Practice Problems


Practice Problems
Physics 207 Review Questions - Final
1. A package is dropped on a conveyer belt that is moving at 3
m/s. Its mass is 15 kg and it has a
and a
. For
what distance is the package skidding before it starts moving
smoothly on the belt?
2. A U-shaped tube is exposed to atmospheric pressure on both
ends. It contains an amount of mercury. If you were to pour water
into the right hand side until it was 12 cm deep (water and mercury
don't mix), how far up with the mercury go on the left hand side? (
3. A conservative force is acting in the x axis. The potential energy
associated with this force is:
When the particle is located at x = 3 meters, the kinetic energy is
equal to 5 J. What is the total mechanical energy (kinetic +
potential) of the system? b) Where on the x axis will the force be
equal to 0?
4. An object hangs from a scale that is essentially a spring. The
scale reads 30 N in air, 20 N when this object is immersed in water,
and 24 N when the object is immersed in another liquid of
unknown density. What is the density of that other liquid?
Physics 207 Review Questions - Final
1. A package is dropped on a conveyer belt that is moving at 3
m/s. Its mass is 15 kg and it has a
and a
. For
what distance is the package skidding before it starts moving
smoothly on the belt?
2. A U-shaped tube is exposed to atmospheric pressure on both
ends. It contains an amount of mercury. If you were to pour water
into the right hand side until it was 12 cm deep (water and mercury
don't mix), how far up with the mercury go on the left hand side? (
3. A conservative force is acting in the x axis. The potential energy
associated with this force is:
When the particle is located at x = 3 meters, the kinetic energy is
equal to 5 J. What is the total mechanical energy (kinetic +
potential) of the system? b) Where on the x axis will the force be
equal to 0?
4. An object hangs from a scale that is essentially a spring. The
scale reads 30 N in air, 20 N when this object is immersed in water,
and 24 N when the object is immersed in another liquid of
unknown density. What is the density of that other liquid?
5. 500 J of work are done on a gas in a process that decreases the
gas's thermal energy by 200 J. How much heat energy is transferred
to or from the system?
6. A large ocean liner has an engine with a maximum power of 92
MW at a cruising speed of 32.5 knots. What forward force is
exerted on the ship at this speed? (1 knot = 1.852 km/h)
7. Mass 2 is hanging by a string that passes
through a hole and is connected to mass 1.
Mass 1 moves in a circular motion around the
table top which is frictionless. What should the
period of motion be for mass
such that
stays still?
8. The figure shows a
thermodynamic process undertake by
120 mg of helium. The temperature
at point 1 is 133 ° C. The molar mass
of He is 4 g/mol.
A. Determine the pressure,
1000 cm
temperature, and volume of the gas
at points 1, 2, and 3.
B. Find the work done on the gas
during each of the three transitions
5. 500 J of work are done on a gas in a process that decreases the
gas's thermal energy by 200 J. How much heat energy is transferred
to or from the system?
6. A large ocean liner has an engine with a maximum power of 92
MW at a cruising speed of 32.5 knots. What forward force is
exerted on the ship at this speed? (1 knot = 1.852 km/h)
7. Mass 2 is hanging by a string that passes
through a hole and is connected to mass 1.
Mass 1 moves in a circular motion around the
table top which is frictionless. What should the
period of motion be for mass
such that
stays still?
8. The figure shows a
thermodynamic process undertake by
120 mg of helium. The temperature
at point 1 is 133 ° C. The molar mass
of He is 4 g/mol.
A. Determine the pressure,
1000 cm
temperature, and volume of the gas
at points 1, 2, and 3.
B. Find the work done on the gas
during each of the three transitions