Native Health Database - Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center
Native Health Database - Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center
UNM In the database, the “Basic Search” window looks like this: HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARY and INFORMATICS CENTER Contact Information Patricia Bradley, MLS, AHIP Native and Distance Services Librarian (505) 272-0664 [email protected] And the “Advanced Search” window looks like this: Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center MSC 09 5100 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001 (505) 272-2311 Nat i v e H e a lt h Data b a s e Health Information For and About Native Peoples Native Health Database website Native Health Database screen shots from The University of New Mexico is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity institution. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this material is available in alternate formats upon request. Revised 4/15/2015 Photo on cover and this panel by Tom Brahl The Native Health Database contains more than 9,000 healthrelated articles and documents on the topic of Native American health issues. Health Information For Native Peoples Native Health Database (NHD) The Native Health Database is a web-based resource developed and managed by the UNM Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center. It provides information for the benefit, use and education of organizations and individuals with an interest in American Indian and Alaskan Native health-related issues, programs and initiatives. The NHD includes documents developed by: • Indian Health Service staff • Tribal health professionals • Health care practitioners working in American Indian (AI) reservations, Alaska Native (AN) villages and urban areas with significant AI/AN populations • University-based researchers “One of the most important archives that exists anywhere.” Native American Public Health Faculty Member Database Features • Abstracts of the selected materials • Where appropriate, links to full-text documents or abstracts • Database entries dated from 1672 to the present • Spelling assistance for search terms • Mobile-device format • Tutorial • Clipboard function for saving search results Photo by John Arnold • Grey literature • Ability to export clipboard contents to a citationmanagement system Ways to Search the NHD • • • • • • • • • Tribe Key word Title Author Publication source Publication year Document type Region State/province Mission The NHD’s mission is to serve as a high-quality source of health information about: • • • • • American Indians Alaska Natives Canadian First Nations Metis Inuit History of the NHD The Native Health History Database (NHHD) was developed in the early 1990s from the donated collection of “Papers on Indian Health” by William W. Schottstaedt, MD (1917‒2005). The NHHD was funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education and administered by the National Library of Medicine. Later, the Native Health Research Database (NHRD), which covers current materials, was funded by grants from the Indian Health Service and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In 2007, NHHD and NHRD were merged to become the Native Health Database. In 2013, HSLIC received $35,000 from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) to update and promote the NHD. The UNM Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center continues to maintain the Native Health Database for the use of researchers, students, health care practitioners and community members who have an interest in American Indian Health.