Westaff Employment Services WEAR RED!
Westaff Employment Services WEAR RED!
May 17, 2015 Calendar of Events Liturgical Roles Mon. May 18 HR 8:00 am Mass Servers: Kadin Davis, Heidi Ewry ———————————————————————————— Tues. May 19 HR 8:00 am Mass Servers: Brent Miller, Rami Casebolt, Lydia Bubp ———————————————————————————— Wed. May 20 HR 12:05 pm Mass Servers: Adult Server ———————————————————————————— Thurs. May 21 SP 8:00 am Mass Server: Adult Server ———————————————————————————— Fri. May 22 HR 8:00 am Mass Server: Michael Baldwin, Brandon Miller, Cory Sullivan ———————————————————————————— Sat. May 23 HR 4:30 pm Mass Servers: Brent Miller, Dalton Walter, Morgan Walter Lectors: Barb Hamberg, Kristi Koch Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Colette Dugan, Peg Larkin, Adele Walls, Dan Hoelscher, Jason Brown, Dianne Engel, Cathy Buck, Carrie Widman ———————————————————————————— Sun. May 24 HR 8:00 am Mass Servers: Ethan Mielke, Adam Mielke, Kyle Mielke Lectors: Molly Menker, Colin Burke, Deavan Lauth Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Ron Wilker, Dixie Russell, Joe Kuebler ———————————————————————————— Sun. May 24 SP 9:30 am Mass Servers: Ally Ott, Quincy Rable Lector: Linda Lunz Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Pat Cogan, Mary Cogan, Jim Heilers, Irene Heilers Ushers: Virgil Brown, Norma Etgen, Kathy Kentner Sacristan: Jeannette Brown ———————————————————————————— Sun. May 24 HR 11:00 am Mass Servers: Luke Schloemer, Ellen Schloemer, Bryce Wilker Lectors: Steve Dues, Bill Angel Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Phil Kill, Howard Homan, Janice Yahl, Stephanie Brown, Karen Newlove, Matt Axe, Beth Scott Sunday 8:00 am 8:30 - 9:15 am 9:30 am 11:00 am May 17 Mass and HR 8th Grade Graduation at Holy Rosary SP Teen Choir Rehearsal - church Mass at St. Patrick Mass at Holy Rosary (choir) Monday May 18 8:00 am Mass at Holy Rosary Tuesday May 19 8:00 am Mass at Holy Rosary 8:00 pm HR Pastoral Council - Rectory Basement Wednesday 10:30 am 11:30 am 12:05 pm 2:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm May 20 Legion of Mary - Modular Rm. 2 Confessions at Holy Rosary Mass at Holy Rosary Communion Service at Otterbein A Biblical Walk Through the Mass - HR Art Room/Basement Holy Rosary Adult Choir Practice - Church Thursday 8:00 am Following Mass 2:30 pm 6:30 - 7:00 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm May 21 Mass at St. Patrick Adoration & Exposition at St. Patrick Mass at St. Marys Living Center Confessions at St. Patrick Rosary at St. Patrick Benediction at St. Patrick Baptismal Prep Class - HR Art Room in church basement *Pre-registration required Friday May 22 8:00 am Mass at Holy Rosary - School Mass Saturday 7:30 am 1:30 pm 3:30 pm 4:30 pm May 23 Men’s Fellowship - Modular Rm.2 Angie Katterheinrich and David Long Wedding at HR Confessions at Holy Rosary Mass at Holy Rosary Sunday 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am May 24 Mass and High School Graduation at Holy Rosary (choir) Mass at St. Patrick Mass at Holy Rosary SCRIP YEAR END Sunday, May 24th, will be the last day to purchase SCRIP cards for the 2015-2016 school year. Beginning May 25th, your SCRIP earnings will go towards the 2016-2017 school year. If you have questions, please call Kim Sweigert at 419-3059759 or the parish office at 419-394-5050. Prayer Hotline Holy Rosary: Julie 305-7937 St. Patrick Judy 738-8702 Weekend Mass Attendance 4:30 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 378 277 203 370 1228 Grief Support Steve and Kathy Frankenberg 419-753-2056 Westaff Employment Services Sponsor of the Week WEAR RED! Lets all celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church on May 23 & 24 by wearing red to Mass for Pentecost Sunday. Read the Bible It is user friendly. Tech support offered Saturdays at 4:30pm Sundays 8, 9:30 am & 11 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Mass Intentions Mon. 05/18 St. John I Acts 19:1-8; Jn 16:29-33 HR Vern Doenges Family L&D 8:00 am Tues. 05/19 8:00 am Wed. 05/20 Easter Weekday Acts 20:17-27; Jn 17:1-11a HR Moe & Joan Rammel The success of the Finishing the Job - Building the Future campaign continues. We have received over $2.2 million in pledges and donations, bringing us 89% of the way to our goal! St. Bernardine of Siena Acts 20:28-38; Jn 17:11b-19 HR David Wirth 12:05 pm Thurs. 