The College @ UCalgary - Faculty of Graduate Studies
The College @ UCalgary - Faculty of Graduate Studies
IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us The College @ UCalgary Home Background Motivation Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Application Contact Us Graduate Residential Colleges are communities of scholars existing within universities with, typically, the dual goals of providing an exceptional academic experience for their members and pursuing targeted visions or goals as defined by the college. At its core, such colleges have a community of resident and non‐resident members, supplemented with more senior members from the academy and the broader community, in order to create the academic community that defines such a college. Thus although such colleges do provide residence facility options for their members, they are much more than simply graduate student residences. Information on existent Canadian Graduate Residential Colleges are provided in the Background section (page 2). The College @ UCalgary is the University of Calgary’s initiative to create a Graduate Residential College at the heart of the University campus that is created by Calgarians unique to the goals and needs of the University and our city. A more extensive discussion of the motivations for the creation of The College is provided in the Motivation section (page 3) o. The full vision for The College @ UCalgary is provided in the Vision section (page 5), which focuses on three foundational themes for The College: Connect, Enrich, and Energize. The College is currently being developed based on this vision by the, Graduate College Steering Committee (page 12), which is charged with developing the vision and overall concept for the creation of The College through a phased approach starting in 2015‐16 with a College pilot project (pages 6‐9), which will be housed on the 11th floor of the new Crowsnest Hall graduate residence. The pilot project is designed to be a three‐year initiative, with the goal of moving towards a full‐fledged graduate college at the end of this time period. The goals of the pilot project thus include (a) development of college programs and initiatives through engagement with the pilot project membership of the college, (b) establishment of The College as a valued member of the communities it serves, and (c) identification and securement of a sustainable funding program for a full‐fledged college. Applications for membership in The College are currently open, with more information on application requirements and timelines available on pages 13‐15. More information about The College initiate is available throughout the remainder of this website, or through contacting The College Steering Committee leadership using the information on page 16 (Contact Us). IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Background Background: What is a Graduate Residential College? The Oxbridge tradition of college‐based education within larger university settings is intended to enhance the academic and collegial experience of Updates students by placing them in a small community of like‐minded scholars. Graduate Residential Colleges (GRCs) have been developed at select leading Vision Canadian Universities as academically elite and yet congenial and supportive Pilot Project communities within their respective Universities. These three colleges – Toronto’s Massey College and UBC’s Green and St. John’s Colleges, are used as Whitepaper recruiting flagships for top national and international graduate student candidates. With two of the top‐five research‐intensive Canadian Universities Steering Ctte boasting high‐profile GRCs, the University of Calgary is exploring the value and possible concepts for a future GRC at the University of Calgary, not a clone of Application the existing UBC and University of Toronto GRCs, but a College tailored to the goals and vales of the University of Calgary, City of Calgary, and Province of Contact Us Alberta. Motivation IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Background Motivation Updates Vision Pilot` Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Application Contact Us Motivation: Why Should the University of Calgary Establish a Graduate Residential College? As described above, GRCs take a range of forms and offer a range of different opportunities to the institutions in which they operate. However, the justification for a University of Calgary GRC (the College) must be specific to the goals and aspirations of the University, as outlined in our Eye’s High Strategy, Academic Plan, and Strategic Research Plan. This vision identifies four specific motivations for the establishment of the College: The College would serve as one element of the global intellectual hub envisioned in the Eyes High strategy, serving as a temporary home for distinguished visitors, bringing them in close daily contact with our best and most highly motivated graduate students. The College would offer a unique and powerful opportunity to engage our exceptional graduate students with each other and with the University for the benefit of these students and of the University. The College would provide a potent tool for the recruitment of outstanding graduate students, offering them a benefit unavailable at many competitor institutions. The College would provide exceptional prospects for connection to the Calgary Community, providing a place to bring together community leaders with some of our most outstanding graduate students in an interdisciplinary environment. Each