May 2015 - Hadley Mothers` Club


May 2015 - Hadley Mothers` Club
MAY 2015
Inside this
To everyone who helped out at
Recycling Day !
• Free
• Bakers
• Letter from
the President
We hope you enjoyed our meeting
with Anne McKenzie
( Superintendent)
She sent us a Thank you via email that said:
Dear Denise,
I would have sent a hand written note but I thought it would be easier to
send an email so you could pass my thanks along.
I really appreciate you asking me to HMC. You are a lovely, spirited and
generous group of people. I enjoyed our conversation and walked away with
some excellent ideas.
Thank you spending time with all of you this evening made me even more
grateful that I work in this community.
Hadley Mothers’ Club
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Free Childcare provided at
every meeting by
Kelly Higgins’
Girl Scout
Troop #11267
( All meetings at Hadley Elementary School)
Thank You to everyone who helped out this year ! It has been another
successful year !
 JUNE 3RD…….6:30 at Jen Lapis' home the HHF
(Hadley Holiday Fair) sub committee will meet
 JUNE 9TH………7:00 at Barb Pliska's home the Web Site sub
committee will meet.
 AUGUST Whole Foods Giving Grill- WATCH FOR DATES &
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Hadley Mothers Club
Letter from the President
Thanks for all members who helped on all of our projects this month!
April 14th HMC sponsored pizza and waters for the Central Rock Climbing Wall fundraiser,
there were 27 kids participating. Donation from the gym was $675 towards the climbing wall.
April 15th our superintendent of schools Anne McKenzie came to speak to us and answered
many questions!
April 25th Recycling Day at HES from 8-1. There will be bottle and can drive for the HA Band
Boosters and the Salvation Army Truck will be there from 12-1. Since this message may be
after the event thank you for your help!
May the 7th is Town Meeting we provide refreshments, 7 pm.
We will have a funding sub committee meeting at 5:30 an email was sent to remind members if
you are on this committee and did not get the email contact me, thanks.
See information in this newsletter about the May banquet, thanks Kris for organizing this well
deserved end of year dinner. We will have a very short meeting to start to vote on fund request
and elect the slate of officers.
June 3rd, 6:30 at Jen Lapis' home the HHF (Hadley Holiday Fair) sub committee will meet.
You know who you are a reminder email will be sent also. We need to make any changes to
the application form so we can send to our current vendors. We will work on printing up the
postcards so members can bring with them to fairs during the summer/early fall.
June 9th, 7 at Barb Pliska's home the Web Site sub committee will meet. We will update the
site and put up the information on about HHF including the application so vendors can print it
out then send it in. The vendors can pay on our web site with PayPal too!!
Cathy will keep you updated in the summer as to the dates for Whole Foods Giving Grill which
is typically the last Saturday of August and for our annual summer planning meeting.
Thank you again for a great year, we all worked hard! Enjoy the spring and
summer stop and 'smell the roses'.
If anyone asks about Hadley Mothers' Club be sure to send them to our great web
[email protected] or 413-695-0385
Not only do we need bakers, but we need a volunteer to
run the tables at these events.
Can it be you that we rely on ??