HortusScope May 2015


HortusScope May 2015
IHortusScope | What’s Up in the Central Indiana Gardening
Community | Photo by Myrene Brown
Now thru May 9 Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Annual Spring Plant Sale Annuals,
scented geraniums, hanging baskets, planters, perennials, herbs, native plants, tomato, pepper and
other vegetable plants, including heirloom varieties. Proceeds benefit the horticulture program at ISBVI.
Monday through Friday 12 noon to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Closed Sundays. Indiana
School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, 7725 N. College Avenue, Indianapolis.
Friday & Saturday, May 1 & 2 Annual Plant Sale (Hancock County) Hosted by Hancock County Master
Gardeners and Hancock County Herb Society. Get expert advice on growing perennials, annuals, trees,
shrubs, herbs, and vegetables, and select from a large array of plant choices. The Herb Society offers a
variety of culinary, medicinal, decorative, and craft-use herbs, along with unique and hard-to-find
woodland perennials. Master Gardener choices include an extensive variety of perennials, vegetable
plants, and geraniums, plus other plant and garden materials. Sale is Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Hancock County Fairgrounds, 4-H Show Arena (southwest corner
of Apple and Park Streets). For more information, please contact Carolyn (HCHS) at 317-326-2274 or
Jane (HCMG) at 317-861-8145.
Saturday, May 2 Starting Herbs from Seed Garfield Park Conservatory and the Herb Society of Central
Indiana partner to offer this one-hour class. We will be starting herbs from seeds and growing,
for “take home,” the ten most popular herbs. A $5.00 donation is suggested. Treats available while you
play in the dirt. 10:00 a.m., 2505 Conservatory Drive, Garfield Park, Indianapolis. Contact 317-327-7066.
Saturday, May 2 SoBro Home and Garden Fair Hosted by SoBro Vintage Market Antiques & Curiosities,
this outdoor event features vendors, demonstrations, food and fun: everything from vintage garden
items to mid-century furniture, or just find out how to raise chickens. 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., 1051 E
54th St, Indianapolis. Questions? Contact [email protected].
Saturday, May 2 Johnson County Garden Club and Purdue Master Gardeners (Franklin) 11th Annual
Garden Celebration This year we will be celebrating Indiana Farmers’ Markets. There will be a tree give
away; first come, first served. Guest speakers will present programs throughout the day. In addition to
plant and garden related vendors indoors and out, there will be food and drink available for purchase all
day. Admission is $2.00 at the door. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Scott Hall, 250 Fairground Street, Johnson
County Fairgrounds, Franklin. Call Lynne Schuetz at 317-736-5609 or Carolyn Williams at 317-736-8080
for more information.
Sunday, May 3 Ambassador House and Heritage Gardens (Fishers) Things Your Mother Never Taught
You Experienced gardeners will lead small groups through a series of stations covering topics designed
for the beginner and/or occasional gardener. Such topics include proper watering, mulching, pruning,
and deadheading of perennials, bushes, and trees. There will also be information about dividing,
planting, and fertilizing your garden along with tool usage and care. Free, open to the public, no
reservations needed. It will take place rain or shine! 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., 10595 Eller Road, Fishers.
Monday, May 4 Indianapolis Hosta Society Exploring Container Gardening Presentation by Irvin
Etienne, Horticulture Display Coordinator at Indianapolis Museum of Art Whether you have five acres or
five square feet you can do something with containers. It’s a great way to experiment with new plants
and new ways to grow plants. As with other gardening adventures you need to pay attention to the old
adage “right plant, right place”, know your soil, and know your limits. This time you also have to know
your container. And just what is a container? We will explore all this and some more. And have a good
time doing it. Free and open to the public. 6:30 p.m., Holliday Park Nature Center, 6363 Spring Mill
Road, Indianapolis. www.indianapolishostasociety.org
Wednesday, May 6 Indiana Daylily–Iris Society Bob Hollingworth, Michigan Siberian iris hybridizer, will
present "At Least, Five Good Reasons for Growing Siberian Irises." 6:30 p.m., Holliday Park Nature
Center, 6363 Spring Mill Rd., Indianapolis, 317-327-7180.
