Lunch and Learn Lecture Series - Harvard Center for Biological
Lunch and Learn Lecture Series - Harvard Center for Biological
Harvard Center for Biological Imaging Lunch and Learn Lecture Series Spring 2015 April 8th 12:00PM Three and four letter F words: Our new Embedded Zeiss Specialist, Sven Terclavers will be speaking on imaging molecules in motion – molecular behavior analyses. Come learn about FCS, FRAP, RICS and more! April 22nd Less scatter more image: 12:00PM Our Director of Imaging, Doug Richardson will be speaking on tissue clearing techniques. Come learn how CLARITY, SCALE, iDISCO and the rest work, and which one is best for your experiment! June 3rd LSM 880 roadshow: 12:00PM The Zeiss team will be making a stop at the HCBI to introduce the brand new AiryScan technology. An additional LSM 880 will be onsite for you to image your samples! Prior sign up for demos and lecture required: June 10th Let robots automate your imaging: June 24th GaAsP! You can make electrons from photons? 12:00PM 12:00PM Sven Terclavers will be speaking on how to automate your imaging and screening using the HCBI’s microscopes. Doug Richardson will be speaking on the differences between microscope detectors. Come learn what PMTs, GaAsPs, CCDs, and CMOSs are. Location: BioLabs lecture Hall Rm 1080 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA This lecture series is designed to provide information on applications and techniques available in the HCBI. You do not need to be a member of the facility to attend! For further information, please contact Doug Richardson ([email protected]) or Sven Terclavers ([email protected]). Pizza and drinks provided by Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC