
29 May 2015 Issue 47
Tel. (013) 764 3127
Woef amper
bokveld toe - Bl 3
Eskom - higher
tarriffs? - P 6
Children - God’s
miracles - P 13
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GPS News
From the editor
Usually I do not forward nice e-mails to
other people just because it sounds nice.
I would however, like to share one that
struck home that I received from my dear
friend Ryna Pretorius from Hazyview.
It is about the song: “It is well with my
soul”, and the story behind it. The words
were written by a lawyer that lost his
loved ones and most of his earthly possessions, and still despite all the hurt and
losses, had it in him to say: When sorrow
like sea billows roll; it is well, it is well
with my soul!”
Philip Bliss (1838-1876), composed the
song that after many years still inspire
people and bring hope in destitute situations.
The email read as follow: “My dear
friend, a good attitude will determine
your altitude. When you look at your life,
career, job or family circumstances, what
do you say? Do you praise God? Do you
blame the devil? A good attitude towards
God makes Him move on your behalf.
Just say: Today God, it is well with
my soul. I am thankful I had a peaceful
night’s sleep. I am thankful I am alive
Op pad...
Lieze Loots
Donderende donderweer
Donkerte in die middel van die dag
Onheil in onvriendelike blitsgeraamtes
‘n Storm op my pad...
Maar ek sit veilig in die son
Aangeraak en warmgemaak
Strale van God-Beloftes spoel oor my
Sonarms van God-Genade omarm my
Goedheid, Getrouheid ,
En Guns,
kry gestalte in golwe van kalmte en
Warmte van Gees-Nabyheid
Trooswoorde gefluister tot die diepste
wese van my siel...
with possibilities. I am thankful I have a
roof over my head and food to eat. I am
thankful I have a job. I am thankful that
I have family and friends, and health. I
am thankful that my circumstances will
not be like this forever. Above all, I am
thankful that I have Jesus Christ on my
When we get broken in life, when we
lose a loved one, or have problems that
you don’t know where to next, or what to
do, then this is the time to, despite your
circumstances, to say: “It is well with my
I know and understand that it is not
always possible to see the sunshine in
life, but if you can raise you eyes and look
further than the hurt and blackness of
despair, you will find the courage to say
the words.
Inner healing will only start when you
let go and give it to Him. When we stop
to try and fix our lives ourselves and
allow God to do it for us, your whole life
changes. But… it starts with your soul.
Your mind, body and soul cannot be separated for each other. If you cognitively
Lig ten spyte van donkerte
Hoop te midde van wanhoop
Harts-geluk binne-in harts-seer
Ek word deurdrenk met blywende
die wete van ewige nabyheid
die sekerheid
Ek word bemin deur die Skepper.
make a decision to change your mind
from negative to hope and positive, and
give up your own will, you will succeed to
be able to say despite your circumstances:
“It is well with my soul.”
You are now probably thinking, she
does not know MY life and struggles,
and no, I don’t. But I had my share of
hurt in life, divorce at a very young age,
being broke and destitute, losing our son
to cancer at the age 4 after a long battle,
losing my pillar of strength, my mom,
and so forth. My situation is not unique,
the world is filled with so many people
I am grateful to Him for the courage to
stand up out of my situations and mostly
(sometimes it is very difficult) be able
to say: “It is well with my soul”. How
to succeed in this.. is your journey my
friend. I personally found that my free
will stood in His will, and when I allowed
God to take over, my healing started.
Dr. JB van Eijk (Bernardus)
of ...
It is with great sadness that we say
farewell to Lizzy Leech of Espag Properties in Graskop.
Lizzy died on Saturday, May 16, and
has for the past nine years been a pillar
of strength at our offices. She was a kind
person and a special human being to her
friends and colleagues, and she had a
passion for Graskop and its community.
Lizzy loved people, and believed that
everyone is equal and always made time
for a cuppa coffee and a chat. She was
very diligent about her work, and loved
her parents and family dearly.
A special word of condolence to Lizzy’s
husband Phil, and a word of thank you
for all your support to us during the
years. May you experience God’s peace
and unconditional love during this
difficult time.
Adriaan, Suzette and personnel.
“Ek is genoeg”
Dankbaar word genade-woorde in
beloftes van ewigheid oor my
22 Main Road, Sabie
Tel: 013 764 3127
Cell: 083 565 9458
E-mail: [email protected]
Uplands uses social media for
Lianda Naudé
World Endangered Species Day,
held on May 15, aims to create support and awareness for the protection of
endangered species.
Uplands College demonstrated their
support of this day by taking loads of
“Stop Killing Rhinos” selfies.
The idea was to write this message on
your hand and post it to Instagram/Facebook/Twitter along with the hashtags
#StopKillingRhinos and#Rally4Rhinos.
2 Tim. 4 tot 7: Ek het die goeie stryd gestry, ek het die wedloop voleindig, ek het
die geloof behou!”
Gebore op 11 Maart 1934 en oorlede op
6 Mei 2015 – “Lief, jy het ‘n groot leemte
gelaat, jou verlangende vrou Ansie”
Social Calendar
Sosiale Kalender
For weekly activities like VLU or Rotary
meetings and farmers market, please
see our Events Calendar on www.
Do you miss the old days in the
military services? – Join us at Jock
Shellhole MOTH Sabie – meeting every
2nd Monday monthly, Arthur –
072 224 0089
29 May - 31 May
Paradise Rally. Since 1994 This year it is
in Sabie at the Foreat Riverside Lodge!
For more Information, contact Sharon on
083 276 9549 Or [email protected]
5 June
Bingo Night. Fun for the whole family!
Sabie Country Club. R 150 for 5 games.
Lots of prizes. 013-764-3295
27 June
Illanga trail run. Clive Smart 082 894 0432
[email protected]
27 June
SCCT Golf day. 18 holes during day time
or nine holes at night. Live entertainment,
food and great prizes. Contact Nicole or
Marius Brummer 013-764-3595, 072-2301086, 082-780-7309
Father’s Day
June 21st.
