become a friend of guiding sa
become a friend of guiding sa
BECOME A FRIEND OF GUIDING SA Yes! Count me in! I want to support the girls and young women in Guiding South Africa. Title, Name and Signature Postal Address ______________________________________________________________ Postal Code____________________________________________________ Telephone Number/Cell____________________________________________________ E-mail_________________________________________________________ I would like to be a Bronze / Silver / Gold / Platinum (please circle appropriate level) Friends of Guiding South Africa I enclose a cheque for R_______________ OR I have deposited an amount of R__________ into the Organisation’s bank account and attach proof thereof. Banking details: Girl Guides Association of South Africa Standard Bank Account number 003286436 - Branch number 006305 Please copy this info from the line, click on [email protected] and paste this information into your email, fill in your details. Don’t forget to attach proof of payment if you have done an electronic transfer and hit send!