Wednesday, May 6 Slow Meat: An Introduction “Slow meat” is a simple mantra: eat better meat—but
eat less. This unique event pairs local sustainable meat producers with amazing local chefs that will
convince you slow meat is the only way to eat! A tour of Smoking Goose begins at 6:30 p.m., followed by
a panel discussion, then an amazing tasting at 7:30 p.m. featuring three dishes prepared and served at
the Flat 12 Bierworks patio. Tickets are $15 for Slow Food Indy members and $20 for non-members. No
beer is included in the ticket price, but it is available for purchase at Flat 12. Get tickets.
Thursday, May 7 Give Pollinators a Chance: Plant Native (Fishers) Join Myrene Brown for a visual tour
of native plants that will make your garden sparkle, while at the same time provide for the pollinators
that are so important to our own food chain. 7:00 to 8 p.m., Zion Nature Center, 690 Beech Street,
Zionsville. Register (required) at [email protected].
Saturday, May 9 INPAWS Native Plant Sale & Auction Something for everyone at this popular annual
event sponsored by the Indiana Native Plant & Wildflower Society. On offer will be native plants for
shady, sunny, and wetland settings, a different selection every year. The choicest, rarest plants are set
aside for the plant auction, an entertaining and informative opportunity to learn about Indiana natives.
The pre-sale speaker is M.J. Meneley, Landscape Architect and Principal of Blue Marble Design LLC, who
will speak on “Designing with Natives." The $10 fee for the talk entitles ticket holders to start shopping
15 minutes before the general public and get a discount off an auction purchase. Alongside the plant
sale, INPAWS will sell select books on plant families, naturalistic gardening, conservation, and related
topics. Pre-sale talk begins at 9:30 a.m. Plant and book sale open 10:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Live auction
begins at 11:00 and continues until every plant is sold. Indiana Forest Council will be selling native trees
in the parking lot at the same time. Park Tudor School, Upper Gymnasium, 7200 N. College Avenue,
Indianapolis (use the 71st Street entrance). www.inpaws.org
Saturday, May 9 Madison County Master Gardener’s Annual Plant Sale & Spring Bazaar (Madison
County) There will be a large selection of annuals, vegetables, perennials and various other plants
grown by members locally, so they’re already acclimated to Indiana and priced very reasonably.
Educational opportunities and advisers will be provided by Master Gardeners throughout the sales area.
Remember that mom always appreciates flowers on her special day, and vendors at the Spring Bazaar
will offer gift ideas. 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., 4-H Grounds, Alexandria, Indiana. For info contact 765-6419514 or [email protected] or [email protected].
Tuesday, May 12 Amos Butler Audubon Program Indiana Parks Alliance Presentation by Justin
Coleman, career financial advisor with Edward Jones, who serves on the board of the Indiana Parks
Alliance (IPA). The Alliance is a charitable organization that supports Indiana State Parks and stateowned nature preserves, the resources they steward, and the people they serve through advocacy,
research, education, and action; it does not raise funds to acquire land. Its current mission is to raise
awareness of the budget crisis that threatens Indiana state parks and nature preserve systems. 7:30
p.m., Holliday Park Nature Center, 6363 Spring Mill Road, Indianapolis. For more about the IPA, find it on
Facebook under “Indiana Parks Alliance” or on the web at www.indianaparksalliance.org.
Tuesday, May 12 Herb Society of Central Indiana Naturalist Frank Rouse helps you explore which
plants in your yard can be used for food or medicine. Learn what Mother Nature has to offer. Public
welcome. 6:45 p.m., John Hensel Government Center, 10701 N. College Avenue, Indianapolis. Contact
317-834-8515 or visit www.herbsocietyofcentralindiana.org.
Tuesday, May 12 Perennial Plant Exchange (Brownsburg) Since 2001, area gardeners have been
dividing their perennials and bringing them to the Brownsburg Library plant exchange. Please bring 4-6
plants (in pots or bags) labeled as to variety. Popular gardener speaker Colletta Kosiba will give
information on where and how to care for the plants. Free. 6:30 p.m., Brownsburg Public Library, 450 S.
Jefferson Street, Brownsburg, 317-852-3167.
Thursday, May 14 Indianapolis Rose Society Flower Arranging for a Rose Show Presentation by Bill
Carlson, ARS Arrangement Judge and outstanding designer. Pop Bottle Display: Bring your roses for
"show and tell." All rose gardeners and enthusiasts are welcome to learn and talk about roses.
Refreshments. 6:30 p.m., Contour Hardening, 8401 Northwest Blvd., Indianapolis.