Buy his gift
early - visit us
for great ideas!
GPS News
Alternatiewe Anna
Ek het nog altyd
gewonder oor groot
vroue en klein
hondjies. Nou kyk,
ek self is nie ’n size
10 of self 14 nie,
maar my gediertes
is in verhouding
met my. Daar is mos
die prentjie van die
groot vrou wat orals
plakkate opsit want
sy is op soek na
haar chihuahua’ tjie.
Nou, die foto is van agter geneem waar sy ’n plakkaat opsit
en daar sit die ou gebroedseltjie in die Visrivier-canyon vas.
Sommerso met ogies wat uitpeul en grynsende gelaatstrekke.
Ek was so ’n ruk terug by een van hierdie feeste wat jy jou
eie kombersie en piekniekmandjie saamvat. En natuurlik jou
eie wyn ook. Vir my werk ’n 5l wyn en so twee pakke chips. Net
so ’n entjie van ons af sit ’n stewige vrou, haar maer mannetjie
en haar wonder hond. Mens wonder waar sy die lelike dingetjie
gekry het en mens wonder die meeste van die tyd waar die
hondjie is want dit is so klein jy sien dit nie eens raak nie. Dus,
wonder hond.
Elke keer as die vrou haar skuif, dan span die groen langbroek benoud oor berge en dale en woefie kriewel dan weer
opnuut rond op haar skoot om lêplek te kry. Ek vergeet naderhand van die stage en hou hierdie petalje aandagtig dop. Toe
gebeur die onvermydelike. Sy wil toilet toe en manlief moet sy
geliefde vrou orent kry. En die keffertjie klou verbete vas. Sy’s
uiteindelik op en met hond onder die arm is sy in die rigting
van die toilet.
Met die terugkom slag hardloop die wonder hond vooruit,
terug na die feesmaal uitgestal op die kombersie. Mens kan
sien die maer mannetjie verpes die brakkie wat so tussen hulle
kos deursnuffel, maar hy sal nie ’n dooie woord spreek nie,
want hy is die laagste op die ranglys in hulle huishouding. Ek
wag in spanning dat sy gaan sit... Twee enorme boude, gehul
in seegroen lycra, daal na benede en net toe misgis brakkies
die tempo van neerdaal. Sy gaan sit net mooi terwyl die brakkie induik vir ’n lêplek. Daar breek alle hel los! Selfs die orkes
hou op speel en vergaap hulle aan die histeriese gebeurtenis.
Die brakkie tjank vreesbevange, sy gil vreesbevange en die
maer mannetjie lag onbevange, so baie dat hy nie in staat is
om of haar of die hond te red nie. Omstanders storm nader
en probeer haar lig sodat die hond gered kan word. Wat nog
steeds hartverskeurend tjank. Wel, op die ou einde is die hond
gered en sy is gekalmeer. Die hondjie het ’n ewige emosionele
knou weg, dink ek. Sy ook, vermoed ek. Tog, daar is net een
gedagte wat in my kop bly vassteek het. Wie het die maer mannetjie agterna gered?
GPS News
A marriage blessed by God
Tereasa Ferrari
GRASKOP - Just the grace of God can
keep a marriage together for 60 years.
This is what Sjoerd and Maggie
Algera attest to their success, as they
celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on April 23.
Sjoerd who is now 83 years old and
Maggie, who is 78, lives in Graskop and
met through mutual friends in June
According to the happy couple, they
were initially friends and visited each
other. Eventually their friendship
developed into something more meaningful.
The couple have six children, 10 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
“One of our special moments together
was when we went with our children and
a church group to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in the mid seventies,” said the
Then we stayed in Zululand and
we also used to visit our in-laws in
Lesotho.” The couple said they always
enjoyed travelling outside South Africa to
experience new cultures.
On the question of how they had kept
their marriage together for such a long
time, they humbly replied, ”Just by the
grace God.”
The couple advised all young people
getting married to keep their eyes on
the Lord, if they wanted a long healthy
marriage. “Respect each other and be
patient and also know that love makes
the difference in everything.”
and Maggie
their 60th
in April.
John Pringle
with French
tourists in
the Dredzen
Shop and
Dave Kahts
taking a call
International Museum Day celebrated in Pilgrim’s Rest
Frieda Paton
Pilgrims Rest - The town of Pilgrim’s
Rest celebrated International Museum
Day on May 18 by having the museums
in Up Town Pilgrim’s Rest open during
the evening from 18:00 to 21:00. Locals
and visitors were also given the opportunity to experience the village by night.
Dave Kahts welcomed visitors to the
Miner’s House Museum where koeksisters were on offer in the parlour. The
House Museum represents a middle class
home in the Victorian era.
At the Dredzen Shop and House
Museum, John Pringle played his part
in dressing up as a shopkeeper from a
bygone era. This Museum represented
a general dealer’s shop of the 1930’s to
1950’s, with a back door leading into the
shopkeeper’s residence.
Visitors were also treated to ginger
beer served in a tin mug.
John Pringle, a well-known local, has
been a tour guide for Friends of Pilgrim’s
Rest for the past 18 years. He and his
friend Dave Kahts, are often found
wearing period clothing adding to the
historical feel of Pilgrim’s Rest as a living
The Central Garage, manned by
Kamogelo Mohlala, was also open and
displayed vintage vehicles. At the Pilgrim’s and Sabie News Museum, Andy
Sehlabela showed visitors where the
town’s newspaper was published from
1910 to 1940.
Normal museum times are Monday to
Sunday from 09:00 to 16:00. Costs are
R20 p/adult and R10 p/child for all four
museums. Tickets can be purchased from
the Information Centre.
GPS News
Chicken Challenge changes lives
Michele du Plessis
Taken to Rob Ferreira Hospital in her
very frilly pink chiffon party dress, this
little 3 year old girl sobbed uncontrollably and eventually, cried herself to sleep.
It was a case where the doctor and the
GRIP staff stood weeping together about
what was physically, mentally and emotionally done to this little girl.