05/21 8:00 am Fri. 05/22 St. Christopher Magallanes Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26 SP Doyle Lhamon To date, 28% of all parish families have accepted the invitation to join the campaign effort. Fulfilling the vision of our campaign will require the gifts, sacrifice, and participation of all families in our parish, proportionate to each household’s means and obligations. St. Rita of Cascia Acts 25:13b-21; Jn 21:15-19 HR Louise A. White 8:00 am Sat. 05/23 4:30 pm Sun. 05/24 This weekend and next, all parish families will be invited to make a pledge to the campaign during all Masses. Your thoughtful, prayerful consideration of this invitation is deeply appreciated. Easter Weekday Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Jn 21:20-25 HR Clayton Craft Family We have been blessed by the impact Holy Rosary has made on our lives and the lives of our families. Now is the time to invest in and commit to the future of our wonderful parish, so that our community, and those it will welcome in the coming years, will be able to enjoy a renewed worship space and invigorated parish community. Pentecost Sunday Acts 2:1-11; Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 HR Glaser Family L&D SP Roy & Reva Ott HR Edith Doenges 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. SENIOR SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED May 10, 2015 Holy Rosary Contributions Adult Envelopes Issued: Adult Envelopes used: Holy Rosary PTO is proud to announce the high school senior recipients for the 2015 scholarships: 557 218 Adult Offering: Loose Offering: Total Collection: $ $ $ 8,999.78 864.45 9,864.23 Week Budgeted: Weekly Collection & Electronic Giving: Over/Short to date: $ 10,180.00 $ 9,864.23 (315.77) YTD Total budgeted: YTD Total collection: Over/Short to date: $ 437,740.00 $ 415,667.65 $ (22,072.35) May 10, 2015 St. Patrick Contributions Adult Envelopes Issued: Adult Envelopes used: Adult Offering: Loose Offering: Total Collection: 55 31 $ $ $ 1,335.00 207.00 1,542.00 This collection is for the regular weekly collection envelopes along with Electronic Giving. Special collections are listed separately. Thank you for your generous contributions. Bethany Hertenstein, Eric Mielke and Josh Young. Each year $2000 is disbursed between the recipients. Those honored with the scholarship are 8th grade graduates of Holy Rosary, who practice Catholic faith and continue to be active members to the parish throughout their high school years. Congratulations! Friends of Holy Rosary FOHR received the following donations: $50 in memory of Rosemary Rye, $275 in memory of Dorothy Pfenning, $300 in memory of Kay Dingledine and $1,506 in general donations. Donations to the Friends of Holy Rosary goes into a trust fund; it is NEVER spent. It is invested and the earned income is turned over to the parish for tuition assistance once a year indefinitely. Both membership contributions and donations are tax deductible if you itemize your deductions. Please make your check payable to Friends of Holy Rosary. Your donations can be placed in the collection basket, brought to the Parish Office or mailed to: Tom Menker, Treasurer, 119 North Wayne St., St. Marys, Ohio. Total trust balance is $214,578.09. Holy Rosary Adopt-a-Student Current Week Donations: Total Donations Received: Parishioner Participation: $ 874.25 $ 73,412.23 225 Families The monthly Adopt-A-Student collection is to help Holy Rosary School with its operating expenses. HOLY ROSARY CCD NEWS Holy Rosary Vacation Bible School is Sunday, July 12th