2015 Golfapalooza Itinerary
2015 Golfapalooza Itinerary
Attendees Cell Number Robert Boswell Room 1 Name Roommates (321) 278-1369 Chris Smith*** (863) 581-4999 Collen Cunningham (813) 716-6930 Dave Muse (407) 448-7361 Chris Smith*** Joe Parra (407) 758-5679 Scot Lynch Joel Quidort (407) 484-0304 John Fisher (407) 694-4277 Kenny Pohlman (716) 472-1757 Kevin Arnold (321) 662-1943 Noel Rodriguez (386) 748-6946 Richard McRae (321) 217-2308 Robert Boswell (321) 536-5086 Ron Humphrey (478) 451-9454 Scot Lynch (321) 514-6448 Scott Hathaway (407) 421-7431 Tim Millard (407) 928-2614 Room 2 Chris Bishop Joel Quidort Chris Bishop John Fisher Richard McRae Ron Humphrey Kenny Pohlman Room 4 Room 3 Dave Muse Kevin Arnold Collen Cunningham Scott Hathaway Tim Millard Noel Rodriguez Joe Parra On the couch *** = FNG Golfapalooza Itinerary Drive Time 10:30 AM Friday Halifax Plantation - White Tees (6149) 3400 Clubhouse Drive Ormond Beach, FL 386-676-9600 5:00 PM Columbia Restaurant 98 St. George Street St. Augustine, FL 904-824-3341 45 mins 7:00 PM The Grande Villas At World Golf Village 100 Front Nine Drive St. Augustine, FL 904-940-2000 25 mins 9:30 PM Poker 904-287-7529 18 mins 9:33 AM Saturday Golf Club At South Hampton - Blue Tees (6005) 315 South Hampton Club Way St. Augustine, FL 6:00 PM CaddyShacks 9:00 PM Poker 8:50 AM 3:00 PM Sunday St Johns Golf and Country Club - White Tees (6384) 205 Saint Johns Golf Drive St. Augustine, FL Awards Golfpactravel myAccountTrip Walk 904-940-3200 14 mins Friday Round Pairings Day Friday Tee Times Halifax Plantation - White Tees (6149) 10:30AM Noel Rodriguez - Scorekeeper Electronic Scott Hathaway Collen Cunningham Ron Humphrey - Scorekeeper Paper 10:37AM Kenny Pohlman - Scorekeeper Paper Joe Parra - Scorekeeper Electronic Scot Lynch Richard McRae 10:44AM Tim Millard - Scorekeeper Paper Chris Smith Kevin Arnold - Scorekeeper Electronic Robert Boswell 10:51AM John Fisher - Scorekeeper Paper Chris Bishop Joel Quidort Dave Muse - Scorekeeper Electronic Score Saturday Round Pairings Day Saturday Tee Times SouthHampton - Blue Tees (6005) 9:33 AM 1 - Scorekeeper 2 3 4 9:40 AM 5 - Scorekeeper 6 7 8 9:47 AM 9 - Scorekeeper 10 11 12 9:54 AM 13 - Scorekeeper 14 15 16 Score Total Final Round Pairings Day Sunday Tee Times St Johns - White Tees (6384) 8:50 AM 16th Place - Scorekeeper 8:57 AM 12th Place - Scorekeeper 9:04 AM 8th Place - Scorekeeper 9:11 AM 4th Place - Scorekeeper Score Total Golfapalooza Tournament Rules The rules are very simple. We will use your handicap that has been tracked by Scot Lynch, and will apply that handicap to your score after every round. Your score from that round will also be used to calculate your handicap for the next day. Before Friday golf begins, everyone gives the bank (Joe) $20 for the kitty. That will make the kitty $320 for prize money. Saturday's round pairing will be based on a random number pull on Friday night. Sunday's round matchups will be paired exactly the way the PGA does pairings for the Saturday and Sunday rounds, the leaders tee off last. Friday's, Saturday's and Sunday's rounds scores will be added together and the results will dictate who will be the Golfapalooza champion. There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall winners, which includes combined scores from Friday, Saturday and Sunday's rounds. First place will receive $180 and the Golfapalooza Champion trophy for a year. Second place will receive $100 and a plaque in the ladies room. Third place will receive $40. If we have a tie, then