She was repeatedly molested by her
grandfather and as a result, contracted
She is just one case in literally thousands of cases which GRIP deals with
annually and for whom they provide a
road to healing.
“I never thought that chickens would
take on such significance, as it reflects,
as art should, what we do in our society.
The role of art is to hold a mirror up to
us, make us mindful and conscious.
The Chicken Challenge artists have
done just that – going beyond what was
expected,” said Barbara Mommen, CEO
of Mpumalanga Maputo Corridor Logistics Initiative.
The idea for the Chicken Challenge
comes from Reinette Fourie of Siyabonga
Crafters, Nelspruit.
The opening and launch of the 2015
Chicken Challenge in aid of GRIP at the
White River Gallery, Casterbridge, where
the crafted chickens are on display, was
tremendously successful.
“The chicken challenge is a community
based project aimed at crafters, local
artists and art lovers to raise funds in
support of the Greater Rape Intervention Programme,” said Jackie Prinsloo,
Learning and Community Development
Manager at York Timbers.
“York is the main sponsor towards this
community initiative that commenced
January 2015.”
“These very beautiful works of art
represents the love, the joy, the need for
healing and the ability of an organization to play that crucial role and your
contribution cannot be underestimated,
no matter if it is a R100 or a R1000.”
Barbara Mommen said.
The chicken works of art will be on
auction until June 13 and photographs
of the chickens are available on their
Facebook page - www.chickenchallenge.
com or at the White River Galery at
The artwork
for the Chicken
on display
at the White
River Gallery,
No means no!
Kopano Dibakwane
Graskop - Graskop SAPS, Child
Welfare SA and Sabie Hospital visited
Graskop Primary on May 15, to affirm the need for learners to speak out
against abuse. The campaign, which was
targeted at grade seven learners, also
highlighted the disadvantages of alcohol
and drug dependency.
Vivian Marobela from Child Welfare SA
said her organisation works closely with
the police, hospitals and social workers
to ensure that the rights of children are
not undermined. She alerted the learners
to the types of abuse such as; emotional,
physical and sexual abuse.
“Nobody must use sticks to discipline
you. Nobody must force themselves
on you,” said Marobela. “No means
no! That’s your body and you must
be responsible for it. You mustn’t let
anybody pull your hair, kick or beat
you. Nobody must bully you at school.
You must report abuse to the police so
that your mind can be free. You must
also report abuse of your friends to their
Sister Anna Kok from Sabie hospital said
that reporting sexual abuse early avoids
contracting diseases and unwanted
“At the hospital we give you medication
Front left: Vivian Marobela, DianWKD0RKODOD&RQÀGHQFH0DSKDQJD
Jude Khoza, Nobuhle Ntshangase,
Mmakgotso Mashego, Sister Kok,
Botho Selepe, Faith Johnson and
Constable Nkosi, Back left: Sister
Felicia, Constable Chiloane, Poppy
Mokoena, Dikeledi Sanderson, Anna
Mohlala, Thea Craucamp, Mildred
Maabane, Rosemary Masilela and
Ntombifuthi Ngwenya,
to prevent HIV infection and counselling
to help you deal with the trauma of being
raped or sexually abused,” said Sister
Kok. ” We also provide samples to the
police to help with investigations so that
the rapist can be arrested.”
Graskop SAPS communication officer,
Constable Rosemary Masilela, shared
the names of drugs that are holding most
communities at ransom. A few of these
are nyaope, dagga, kat and cocaine. “We
appreciate the warm welcome,” said
Constable Masilela. “We do campaigns
to educate you about substance abuse.
Drugs make you unable to sleep; you
change your attitude and no longer
respect your teachers and elders. You
must also stay away from alcohol and
cigarettes. Nobody has a right to abuse
you, whether at home or here at school.
The police are there to protect you.”
Thea Craucamp from Graskop Primary
told GPS News that “it’s good for the
kids to have background information.
They must know what to do and who to
contact. They know that the school is
available to assist.”
Other speakers included Sabie SAPS
Victim Empowerment Centre coordinator
Ntombifuthi Ngwenya who spoke about
rape and sexual abuse.
GPS News
Local models scouted for overseas
By Kopano Dibakwane
Eight models under Mpumalanga
based Jeanies Prestigious Modelling
agency will be heading to Johannesburg
to audition for a chance to take part at
the International Talent Showcase in
Florida, USA.
The auditions are organised by the
world-acclaimed Just You Models and
will take place from 2 to 3 October.
The beautiful girls are from Graskop,
Hlabekisa, Pilgrims Rest and Nelspruit.
They are; Eden Lester, Sasha Mokoena,
Morgan Botha, Luthando Mathonsi, Nothando Makhushe, Fiona Khoza, Sethu
Lubisi and Jeanies Prestigious Modelling
Agency owner Jean Karabelo Mohlala.
They were spotted amongst 135 contestants during the Miss Lowveld beauty
pageant held at the Emnotweni Arena on
Saturday 16 May.
Mohlala said that she was speechless
when the names of the girls were read
out on stage before the crowning ceremony took place.
“I feel overwhelmed, shocked and
surprised that the girls have achieved so
much in a very short space of time, with
little experience. I’m really hoping that
they do well at the auditions because this
is a very rare opportunity,” she said.
The night of the pageant yielded more
blessings for the selfless Mohlala. She
won third prize in the Mrs Category
while her three year old daughter, Tricia
Kea Mohlodi, was chosen to appear for
photo shoots as a model for big clothing
shop Ackerman’s. Luthando Mathonsi
achieved third position in the teens
category while Buhle Mokoena scooped
the first prize in the Supermodel/bikini
category out of 125 contestants.
Another model, Nothando Makhushe
impressed the judges so much that she
was nominated to compete for the Best
model of the year award. The award
ceremony will take place on 6 June in
Mohlala thanked parents, sponsors
and Coconut Boutique in Graskop for
designing the dresses. She said that the
next step is to organise a professional
photo shoot for the girls’ portfolios and
this will take place on 27 June.