through Thursday, July 16th, from 6:30-8:30p.m. on the church grounds. Our 2015 expedition this year is Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power. Registration forms are available on line, in the back of church or in the parish office. ATTENTION MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN Our 2014-2015 CCD Year came to an end with the beautiful celebration of May Crowning on Wednesday, May 6th. We were so happy to see all the students and parents at this special occasion. A special thank you goes out to all CCD teachers who generously gave their time to build Christ’s Kingdom throughout the school year! 1st Grade – Teresa Ziegenbusch with student assistant Lydia Bubp 2nd Grade – Andrea Link, Stacey, Mike and Kelly Grannan 3rd Grade – Sandi Rammel and Josh Dull assisting 8 weeks On Thursday, May 28, Holy Rosary will begin a study for Mothers with Young Children called Momnipotent: The Not-So-Perfect Woman's Guide to Catholic Motherhood. In Momnipotent the author, Danielle Bean, provides much-needed encouragement to all women. Momnipotent validates the dignity and importance of motherhood by helping mothers to recognize 8 uniquely feminine strengths, and how to use those strengths to find peace, purpose, balance, and joy in being the woman God created and called them to be. Small groups are forming for the Spring and Summer. 4th Grade – Jason Brown, Deb Perry, Carol Schmehl, Doug Moran and Marlene Steele This is an eight week event held on Thursdays at 6:30 pm in the modular, room 2. Call Nan at 419-300-1045 to join. High School – Dan Danaher, Dave Coleman, Barb Hamberg, Connie Miley, Brian Casebolt, Linda Tebbe, Tom Scott, Jane Bertke, & Andy Rammel 5th Grade – Alex Witt as Primary, with Joetta Bubp, Jim Elking, and Michelle Wilson 6th Grade – Sue Bramlage, Anna Mae Saum, Sue Beckett, Cinda Helmstetter, & Kelly Huber 7th Grade – Lora Krugh, Mary Beth Mielke, Kathy Frankenberg, Al Meinerding 8th Grade – Amy Dues & Shelly Wilker Nursing Home Bingo – Robbie Burke and Lora Krugh LUCKY TEN Winners for May 2015 Office and attendance assistance: Nicole Cisco, Marlene Evers, Tammy Cisco, Mendy Valentine, Traci Ellis, Jessi Dingledine, Nicole Kogge & Becky Ruvoldt $500 Karen Larkin $100 Patti Folk $100 Dan Severt $75 Tom & Jo McCarthy $50 Joe Kuebler $50 Kirk Stienecker We are looking for CCD teachers for 3rd, 5th and 7th grades for the upcoming school year. Please call Nan at 419-300-1045 for more details on this exciting opportunity. $50 Tom Scott $25 James Fortman A BIBLICAL WALK THROUGH THE MASS $25 Carol Hurm $25 Joann Liming FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY SIGNSIGN-UP We are in need of hosts for Fellowship Sundays for: July 12, December 13. If you or your organization would be interested in hosting, please call the parish office at 419-394-5050. Special thanks to Alexander Witt, our awesome seminarian who helped with HRYG all year and lead special projects such as the Nun Run and the Josephinum visit. Our Parish will be running a fascinating 5-part series on the Mass, entitled, A Biblical Walk through the Mass. In this study, you will come to know and understand the Mass like never before. You will discover the rich meanings behind why we say what we say and do during the Liturgy. The words and gestures of the Mass will be seen in a new light, leading you to a richer, more fruitful worship experience. The sessions will begin on Wednesday, May 20th, and run for 5 consecutive Wednesday evenings at 7p.m. in the modular. The class is free. There is an optional workbook that can be purchased for $20. Call the parish office at 419-394-5050 or Joe Kuebler at 419-394-7179. EDUCATION COMMISSION ELECTIONS The Altar Flowers this weekend are in loving memory of Moe & Joan Rammel Holy Rosary Education Commission will be holding elections May 31st for three positions. If you are interested in joining and giving of your time and talent in being on this advisory committee for the