Newsletter - Grace Lutheran Church
Newsletter - Grace Lutheran Church
GLOW Pastor Ted Johanson Pastor Ted said he would: BRING CHALLENGE BE A CHALLENGE! 2015 Inside this issue: LWR 2 Council Highlights 3 80 + 3 Contact Us! 3 Calendar 4 Thank You 5 G.L.O.W. Bug Prints 5 Summer Worship 6 Pastor Ted is originally from the Northwest Suburban Minneapolis area. He graduated from Bemidji State, Minnesota, and LutherNorthwestern Seminary in St. Paul. During his college and seminary years, he was active in several churches in different capacities. After ordination (1982), Pastor Ted served at four different churches in Wisconsin and Michigan. Two calls in Michigan were concurrent, beginning in 1983. One ended in 1991 and the other in 1994. From 1994– 1995 (while serving a church in Kewaunee, Wisconsin) Pastor Ted sensed a new calling into interim ministry. After moving into the Interim Ministry Program in 1995, Pastor Ted served in ten churches in our Synod. He also served at nine churches in other synods in Wisconsin as well as in Missouri, Kansas, and North Dakota. Some of these calls were short term, while others lasted several years. He has served in very small rural congregations (35 members) as well as very large metropolitan congregations (over 2,000 members) and everything in between. Pastor Ted comes to Grace with a vast knowledge base and hopes to help us move forward to be the church we know we can be. It will take work, and it will mean that changes have to be made. If we do not change with the times, we will continue to lose members and programs. Not everyone likes to change, but if we don’t keep up with living in 2015 and beyond, we will go backwards. It is hoped that this brief background on Pastor Ted will help each of you know that we are getting a very talented and experienced Pastor to walk with us into the future, as we plan what that future will look like. Page 2 GLOW Ruth’s Pantry Lutheran World Relief Thank you to all who gave food to Ruth’s Pantry at VBS. The kids did a great job. The Pantry is still in need of small children’s clothes and toys. We always need volunteers to help on Mondays. This is a good time for some of our older children who need to fill volunteering hours for their school. You must be 15 years old. Come see us at the Pantry on Mondays between 9:0011:30 a.m. or 4:30-7:00 p.m. Have parental consent with you when you come. Communications Coordinator, Marian Doehling It's not too early to begin thinking about Lutheran World Relief (LWR). We have been able to send off a large number of kits in previous years. Can we do as well this year? Here is what is needed: Fox Valley Lutheran Homes Although our Friend Raiser is over, “Friends” are always welcome at FVLH, so stop by to visit, take a tour, inquire about volunteering or just to find out more about us. John, the Building Manager, or Ruth, the Care Coordinator, or I will be happy to talk with you and show you around. Thank you to those of you who did come and visit with us during the month of June; we enjoy making new friends! Our annual Pie and Ice Cream Fund Raiser will be on October 4 this year. We are looking for donations for our silent auction. If you or your business has an item or a service that you would be willing to donate, please call me at 734-7225. Becky Luett, AIM, Executive Director Educational Seminar, July 13 Do you have questions about your medications? What are common drug side effects? Which drugs should you not take concurrently? How do over-the-counter drugs or herbal preparations interact with prescription medications? You may have some of these questions answered! On Monday, July 13, at 10:30 a.m. Fox Valley Homes is hosting a pharmacist who will address some of these concerns. In addition to a presentation, there will be time for a question-and- answer period. If you wish to attend, please call Ruth at 850-3623 to register. You may leave a message with your name and phone number. Fox Valley Lutheran Homes is located at 425 N. Linwood Ave. in Appleton. Early notice: Our August 31 program will feature information related to Medicare supplemental insurance coverage. It is a good time to review your coverage prior to the enrollment date for 2016. There will be more information later. School Kits: Same as before--notebooks, scissors, crayons, eraser, ruler, pencil sharpeners, pens, and pencils. What we always run out of are the 70-sheet spiral NOTEBOOKS. When they are on sale, buy LOTS of those. Baby Care Kits: Sizes 6 months to 