
Hope International Ministries
Dear Friends,
P.O. Box 211
Wheaton, IL 60187
A few days ago as I meditated on God’s word from 1 Timothy 6:7, “We brought nothing into the world,
and we can take nothing out of it,” God showed me that often my thoughts, my goals, my dreams are
all about either myself, my family, my house, my job, or my bank account. It all focuses on me. God
wants us to look in a different perspective. No matter how big my house is, how much money I have
in my bank account, or what car I have in my garage, it is all for nothing without God. God looks for
how many people I have helped, how many hungry I have fed, or how many orphans I helped take care
of. In Latvia we deal with many orphans and poor families. I am shown often how these people, who
have so little in their lives, have big hearts for their Lord. This is why we continue to do what we do.
Summer is approaching quickly and Hope International Ministries plans to host two youth camps.
The first camp will be in June at The Good Samaritan Children’s Center, for youth ages 5-13.
We have had about 50-60 kids attend our camp over the last few years. For one week kids will come to
the church every day, where they will be building crafts, playing games, having Bible study, and being
fed. The children and the volunteers have a wonderfully fun time.
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Our Discover Camp, for youth ages 14-19, will be in July. Usually we have 100-110 teenagers attend
this camp. It is a great time for the young people to take a whole week off from the routine of their life
and trade it for fun, sporting games, worship time, and solid Bible teaching. As a result of this camp,
many young lives have been saved and the youth ministry in Liepaja is growing. In both camps, we are
always amazed by how God uses these camps to change hard hearts and remake them new and to
give encouragement to those that know Christ to grow ever deeper in their relationship with Him.
We need your help and prayers for this ministry. “What is impossible with man is possible with
God,” Luke 18:27. Please prayerfully consider coming along side of us and sponsoring a child
for either camp. A gift of $125 will sponsor a younger child for the week long day camp at The
Good Samaritan Children’s Center. For a gift of $375 a youth from the age of 14-19 years old will
spend a week away at Discover camp.
On behalf of the Board of Directors I want to thank each of you who continue to support our ministry
in Latvia. Because of your generosity, many lives have been changed and many lives have been saved
for Christ. Please use the attached slip and mail your donation to Hope International Ministries in the
provided envelope, or make your contribution online at
HIM Board of Directors
Paul Minakov
Jonathan Stevens
Robert Bepristis
God bless you.
Paul Minakov
President, Hope International Ministries
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers, you did for me.”
-Jesus- (Matthew 25:40)
I will support the Children’s Center
I will sponsor a child for Kids Camp ($125)
I will sponsor a teenager for Discover Camp ($375)
I will support HIM projects with a monthly gift
$__________ / month
Name____________________________________ Email___________________________
Hope International Ministries is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.