of these motivations, and in fact the entire concept for the College, are in excellent alignment with the priorities outlined in the University’s Academic and Research Plans. IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Updates Vision Recent News and Historical Timeline about The College @ UCalgary Apr. 15, 2015 Applications for resident and non‐resident graduate scholar positions open with a closing date of May 3, 2015. Full application information can be found on pages 13‐15. March 9, 2015 The Vision for The College is adopted by the Graduate College Steering Committee following feedback from APPC. The full vision for The College can be found on page 5. Dec. 11, 2014 Whitepaper entitled “Concept White Paper: A Graduate Residential College at the University of Calgary” is approved by GFC enabling development of a full concept proposal and launch of a pilot project. The full whitepaper is discussed on page 10. March 2013 Comprehensive Institutional Plan (CIP) first identifies 2014‐15 as the Academic Year to develop a graduate college proposal and 2015‐16 for the launch of a college or college pilot project.. April 2012 The University of Calgary’s 2012 Academic Plan, which includes a strategy to develop a graduate residential college, is adopted. Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Application Contact Us IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home College Vision Updates The vision for The College focuses on three foundational themes: Connect, Enrich, and Energize. It aims to bring together a community of like‐minded scholars with a desire to build communities, enrich the world around us, and enable solutions to challenges of the 21st Century. Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte At the core will be a select group of graduate Application Contact Us students scholars, who will work with post doctoral, academic, and community scholars to build the College and pursue its vision. The full vision, as developed and adopted by the Graduate College Steering Committee is shown to the right or can be downloaded in PDF form from the College website. (‐student‐services/college) IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Updates The College @ UCalgary Pilot Project The long term goal of the Graduate College Steering Committee (page 12) is to establish a permanent, self‐sustaining graduate residential college at the University of Calgary. In Vision pursuit of this goal, a College Pilot Project is being launched for the 2015‐16 Academic Year. The Pilot Project is anticipated to include 25‐50 Graduate Student Scholars, 3‐8 Pilot Project Postdoctoral Scholars, as well as senior Academic and Community Scholars, and last for Programs approximate 3 years. During this three year project, the College will reside on the upper floor(s) of the new Crowsnest Hall graduate residence on the University of Calgary. Facilities College membership will include both resident and non‐resident scholars, with the former Scholarships residing in accommodation within the College floor(s) at Crowsnest Hall. The goals of the pilot project will be (a) to establish the College as an organization within and serving the Whitepaper University of Calgary, (b) to develop the initial programs and initiatives that will define The Steering Ctte College, and (c) to provide its members with a unique academic experience in a community of likeminded scholars. More details about The College’s programs, facilities, and scholarships for Graduate Student and Postdoctoral members are on pages 7‐9. Application Individuals interested in becoming members of The College pilot project should consult the Application section (pages 13‐15), as applications are open now and due by May 3. Contact Us IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Programs Facilities Scholarships Whitepaper Steering Ctte Application Contact Us The College @ UCalgary Pilot Project: Programs As The College is just entering its pilot project phase, the programs that its members will lead and participate in are very much still under development. It is anticipated that these programs will fall into two general categories: (a) programs for college members and (b) programs for the broader community led by college members. Programs for College Members As a community of scholars, The College will exist both as a physical establishment on the top floor(s) of Crowsnest Hall and as a community defined by the programs and initiatives in which its members participate. On the simplest level, these programs will include informal interactions between college members, as facilitated by the College common room on the 11th floor of Crowsnest Hall, informal meals for College members, scheduled regularly at on‐campus dining facilities, and formal College Dinners, anticipated to be held on an approximately monthly basis. Other internal programs will be developed naturally through the Graduate College Steering Committee and through the membership of The College pilot project. External Programs Led by College Members On the basis of the Vision (page 5) for The College, it is expected that during its pilot project phase, The College will initiate programs led by its members for the benefit of the broader University or city of Calgary communities. These programs could be academic or service in nature, will benefit the communities to which they are offered, and will be allowed to develop naturally as the pilot project matures. IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Programs Facilities Scholarships Whitepaper Steering