24 months: t-shirts, gowns or sleepers without feet, jackets, sox, receiving blankets, diapers, hand towels, soap, and pins. What we are always running out of are SLEEPERS WITHOUT FEET or GOWNS. Get these whenever you can find them. Personal Care Kits: We worked on those this spring, and we have about 70 of them assembled. Each kit includes a bath towel (27 x 54"), toothbrush (we have lots of those!!), nail clippers, combs (also well stocked), and soap. For these kits, we ran out of TOWELS. Quilts: The Sewing Circle ladies have been busy. They already have 102 quilts ready with several months of sewing yet to come. Good work, gals!! If you aren't able to purchase items for the above kits, cash donations help. At Grace, we have never collected for "shipping costs." But LWR always reminds us that the cost of shipping is considerable. Here is a breakdown of costs. If you wish to donate for this purpose, be sure to mark it on your envelope so Alissa gets it to the right fund. Item Quilt School Kit Personal Care Kit Baby Care Kit Cost to ship one item $2.25 $1.40 $2.65 $1.30 Thank you for your past and continuing contributions to the LWR program. Page 3 GLOW Council Highlights 80 and Over Secretary's Report: (posted in 2nd floor hallway) May's council meeting minutes were approved 5 Treasurer's Report: (posted in 2nd floor hallway) May net income $5,611.81. Approximately $2,000 left to pay back to B&G for the projector. 5 28 Pastor Report: The council has decided to enter into a contract with Intentional Interim Pastor Ted Johanson. 30 New Business Thank you's Confirmation/Pastor picture wall will be rearranged a little bit There will be a July council meeting Leona Leske 234 South 5th Street Winneconne, WI 54986 Gladys Sauby 131 E. North Water Street, Rm. 201 Neenah, WI 54956 Gloria Manteufel 9258 State Road 76 Neenah, WI 54956 Raymond Breaker 3897 West Larsen Road Larsen, WI 54947 If you or someone you know is or will be 80 or over, please call the church office so we may include him or her on the birthday list. Old Business Membership Review Committee Interim and Transition Period Respectfully Submitted, Karen Bramer Contact the Council Kate Christianson, President 379-4937 [email protected] Pete Uvaas, Vice President 470-1714 [email protected] Karen Bramer, Secretary 707-1537 [email protected] Jean Thyssen, Treasurer 836-3183 [email protected] Linda Breaker 859-0032 [email protected] Ryan Olson 729-6599 [email protected] Richard Terio 540-1482 [email protected] Other Key Contacts Sheri, Church Secretary 836-2382 [email protected] Rob Nelson, Building & Grounds 470-2574 (Chairperson) Alissa Olson, Financial Clerk 836-2382 [email protected] Ruth’s Pantry 475-9639 [email protected] Mon 6 6:30 Building and Grounds 13 9:00-11:30 Ruth’s Pantry 4:30-7:00 Ruth’s Pantry 20 9:00-11:30 Ruth’s Pantry 4:30-7:00 Ruth’s Pantry 27 9:00-11:30 Ruth’s Pantry 4:30-7:00 Ruth’s Pantry Sun 5 Team 4 9:00 Worship Service — Pastor John Poffinbarger with communion 12 Team 1 9:00 Praise Service in the Pines (weather permitting) Lay Service with Paul Johnson doing sermon – No communion 19 Team 2 9:00 II Edition Polka Service and EAA Speaker — No communion 26 Team 3 9:00 Worship Service – Lay Service with Dave Bork doing sermon – No communion 28 8:00 a.m. Weigh-In Group 21 8:00 a.m. Weigh-In Group 14 8:00 a.m. Weigh-In Group 7 8:00 a.m. Weigh-In Group 1:00 Rachel Circle Tue 30 5:00-7:00 G.L.O.W. Bug Open House 23 5:00-7:00 Concessions at the Ball Park 22 8:30 Sewing Circle 5:00-7:00 Concessions at the Ball Park 6:30 Worship Service — Lay Service with Dave Bork doing sermon — No communion 29 6:30 Worship Service — Lay Service — No communion 16 5:00-7:00 Concessions at the Ball Park 6:00 Meals Ministry 9 5:00-7:00 Concessions at the Ball Park 5:00 Cackles and Cards 6:45 Council Meeting 2 Thu 15 5:00-7:00 Concessions at the Ball Park 6:30 Worship Service — Lay Service — Dwell in the Word — No communion 8 1:00 Martha/Naomi/ Esther 5:00-7:00 Concessions at the Ball Park 6:30 Worship Service — Pastor Ted Johanson — with communion 1 6:30 Worship Service — Pastor John Poffinbarger with communion Wed 31 24 17 10 12:30 Cackles and Cards Outdoor Movie Night 3 Office Closed Fri 25 18 8:00 Meals Ministry 11 4 Sat Page 5 GLOW Thank You Thank you to everyone who helped with our June worship services in any way. Special thanks go to the following: Pastor Jennifer Fite; Dave Hoks; Karen Bramer; VBS leaders, teachers, helpers and youth; Ellen Schneider; Isaiah Milner; Lynn