Strawberry Festival Vendors Contract 2015
Strawberry Festival Vendors Contract 2015
3rd Annual Strawberry Festival Saturday, June 20, 2015, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Rain or Shine) Organized by the Hatfield Elementary PTA. Location: Hatfield Lions Club Pavilion, Hatfield, Massachusetts Entry Fee for tailgate tag salers: $10.00 Deadline May 31, 2015. We will reserve you a spot for one car and a small area directly behind the car. No Trailers. No orders. Direct sale only. Entry Fee for crafters: $35.00 Deadline April 30, 2015 after this date it will be $40.00. All entries are juried. If accepted by the jury, your entrance fee is non-refundable. (Non-accepted entries will have their checks returned.) Please apply early as certain categories fill up quickly. All checks will be deposited on April 30th. $25.00 fee for checks returned due to insufficient funds. Exhibitor space is approximately 10’ wide x 10’ deep. Craft Exhibitors: ALL CRAFTS MUST BE ORIGINAL AND HANDCRAFTED BY YOU. No Exceptions! In order to maintain a high quality, well-balanced show, the jury reserves the right to limit craft categories that are over-subscribed. The Hatfield Elementary School PTA has the right to remove any offensive or non-compliant products. Please display the same type of craft throughout your booth. Previous participation does NOT guarantee acceptance. Demonstrations of your craft are encouraged. Acceptance: All entries for the craft fair will be reviewed by a jury* and notified via email** on the status of your application. Acceptance will be based on submitted high quality digital photographs.*** Please submit: (a) 1 recent booth display photo (b) 2 close-ups of craft. (c) Indicate product price ranges. Submit Photographs to: [email protected] by April 15th to be considered. *All jury decisions are final. **Photographs should be in JPG format and files no larger than 2 MB in size. ***Please update your contact info with us on the form below. No food sales Tax Number: All craft exhibitors must have a Massachusetts Tax I.D. Number. The Massachusetts Dept. of Revenue may be reached at (617) 887-6367. Show Set-Up: Registration will begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday June 20th. Any exhibitor not signed-in by 10 a.m. may forfeit their space, without a refund, to an exhibitor on our waiting list. There is no smoking allowed during the Festival. Questions: If you have any questions, or need clarification about rules and regulations please contact Marie-Jose Nefs, PTA secretary cell: (413)244-2438 email: [email protected] Payment: Please make check payable to: HATFIELD ELEMENTARY PTA Return the section below with a stamped self- addressed envelope to: Hatfield Elementary Strawberry Festival 33 Main St. Hatfield MA 01038 Attn: Marie-Jose Nefs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd ANNUAL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL TAILGATE TAG SALE & CRAFTS FAIR, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015 (Please print legibly) Name : _______________________________________________________ Business Name: ________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________ Phone No: _____________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________ (required for acceptance) Type of Craft: ____________________________________________________ Massachusetts Tax I.D. Number: ______________________________ ❏ Enclosed is my $10.00 entry fee for the 2th Annual Strawberry Festival Tailgate Tag Sale on Saturday, June 20, 2015. ❏ Enclosed is my $35.00 entry fee for the 2th Annual Strawberry Festival Crafts Fair on Saturday, June 20, 2015. I have read and agree to the above Hatfield Elementary PTA’s rules and regulations. I will assume full responsibility for my belongings and will not hold the Hatfield Elementary PTA responsible for any loss or damage. If accepted by the jury, I understand that my entry fee is non-refundable. I understand that there is a $25.00 late fee for application received after the April 30, 2015 deadline.