Climate, Weather and Plants


Climate, Weather and Plants
Climate, Weather and Plants 2015 Version 1.0 (9 April) Teaching 
Time: Block 1 C (Mon 13.00‐17.00 + Wed 8.00‐12.00; 13.00‐17.00) 
Place: To be announced el
Literature: o To buy: Oke: T.R. Oke: Boundary Layer Climates (1987 or later) o To buy: Climate, Weather and Plants Companion (lecture notes) o Handouts: Suppl. notes: “Climatic classification” and “Climate change” Course curriculum: Basic climate, weather and plants Balance of the total Earth‐Atmosphere system Boundary layer climates Intentionally modified climates Climates of various surfaces Climate modification Autumn break: No teaching Air pollution, climate change and the environmental impact Project Exam y
Week 36 Week 37 Week 38 Week 39 Week 40 Week 41 Week 42 Week 43 Week 44 Week 45 Teachers: 1
ER: JL: LØ: Eva Rosenqvist ([email protected] ) PLEN1 Jens Laursen ([email protected]) PLEN1 Lars Øgendal ([email protected]) NBI2 (course coordinator) Department of Plant and Environmental Science The Niels Bohr Institute
1 Climate, Weather and Plants 2015 Suggested reading for each lecture shown in blue print Week 1 (week 36) Topics: Basic climate, weather and plants Time: 8‐10 Monday 31 Aug
Wednesday 2 Sep Basic lecture 2: (LØ) (Oke Chap. 1) Energy and mass exchange Basic climatic elements CWP Companion chap. 1 (except sect. 1.1) Applied (general): I (ER) Climate, Weather and plants Colloquium introduction/preparation Applied exercises: 01 (ER) 10‐12 Lunch 13‐15 im
15‐17 Basic lecture 1: (LØ) (Oke Chap. 1) Energy and mass exchange What is weather/climate? CWP Companion chap. 0 Basic exercises: 00 (LØ + JL) Applied (specific): I (LØ) Visit to Centre for Ice and Climate: Meet at 13.20 at: Centre for Ice and Climate Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen Juliane Maries Vej 30 2100 Copenhagen Time: 8‐10 Monday 7 Sep
Week 2 (week 37) Topics: Balance of the total Earth‐Atmosphere system y
Wednesday 9 Sep Basic lecture 4: (LØ) (Oke App. A1) Radiation geometry Global heat transport CWP Companion chap. 3 Applied exercises: 02 (ER) 10‐12 Lunch 13‐15 15‐17 Basic lecture 3: (LØ) (Oke Chap. 1) Energy and mass exchange Energy balances CWP Companion chap. 2 Basic exercises: 01 (JL) Applied (specific): II (LØ + ER) Colloquium: Applied topics student presentations 2 Climate, Weather and Plants 2015 Week 3 (week 38) Topics: Boundary layer climates Time: 8‐10 Monday 14 Sep
Wednesday 16 Sep Basic lecture 6: (LØ) (Oke Chap.2) Physical basis of boundary layer climates Stable/neutral/unstable atm. Condensation height CWP Companion chap. 5 (sect. 5.1‐5.2) Applied exercises: 03 (ER) (Energy exchange, surface conditions, surface temperature incl. leaf temperature 10‐12 Lunch 13‐15 im
15‐17 Basic lecture 5: (LØ) (Oke Chap.2) Physical basis of boundary layer climates The “active” surface Soil temperature variation CWP Companion chap. 4 Basic exercises: 02 (JL) Introduction to final projects ( ER + LØ ) main themes according to list Applied (general): II (LØ) Oke Chap. 1 sect. 4) Energy and mass exchange Mass balances, Water balance (Oke Chap.2, p. 48‐51) Physical basis of boundary layer climates Soil water flow (J) and soil moisture (S) Week 4 (week 39) Topics: Intentionally modified climates Monday 21 Sep
10‐12 15‐17 y
Lunch 13‐15 Wednesday 23 Sep Basic lecture 8: (LØ) (Oke Chap.7) Intentionally modified climates Shelter effects CWP Companion chap. 6 Applied (general):: IV (ER) Greenhouse climate Climate management in greenhouses in
Time: 8‐10 Basic lecture 7: (LØ) (Oke Chap.2) Physical basis of boundary layer climates Momentum flux and wind Sensible heat flux… CWP Companion chap. 5 (sect. 5.3‐5.6) Applied (general): VI: (ER) (Oke Chap.4) Climates of vegetated surfaces Leaves, plant covers and crops 14‐16: Applied exercises: 04 (ER) Basic exercises: 03 (JL) Applied (specific): VI (ER) (Oke Chap.4) Climates of vegetated surfaces Orchards and forests Comp. of low plant and forest water use 3 Climate, Weather and Plants 2015 Week 5 (week 40) Topics: Climates of various surfaces Time: 8‐10 Monday 28 Sep
Wednesday 30 Sep Basic lecture 10: (LØ) (Oke Chap.3) Climates of simple non‐vegetated surfaces Sand, snow, ice, water (Applied) exercises: IV (LØ +ER) Measuring climatic elements in the campus garden (Applied) exercises: IV (LØ +ER) Measuring climatic elements in the campus garden 10‐12 Lunch 13‐15 im
Applied (general): V (ER) (Oke Chap.7) Intentionally modified climates Surface control, frost protection Fog clearance Applied exercises: 05 (ER) (Soil temperature variation in practice) el
15‐17 Basic lecture 9: (LØ) (Suppl. Notes)
Global climate and weather Climatic classification CWP Companion chap. 7 Basic exercises: 04 (JL) Week 6 (week 41) Topics: Climate modification Monday 5 Oct Wednesday 7 Oct All teaching this day is relocated to Højbakkegaard in Taastrup. Take the free shuttle bus from Grønnegaardsvej at 7.45. Basic lecture 12: (LØ) (Oke Chap.5) starts at approx. 8.30
Climates of non‐uniform terrain Effects of topography CWP Companion: No reading Applied (specific): IV (ER) (Oke Chap.8) Inadvertent climate modification Non‐urban modification Modification by buildings and urban areas 10‐12 Lunch 13‐15 Basic lecture 11: (LØ) (Oke Chap.5) Climates of non‐uniform terrain Effects of spatial inhomogeneity CWP Companion: No reading 15‐17 Basic exercises: 05 (JL) y
Time: 8‐10 Applied exercises: 06 (ER)
(Transpiration and water transport in trees) Applied exercises: 06 (ER) continued… Kl 17.10 Back at Grønnegaardsvej 4 Climate, Weather and Plants 2015 Week 7 (week 43) Topics: Air pollution, climate change and the environmental impact Time: 8‐10 Monday 19 Oct
Wednesday 21 Oct Basic lecture 14: (LØ) (Suppl. Notes) Climate change, possible causes Global warming Climate models Projects, final call. Consultations with supervisors (ER + LØ ) Main themes according to list Project work starts 10‐12 15‐17 Basic lecture 13: (LØ) (Oke Chap.9)
Air pollution in the boundary layer CWP Companion chap. 8 Basic exercises: 06 (JL) Project work
Project work
Lunch 13‐15 Week 8 (week 44) Topics: Project Monday 26 Oct
Wednesday 28 Oct Project presentation
Time: 8‐10 10‐12 Project presentation
Project work 15‐17 Project work y
Lunch 13‐15 Course wrap‐up and course evaluation Mixed exercises + old exam papers Mixed exercises + old exam papers 5