Saturday, May 16 Hamilton County Master Gardeners’ Annual Plant Sale (Noblesville) More than
12,000 plants will be for sale to the public. In addition to the outstanding selection of perennials,
annuals, vegetables, and trees, bearded iris is available, dug to order, at the Iris/Daylily bed. An
extensive selection of native plants will be offered. Plants are grown with care by Master Gardeners, are
acclimated to Indiana’s climate, and are priced well below local garden centers. The day will also include
educational materials covering many aspects of gardening at no charge. Master Gardeners will be on
hand to answer questions and offer expert advice. Proceeds support scholarships for horticulture
students in Hamilton County as well as numerous community activities supporting sound horticultural
practices and a Small Grants Program for local groups with qualified horticultural programs. 8:00 a.m. to
3:00 p.m., Exhibition Hall, Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds, Noblesville. Learn more about HCMGA and
becoming a Master Gardener at www.hcmga.org.
Tuesday, June 2 Indiana Daylily–Iris Society Gayle Story, Illinois daylily hybridizer, will present a
program on daylilies. 6:30 p.m., Holliday Park Nature Center, 6363 Spring Mill Road, Indianapolis, 317327-7180.
Wednesday, June 10 The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Insects in the Garden (Brownsburg) What you
should know about the insects that inhabit your garden and landscape. All the good they do will amaze
you! Ninety eight percent of insects are beneficial. So do not spray everything that moves! Insects are
part of the important web of life. There are a few nasty ones, and we will talk about how to control the
Bad Bugs. Presented by Colletta Kosiba, 2500 Gold Master Gardener & Indiana Master Naturalist. Free.
6:30 p.m., Brownsburg Public Library, 450 S Jefferson Street, Brownsburg, 317-852-3167.
Advocacy Op Proposed Dam Project on White River The controversial Mounds Dam project would
destroy 1,000 acres of mature hardwood forest, eliminate an extremely rare wetland nature preserve,
and threaten Indiana's premier archeological site. There’s lots of info online about the dam proposal and
about an alternative vision, the Mounds Greenway. Get involved and make your voice heard! Heart of
the River Coalition Mounds Lake Reservoir Mounds Greenway Plan
Events at Fall Creek Gardens Build a Bin and Grow Potatoes Workshop, May 15, 10:00 a.m. Grow
Your Own Salad Garden Workshop, May 30, 10:00 a.m. Register and learn more at
Events at Daubenspeck Community Nature Park Nature Photography, Saturday, May 2, 10:00 to 10:45
a.m. A free eco-walk for photographers of all levels of experience. RSVP to
[email protected]. Daub Park Volunteer Day, Saturday, May 9, 9:00 a.m. to noon, and 2:00 to
5:00 p.m. Two sessions to choose from, or come to both! Come plant flowers and small trees, spruce up
the bird boxes, pull out some invasive plants, and help the park get ready to grow. Fun for all ages.
Snacks served. Tools and gloves provided. RSVP's appreciated, but not required. Daubenspeck Park is a
volunteer-run, donation-supported, independent, charitable IRS 501-c-3 non-profit organization. The
site is nearly 22 acres of native-restored prairie, wetlands, creek, and woods, with trails, signage, and
events. www.daubpark.org
Events at Holliday Park Labor and Learn Garden Workshops: Join the volunteer effort that has
transformed the historic rock garden at Holliday Park. The first Friday of every month, skilled
horticulturalist Chris Turner will begin the work session with a discussion of a popular gardening topic.
Other sessions are open for questions and answers, all sessions include time working in the
garden. Tools and refreshments provided. Free. May 8 & 22, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Garden Work Days: The
diverse landscaping and gardens of Holliday Park provide visitors beauty no matter what the season.
Here’s your chance to become a steward of these beautiful grounds. Whether you are looking to fulfill
Master Gardener requirements or just want to give something back to the park, everyone is welcome.
Tools and refreshments provided. Free. May 2, 6, 16, 20 & 30, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Holliday Park
Spring Wildflower Hike: Join Norma Wallman, author of Wildflowers of Holliday Park, for a leisurely hike
to see what’s blooming. $5/individual, pre-registration required. Saturday, May 9, 10:00 to 11:30 am.
