a study of vertical jump performance among u-19 volleyball


a study of vertical jump performance among u-19 volleyball
International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports
J o ur na l ho mep a ge: www .ij p e fs. n o no l y mp ict i me s .o rg
ISSN: 2277: 5447 | Vol.4.No.1 | March’2015
Dr.Vishaw Gaurav, Ph.D.a, Dr. Amandeep Singh, Ph.D.b, Sandeepc.
Department of Education, Government of Punjab, India.
b& C
Department of Physical Education, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to compare the vertical jump performance among
under-19 age group male volleyball players by playing positions. A sample of Forty eight (N =
48) male volleyball players (mean ± SD: age 18.35 ± 0.56 years, height 182.23 ± 5.12 cm,
weight 75.56 ± 5.77 kg, BMI 22.67 ± 1.26), which includes twelve each blockers, setters, liberos
and spikers, who participated in inter-district school competitions, was selected from various
schools affiliated to Punjab School Education Board. All the participants were informed about
aim and methodology of the study and they volunteered to participate in this study. Vertical jump
test was conducted to see the vertical jump performance of the subjects.One way Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) was applied to find out the significance of differences with regard to vertical
jump performance among blockers, setters, liberos and spikers. Scheffe’s post-hoc test (SPHT)
was applied to see the direction and significance of differences where ‘F’ value found
statistically significant. The level of significance was set at 0.05.While comparing the means; it
revealed that blockers had better explosive leg power than their counterparts, while liberos had
shown less explosive leg power than their counterparts. Further, significant differences were
found between blockers and liberos with regard to power (p˂ 0.05).
Keywords: Vertical jump, volleyball, blockers, setters, liberos, spikers.
Volleyball is an intermittent sport that requires players to compete in frequent short boutsof highintensity exercise, followed by periods of low-intensity activity (Kunstlinger et al.,
1987;Viitasalo et al., 1987; Gabbett and Georgieff, 2007).One of the main physical characteristic
required in volleyball is lower limb muscle power, expressed by the numerous jumps performed
during the games, which are important both for the attacking and blocking actions (Sheppard et
al., 2007; 2008; 2009). Volleyball requires a lot of jumping. The players jump to spike and block
in the game, so jumping is a very important physical performance (Zhong & Huang, 1989).
Vertical jump is a necessary component in performing spike and block as well as jumping
service skills in volleyball game. Volleyball players’ excellent performances are widely
39 | P a g e
International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports
J o ur na l ho mep a ge: www .ij p e fs. n o no l y mp ict i me s .o rg
ISSN: 2277: 5447 | Vol.4.No.1 | March’2015
associated with efficiency of jumping or lower extremity explosive power which finally
introduce vertical jump as one of the most important characteristics of physical fitness in
volleyball players (Zhang, 2010). A volleyball team comprises 12 players with team positions
broadly defined as setters, spikers, blockers and liberos. Each of these positions plays a specific
role in a volleyball match (Gabbett and Georgieff, 2006). An understanding of the vertical jump
performance among U-19 volleyball players may be important for talent identification for
specific positions in the team. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the positional
differences in vertical jump performance of U-19 volleyball players by specific playing
A sample of Forty eight (N = 48) male volleyball players (mean ± SD: age 18.35 ± 0.56 years,
height 182.23 ± 5.12 cm, weight 75.56 ± 5.77 kg, BMI 22.67 ± 1.26), which includes twelve
each blockers, setters, liberos and spikers, who participated in inter-district school competitions,
was selected from various schools affiliated to Punjab School Education Board. All the
participants were informed about aim and methodology of the study and they volunteered to
participate in this study. The purposive sampling technique was used to select the subjects.
Height measurements were taken by using the standard anthropometric rod to the nearest 0.5 cm.
Full attentions given make sure that players‟ body was fully upright and their mandible was
parallel to the ground. Taken values recorded as cm. The subject’s weights were measured with
portable weighing machine to the nearest 0.5 kg. During measurements players were on bare feet
and with underwear and measurements recorded as kg. BMI was calculated by the formula of;
Body Mass Index =Weight/Height2. Vertical jump test was conducted to see the vertical jump
performance of the subjects.
Statistical Analysis:
Values are presented as mean values and SD. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
employed. Following the detection of a significant mean effect, Scheffe’s post-hocanalysis was
performed to locate where specific mean differences were laid. Data was analyzed using SPSS
Version 16.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences,version 16.0, SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL,
40 | P a g e
International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports
J o ur na l ho mep a ge: www .ij p e fs. n o no l y mp ict i me s .o rg
ISSN: 2277: 5447 | Vol.4.No.1 | March’2015
Table: 1.Demographic Characteristics of Male Volleyball Players of different Playing
Playing Positions Age (yrs)
Height (cm) Weight (Kg)
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Mean SD
18.25 0.75 185.33 4.60 82.75 4.18 24.10 1.11
18.33 0.49 181.50 4.66 71.92 5.81 21.79 0.83
18.42 0.51 176.00 8.30 65.00 8.72 20.94 1.96
18.42 0.51 186.08 2.94 82.58 4.36 23.85 1.16
18.35 0.56 182.23 5.12 75.56 5.77 22.67 1.26
Table: 2 Mean and SD values of Male Volleyball Players of different Playing Positions with
regard to the variable Power.
