2015-16 LSAA Amendment


2015-16 LSAA Amendment
Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant
RLISS de l.lamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant
264 Mein Street East,
Grimsby, ON L3M 1Pa
Tel: 1.905.945.4930
Fax: 1.905.945.1992
264, rue Main Est,
Grimsby, ON L3M 1P8
1.905.945.1 992
February 6,2015
Mr. Patrick O'Neill
Chief Executive Officer
Niagara lna Grafton Gage Home of the United Church
413 Linwell Road
St. Catharines ON LzM7Y2
Dear Mr. O'Neill:
2013-16 Long-Term Care Home Service Accountability Agreement
When the Local Health lntegration Network ("the LHIN"), and your organization entered into a
service accountability agreement for a three-year term effective April 1,2013 (the "LSAA"), the
performance indicators lor 2015-16 were indicated as "To Be Determined (TBD)', or replicated
based on 2013-14 planning assumptions. The LHIN would now like to update the LSAA to
include new ind¡cators, targets and standards for 2015-16 fiscal year to Schedule D.
Subject to your agreement, the LSAA will be amended with effect April 1 ,2015, by adding the
amended Schedule D that is included in Appendix 1 to this letter.
To the extent that there are any conflicts between the current LSAA and this amendment, the
amendment will govern in respect of the Schedule D. All other terms and conditions in the LSAA
will remain the same.
Please indicate your acceptance of, and agreement to this amendment, by signing below and
returning one original signed copy of this letter to Ashley Bolduc, Analyst, Quality and Risk
Management, HNHB LHIN,264 Main St. E., Grimsby, ON L3M 1P8 by March 31,2015. Please
also forward an electronic copy to ashlev.bolduc(@lhins.on.ca.
The LHIN appreciates your organization's collaboration and hard work during this 2015-16
LSAA indicator refresh process. We look fonruard to maintaining a strong working relationship
with you.
Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Kiran Kumar, Advisor, Quality
and Risk Management at [email protected] or at 905-945-4930 ext.4229.
Donna Cripps
Chief Executive Officer
Lo.al He¡lth lnlè9r¡l¡on
Réeru lo(al d'¡ntégr¿t¡on
der:ery¡(or de rênté
-2Mr. Patrick O'Neill
Encl. Appendix 1 - LSAA Schedule D
John Senn, Board Chair, Niagara lna Grafton Gage Village
MichaelShea, Board Chair, HNHB LHIN
Emily Christoffersen, Director, Quality and Risk Management, HNHB LHIN
Rosalind Tarrant, Director, Access to Care, HNHB LHIN
Derek Bodden, Director, Finance, HNHB LHIN
Patrick O'Neill, Chief Executive
I have the authority to bind Niagara lna Grafton Gage Home of the United Church
And By:
John Senn, Board
22 A?-Kt¿^ ZOlf
I have the authority to bind Niagara lna Grafton Gage Home of the United Church
Appendix I
Schedule D Performance
1.0 Performance lndicators
The HSP's delivery of the Services will be measured by the following lndicators, Targets and where applicable Performance Standards. ln the following table:
r/a means 'not-applicable', that there is no defined Performance Standard for the indicator for the applicable year.
úbd means a Target, and a Performance Standard, if applicable, will be determined dudng the applicable year.
O rg
an ízati o n al H ealth an
Financial lndicators
Coordínation and Access
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (P) "does not apply to municipally operated homes
Total Margin (P) *does not apply to municipally operated homes
Average Long-Stay Occupancy / Average Long-Stay Utilization (E)
Wait Time from CCAC Determination of Eligibility to LTC Home Response (E)
Long-Term Care Home RefusalRate (E)
Quality and Resident
Percentage of Residents Who Fell in the Last 30 days (E)
Safety Indicators
Percentage of Residents Whose Pressure Ulcer Worsened (E)
Percentage of Residents on Antipsychotics Without a Diagnosis of Psychosis (E)
Percentage of Residents in Daily Physical Restraints (E)
2.0 LH|N-Specific Performance Obligations
The Long-Term Care Home (LTCH) to develop a Quality lmprovement Plan (QlP) for 2015-16, with guidance from Health Quality Ontario (HQO) qual¡ty framework
and templates, for submission to HQO on/ before fiscal year end (March 31 ,2015) to inform HQO's review and feedback of the broader LTCH sector alignment
with its quality framework. The LTCH will also provide the HNHB LHIN with a copy of their QlP, a balanced quality scorecard, and a board approved policy on
quality by June 30, 2015.
2. Registered Nurses, Site-specific Administrators and Senior Nursing Leadership, including Directors of Care and Associate Directors of Care, across all HNHB
Long-Term Care homes will have participated and satisfactorily completed a standardized HNHB training module on their legal obligations in respect to Health
Care Consent and Care Planning. All new hires will complete the education workshop within 6-months of hire date.
Participate in applicable initiatives endorsed by relevant sector and system committees/working groups and approved by HNHB LHIN. The LTCH w¡ll notify the
LHIN when engaged in new activities that will contribute to or impact these initiatives (for example, when developing new services or programs).
PatienUclient reported feedback is an important component of measuring and improving the patient/client experience. Health Service Providers (HSPs) are
required to report patient experience indicators for fiscal year 201ú16 (or the most recent 1 2-month period available) as part of 201 5-1 6 Q4 Supplementary
Reporting. Reporting will reflect two elements of the patient/client reported experience: overall patienUclient satisfaction and involvement in decisions about care.
HSPs should report on the questions that are most similar to the following:
Overall satisfaction: "Overall, how would you rate the care and services you received?"
lnvolvement in decisions about care: "Were you involved in decisions about your care as much as you wanted to be?"
Survey Question
Reporting Period
Data Source
Denominatortotal # of respondents
Percent of individuals
who responded positively
to the question regarding
overall satisfaction
lnvolvement in Care
Percent of individuals
who responded positively
to the question regarding
involvement in decisions
about care
Result (%)