendace. We will be applying for the Gas Tax funds in January of 2016, Roly Russell will be our elected representative. It was stated “yes” that there will be a nonmotorized section of the TCT, from GF to Cascade. (b) Meeting with GF City Staff took place on April 2nd, with respect to the Perepelkin Bench. Mary Ann presented the GFCTS’ cheque in the sum of $1,800.00 to the City to cover the cost of the bench. The City will do the work of mounting the bench. Rotary Club and the GFCU want to contribute to help pay for the bench. Alan requested that the GFCTS send a formal letter to Rotary re: requesting funds for the bench. (c) Chris reported on the Dam Site Trail and letter from Mr. Parmenter. Justin Dexter will look after contacting Mr. Parmenter. Applying for the Heritage Legacy Awareness Grant was discussed. The old Stewardship Agreement will have an addendum added with respect to the Dam Site Trail. It was noted that this trail will no longer be addressed as the Snake Hole Trail. It will be addressed as the Dam Site Trail. (d) Chris was advised about problems at the Fisherman Creek Section Shed. Chris went up there to investigate and all was OK. (e) Chris reported on the RDKB OCP Open House, held at the Senior’s Hall on April 14th. Next OCP Open House is May 5th, 6:00 to 8:00, at Senior’s Hall. George reported on the Rec. Department “Fun Ride”, held Friday May 1st. Ride is from Cascade Trestle to GF. Meet at the Arena at 9:30, to be bussed to Cascade Trestle. Lillian of the Rec. Department is handling this ride, any questions call her. Page 2 GRAND FORKS COMMUNITY TRAILS SOCIETY AGM will be held May 19th at Selkirk College, Room #8 (downstairs), 6:30 p.m. Mary Ann will take care of the newspaper advertising. Ads will be published in the April 29th and May 13th papers. (5) Projects update: (a) Mowing the Kettle River Heritage Trail Dave Bartlett to do this. Brushing required. John advised that he has a tree girdle. (b) North Fork Bench John discussed the designs of the bench and the stain glass used in the benches. Shelly Grandy is heading the youth group. (c)Map and Pamphlets Vision Map rewrite text so it can be a 3 fold paper. Chris to do proof for the May meeting. (d) Roxul Kiosk: Margo reported that she sent pictures to Chris. Cher of the Museum sent the pictures to Margo. Chris showed us the pictures. Discussed payment of $10.00 per picture. Chris emailed the pictures to us for our perusal. (c) Nursery Trestle steps: moved to May meeting; (d) City Signage. George brought the signs he had in storage. Chris and George to put them up on the trail Wednesday April 22nd. (6) New Business: Chris discussed the Columbia Development Proposal they want to develop the lands behind the pub and other businesses, from Highway 3 to Coalshute Road. They are looking into buying these lands to build condos and will be paving a 3m wide trail, also the trail will have lighting. Next Meeting: is our AGM, Tuesday, May 19th, 6:30 p.m., at GF Selkirk College, Room #8 (downstairs). This Meeting Adjourned: 8:35 p.m.