
Handelsregistergericht: Amtsgericht Muenchen
Handelsregisternummer: HRB 210943 (Fall 1)
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gem. § 27a USt-IdNr. DE294229075
1 Free Eligibility Evaluation (€0.00)
Every year thousands of students waste their time and money by applying in different
universities of Germany without even having their eligibility evaluated and then get
simple rejections from all the universities without any details. You can save both your
precious time and money by having your eligibility evaluated by one of the world’s most
experienced and professional team.
If you are interested in higher education from Germany, you first need to find out
whether you are eligible for that or not. Your eligibility depends on the following factors.
The country where you have completed your school, college or university
Number of academic years you have completed.
Your field of study.
Your academic grades/scores.
The courses/subjects you have studied during school, college and university
Number of courses/subjects you have studied.
Credit hours of each individual subject you have studied.
Medium of instruction in your college/university.
The expert and most experienced team of hHELIOS will determine your eligibility most
accurately after analysing your profile in detail and will inform you whether you are
eligible at all or not. If yes, then for Bachelor or Master, English taught program or
German taught program. If NOT then why and what you are supposed to do in order to
become eligible e.g. better IELTS score, learning German, admission in Foundation
program, extra courses from Germany etc.
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2 Selection of Most Suitable Courses (€75.00)
Our team of experts selects the courses for each individual client after the in-depth
analysis of his/her profile and goals. The following factors are considered during the
selection of courses so that your time, money and effort lead you to a bright career.
What you are interested in?
How can your interest be polished through academia? What are the courses with
relevant contents?
Which regions are most suitable for your field in Germany?
How well is the course recognized in industry related to your field?
What about competition? Can you be admitted?
Do you meet all the admission requirements of the course?
In case of tough competition, is it possible for us to present you as a strong
candidate/ applicant?
What are the field-related part time job opportunities in the region, in case you
want it?
What are the job/ research prospects after completion of the course?
Whether you want to go back to your homeland after studies or want to stay in
Germany for doing work or studying further e.g. getting admission in PhD after
Lots of people don’t get professional advice during the selection of course and then even
after completing their degrees, don’t find the right jobs. So just in order to save a little
amount of money, they lose their bright career. This is what hHELIOS never let happen
to its clients.
3 Sample University Application Documents (€20.00)
You may never get admission in a German University if you don’t present yourself as a
strong, motivated and highly competitive candidate for admission through your
application documents and this is what the hHELIOS Team is expert of.
Every semester thousands of applicants are simply rejected by the universities because
their application documents don’t show their true abilities, skills and motivation.
hHELIOS provides you the proven and verified sample CVs, recommendation letters and
motivation letters according to the standard of German universities and thus boost your
chances of admission.
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4 Review & Proofreading of University Application Documents
It is one of the most important and most valuable services that hHELIOS proudly offers.
By utilizing this service only, you increase your admission chances 2 to 3 times.
You should know that now Germany is the third most favourite destination for
international students and there are hundreds of applicants for every single available
seat. So if you are applying in a German university, you are competing with thousands of
global applicants.
In order to win this competition of admission in a German University, you must present
yourself as strong and as talented as possible and here comes the most experienced
consulting team of hHELIOS to support you.
We will thoroughly review, suggest modifications and verify your CV, recommendation
letters and motivation letters for each individual application so that nobody can beat
you at least in this area. We will make sure that the admission committee of every
university, you apply to, is forced to put your application in the list of highly potential
5 Correctly & Properly Filled University Application Forms (€100.00)
Our experience has proved it that the application forms of German universities are
complicated and often the applicants either misinterpret some fields or provide
unnecessary information that brings negative impact on their application.
Therefore, the experienced team of hHELIOS fills the forms of its clients in order to avoid
any silly mistakes that may lead to the rejection of application.