Indianapolis Hosta Society: Join IHS for their monthly programs on shade gardening. Free. May 20, 7:00
to 9:00 p.m. Indianapolis Daylily/Iris Society: Join IDIS for their monthly programs dedicated to the
promotion of daylilies and iris. Free. May 6, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Holliday Park is located at 6363 Spring Mill
Road, Indianapolis. For questions, call 317-327-7180. www.hollidaypark.org
Events at Zion Nature Center (Zionsville) Give Pollinators a Chance: Plant Native, Thursday, May 7,
7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Join Myrene Brown for a visual tour of native plants that will make your garden
sparkle, while at the same time provide for the pollinators that are so important to our own food chain.
The Great Sunflower Project, Saturday, May 30, 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. People all over the country are
collecting data on pollinators in their yards, gardens, schools, and parks. Studies have suggested that
bee populations are in trouble. What we don’t know is how this is affecting pollination of our gardens,
crops and wild lands. Program participants will take home their own sunflowers to plant and record
visiting pollinators. Registration required at [email protected]. Rain Barrel Workshop,
Wednesday, June 3, 6:00 p.m. Learn how to build, install, maintain, and even decorate your own rain
barrel. Rain barrels capture excess water during a rain event, storing it for lawn and garden watering and
other uses during dry periods. Rain barrel information-only session is free. Purchase a build-your-own or
prebuilt barrel kit $45 which includes rain barrel, diverter, spigot, all fixtures, and wooden stand. Buildyour-own kit will be assembled during workshop with instruction and necessary tools provided. Register
(required) by May 27 using this form. Zion Nature Center, 690 Beech Street, Zionsville. Contact 317-8738950 or [email protected].
Iris Growers of Eastern Indiana (Muncie) Unless otherwise noted, meetings are at 1:30 p.m. on the
second Sunday of the month at Minnetrista, 1200 North Minnetrista Parkway, Muncie, 765-213-3540.
May 13, Iris Growers of Eastern Indiana Annual Garden Tour. Information: 765-730-4786. May 16,
Participation Union City Iris Show at Union City Depot. May 17, Iris Growers of Eastern Indiana Annual
Iris Show, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Minnetrista. Public is invited to show irises. Entries accepted from
9:00 until 11:00 a.m.; judging 11:00 a.m. to noon. Open to public for viewing noon to 4:00 p.m.
Information 765-730-4786. June 5 & 6, Iris Growers of Eastern Indiana participation at the Minnetrista
Garden Fair. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Garden Fair information:
Volunteer Op Conservation Days at Nina Mason Pulliam EcoLab at Marian University Come out to the
EcoLab and help out! Our Saturday work days are a great opportunity for you or a group of your peers to
immerse yourselves in nature. The projects that we work on complement more than 10 years of
restoration done on the property. Common projects are invasive plant removal, native plant installation,
basic trail maintenance. Everyone is invited. We have attendees as young as grade-schoolers through
retirees. We give detailed instructions on each individual project, so no experience is
necessary. Upcoming workdays are May 16 and June 13. Meet up at 9:00 a.m. at the St. Francis statue
next to Allison Mansion on the north end of Marian University campus. Please RSVP to
[email protected] if you plan to attend. NMP EcoLab Website
Liquidation Sale! Rita's Backyard Is Closing Its Doors (Fishers) Rita is retiring and everything must go.
Plants and Christmas decorations priced to sell. Cash only, no checks, no charges. All sales final. The sale
will continue until May 23, or until everything is sold. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 12244 E. 116th Street,
Photo Notes Thanks, Myrene Brown, for sharing this great photo of a bee pollinating our native blue
lobelia with the terrible name (Lobelia siphilitica). We gardeners have in our hands the power to make
life better for our pollinators. Hear Myrene’s pollinator talk on May 7. Find lots of how-to information at
the Xerces Society, http://www.xerces.org/pollinator-conservation/. And buy yourself some native
plants at the INPAWS Native Plant Sale & Auction on May 9. You’ll be doing Nature a good turn.
HortusScope, an e-bulletin for the Central Indiana gardening community, is published the first of every
month as a public service by Wendy Ford. To submit news items, add or update your e-mail address, or
remove your name from the HortusScope e-mail list, please drop me a note at
[email protected]. Your supporting donation gratefully accepted at 6911 Cabernet Way,
Indianapolis, IN 46278, check made out to Wendy Ford. (Thanks, uTopos Gardens LLC and Indiana
Daylily-Iris Society!)