there will be a chip-off at the putting green, the first one to putt in with the least amount of strokes wins. The position of the ball off the putting green will be decided by me, and I will keep positioning the ball off the green until we have a winner. If for some reason we get rained out, then the person who is in the lead at the time will be named the Golfapalooza champion. The maximum score you can get per hole is double par(2 times par). Pick up your ball if you know you will score double par or over. No Gimme's, you must putt out. OUT OF BOUNDS and LOST BALL (or better known as the Boz/Lowry rule)– take a drop in line with the balls flight, no closer to the pin, and count the stroke and replay the shot, adding a penalty stroke. If you Do Not play all 3 rounds, you cannot be named Golfapalooza Champion. You still must The FNG Manifesto 1. Never refer to your fellow golfers as Golfapaloozers. 2. Make frequent rounds to ensure that all fellow golfers are well "hydrated". 3. Make frequent rounds to ensure that all fellow golfers are well "hydrated". 4. Does it need to be repeated a third time? 5. Make yourself very available to perform menial tasks. You might want to bring some rubber gloves. 6. You should plan and execute at least one epic practical joke. "The African American Wife", "Where's Jim?", "Golf Cart Bathroom Blocker", and "How'd my horseshoe wind up over there?" have all been done. Do not attempt to repeat them. 7. Laugh like hell at all of the previously executed practical jokes...even if they suck. 8. "Lights out" occurs when the last upright golfer says it does. Do yourself a favor and be the one to turn out the lights. 9. When voting takes place to choose a restaurant, an evening activity, or anything else, always vote with the majority. If your vote will tip the balance, one way or another, feign diarrhea and run for the bathroom. 10. Having fun is important so relax and enjoy yourself. 11. Making sure that everyone else is having fun is a matter of survival so get off your ass and make a round 'cause someone is always empty. 12. Participate in all events held by the group. It doesn't matter if it involves honey and sandpaper. You will learn to love it. 13. Washing your fellow golfer's clubs after each round is optional but recommended. Washing your fellow golfer's balls is completely up to your fellow golfer. Be sure to ask first. 14. You won't win so you might as well get drunk. 15. If you do think you are going to win anything (golf, poker, horseshoes, chugging contest, quarters, etc.) take a dive. Being the loser will pay years worth of dividends. Nobody likes a winner. 16. For your sake and ours, no whining. Next year will be awesome. 17. Guinea Pig Rule - Eat Boz’s breakfast at least 2 hours before anyone else to see what ill effects it might have on the group. Name Joe Parra Joel Quidort Scott Hathaway Kevin Arnold Noel Rodriguez Collen Cunningham Ron Humphrey Tim Millard Richard McRae Chris Bishop Scot Lynch Robert Boswell John Fisher Dave Muse Kenny Pohlman Chris Smith Handicap 45 40 37 32 31 30 30 27 26 25 24 23 16 15 13 Not Est High Bid $ 13.00 $ 12.00 $ 8.50 $ 25.00 $ 12.00 $ 16.50 $ 6.00 $ 15.15 $ 25.00 $ 17.50 $ 21.00 $ 30.00 $ 8.00 $ 19.00 $ 25.00 TOTAL $ Money Owed Name Dave Boz Scott Joel Kevin Richard Chris Ron Noel Kenny $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Amount 54.50 12.00 37.00 16.50 36.00 15.15 25.00 17.50 21.00 19.00 253.65 253.65 Winner Dave Boz Dave Scott Scott Joel Kevin Richard Chris Ron Noel Kevin Dave Kenny Dave