Playing Positions N
Table 1 depicts the demographic characteristics of male volleyball players of different playing
positions i.e. blockers, setters, liberos and spikers. Table 2 showed that while comparing the
means, it revealed that blockers had better explosive leg power than their counterparts, while
liberos had shown less explosive leg power than their counterparts.
Table: 3. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) among Male Volleyball Playersof Different
Playing Positions with regards to the Variable Power.
Source of
Sum of
Between Groups
Within Groups
*Significant at .05 level of Confidence
F.05 (3,44) = 2.82
41 | P a g e
International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports
J o ur na l ho mep a ge: www .ij p e fs. n o no l y mp ict i me s .o rg
ISSN: 2277: 5447 | Vol.4.No.1 | March’2015
It is evident from table-3 of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results that significant differences
were found among male volleyball players of different playing positions i.e. blockers, setters,
liberos and spikers with regard to the variable power(p˂ 0.05).
Since the obtained F-values were found significant, therefore, the Post-hoc test
(Scheffe’s) was applied to see the direction and significance of difference between paired means
of male volleyball players of different playing positions i.e. blockers, setters, liberos and spikers
with regards to the variable power. The results of Post-hoc test (Scheffe’s) have been presented
in table-4 below.
Table: 4. Comparison of Mean Values of Post-Hoc Test (Scheffe’s) among Male Volleyball
Players of different Playing Positions with regards to the variable Power.
Playing Positions
*Significant at .05 level of Confidence
A glance at table-4 showed that blockers have exhibited statistically significant(p˂ 0.05)
differences with liberos but insignificant (p˃ 0.05) differences with setters and spikerswith
regard to the variable power. However, setters have shown statistically insignificant (p˃ 0.05)
differences with liberos and spikers on the variable power. It is concluded that blockers had
better explosive leg power than their counterparts, while liberos had shown less explosive leg
power than their counterparts.
The demographic characteristics show that the mean height of volleyball players (182.23 ±
5.12cm) in the present study is greater than the volleyball players of West Bengal, India (173.10
± 4.19 cm) reported by Bandyopadhya (2007), but lesser than the English volleyball players
(191.00 ±5.0 cm) studied by Duncan et al. (2003) and Brazilian national volleyball team (197.0 ±
8.0 cm) studied by Petroski et al. (2013). The taller player in volleyball has an advantage because
they can easier control both, defensive and offensive actions over the top of the net. Stamm et
42 | P a g e
International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports
J o ur na l ho mep a ge: www .ij p e fs. n o no l y mp ict i me s .o rg
ISSN: 2277: 5447 | Vol.4.No.1 | March’2015
al.(2003) concluded that height is a significant factor in the performance of game elements,
particularly for attack and block (71-83%).Thus, selection criteria can explain the observed
results, as there has been a tendency to recruit the tallest players in this sport (Jankovic &
Marelic,1995). Volleyball requires a broad The comparison were made among different playing
positions in relation to power it was found that there were significant difference among the
different playing positions of volleyball players. These findings are in conformity with the results
reported in many previous studies conducted on volleyball players across the different playing
positions (Marques et al., 2009; Sotiropoulos et al., 2009; Trajkovic et al., 2011) but not in line
with those of reported by repertoire of jump skills in different playing positions of the
game.Explosive power of the legs is of the utmost importance in volleyball sports. It is mainly
used during serving, setting, attacks and blocks, which are essential for scoring a point. Vertical
jump performance is one of the best indications of lower limbs muscle power (Bosco,2007).
Duncan et al. (2006). According to resultsof the present study blockers had better explosive leg
power than their counterparts, while liberos had shown less explosive leg power than their
counterparts. There is great similarity between vertical jumping of blockers and spikers which
are not noticeable in liberos. The differences in parameters could be explained through game’s
position of players. The main purpose of volleyball players is achieving greater height on the net
(Stec & Smulsky, 2007). Liberos as the backline players participate in receive and digging
during the match but blockers and spikers play in front of the net, performing spike and block
(Duncan et al., 2006). It is clear that higher jumping is not advantage for liberos whereas it is
necessary for spikers and blockers.
Maximum vertical jump is one of the necessary components in performing spike and block skills
in volleyball. It is concluded that blockers had better explosive leg power than their counterparts,
while liberos had shown less explosive leg power than their counterparts. It is clear that higher
jumping is not advantage for liberos whereas it is necessary for blockers, spikers and setters.
Sincere thanks to Teachers who extended their enthusiastic co-operation in collecting the
necessary data and to all those volleyball players without whom this research was not possible.
We acknowledge the immense help received from the scholars whose articles are cited and
included in references of this paper. We are also grateful to authors/editors/publishers of all
those articles, journals and books from where the literature for this paper has been reviewed and
43 | P a g e
International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports
J o ur na l ho mep a ge: www .ij p e fs. n o no l y mp ict i me s .o rg
ISSN: 2277: 5447 | Vol.4.No.1 | March’2015
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