Selle; Pete Uvaas, and Dayna Williamson. I never realized how much work it takes to put together a worship service (with a pastor or for a lay service). These people stepped up to the plate and said yes when asked to help out. They enriched each and every one of our June worship services. Also, thanks to the congregation for your patience during this time between Pastor Dan retiring and our Interim Pastor arriving. — Kate Christianson A big thanks to Ron and Joleen Diley for the lovely flowers in the pots in the south parking lots at church. It is yet another way to "pretty up" our church property. Brunch! You went to so much work and effort to cover my retirement dreams. I am still amazed as I recall all you did! Thanks to all who brought food; as usual it was great. Again thanks for all the wonderful words of appreciation. Thanks to all who helped to set up the dining room and blue room! Thanks to all who helped to serve the meal and to those who helped to clean up after the party! Thank you for the many gifts and cards and kind words. Thanks most for your presence and your faithfulness. Grace, you are in my daily prayers as you move also into a new stage in ministry. God has great and wonderful plans for your ministry! Thanks for being a blessing! — Pastor Dan L. Luett Rev. Dr. Neil T. Eckstein Scholarship Thank you for the prayers, concerns, and the beautiful prayer shawl when I was in the hospital. — Kay Peterson Thank you to all who helped to make my move into retirement such a great time. Thank you to the Grace Council for making my last days ones I will always remember! Thank you to Amy Jo Christianson and Wendy Zeinert for the wonderful evening at the Winncrest Banquet Hall. Thanks to the Gospel Guys: Chris Bork, Dave Bork, Randy Doverspike, Jim Groff, and Carol Reichert for your great music! Thank you to all who came and made the evening a great time enjoyed by so many. The meal was good and so was the cake! Thanks for all the wonderful words of thanks given for my ministry at Grace. Sunday morning surpassed all my expectations! The full church was a great surprise in the summer months. Thank you to all the musicians: Todd Repp, you pulled out all the stops for a wonderful job; Todd and Carol, for your piano duet; the McGinnis family (and Randy Doverspike), your music was exceptional; Tad Peterson, Caleb Peterson, and Morgan Zeinert, you rock; Joyful Noise, I've never heard you sing with such power and enthusiasm; the Gospel Guys and friends for the rousing Benediction! The mood was so spirit led and inspirational. Thank you to Kate Christianson and Alissa Olson for the over-the-top table decorations for the Brandon Holl receiving the Rev. Dr. Neil T. Eckstein Scholarship from John Eckstein. G.L.O.W. Bug Prints Are you still on the fence about sending your child to 4-year-old Kindergarten? If so, there will be a second open house for G.L.O.W. Bugs so you can see for yourself what our program looks like. We have set a tentative date of July 30 for the open house. It is hoped that the assistant teacher will have been hired by then and available to be part of the open house. Please watch the bulletin for more information. Grace Lutheran Church of Winchester 8396 Steeple Hill Drive Larsen, WI 54947 * [email protected] * 920-836-2382 OWLS Our OWLS group will gather on Thursday, July 9, at noon in the dining room for a potluck meal and fellowship. We have a few items to discuss, Come and enjoy the afternoon. Please bring a dish to pass if you are able, or just come. Bonfire and Games Mark your calendar now for Friday, July 10, we are having a bonfire and games from 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. by the ball diamonds. It is open to families or for the youth. If a child is in 2nd grade or younger, a parent will be required to stay. We will roast hot dogs, have snacks, and make s'mores. Worship Plans for July Wednesday, July 1 — Pastor John Poffinbarger — with communion Sunday, July 5 — Pastor John Poffinbarger — with communion Wednesday July 8 — Pastor Ted Johanson — with communion Sunday, July 12 — Praise Service outside (weather permitting) — Lay Service with Paul Johnson doing sermon — No communion Wednesday, July 15 — Lay Service – Dwell in the Word — No communion Sunday, July 19 — No communion — Polka Service Wednesday, July 22 — Lay Service with Dave Bork doing sermon — No communion Sunday, July 26 – Lay Service with Dave Bork doing sermon — No communion Wednesday, July 29 — Lay Service — No communion