“I thank Manda Gomes (organiser of
Miss Lowveld pageant) for giving the
girls a platform. I’m urging people to
support these girls and contribute some
funds during our car wash events or
other fund raising activities coming soon
in Graskop, Hlabekisa and Nelspruit.
Nothando Makhushe needs your vote,
please support her so that she can win
the Best model of the year award,” said
Readers can sms Nothando
Makhushe’s name and surname to
078 649 3026 to cast their votes.
Eskom applies for tariff increase
Lianda Naudé
Eskom has applied to the National Energy Regulator of SA (NERSA) for yet another increase in
their tariffs charged to users of electricity. The latest request asks for a 25.30% increase for 2015/16
instead of their original requested amount of 24.78%. Should NERSA grant Eskom’s request, it
would add another 10.10% to the electricity price.
This follows shortly after increased tariffs were implemented by Eskom on April 1. Direct
customers now pay an increased rate of 12.6% and municipalities 14.2% for electricity.
Eskom justified their request to NERSA by stating that they require extra funds for two reasons.
Firstly, Eskom needs R32.9bn to run their diesel-driven open cycle gas turbines (OCGT) over the
next three years. Secondly, a further R19.9bn is needed for the short-term purchases of power from
the private sector.
An additional increase of 2.51% is also needed to cover the increased environmental levy of 5.5c
per kilowatt hour as announced in the budget.
NERSA will make a decision on Eskom’s submission on June 29. In the interim, NERSA has
invited electricity users to comment on the suggested increase. The closing date for written comments is Monday, June 15 at 16:00. Public hearings on will take place in Gauteng on June 23 and
24. Venues still have to be confirmed.
Comments can be mailed to [email protected] or hand-delivered to Kulawula House, 526
Madiba Street, Arcadia, Pretoria or posted to P.O Box 40343, Arcadia, 0083, Pretoria.
GPS News
Biggest braai heats up Innibos launch
Joe Dreyer
Nelspruit - The Lowveld winter was
not enough to dampen Dutch courage as
3 737 tong-brandishing locals crowded
the sports grounds of Bergvlam High
School this weekend. Their aim, to
welcome in this year’s Innibos festival in
the only way a true South African knows
– with a braai. Not just any braai, the
world’s biggest braai.
“We are very happy to announce that
Nelspruit has done it!” This was the
announcement made on stage by Andy
Lube, Innibos festival manager, during
Kurt Darren’s performance on Friday
night. “We have broken the world record
for the most people cooking simultaneously, congratulations, give yourself
a huge hand!”
Although the recorded numbers reflect
that the record has indeed been broken,
the data from the event has to be submitted to the Guinness World Records committee for evaluation and approval before
being officially acknowledged. According
to Pippa Botha of the Innibos committee, the previous record was set in China
where 2 801 participants took to the
grills. “There are very rigid guidelines
and strict monitoring when you attempt
a world record,” she explained. “All
participants had only 30 minutes to cook,
they each had to cook the same food, use
the same utensils and all cook simultaneously. Video and photographic evidence
had to be provided as well. All of this will
now be analysed by the Guinness panel.”
In order to adhere to these rules, a
drone was deployed to video the entire
event from the skies while roaming
photographers paid a visit to each of the
teams on the ground. Due to the large
turnout, it was impossible to fit everyone onto a single large grill and so the
grounds were sectionalised and every
participant handed a bar coded ticket to
gain access to their designated area. The
entry points were then monitored by officials with handheld access control scanners to ensure that an official attendance
register was captured.
The fun did not stop at the grills either
and after the final signal was given, the
participants all enjoyed an evening of
entertainment with comedian Wicus van
der Merwe, Afrikaans rock outfit, Beeskraal, and the king of South African pop
music, Kurt Darren. It is estimated that
around 6 000 people braved the cold for
this launch party. If that is anything to
go by then Innibos 2015 – “Die fees met
hart,” will surely be another resounding
The festival will kick off on July 1
this year and tickets are already on sale
at Computicket, Shoprite Checkers,
Crossing Centre, Riverside Mall and
Ilanga Mall.
Cancer symposium a huge success
Tereasa Ferrari
Mbombela – A Breast Cancer Symposium was held at Bundu Lodge on Saturday, May 9. The three main speakers at
the event were Prof Carol-ann Benn, Dr
Sarita Retief and Dr Magda Rall.
The symposium which was organised
by the Pink Link, was a huge success with nearly a sold out audience of
around 200 guests.
Benn sent a clear message that women who have been diagnosed with breast
cancer must not think it is an emergency
and rush into surgery.
“There is no emergency, you should
first see an Oncologist – cancer kills only
when it spreads.”
Retief an Oncologist who practices
in the Lowveld, also reiterated that the
most important message of the symposium was that surgery should not be
rushed into.
“Some say to me, I am not going to
have chemo. There are two types of
treatment with chemo and that is curative and palliative.”
She said chemotherapy is given to
patients when there is a chance to cure
the cancer or when it is in the early
Palliative is when there is a chance
to extend the life of the patient and to
alleviate the symptoms.
“You are the only one who decides if
you want six challenging months, but a
better chance at life.”
Dr Magda Rall, the last speaker, is a
well-known psychologist in the Lowveld.
From left: Zahraa Minty, Aman Minty, She spoke about how compassion for
others in general in society is dwindling.
Prof Carol-ann Benn, Danal Minty
GPS News
Uplands Festival 2015
Lianda Naudé
The annual Uplands Festival will take
place from May 29 to 31 at Uplands College in White River.
Initially the event was started as a
mini festival to gain funds for the school.
However, it has since grown in size drawing in excess of 14 000 visitors annually.
The festival presents a variety of stage
shows including musicals, dramas and
comedies. Jonathan Roxmouth will
perform the music and lyrics from some
of broadways greatest writers in his
show entitled Stage by Stage.
Nicola Jackman will inspire and help
you to discover joy and love in her one
woman show, MAfrika. Jackman will
also present the Joy Workshop which
provides practical ways of living live joyfully and lovingly.
Pierre van Heerden present a comedic look of a young naive Afrikaner
conscripted into the army in 1976 in his
performance of Borderline.
The KMPG Art festival is also a regular feature at the Uplands Festival. It
provides a platform for local and professional artists and the Uplands art pupils
to exhibit and sell their artworks.
Exhibitors include Liz McQueen,
Alanna Deall, Stephen Earle, Nina
Bosch, Sherry Cromhout Esme Naude
Sabie’s outstanding
Tereasa Ferrrari
SABIE – A young man born and raised
in Sabie, has achieved tremendous
success with his studies, which he credits
to having a family which supported and
believed in him.
Simon Weber graduated Cum Laude
with an LLB and a BComm. In both
degrees he achieved distinctions. He
was also on the Dean’s list for both his
LLB years. Simon received a Fidelity
Fund Bursary in his final year of his
Added to this list of achievements he
also obtained academic honour colours at
the University of Pretoria where he was
awarded the Phatshoane Henney Medal
for LLB Cum Laude.
Simon matriculated at Sybrand
van Niekerk High School. His mother
Caroline works at Woodlands School and
his father, Jacob, is a local farmer and is
also part of the forestry industry.
He advises future law students to
do a BA or BCom before undertaking
a LLB. “I enjoy reading factual books
artist Shaun
will be at
the Uplands
Festival this
and Shaun Fredriksson. An official
opening cocktail party for the art festival will take place on Friday, May 29 at
The Eqestrian Show Jumping will take
place on Saturday from 08:00 until 16:00.
The Equestian Equitation and Dressage
will be held on Sunday from 08:00 until
The Uplands MTB Classic will take
place on Sunday May 31 and includes
three race categories. Cyclists have a
choice to participate in the 50km Classic,
19km Challenge or 5km fun ride.
Live music will happen throughout the
and spending time with my friends and
family and being outdoors”.
He said some of his best years of his
life were when he was a student. “You
will never have that much free time
again in your life.”
Simon is currently doing his articles
with Rooth & Wessels Inc, and has
shown a keen interest in tax and banking law. “I surround myself with eager
and hardworking friends who inspired
and motivated me to be the best I can be.
Friends can make all the difference.”
Simon concluded that he was unsure
where he would be in five or ten years,
but that he wants to be a very successful
legal practitioner.
event and includes bands such as Stonehedge and Napalma. Other attractions
at the festival include a beer tent, a food
hall and big screen rugby.
There will also be various UP-market
stalls and a Fun Field has been created
for children. Charities will once again
benefit from the Festival and include
CANSA and Hospice White River, Rotary
Club White River.
Bookings can be made online at www. or at the ticket
sales office at the Festival. For information contact Tracey Russell on 076-7023540 or mail [email protected]
Gifted ex Sybrand van Niekerk
learner , Simon Weber, who has
excelled in his further studies.
GPS News
How to be safe during load shedding
By Joe Dreyer
You and your family are not the
only ones watching the load shedding
schedule. These daily scheduled power
outages have created perfect opportunities for criminal elements to execute
house robberies in your area, so J&M
Security in White River caution the public to become more vigilant during these
Follow these guidelines and prevent
yourself and loved ones from becoming
an easy target.
Load shedding increases your risk
Residential properties become more
vulnerable to attack each time a specific
area is plunged into the Eskom load
shedding darkness.
Thousands of alarms are triggered
when the power cuts out which in turn
causes absolute havoc in the security response control room. From the thousands
of power failure signals received, the
control room has to root out the actual
alarm activation signals and this, affects
response time.
Add the fact that traffic lights all over
the city are out during this time as well,
and you create a serious problem for the
response cars rushing to a possible alarm
According to the minimum South
African Intruder Detection Services
Association (SAIDSA) standards, armed
response vehicles have 15 minutes to get
to an incident – load shedding has made
this almost impossible, even in a small
During load shedding, the cellular
networks are visibly congested too as
boredom drives everyone to check their
Facebook status, browse the internet or
chat over social media.
Are there long term effects?
Yes there are, and they all have to do
with your batteries. Specifically the batteries of your alarm system and electric
gate motors.
Depending on the amount of devices
attached to your alarm system battery, a
perfectly good battery should power your
system for up to eight hours.
The same goes for your gate motor’s
back-up battery. But the frequent power
cuts don’t allow your batteries to recharge according to their optimum cycles
which shortens their lifespan, so check
your battery and replace it if necessary.
Should you receive an sms from J&M
or your security service provider of a
drained or low battery, contact the technical department and have them inspect.
So, what measures can I take?
First, check your backup batteries and
replace them if necessary. J&M Security
now stocks a new, larger 18 Amp battery
for alarm systems.
LINKS: Die wenners van
die jaarlikse redenaars
kompetisie te Sybrand
van Niekerk Hoërskool.
Agterste ry: Chanthal
Willis – tweede plek,
Liandi Viljoen Junior
wenner en Marzellé
Burger Senior tweede
plek. Voorste ry:
Natasché du Plessis,
Senior wenner vir die
vyfde jaar in ’n ry en Me.
Du Toit, organiseerders
van die redenaars.
Always carry your portable panic
button with you and have your security
company on speed dial on your phone.
Make sure to have candles and flashlights ready in a designated area of your
house in case of unexpected power cuts
or a deviation in the Eskom schedule.
If your cell phone’s battery is running
low, try and avoid using it until the power comes on. Be alert when approaching
your home during load shedding. Keep a
flashlight in your car if you need to open
your gate manually as the street lights
will also be out during this time.
Lock your automated gate once you are
inside. Keep all your doors and security
gates locked at night. If you are using a
generator, never operate it inside your
home or the garage as it produces carbon
monoxide which can be fatal.
For peace of mind, contact J&M
Security today on 013-750-1577 or visit
their website for
information pertaining to the latest battery upgrades and other home security
systems. J&M – serving the community,
serving you.
Maseko, (left)
winner of
grand prize
- a bicycle,
at the pop
a balloon
at Sabie
to celebrate
their 1st
GPS News
Balule low water
bridge repaired
The Balule low water bridge in the
Kruger National Park (KNP) was closed
after the floods in 2012.