Ctte Application Contact Us The College @ UCalgary Pilot Project: Facilities During its pilot project phase, The College will be established on the upper floor(s) of the new University of Calgary graduate residence, Crowsnest Hall. This physical manifestation of the College will consist of: A college Common Room, situated on the 11th floor of Crownest Hall and open to all College members. Accommodation for resident Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Members of The College in the form of one‐ and two‐bedroom suites, with cooking facilities. Accommodation for one senior member of the College in the form of a two‐bedroom suite. Visiting scholar accommodation. In its initial form, the College will not have dedicated communal dining facilities or large scale meeting facilities, but will instead use University facilities as needed for these functions. IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Programs Facilities The College @ UCalgary Pilot Project: Scholarships Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars, both resident and non‐resident, will each receive College Scholarships associated with their membership of, and efforts towards the development of, The College. Resident Scholar award levels are higher than non‐resident awards in order to partially offset the cost of their residence fees for what are classified as premium rooms in the University of Calgary Residence Services room rates. Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholars are otherwise responsible for the cost of their accommodations and meals, with the exception of official College Dinners, which will be subsidized by the College. Current College Scholarship and Residence Allowance rates are provided below: Scholarships Graduate Student Scholars Whitepaper Steering Ctte Application Contact Us Resident College Scholarship: $3000 p.a. Non‐Resident College Scholarship: $1500 p.a. Postdoctoral Scholars Resident College Scholarship: $1000 p.a. Non‐Resident College Scholarship: $ 500 p.a. Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholars may apply annually for renewal of their positions within The College. IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Application Contact Us The College @ UCalgary Whitepaper The development of a graduate residential college is identified in the 2012 Academic Plan and in the Comprehensive Institutional Plan as university initiative for 2014‐15. Therefore, during calendar year 2014, a document entitled “Concept White Paper: A Graduate Residential College at the University of Calgary” was developed to present a strategy to create the vision and structures of such an institution. This whitepaper was reviewed and endorsed by the University’s Academic Planning and Priorities Committee and General Faculties Council (GFC) in December 2014. This endorsement created the Graduate College Steering Committee with the mandate to develop a full proposal for consideration by GFC, engage with Fund Development on a strategy to identify potential long‐term funding sources, and launch a College pilot project on the top floor of Crowsnest Hall starting in Fall 2015. The full graduate college whitepaper is available for download from the graduate college website. IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Updates The Graduate College Steering Committee As mandated in the university’s graduate college whitepaper, a Graduate College Steering Committee (GCSC) has been established to develop a full proposal for a graduate college Vision at the University of Calgary and launch a graduate college pilot project on the top floor of the new Crowsnest Hall graduate residence. This committee is lead by the Academic co‐ Pilot Project Chair of the university’s Academic Planning and Priorities Committee and the Dean of Graduate Studies. The GCSC has been meeting throughout 2015, with a target date of Whitepaper June 2015 for submission of a full graduate college proposal. Its membership includes Steering Ctte graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty members, community members, and representatives from university administration and administrative units. A full list of the Membership GCSC membership can be found on page 12. Any inquiries about the GCSC and its Application activities should be directed to the GCSC Chair, R.I. Thompson through [email protected]. Contact Us IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Graduate College Steering Committee Membership Updates The full list of members of the Graduate College Steering Committee, including their representative groups is provided below. Any inquiries about the GCSC and its activities should be directed to the GCSC Chair (R.I. Thompson), through [email protected]. Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Membership Application Contact Us Name Position Representation Rob Thompson Committee Chair APPC Academic Co‐Chair Lisa Young Committee Vice‐Chair Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies Susan Barker Vice‐Provost (Student Experience) Provost's Office Clifton Cunningham Department of Math & Stats GFC/Academic Member Trent Edwards Brookfield Residential Properties Community (Senate) Member Juliet Guichon Cumming School of Medicine GFC/Academic Member Colin Jackson Rosebud Centre for the Arts Community (Senate) Member Anne Katzenberg AVP Research, Dept. of Archaeology Representative of Office of the VPR Carolina Koutras PDF in Physiology and Pharmacology Post‐Doctoral Community Danica MacDonald GSA Vice‐President Student Life Graduate Student Franco Rizzuti MD Student Graduate Studies Alumni L.Sangaranarayanan Housing Services & Residence Education Ancillary & Residence Services Jo Towers Werklund School of Education GFC/Academic Member Michael Webster GSA Vice President Finance & Services Graduate Student Kristine Williamson AVP, Development VP (Development) IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Applications for Membership in the Graduate College Pilot Project Updates Applications are now being accepted for resident and non‐resident Graduate Student Scholar and Postdoctoral Scholar positions as part of the 2015‐16 Pilot Project for The College (pages 6‐ 9). Application process inquiries should be directed to [email protected]. The application package should be submitted by May 3, 2015 to [email protected]. Review of applications will be carried out under the auspices of the Graduate College Steering Committee and is expected to be completed by mid‐May 2015. Details on selection criteria and application package required elements are provided on pages 14 and 15. Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Application Criteria Package Contact Us Applicants must be intending to remain affiliated with the University of Calgary and The College for at least the Fall 2015 and Winter 2016 academic terms. Individuals admitted as resident Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scholars will be full members of The College pilot project and reside on the 11th floor of Crowsnest Hall. Those admitted as non‐resident Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scholars will be full members of The College pilot project but will reside elsewhere on campus or in the city. All Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scholars will receive College Scholarships, with resident scholarship slightly higher than non‐resident scholarships, which will partially offset the cost of residence fees in Crowsnest Hall. Individuals interested in joining the College as senior Academic or Community Scholars should contact the GCSC Chair, R.I. Thompson, via [email protected]. IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Application Criteria Package Contact Us Graduate College Admission Criteria Although The College is envisioned as an organization whose programs are inclusive of the broad university community and engaging with the even broader range of communities that make up the City of Calgary, at its core will be a membership who envision, lead, and deliver these programs. This core community will be, by definition, elite, but the key to the success of The College and to its success in delivering on its vision for the University and the City, will be in the manner in which elite is defined and delivered. The College is envisioned as a select community, but the selection will not be based simply on classroom performance. Rather, the selection will be based on three broad criteria, developed from the Vision and Foundational Themes of The College. These broad admission criteria will be: Excellence, Leadership, and Breadth. EXCELLENCE: As an admission criteria, excellence will be considered across a broad range of metrics, including but not limited to classroom performance, research, scholarly pursuits, teaching, and professional or volunteer activities. LEADERSHIP: As an admission criteria, it is expected that members of the College would have demonstrated track record of leadership and/or initiative in their range of academic, professional and/or or community activities. BREADTH: As an admission criteria, breadth will be a key determinant in the process. In this case, breadth applies both to the background of an individual member (breadth of interest, breadth of experience, breadth of training, …), but also to ensuring an ideal breadth of membership within The College (i.e. the overall membership would be selected to ensure diversity in academic fields, background gender ) IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Application Package Requirements Updates Applications are now being accepted for resident and non‐resident Graduate Student Scholar and Postdoctoral Scholar positions as part of the 2015‐16 Pilot Project for The College (pages 6‐9). Applicants must be intending to remain affiliated with the University of Calgary and The College for at least the Fall 2015 and Winter 2016 academic terms. Inquiries about the application process should be directed to [email protected]. The application package should be submitted no later than May 3, 2015 to [email protected], and should consist of: Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Application Criteria Package Contact Us For Graduate Student Applicants: Cover Letter Max. 750 Word Essay* Academic C.V. or Resume One letter of reference Unofficial Transcripts For Postdoctoral Applicants: Cover Letter Max 750 Word Essay Academic C.V. One letter of reference * The Essay should address The College’s admission criteria (page 14) and provide a description of what the applicant would bring to The College as a member of this pilot project. IT HR MY U OF C CONTACTS Search The College @ UCalgary Home Updates Vision Pilot Project Whitepaper Steering Ctte Applications Contact Us Home Contact Us Updates Vision Pilot Project For more information about the development of the College @ UCalgary, please e‐mail [email protected], or contact the Chair of the Graduate College Steering Committee: Whitepaper Steering Ctte Application Contact Us Prof. Robert I. Thompson, P.Phys. Chair, Graduate College Steering Committee e‐mail: [email protected] telephone: 403 220‐5407