University of Michigan Retirees Association
University of Michigan Retirees Association
University of Michigan Retirees Association Tenth Annual Health Day, 2015 Tuesday, April 28, 2015 Weber's Inn 3050 Jackson Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (734) 763-5740 8:00-900 Registration and Coffee 9:00-9:10 Welcome & Introduction — Pat Butler, President UMRA 9:10-10:10 "Can You Hear Me Now" — Paul Robert Kilney PhD, Audiologist, UM Department of Otolaryngology. 10:10-10:20 Break 10:20-11:20 "Oh, My Aching Back" — Rico Paras, Physical and Occupational Therapist, UM Spine Program, will give hints on how to have a healthy back and still work in the house, in the garden and with the grandkids. 11:20-12:30 "Happy Hands Throughout Retirement" — Mary Whitehouse Barber, Occupational Therapist, who works with UM, St. Joseph and Saline Community Hospitals. She will focus on hand therapy and how to use our hands in a healthy manner. 12:30-12:50 Dining room setup 12:50-1:50 Lunch 1:50-2:50 "Improve Your Day Through Movement" — Staff from UM Recreational Sports will share information on new programs designed for our age group. Andy Boehnlein, Coordinator of Intramural Sports; Sarah Button, Coordinator of Membership, Marketing, & Sponsorship; and Ellen Dixon, Assistant Director of Fitness & Wellness. 2:50-3:50 "The Importance of Relationships" — Michele T. Leonard, Ph.D., L.P., Associate Professor-Clinical Psychology at UM, Dearborn, will cover the basics of couples’ relationships for middle/older adulthood, communication strategies for couples, and sexual health (options/concerns) and aging. 4:00 Discussion, Evaluation and End of Program Sponsored in part by a grant from MHealthy and the Office of the Associate Vice President for Human Resources Registration: Name 1st person #A _________________________ 2nd person #B _________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________ Email _________________________________________ Zip ___________________________ Phone _____________________________ Please enclose check for $16 per person, payable to UMRA. Amount enclosed ________________ Meal Selection (Indicate #A and #B): Chicken Whitefish Vegetarian Vegan Registration must be postmarked before April 21, 2015 Mail form & check to: UMRA G250 Wolverine Tower, 3003 S. State St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1281 Important‼ On Thursday, May 14, at our last meeting before the summer, President Emerita Mary Sue Coleman will join us for the program. She does not wish to give a presentation but would like to answer questions and have a discussion with the retirees. Since I will be interviewing her and leading the discussion, I would like to have questions ready from you, our retirees. So, please email me your questions, and I will group them and try to get as many answered as possible. Please do that as soon as possible. Thank you. Your President, Pat Butler [email protected]