To date guests visiting KNP had to use
a detour in travelling to the Balule camp.
The bridge has been repaired and is now
open again for use by guests to the Park.
Balule is a satellite camp situated just
south of Olifants Camp and lies close to
the Olifants River.
The Balule low water bridge
is open for travellers in the
Kruger National Park.
Talented sculptor
expands due to
From Left: Steve Beck (Managing Director Gallet Group),
Fundisile Mketeni (CEO SANParks), Nomvuselelo C. Songelwa
(ME Parks SANParks) and Rajesh Mahabeer (CFO SANParks).
Leopard statue by Roy Sarkin
Gallet Group raises R325 000 for SANParks
Lianda Naudé
SANParks received a donation of R325
000 from The Gallet Group Employee
Benefits (Pty) Ltd on May 13. The funds
will be utilised for the sole purpose to
assist rangers being trained for anti
rhino poaching activities in the Kruger
National Park (KNP).
“The stepping up of anti-rhino poaching activities has stretched our resources,” said Fundisile Mketeni, CEO SANParks, “This valuable contribution will
go a long way to ensuring that conservation efforts for fauna, flora and wildlife
are not jeopardised.”
The funds were raised during a client
golf day hosted by the Gallet Group at
the Royal Johannesburg and Kensington
Golf Club. The event was held specifically to collect funds for SANPark’s Ranger
Assist Fund (RAF).
“Conserving South Africa’s natural
habitats for future generations is a cause
very close to our hearts,” said Steve
Beck, Managing Director Gallet Group.
“We are extremely proud to have raised
such a significant sum of money for this
important SANParks RAF initiative.
The golf day fundraiser will now become
an annual event for our group.
I challenge other South African
companies to do the same for the RAF
Lianda Naudé
Roy Sarkin from White River has
gained an international reputation for
his bronze sculpture and jewelry.
His passion for bird watching is
expressed in a unique range of bronze
sculptures and fine art portrayals of
wildlife species.
Sarkin grew up in Johannesburg and
had planned to become a vet. He studied
at Onderstepoort but due to his inability
to speak Afrikaans fluently he eventually pursued another course of action.
During 1968 he started working for his
uncle, Sidersky, a jeweler.
He subsequently travelled extensively
overseas and eventually qualified as
a Master Goldsmith. On his return to
South Africa he started his own jewelry
Since then, Sarkin has become one of
our country’s finest craftsmen and has
now opened a second shop in Hoedspruit.
“To think that my work will live on
when I am gone is very rewarding to
me,” said Sarkin. “International shoppers often clear out my store upon visits
to the Lowveld.
The majority of the travelers head to
the reserves in Hoedspruit. I don’t want
to miss this business opportunity and
that’s why I have opened a second shop
For more information mail info@ or go to
Make trust part of your journey
GPS News
By Joe Dreyer
Trust. It’s a term, not a five letter word
- and quite possibly the most overused
and misinterpreted term after its twin,
love. But it suffers from societal bullying as corporations throw it around like
some impressive catch phrase, some
word of the week to turn a gamble into
a calculated risk in the never ending
market share war.
At Supa Quick, we don’t gamble instead we lift, charge, tighten, inspect
and balance trust.
In fact, it is our commitment to
strengthening trust that has kept South
African motorists safe on the road since
1986, and it is the very same trust that
will do so in the future.
At Supa Quick we appreciate that our
relationship is built on your trust in our
expertise, rather than our prices.
Trust is earned
The proof lies in the pudding as they say
and with over 240 fitment centres across
South Africa, you really can have your
cake and eat it too.
As South Africa’s leading fitment
centre, we remain a full service auto
centre – when it comes to tyres, brakes,
batteries, shocks and exhausts, we have
all the leading brands. Our commitment
over the last three decades has not only
earned us your trust, but also that of
international tyre giant, Bridgestone,
who afforded Supa Quick the coveted
“Bridgestone Select Dealership” title
through our wholly owned subsidiary,
Bridgestone South Africa Retail.
The friendly staff of Supa Quick, Sabie
The icing on your cake, however, comes
from the quick, efficient and friendly
service and advice you can expect from
any of our 4 000 fitment experts employed throughout our national network.
So, how do you improve on trust?
Well, you don’t – you add to it. And
Supa Quick in conjunction with Bridgestone have done just that with the introduction of the all new and affordable
DriveGuard range of tyres for the small
to medium passenger vehicles.
The Bridgestone DriveGuard tyre
boasts leading edge Run Flat Technology (RFT) which means that, effectively,
you can now enjoy peace of mind knowing that your family will be safe in any
road conditions no matter which car they
Continue driving for up to 80 km at a
maximum speed of 80 km/h after a puncture or complete loss of tyre pressure
with Bridgestone DriveGuard tyres.
Masterfully engineered to keep you
moving, these tyres help you get to a safe
and convenient place to replace or repair
your damaged tyre.
There is never a good time for a puncture, so fit DriveGuard at your nearest
Supa Quick to protect your most valuable
Don’t procrastinate, visit now to find your nearest store.
If you are in Sabie simply contact them
on 013-764-2111 or Nelspruit on 013-7552943. Supa Quick – Closer to you.
Sabie Aftreeoord
word vermaak
Jedidja van der Walt
Sabie – Die Vommies is ‘n kinder
bediening van die Hervormde Kerk wat
kinders insluit van baie verskillende
gemeentes. Vanjaar leer die Vommies
kinders van Sabie hoe om dissipels te
’n Dissipel is ’n volgeling van Jesus
Christus wat daarom ook doen wat hy of
sy by Jesus leer,” verduidelik Ds. Willem
Breytenbach, Hervormde Kerk. “Die
Vomies se mikpunt is om goed te doen vir
die gemeenskap en om ondervinding te
kry om hulle beter dissipels te maak.
Op Woensdag, Mei 6 het hulle besoek
afgelê by die Sabie Aftree Oord.
Die middag het begin met gebed en ‘n
verskeidenheid items.
