Weight Loss Kit - Xyngular Health Products
Weight Loss Kit - Xyngular Health Products
look better AASlimmer Slimmerand andMore MoreToned Toned You Youin in30 30days! days! Have Haveyou youstruggled struggledtotolose loseweight weightand andkeep keepititoff? off? Do Doyou youfeel feellike likeititisisimpossible impossibletotomaintain maintainhealthy healthy habits? habits?With Withthe theXyngular XyngularWeight WeightLoss LossKit, Kit,we wehave have taken takenthe theguesswork guessworkout outofofweight weightloss. loss.All Allyou you need needtotodo doisisfollow followthis thissimple simple30-day 30-daysystem systemand and you youwill willstart starttotosee seeamazing amazingresults. results.There Therewill willbe be both bothlong longand andshort shortterm termbenefits benefitsthat thatwill willhelp helpyou you reshape reshapeyour yourhealth healthand andfind findaapermanent permanentsolution solution totomeeting meetingand andmaintaining maintainingyour yourweight weightloss lossgoals.* goals.* What Whatyou youcan canexpect expectwith withthe theXyngular XyngularWeight WeightLoss LossKit: Kit: SHORT SHORTTERM TERM The TheXyngular XyngularWeight WeightLoss LossKit Kitisisdesigned designedtotohelp help you youlook lookyour yourbest. best.Whether Whetheryou youare arelooking lookingtoto lose loseweight weightand andinches, inches,ororyou youjust justneed needtototone toneup, up, our oureasy easytotofollow followsystem systemwill willhelp helpyou youachieve achieveyour your goals. goals.You Youwill willhave haveaccess accesstotoaaunique uniquecombination combination ofofproducts, products,dietary dietarychoices, choices,activity activitysuggestions suggestionsand and support, support,for foraa30-day 30-daysystem systemthat thatreally reallyworks.* works.* Lose Loseweight weightand andinches inches With Withhealthy healthyweight weight quickly* quickly* loss, loss,reduce reducethe the likelihood likelihoodofofobesity obesity related relateddiseases* diseases* Jumpstart Jumpstartyour your metabolism* metabolism* Learn Learntotolose loseweight weightininaa healthy healthyway* way* Maintain Maintainhealthy healthyweight weight Stop Stopyo-yo yo-yodieting dietingfor for Loss* Loss* good* good* Curb Curbyour yourcravings cravings* * *Always *Always consult consult a physician a physician before before starting starting any any diet diet or or exercise exercise program. program. Individual Individual results results from from using using Xyngular Xyngular products products may may vary vary depending depending onon diet diet and and exercise. exercise. Product Product results results may may notnot reflect reflect thethe results results of of allall consumers consumers of of Xyngular Xyngular products. products. Xyngular Xyngular products products areare notnot intended intended to to diagnose, diagnose, treat, treat, cure, cure, or or prevent prevent any any disease. disease. These These statements statements have have notnot been been evaluated evaluated byby thethe Food Food and and Drug Drug Administration. Administration. LONG LONGTERM TERM Look LookBetter* Better* Look Better Food Tone Up • Lose Weight • Detox Days 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 Xyngular Weight Loss Kit 1-2 capsules Xyng Fat Loss Day 4 Low Carb High Carb 3x meals 2x smoothies 3x meals 2x smoothies Appetite Control Meals - Day 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 1 scoop Lean (2) Snack Replacement Supports Lean Muscle 4-6 oz protein 1-2 cups green vegetables Meal - Day 4 4-6 oz protein 1 cup of fruits or grains per meal Sample Schedule: Days 1-6 Time of Day 2 capsules Cheat+ 2 tablets Xr2 Calorie Mitigation Suppress Stress Eating Appetite Control Suppress Nighttime Cravings Meal/ Shake Products Wake Up Smoothie Lean Mid-Morning (no later than 10:00 am) Meal 1 Xyng (1-2 capsules with food) Mid-day Meal 2 Cheat + Evening (no later than 7:00 pm) Meal 3 XR2 Night Smoothie Lean, Flush* Day 7: Free Day! 2 capsules Gut Support Cleanse Flush #xyngularweightloss burn fat Repeat Days 1-6 for 4 weeks, with Day 7 as a free day. Food Exercise Xyngular Weight Loss Plate FRUIT CHOICES: blueberries, raspberries, guava, strawberries, or blackberries. LIMIT: bananas, grapes, pomegranates, fruits & cherries and whole grains apples. (1 cup total) WHOLE vegetables GRAIN CHOICES: (1-2 cups) 100% whole wheat, old fashioned or steel cut oats, brown rice, quinoa or barley. ELIMINATE: refined grains such as white rice, pasta or white bread. Use healthy oils (olive, coconut, canola) for cooking and on salads. PROTEIN CHOICES: fish, poultry, turkey, eggs, beans, or nuts. LIMIT: red meat, cheese, bacon and processed meats. healthy protein VEGETABLE CHOICES: spinach, (3-6 oz) kale, broccoli, bell peppers, asparagus, or romaine lettuce. LIMIT: carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, radishes and onions. Drink water, tea, coffee, Spryng, or Xypstix. Limit dairy, juice, soda, and sports drinks. Regular exercise boosts your metabolic rate and helps maintain healthy metabolism on a daily basis, leading to faster and more sustainable weight loss. Want to get started? Here are 5 quick ways to burn 150 calories right now! 1. Dance for 30 minutes. 2. Bike for 30 minutes. 3. Swim for 20 minutes. 4. Push a stroller for 1.5 miles. 5. Walk for 30 minutes. Support The Xyngular Way of Health means you never have to do it alone. As a member of the Xyngular family you will have support every step of the way. From Member teams, to the corporate office, personal support is never far. Connect with Us: xyngular.com/support Serving Size Tips youtube.com/xyngularcorp = 3 oz [email protected] = 1 palm 1 cup grains or vegetables facebook.com/xyngularcorp 1 fist pinterest.com/xyngularcorp Visit www.xyngular.com/products for additional product information. Members: Local pricing and PV information can be found in your Xyngular Back Office. ©2015 Xyngular Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 021915.02v5