Transfer Orders of Smt. Rammi Bala,Nursing Sister, G.H. Mandikhera
Transfer Orders of Smt. Rammi Bala,Nursing Sister, G.H. Mandikhera
Hosopital,Mandi Khera(Mewat) I S againstvacancywith immediate Sheis not entitredfor T.A/D.A andjoining time. Dated,Panchkula D.p.Lochan 17-03-2015 DirectorG.n.rul, HealthServices, Haryana Endst.No. 70lR(ts3) 2 Nursing _z}tst /6 Daredt? l t r A,, _;; A copvis rorwarded to therollowing ror,r.r-ur,i'J:';r::!{:}-u.tior,1 Civil Surgeon,Mewat and palwal 2 senior Medical officer, General Hospital, Mandi Khera (Mewat) and CHC Aurangabad(palwal) 3 Smt.RamiBala,Nursing Sister,General Hosopitar,Mandi Khera (Mewar) 4 ps to Chief Minister, Haryana. 5 Ps to Health Minister, Harvana. 6 ps to DGHS, Haryana. so,bj' Superintendent (Nursing) For: DirectorGeneral,HealthServicis,Haryana OFFICE ORDER In pursuanceof Haryana Government finance DepartmentLetter No. Il83l2008ll PR (FD) dated 07-I-20A9 and notification dated 30-12-2008,for implementationof Haryana Civil Services(Revisedpay) Rules, 2008 and Govt" instructionsdated 04-03-2014, Smt. Rami Bala, Nursing Sister,B.K. Hospital, Faridabadpresentlyworking in the pay structureof Rs. 9300-34800+4800 GP is herebygranted3'oACP in the pay structureof Rs. 9300-3400+5400GP w"e.f.04-032014aftercompletionof 24 yearsof regularsatisfactoryserviceon the postof Staff Nurseandhasnot got any financialup-gradationin the last 8 yearson the postof Staff ---; v.' Nurse. She will not be entitled for the benefrt of re-fixation of pay on her next promotion as Nursing Sister & Matron in future as per Financial Departmentorder No. 2/10212009-2 PR(FD)dated09-04-2010. If, at any later stageit is found that the ACP is wrongly granted,the samewill be withdrawnwithout assigningany reason. D.P.Lochan DirectorGeneralHealthServices,Haryana. Dated;Panchkula 24-03-201s REGISTE,RD i -2 tYi i (1 (" EndstNo. 70/ 3q 53) Nursing-20l5l Dated € ''i j :,r+,r {' A copy is forwarded to Principal Medical Olficer,B.K.Hospital, Faridabadwith referenceto their letter BKH/E-II-20151423 dated28-01-2015 aiongwith ServiceBook of Smt. Rami Bala, Nursing Sister,B.K. Hospital, Faridabadwith the requestthat the acknowledgement may pleasebe sentto this office for inforrnationandnecessaryaction. &u'o!'lL-- (Nursing) Superintendent .} arv ana "'bT,'.l ?;'1,"; N n d s t 7 K( o 0 i I,: * 2 r,l'il T:' -E :a J;"ili lrq :',H A copy is forwarded Smt. Rami Bala, Nursing Sister, CHC ,\urangabad(Palwal)for information. ,Juzfin&- (Nursing) Superintendent Haryana. "'ForDirectorGenerai,HealthServices,