Daar is ou geliefde liedjies gesing
soos My Bonnie en bekendes soos Loof
Hom Met Die Tromme. Na die sang is
gedigte opgesê sowel as ’n paar klavier
stukke is gespeel.
Oom Johnny Sauer het almal vermaak
met ’n rympie. Die kinders was gevra of
hulle weet oor wie die rympie gaan en
oom Ben Wessels het geantwoord, “Piet
Retief!” Daar was baie gelag hieroor
voordat hy reg gehelp is deur Ds. Willem
wat verduidelik dat dit oor Noag van die
Bybel gaan.
“Dit was baie lekker, die sing was vir
my die beste, sê Erin du Plessis, een van
die Engels-sprekende Vommies kinders.
“Ons het probeer om dit goed uit te voer,
maar dit was baie snaaks omdat ons nie
veel kon oefen nie. Ek sal nie omgee om
dit weer te doen nie,”
GPS News
Sabie Brewing and Restaurant launch
Shaun McCarthy, Brewer and Managing Director of Sabie Brewing
Company and James Shead, Chairman of Sabie Chamber of Commerce,
also a shareholder in the brewery.
Michele du Plessis
The Sabie Brewing Company had their
official launch of the brewery and restaurant on May 20 in Sabie. John Grobbelaar, Restaurant Manager and Executive Chef, prepared six items from the
menu as tasters to serve to the guests.
From goat’s milk cheese to the vegetables
and greens are sourced locally.
Shaun McCarty, brewer and managing
director, gave up a career as an ecologist
to pursue his dream of a brewery. He spent
time at Brewlab, Sunderland University
in England, learning the complex and
ancient art of brewing. He is assisted
by Brian Dube, a Microbrewologist. The
planning and building of the brewery took
five years to complete.
McCarthy explained the process of
crafting beer, the time and dedication
that went into it and gave an overview of
the beers they create. The history of the
different beers made a very interesting
addition to the good food and craft beers
which was on offer.
It would be worth a visit to the
brewery and restaurant. Be sure to try
the Shangaan Stout and enjoy the wide
variety of beers on offer.
Their beers are also available at selected outlets or can be bought directly
from the brewery. Tours are available
with prior arrangement. For information contact 013-764-1005 or manager@
SAPS Disability Conference
Michele du Plessis
Sabie – The Mpumalanga Disability
Conference for the SAPS was held at the
Floreat River Lodge from May 13 to 15.
A total of 78 police officers attended the
conference which is held every two years.
During the conference police officers
discussed their concerns and problems
regarding their working environment.
Some of these included the need for
indoor assisted devices, special furniture
and equipment and easier accessibility to
“According to the law, two percent
of the police workforce must be disabled persons,” said Lt. Col. Mthembi,
Disability Manager Mpumalanga. “We
are not there yet, but we are working to
get more disabled people to join
the police force. Not all disabled persons
work in offices, some work as detectives
as well.”
Representatives of SARS attended the
conference to inform the police officers
on tax and benefits for disabled people.
Presentations were also made on Human
Resource Utilisation, Human Resource
Development: Sport and SAPS strategy
on disability management.
Various types of equipment and prosthesis were on display. “We need to show
the disabled officers what is available
and what can be done to improve their
lives,” said Lt. Colonel Mthembi.
On the last day of the conference a
new Mpumalanga Disability Committee
was elected.
TOP - From left: Lt. Col. Mthembi
(Disability Manager), Colonel Mojane
(Provincial Head), Captain Khosa
(Provincial Co-coordinator Disabilities).
LEFT - Captain Makwela recipient of 2014
Service Excellence Award, Back: Colonel
Matheywa (National Head Disability
Management) and Lt. Col. Mthembi
(Disability Manager).
GPS News
To be blessed with children is a gift from God
Tereasa Ferrari
SABIE – Only a couple that cannot
have children will understand the heartbreak behind it. This is a remarkable
story of a young couple who struggled to
have children that turned from heartbreak to joy.
Chariske and Juan Small remained
childless despite numerous attempts to
conceive. After a lengthy process with
the help of God and Dr Billy Magagula,
Cheriska finally fell pregnant with triplets.
The triplets were born prematurely
on February 24 at 28 weeks. Juandre
the eldest weighed 1.6 kg, Luandre his
brother and his sister Gene only 1.26 kg
each. Sadly, Juandre passed away one
day after his birth due to a heart defect.
The couple said the children had been
born at Rob Ferreira hospital, and that
the staff were most supportive during
their ordeal of losing one of their sons, as
well as the treatment they received while
in the hospital.
“ We decided to change our second son
Luandre’s name to Juandre, after our
first born so we would never forget him.”
According to the couple, the remaining
twins were very small and their weight
dropped futher to 950grams.
“They are fighters and after five
days of being on ventilators, the twins
started breathing on their own,” said
their father. Despite having jaundice and
infections the twins fought to live and
eventually both recovered.
The twins were subsequently transferred to Sabie Hospitals Kangaroo
Unit which is a care method for preterm
Lianda Naudé
Veels geluk aan die volgende lesers
wat hulle eie eksemplaar van Rhona
Scheepers se Pedale van Papier
gewen het.
Jenny Krugel - Hazyview
Somari Basson - Witrivier
Claudia van Aswegen - Sabie
Rika Knoetze - Sabie
Bernice v. Jaarsveld - Sabie
Skyf sommer nou dadelik in vir Naledi
se volgende boekkompetisie! Ontmoeting
met Heiliges is ‘n besondere boek deur
die pen van Liesel Joubert.
Lees verder daaroor in die boekresensie op bl. 14 in hierdie uitgawe van die
infants. The Kangaroo method involves
infants being carried by their mother
with skin to skin contact.
Finally, the twins were discharged on
April 20 when Gene weighed 1.800kg
and Juandre 1.970 kg.
“To have preterm babies creates a turmoil of emotions. It is also exhausting
but amazing at the same time because
you get to see their progress, how they
develop instead of being inside your
They are now holding their own bottles
and are becoming more beautiful every
We thank God for the privilege of having children and would like to encourage
other couples not to give up hope.