school and also for our faith formation programs, please call Kris Schmitmeyer at 419-394-3445. ST. PATRICK NEWS MEALS FOR THE SICK St. Patrick’s is forming a committee to bring meals to families of the parish when someone is sick, recovering from major surgery, etc.. If you are interested in volunteering for this stewardship, please contact Linda Lunz at 419-733-5807. If someone in your family is ill, recovering from major surgery, etc. and would appreciate some “comfort food”, do not hesitate to contact Linda Lunz at 419-733-5807. ST PATRICK PASTORAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS St. Patrick will be holding elections for Pastoral Council in May. Anyone interested in running, please contact Kent Schlegel at 419-733-5599 GRADUATION BREAKFAST AT ST. PATRICK St. Patrick’s will celebrate with our graduating Seniors, Joe Poeppelman and Casey Steva, with a Graduation Breakfast in their honor after Mass on Sunday, May 24th, in the rectory. All parishioners are invited to attend and congratulate Joe and Casey. All Day Adoration of Blessed Sacrament at St. Patrick - May 21 All day adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 3rd Thursday of each month Exposition after the 8 am Mass Confessions 6:30 - 7:30 pm ST PATRICK HISTORY BOOKS Rosary at 6:45 pm and Prayer & Benediction at 7pm St. Patrick History Books are available in the parish office or contact Ellen Brown at 419-300-8855. The cost of these books is Sign up for a time slot on the sheet in back of church. OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST 47TH ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE FOR WORLD PEACE The 47th Annual Peace Pilgrimage for World Peace, sponsored by the Maria Stein Adoration Guild and the Shrine Preservation Group, will be held on Thursday, May 21 and 22, 2015, at the Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics, Adoration Chapel. Opening Mass will begin at 8:00pm, Rev. Paul Wohlwend, Celebrant, followed by Eucharistic Adoration throughout the night and all day Friday until 7:00pm. Closing ceremonies and Mass on Friday, May 22, will be on the Shrine grounds, beginning at 7:40pm with a tribute to Veterans, May Crowning and a candlelight rosary procession, followed by a closing Mass in the Shrine courtyard. Rev. Louis Schmit, Celebrant. 4TH ANNUAL STEEPLE CHASE BIKE TOUR Join us for the 4th annual Steeple Chase Bike Tour in St. Henry, Ohio, on Saturday, July 4th, 2015, at 8:00 a.m. The bike ride of 15, 20, or 30 miles will take you through the Land of the Cross Tipped Churches, featuring the St. Henry Cluster Churches. For a registration form and more information, visit the web site at www.sthenrybank.com, under community, upcoming events. Preregistration deadline is Monday, June 22. Registration will also be available the day of the race at 7:00 a.m. GETHSEMANE CEMETERY Do not be afraid; we have a powerful intercessor praying for us. If you have questions regarding the purchasing of cemetery plots, the costs, available plots, etc. in Gethsemane Cemetery, please direct all calls to the parish office at 419-394-5050. We can help you with the basic information and also with scheduling an appointment with the appropriate person to help you choose your plot and help you with your questions and concerns. Cara Young Memorial 5K Run/Fun Walk ncer nnou A & nd DJ eeke For w rs Ahle Ry a n 5K will be Saturday, June 13. Registration at 7:30 a.m. (Corner of South & Pine St) Blessing at 8:15 a.m. Race Begins at 8:30a.m. Perr — n o Nix y Frida pm 6–8 FESTIVAL June 12, 13, 14 (registration available on our website In the back of church and parish office) y John Folk 419-953-6708 RIDE S This ye ars ride s are be provide ing d by: Classic Midwa y No pr e Daily w sale tickets ristban d s $15 Sunday 2-5 pm Freddy Purdy Satur d ay 8:30 11:30 pm Friday pm 11:30 8:30 - Raffle Drawing Sunday 9 pm 6 - 8 pm The Big Ginja Show Kiddie Tractor Pull Saturday, June 13, Registration at 5:30 p.m. Pull