6 Recognition of Academic Documents (€100.00)
Lots of universities or course coordinators in Germany require your documents to be
evaluated by different evaluation authorities in Germany and sometimes, depending on
the course or your profile or the state of Germany, it is simply strongly recommended to
have your documents evaluated in order to increase your admission chances.
hHELIOS, based on its experience and expertise, knows exactly whether you need to
have your documents evaluated or not, either for a particular courses or for all, whether
it is feasible for you or not considering the time and money constraints etc. Most of the
information and requirements for evaluation are available only in German and therefore
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a lot of people misunderstand these requirements and waste both time and money.
hHELIOS knows exactly the time it takes to have your documents evaluated and if it can
be done before application deadline or not. hHELIOS does all of this on your behalf and
in time.
7 Application Processing Charges (€150.00)
Now a number of universities in Germany are having your applications preliminary
checked by either third party service providers or their own dedicated departments. The
applicants are required to bear these charges. The charges vary from 15 Euros to 68
Euros per application. hHELIOS bear these application charges for our Premium and
Exclusive Clients.
8 Fast & Secure Delivery of Admission Letter (€80.00)
All the German Universities post both the admission and rejection letters via normal
post to the applicants.
The normal post is;
Insecure: Our experience confirms that often the students don’t receive the
admission letters because it is lost and is non-traceable. The students keep asking
the universities for any news or response but due to workload, universities also
don’t respond to the applicants and consequently every semester lot of successful
candidates miss the semester although they get admission.
Slow: A letter via normal post takes up to 4 weeks to be received by the applicant
whereas the fast and secure post (like DHL, FedEx etc.) takes only 3 days. Due to
the slow decision process of German universities, it becomes often very critical
for the applicants to receive the admission letter quickly so that they may apply
for the visa in time otherwise the German embassy rejects the application due to
late visa application.
As hHELIOS is headquartered in Munich, Germany, all the letters from the universities
are received within a day and, if required, are responded quickly as well. All our clients
get the benefit of 0% delay due to slow and unreliable international posts. As soon as
our clients get the admission, the admission letters from the universities are received by
hHELIOS within a day and our clients are immediately informed via email along with the
scanned copy of admission letter so that they may open the bank account in Germany as soon
as possible and get the visa appointment. If the client agrees, hHELIOS Team posts the
admission letter to the client via fast and secure postal service providers like DHL, FedEx
etc. and the admission letter is securely delivered within 3 days. This is a special service
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that only hHELIOS can offer to its clients because of its presence (Head office) in
9 Opening of Bank Account in Germany (€25.00)
If you need a visa for study in Germany, you are supposed to open a bank account in one
of the banks in Germany and transfer your expected expenses of one year to that
account. It is just for your own security and the account must be opened in your name.
It is a special account which is activated once you arrive in Germany and has a defined
monthly withdrawal limit.
hHELIOS experts assist you with the whole process of right bank selection to the
opening of correct bank account type, as per your visa requirements.
10 Sample Filled Visa Application Form (€30.00)
In order to get the visa successfully, you must correctly fill the visa application form and
the information should be provided in appropriate fields.
hHELIOS Team can provide you the verified sample filled student visa application form
so that you don’t make common mistakes due to misunderstandings.
11 Preparation of Visa File (€50.00)
You should prepare your visa file under the guidance of an experienced consultant who
can properly guide you after considering;
which information you should provide and which not
your documents should represent the exact picture as your visa interview
the ways to cover your weaknesses in order to increase visa chances
and many more Based on the experience of hHELIOS Team, we can now surely
say that luck just plays a little role in visa success and failure. It is 99% the fault of
the visa applicants.
Most of the people who get visa rejection rely on improper, unauthentic, irrelevant and
perception based information available on internet and at the end they are rejected by
the Embassy and their chance of a better future gets wasted.
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hHELIOS highly recommends you to get your visa file prepared and verified by our
experienced team in order to avoid visa rejection or the hassle of multiple visits to
12 Visa FAQs (€50.00)
In order to get the student visa of Germany, you must convince the visa officer that you
deserve it and in order to convince him/her, you must be very well prepared from every
possible perspective.
There are no fixed questions but still the visa officer asks every visa applicant the
questions related to his/her academic profile, financial situation, his/her goals,
motivation, visa file etc.
The professional team of hHELIOS knows exactly what a visa officer would ask you
based on years of experience. We will provide you the list of questions he may ask you
during the visa interview so that you can be well prepared for that don’t get confused
with the tricky questions.
