2015 Spring Plant Sale - Georgia Native Plant Society
2015 Spring Plant Sale - Georgia Native Plant Society
2015 Spring Plant Sale April 18, 2015 10 am to 2 pm McFarlane Nature Park Marietta, GA We have over 4000 plants lined up for the sale on Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 10 am to 2 pm. Some plants will be available in quantity, some may be single items only and others may be surprises from member donations (some arriving only the day before). This list represents only those items for which we feel there will be sufficient quantities to reliably advertise them as being there. Still, for best selection, we recommend that you get there when the sale starts. The sale area will be divided into areas like Trees/Shrubs, Sun Perennials, Shade Perennials. We will have over 600 native azaleas and they will have their own section until they sell out (usually by noon). Remember, this is only a partial list. We encourage you to come see what unique and special items didn’t make the list! Trees/Shrubs Aesculus pavia Asimina triloba Amelanchier x grandiflora Callicarpa americana Calycanthus floridus Ceanothus americanus Cephalanthus occidentalis Cercis canadensis Chionanthus virginicus Fothergilla sp. Franklinia alatamaha Hydrangea quercifolia Itea virginica Kalmia latifolia Lindera benzoin Magnolia macrophylla Vaccinium sp. Viburnum obovatum red buckeye paw paw serviceberry hybrids American beautyberry sweetshrub, Carolina allspice New Jersey tea buttonbush redbud fringetree ‘Mt Airy’ Franklin tree oakleaf hydrangea Virginia sweetspire cultivars mountain laurel cultivars 'Olympic Fire, ' 'Sarah' and ‘Pristine’ spicebush bigleaf magnolia blueberry hybrids small-leaf viburnum ‘Best Densa’ Continued next page Native Azaleas: Rhododendron atlanticum Rhododendron austrinum Rhododendron austrinum Rhododendron austrinum Rhododendron calendulaceum Rhododendron canescens Rhododendron canescens Rhododendron colemanii Rhododendron flammeum Rhododendron flammeum Rhododendron flammeum Rhododendron flammeum Rhododendron flammeum Rhododendron prunifolium Rhododendron viscosum x Rhododendron viscosum Rhododendron cultivar/hybrid Rhododendron cultivar/hybrid Rhododendron cultivar/hybrid Rhododendron cultivar/hybrid cultivar ‘Yellow Delight’ Florida azalea cultivar ‘Collen O’ cultivar 'Varnadoe's Apricot’ flame azalea Piedmont azalea cultivar 'Varnadoe's Phlox Pink' Red Hills azalea Oconee azalea cultivar ‘Ed Stephens’ cultivar ‘Red Inferno’ cultivar ‘Jake’s Red’ flammeum x calendulaceum hybrid plumleaf azalea cultivar ‘Lemon Drop’ cultivar 'Pink and Sweet' 'Nicole O' 'Lemon Lush' 'Rising Sun' 'Walter Ligon' Ferns Asplenium platyneuron Athyrium filix-femina Dennstaedtia punctilobula Dryopteris celsa Dryopteris intermedia Dryopteris marginalis Polystichum acrostichoides Woodwardia areolata ebony spleenwort lady fern hay-scented fern log fern intermediate woodfern marginal fern Christmas fern netted chain fern Grasses and Sedges Carex flaccosperma Carex laxiculmis Muhlenbergia capillaris Panicum virgatum Panicum virgatum Schizachyrium scoparium blue wood sedge spreading sedge pink muhly grass switch grass 'Hanse Herms' switch grass 'Dallas Blues' little bluestem 'Prairie Blues' Vines Ampelaster carolinianus Clematis viorna Lonicera sempervirens Matelea carolinensis Wisteria frutescens climbing aster American bell clematis coral honeysuckle Carolina moonseed 'Amethyst Falls' Continued next page Sun Perennials Agastache foeniculum Amsonia tabernaemontana Anemone virginiana Antennaria solitaria Aquilegia canadensis Baptisia alba Baptisia australis Baptisia minor Baptisia tinctoria Boltonia asteroides Callirhoe papaver Chrysogonum virginianum Clinopodium georgianum Coreopsis major Echinacea simulata Erigeron flagellaris ‘ Gaillardia pulchella Geranium maculatum Helianthus decapetalus Hibiscus moscheutos Impatiens capensis Iris fulva Lobelia cardinalis Lobelia puberula Lobelia siphilitica Lupinus perennis Marshallia obovata Monarda didyma Packera aurea Penstemon digitalis Penstemon digitalis Penstemon smallii Phacelia bipinnatifida Phlox glaberrima Polemonium reptans Ratibida pinnata Rudbeckia fulgida Scutellaria elliptica Silene polypetala Silene stellata Sisyrinchium angustifolium Solidago nemoralis Solidago rugosa Stenanthium gramineum Stokesia laevis Stylophorum diphyllum Symphyotrichum concolor Symphyotrichum georgianum Symphyotrichum grandiflorum Tradescantia hirsuticaulis Veronicastrum virginicum Viola pedata species and cultivar 'Honeybee white' eastern bluestar thimbleweed solitary pussy toes Canadian columbine white false indigo blue false indigo dwarf false indigo horseflyweed false aster winecup green 'n gold Georgia savory whorled coreopsis prairie coneflower Profusion' (trailing fleabane) Indian blanket wild geranium thinleaf sunflower Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) crimson-eyed rosemallow spotted jewelweed copper iris cardinal flower downy lobelia great blue lobelia perennial lupine Piedmont Barbara's buttons bee balm golden ragwort smooth white beardtongue 'Black Stallion' Small's beardtongue (purple) fernleaf scorpion weed smooth phlox Jacob's ladder gray-headed coneflower orange coneflower hairy skullcap Fringed catchfly starry campion blue-eyed grass grey goldenrod goldenrod 'Fireworks' featherbells Stoke's aster celandine poppy eastern silvery aster Georgia aster Need something for a wet area? large flower aster hairystem spiderwort Just ask! We’ve got lots of ideas. culver's root birdfoot violet Continued next page Shade Perennials Aconitum uncinatum Actaea racemosa Amianthium muscitoxicum Aruncus dioicus Asarum canadense Chamaelirium luteum Eurybia divaricata Gentiana saponaria Gentiana villosa Heuchera macrorhiza Heuchera villosa Hexastylis arifolia Hexastylis shuttleworthii Jeffersonia diphylla Mitchella repens Mitella diphylla Pachysandra procumbens Phlox divaricata Podophyllum peltatum Sanguinaria canadensis Sedum ternatum Thalictrum pubescens Tiarella cordifolia Tiarella cordifolia Tipularia discolor monkshood black cohosh fly poison goats beard Canadian ginger fairy wand white wood aster soapwort gentian pale striped gentian hairy alumroot hairy alumroot little brown jug shuttleworth ginger twin leaf partridgeberry miterwort/bishop's cap Allegheny spurge woodland phlox mayapple bloodroot mountain stonecrop tall meadow rue foamflower cultivar 'Oakleaf' cranefly orchid Foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia) Need help making your choices? We’ll have volunteers on hand to talk about the plants themselves and what might work best for you. Such as: Shady groundcover ideas: Native gingers like Asarum and Hexastylis Galax urceolata Heuchera spp. Sedum ternatum Tiarella cordifolia Ferns, pussytoes (part-sun) and partridgeberry (part-sun) Pennsylvania sedge (Carex pennsylvanica) Tip: Most shade plants can handle up to 4 hours of morning sun (before noon). In an area with hot afternoon sun, choose sun-loving plants.