2015-2016 PSAS Income Guidelines Letter


2015-2016 PSAS Income Guidelines Letter
March 16, 2015
Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s),
The Catholic Schools’ Office recently received confirmation from the Private School
Aid Service (PSAS) that the income guidelines listed in the application for tuition
assistance have increased for the 2015-2016 school year. Please see the revised chart
below. If you have already filled out and submitted a PSAS application for 20152016, you do not need to fill out a new application because of this change. All
applications are due to PSAS by April 15, 2015.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Lindsay Doherty at 570-330-0778 or Alicia Busch at
570-207-2275 if you have any questions.
Monsignor David L. Tressler, M.Div., M.S., M.Ed.
Diocesan Secretary for Catholic Schools/Superintendent of Schools