13 Visa Interview Preparation (€50.00)
You must properly prepare the answers of every possible question of the visa officer in
order to get the visa. Those who rely on the improper and unauthentic information from
internet at this critical point of life, they repent their whole life for making this failure.
hHELIOS experienced team can guide you with the most appropriate answers according
to your individual profile and goals. We conduct your interviews for your practice and
point out how to emphasize on particular points, how to answer a particular question,
what to avoid etc. Thus your visa chances increases to almost 100%.
14 Arrangement of Ticket and Travel Health Insurance (€25.00)
We can assist you in buying a reasonable and authentic air ticket so that the fake travel
agents cannot deceive you or sell you an expensive ticket.
We would also guide you about the right insurance company that provides a reliable and
reasonable travel health insurance according to the visa requirements of Germany.
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15 Arrangement of Residence in Germany (€20.00)
Unfortunately it is not easy to find a place of residence in Germany and especially for
those who can’t speak German because mostly the information is only available in
German or the owners of apartments understand only German. The option of hotel is too
In order to find a room in a hostel or a cheap apartment, you must act in advance.
hHELIOS Team in Germany knows the authentic agencies and organizations for finding
reasonable residence in Germany and therefore can assist you with its arrangement.
After having student certificate (Studienbescheinigung) it becomes possible to sign the
contract for permanent or long term residence. Being the only consultants having strong
network in Germany, our staff can provide you with the services of arranging a person to
find you an accommodation of your own choice. (only available in exclusive package)
16 100% Money Back In Case of No Admission (€175.00)
Please note that it doesn’t mean 100% admission guarantee as we cannot influence the
decision of universities and we also don’t make false promises. It simply assures you
that if you don’t get an admission, your whole amount (100%) will be returned and that
hHELIOS will not even deduct the processing or any other charges.
This service is not offered to every interested client. Whether hHELIOS can give you the
guarantee or not, it will be decided by our team. Terms and conditions applied!
17 100% Money Back In Case of Visa Rejection (€200.00)
It doesn’t mean 100% visa guarantee. It simply assures you that if you don’t get the visa,
your whole amount (100%) will be returned and that hHELIOS will not even deduct the
processing or any other charges.
This service is not offered to every interested client. Whether hHELIOS can give you the
guarantee or not, it will be decided by our team. Terms and conditions applied!
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18 Airport Pickup in Germany (€175.00)
Our extremely friendly staff will be at the airport in Germany to welcome you. We will
pick you from the airport and will leave you to a properly arranged temporary residence
either in a hotel, student hostel or in some private room according to your desire and
You will not be left alone in the country. We will be with you during the whole transition
period and the start of a new life.
19 Assistance in University Enrollment (€175.00)
The representative of hHELIOS will bring you to the university and will get you
registered in the university. We will be with you during the complete process from
payment of university registration/semester fee to the delivering of student card to you
so that you can be able to travel using trams (Straßenbahn), underground tubes (UBahn) and buses. We will also help you in arranging the student certificate
(Studienbescheinigung) for first semester.
20 Health Insurance Registration (€50.00)
Every student in Germany requires health insurance in order to study and live in
The representative of hHELIOS will bring you to the office of the appropriate health
insurance company and will do the interpretation for you, if required. You don’t even
need to find the address of the health insurance office.
21 Activation of Bank Account (€50.00)
Once you get yourself registered in local council, you can have your bank account in
Germany activated.
Our representative will go personally with you to the bank and will guide you properly
at each step so that you don’t have any problems later on.
22 Registration in Local Council (€50.00)
Every resident of Germany must be registered in the local council but you don’t need to
worry about all of this bureaucratic stuff. Our representative will be with you during the
whole process and will assist you at every step.
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hHELIOS provides assistance and applies for a maximum of seven courses, if
available, in a semester for the admission of its clients.
If a client needs to apply in more than 7 courses, he must pay 30 euros per
additional course/application.
All the prices above are excluding 19% sales Tax.
NEXT PAGE: Services, Packages and Charges
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