at 6:00 p.m. FESTIVAL NOVELTY STAND Donations for the Novelty Booth are now being accepted. Please place your individual items or you can create your own grouping items in the box in the back of church. Garden Items Swimming/Beach Items Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom Items Gift cards Gift certificates Food items Tickets for sports events, zoo, Kings Island, Cedar Point Items for all ages: infants to adults FESTIVAL RAFFLE TICKETS Raffle tickets for each family have been placed in the back of church. Please take a moment to pick them up after Mass. Kid’s Games & Arcade Games General Chair People Rob Menker Don Glaser Holy Rosary Garage Sale Drop off dates: Friday, May 29th Saturday, May 30th Sunday, May 31st Monday, June 1st Tuesday, June 2nd 8:00 am - 3:00 pm 8:00 am - 2:00 pm 8:30 am - 12:00 pm 8:00 am - 3:00 pm 8:00 am - 12:00 pm ,6 4, 5 e n Ju Items will not be accepted after Noon on Tuesday, June 2nd. Sale dates: 8:00am - 7:00 pm 8:00 am - 4:00 pm 8:00 am - 12:00 pm We are in need of people to come at noon on Saturday, June 6, to pack and load all remaining items. Please consider donating your time. Advertising Dave Helmstetter Dan Uhlenhake Don Glaser 394-5408 Beer Stand (Fri) Steve /Mary Beth Mielke (Sat) Andrew / Amy Menker (Sun) Craig / Renee Lauth 394-7877 394-5000 394-5703 394-1180 Bingo (Fri) Doug & Nan Mielke 394-0520 (Sat) Chrissy & Bryant Hensley 300-7039 Amy & Spencer Williams 733-0274 (Sun) ** need chairperson** No large appliances will be accepted! Thursday, June 4 Friday, June 5 Saturday, June 6 394-8646 394-5408 Have you volunteered to work at the festival? If not, call a chairperson today! Cake Wheel (Fri) Gene/ Cindy Wilker 394-8471 (Sat) Jim / Linda Schloemer 394-4267 (Sun) Steve / Kathy Frankenberg 753-2056 Chicken Dinners (Sat) Dave Gossard (Sun) Dave Gossard 300-6075 300-6075 Concession Stand (Fri) Adele Walls (Sat) Amy Steininger (Sun) Robbie Burke 394-4025 733-3221 305-5156 Chuck-O-Luck (Fri) Joe Sullivan/Andrea Link 305-4000 (Sat) Joe Sullivan/Andrea Link 394-3733 (Sun)Joe Sullivan/Andrea Link 394-3733 CAKE WHEEL Once again we are asking each family to make 5 cakes and one pie for the upcoming festival on June 12, 13, 14. For your convenience cake rounds and rectangles will be available at the entrances of the church. Please take them for festival purposes only. Cakes and pies can be dropped off on festival grounds on: Friday, June 12, at 8:00 a.m. until closing Saturday, June 13, at 8:00 a.m. until closing Sunday, June 14, at 8:30 a.m. until closing. If you need someone to pick up your cakes or pie please call: 419-953-6980 on Friday 567-644-8410 on Saturday 419-753-2056 on Sunday Festival K of C Chicken Fry In addition to our four piece chicken dinners, we will also have buckets of chicken available on Saturday, 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. again at 4:00 p.m. 12 piece bucket is $12.00 20 piece bucket is $19.00 Chicken dinners are $7.50 (includes applesauce and roll) Pre-ordering buckets appreciated, but not necessary, by calling 419-305-6075 CHAIRPERSON NEEDED Chairperson needed for Instant Bingo for Saturday Please call the parish office 419-394-5050 or Luke Yahl 419-305-6855 if you are interested Clean-Up Nick Yahl 733-5135 Finances Mary Ann Sheaks 394-4443 Garage Sale Sue Halko Peg Larkin 394-5475 394-5179 Grill/Chicken Wings Jim Christman Instant Bingo Luke Yahl *needs person for Saturday 614-314-6088 305-6855 Kiddie Tractor Pull Bruce Miller 305-3797 Lunch Stand (Fri) Mike / Stacey Grannan (Sat) Matt / Elaine Barhorst (Sun) Fred Wiswell 394-1186 394-4684 586-2198 Novelty Stand (Fri) Dixie Russell (Sat) Dixie Russell & Sue (Sun)Dixie Russell & Sue 305-7676 305-7676 305-7676 Raffle Amy Dues 394-6935 Run/Walk 5K John Folk 394-6445 Showdown (Fri) Jess / Emily (Sat) Joe / Mary Klosterman (Sun)Joe / Mary Klosterman 394-3783 394-7067 394-7067 Sponsor Solicitation Don Glaser 394-1804 Youth Games Chris Ewry Tammy Bayham 394-0249 753-2749