We were amazed to see peoples goodness and kindness with the babies and
cannot thank each person individually,
but would like to say: “You know what
role you played in our journey and for
that we thank you.”
Beantwoord die vyf maklike vrae;
Wat is die prys se naam wat aan die
skrywer toegeken is?
Waarin het die skrywer ‘n doktorsgraad
Die boek vertel van ryk verhale uit
watter geloof?
Wat is die skrywer se naam en van?By
watter kerk is die skrywer ‘n vryskut
Epos die antwoorde tesame met jou
adres na; digitaleditor@gpsnews. Die sluitingsdatum vir die
201 Main Street, Sabie
Tel: 013 764 2279 | Email: [email protected]
GPS News
Skrywer bekroon vir
Ontmoeting met Heiliges
Lianda Naudé
Skrywer Liesel Joubert is bekroon met
die Desmond Tutu-Geriit Brand prys vir
haar boek Ontmoeting met Heiliges.
Die Desmond Tutu-Gerrit Brand-prys
is hierdie jaar vir die eerste keer toegeken en is gerig op debuutskrywers van
publikasies met ‘n Christelike inhoud in
‘n amptelike taal van Suid-Afrika.
Die toekenning vorm deel van die jaarlikse Andre Murry toekenings.“Deur die
verhale van vroue en mans wat deur die
eeue na aan God geleef het, oor te vertel,
verbreed en verdiep Lisel Joubert haar
lesers se perspektief op die onuitputlike
rykdom van die Christelike erfenis,” sê
Mouton, professor in Nuwe Testament en
voormalige dekaan, Fakulteit Teologie,
US .
“Terwyl heiligheid verrassende nuwe,
alledaagse gestaltes aanneem, help
die boek lesers om ’n taal van hoop en
vreugde te vind waarmee ook húlle verhale beskryf kan word. ’n Nugter en ryk
geskakeerde bydrae tot geloofsvorming.”
Ontmoeting met Heiliges stel die
leser voor aan ’n wye verskeidenheid
gelowiges, oor die eeue heen en uit alle
Christelike tradisies. Innemende stories
bring jou van aangesig tot aangesig met
die persoon agter die verhaal.
Lisel Joubert is ’n teoloog en vryskutpredikant in die NG Kerk. Sy het ’n doktorsgraad in Ou Testament verwerf. “Ék
het ‘n passie om mense te leer hoe om
die Bybel beter te verstaan en om hulle
bekend te stel aan die ryk geskiedenis
van die Christelike tradisie,” sê Joubert.
Vir meer inligting oor ‘Ontmoeting met
Heiliges’ kontak Marinda van Naledi
by [email protected] of
New regulations for road users
Lianda Naudé
The South African National Transport
Department has publicised draft regulations intended to curb accidents our
roads. The suggested new legislation was
publicised in the Government Gazette
on May 11 and the Department hopes to
implement them by end of 2015.
The new laws to the existing National
Road Traffic Act 1996 (Act no 93 of 1996)
would include the following;
x Speed limits reduced from 60 to
40km/h in towns, 100 to 80km/h
on rural roads, and 120 to
100km/h on freeways,
A practical driving test must
be done before renewing your
driver’s licence. Details of this
still have to be published,
Heavy trucks will be restricted
on roads during rush hours.
Vehicles exceeding in mass of
9 000kg will not be allowed on
the roads between 06:00 to 09:00
and 17:00 to 20:00 on Mondays
to Fridays except on weekends
and public holidays. Emergency
vehicles will however be exempt
from this ruling,
Maximum of five adults in a bakkie load bed,
No children may be transported
in a bakkie load bed.
The Department is considering a
further amendment relating to traffic
officials performing random driver’s
license retesting.
“Presently traffic officials can only refer a driver to a testing centre to undertake a driving test,” says Ishmael Mnisi,
Department spokesperson.
“The Department wants to equip and
train our traffic officials in all aspects so
that they are able to do drivers licence
testing on the spot, if need be.” South Africa has the worst rating out of 36 countries when it comes to road fatalities.
In 2014, South Africa was ranked
177th out of 182 countries studied for
road fatalities. These fatalities result in
a huge socio-economic cost, estimated at
R306-billion per annum.
The 2015 Easter weekend road
deaths statistics are; death toll of 287
from 208 crashes. This represents a 48%
increase compared to the 2014 Easter
death toll of 193 from 148 crashes.
The 2015 Easter figure does not
included subsequent deaths in hospitals
as a result of the road accidents.The
proposed legislation is open for comment
until Monday, June 8 at 17:00.
Comments can be delivered via the
following channels;
Email: John Motsatsing at motsatsj@ or Phillip Magagane at [email protected]
Postal: Attention John Motsatsing or
Phillip Magagane at Private Bag X193,
Pretoria 0001
Fax: Attention John Motsatsing or
Phillip Magagane at 012-309-3962
GPS News
GPS News
Vakante pos vir dame wat kan werk
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persoon. Opleiding sal gegee word.
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House/Pet sitter and photographer
House/Pet sitter and photographer for
any function.
Call Yolandi - 073 194 4477
Frieda Paton
The annual limited over cricket match between Graskop and Pilgrim’s Rest was played in Graskop on May 10.
The day started with the ladies’ match with Graskop team choosing
to go in to bat first. They scored 111 runs to win the game against the
Pilgrim’s ladies who were all out for 86 runs.
For the first time in the 26 year history of the cricket challenge
the men’s match was rained out. A decision was made not to apply
formulas and calculations but rather to call a draw so there would be
no losers.
Bianca Wirths from Pilgrim’s Rest was the lady of the match.
Adele de Nuyssen from Graskop was the best batter. Dominique
Labuschagne also from Graskop, who took 5 wickets for 32 runs, was
the best bowler.
Man of the match was Lourens Prinsloo (Graskop), the best bowler
was Hennie Malan (Graskop) and Quintus de Wit (Graskop) was the
best batter.
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