International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Special Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 REVIEW ON HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Darshana Shah1 , Aditya Bakshi2 . 1 2 Darshana shah, Department of Information Technology, J.D.I.E.T, [email protected] Aditya Bakshi,Department of Information Technology, J.D.I.E.T, [email protected] ABSTRACT Health care in India as in many other countries is confronted with growing demand for medical treatment and services. The medical records must appropriately have all of the patients’ medical history. Physicians must maintain flawless records, because this document serves a number of purposes. This study on hospital management system is design to transform the manual way of searching, sorting, keeping and accessing hospital information (files) into electronic medical record in order to solve the problem associate with manual method. The existing system has been studied and hence a computer based software was provided to replace this manual method. These computer based systems generate the patient report as the patient register in and out of the hospital. It also generate the information regarding the doctor, nurse allot to the patient. This paper generally looks for a more accurate, reliable and efficient method of computer to facilitate hospital record’s keeping in General Hospitals to ensure efficient outcome that will lessen time consuming. The study proposed that the design of hospital management record will be a solution to the problem being experienced by the current manual method of keeping patient medical record. Keywords: Staff Detail, Electronic medical record, Hospital record etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION In the present era of globalization and advanced technology efficient record keeping cannot be overemphasized. Imagine the scenario when the manual records and manual modes of instruction get replaced with electronic systems. such replacement can be done in the area of hospital management system within a hospital. Developing hospital management system software would be very useful to the hospital management who can have effortless access to the data easily and more securely . Libraries keeps information of how many books are in the important source of patient information, the medical record facilitates the transfer of data to other physician involved in an ongoing treatment of patient or the transfer of patient to another physicia n outside the office of the attending physician. It also facilitates the transfer of data to health care establishment or to any other organization or individual such as insurance company or employer. Well kept records usually reflect the level of care giv en to a patient by the physician. Therefore medical records can be used as an evaluation tool. The more complete the record, the better they will serve the physician and the patient in the event of any action. Every hospital record must include the following specific information. Staff detail, Patient detail , Report detail.[1] 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Some of the previous work proposed by Miller say that health care has been an issue of growing importance for national government. Many national and regional health care plans have been developed in the past decades, in order to control the cost, quality and the availability ofhealth care for all citizens. Brown [3], opined that the application of electronic clinical information system (ECIS) has generated useful insight into the quality of data accuracy and health care provision in primary care settings. This is partly one of the adapted style and approach to data entry influenced by the design presented by the recent structure. They further emphasize, that there is a great need for improved education and protocols for consisting data entry in the (ECIS) an d also subsequent follow up of patient IJRISE||[email protected] [346-350] International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Special Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 clarification on the policy for duration and frequency treatment. Laubbel [4], define medical, health record, or medical documentation of a patient’s medical history and care as “medical record” used both as the physical folder of patients and for the body of information which comprises the total of each patient’s health history. Medical records are intensely personal document and there are many ethical and legal issues surrounding them such as the degree of third-party access and appropriate storage and disposal. The key advantage of shifting to computer-based patient record is the opportunity to strengthen the link between the hospital records and management information system so that resources uses and quality of care can be analyzed using Hospital database which increase physician efficiency and reduce costs, as well as promote standardization of care[1]. 3.PROPOSED WORK 3.1 Login Form The login form is necessary to secure the hospital data or the patient data .The login form contain an user name and password. The admin when enter the username and password then the entire information related to the admin will be display. If the admin is doctor then doctor will get the data related to the doctor itself other d ata will be hidden from the doctor .Here in the LOGIN FORM fig we can see that the enter user name have the combobox where we can see the list of different username when we click the combobox. Different password allotted to different user hence the hospital database is secure .In this case the data will be retrieve from the database when user login so that the related data will be shown to the respective user. we seen the login form of the project which is important for securing the data .The user can change the password and if user forgot the password then user gain that password after the confirmation .The confirmation of the user will done when information of the user will match with the data present in the database regarding the user .Due to this login form the management of hospital management is easier than earlier days at that time the entire record was maintain in the manual record. 3.2 Home Page Home page form contain list of the entire data include in the project different modules we can see and each module contain its respective forms the modules include in the project are staff, patient ,report, bill, etc. the homepage contain all this . when we click on the staff we get the doctor form, nurse form, and other form (workers ,accountant ,etc). Patient contain the information related to the patient when click the patient we get different form admit card, operation ,discharge, room change etc. Next form is Report when we click the report we get the data related to the report such as blood report, urine report, etc In this form the data relate to hospital management is store .Staff, Patient , Report, User, About Project .we see that the the data relate all this menu will save in the database. 3.3 Staff Detail In Staff Detail we get the detail information of the hospital staff . The staff module contain the information about the doctor ,nurse and other person who work in the hospital such as accountant, pions, waiters ,sweepers etc. In staff module we can add the list of doctors ,we can add the list of nurses,and other staff we can modify the list if we want to update the current data of the hospital, we can delete the data if we want to delete the data. The total information about the staff we will get in the staff model. The staff module is main key of the hospital management project, if we want to add the info about the new doctor join in the hospital then we will we can simply add our new doctor info in the first form. Ssame we can do in the next two form IJRISE||[email protected] [346-350] International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 3.4 Patient Handwritten medical record is associat with poor legibility which can contribute to medical error, the standardization of abbreviation are encourage to improve reliability of paper medical records. Digitization of form facilitates the collection of data for hospital studies. Duplication of lab tests and other services can be prevented by good record-keeping of any type. However, because database records can be available at many locations at once, integration of services and awareness of duplication can be reduce. Database management system enable health organization to access old records instantly, thereby allowing the health work to send to another health organization in the emergency The procedure involved in the current system is that, when a patient visit the hospital for medication, the patient will first of all buy the admit card whic h contains name and other information needed, and card identification number. The patient will then waits for the card to be processed together with a file jacket that holds the card that has column for diagnosis made by physician , medicine prescribed, and date at the waiting room for the arrival of the card. When the file arrived, the patient joints the queue to see a doctor. In this current system, file are used for keeping individual patient card enclosed in a file. This system is tracing a record files slow in processing of records, space occupied by the file time waiting while waiting for the patient file to be retrieve by the receptionist. In the electronic data record we can access the data and retrieve the data faster as compare to earlier handwritten system . In this module we can see the details of the patient record such as the admit card form, discharge form, Room change form, X-ray form. Here in the patient module the entire data is in the electronic data form where we can see retrieve the entire data of the patient when he/she enter the relevant code of the admit card and the data related to the patient his/her name ,address, gender, cause, reffered by, Doctor name . 3.5 Report Report Form will save registration number, Name, Test Date, Test name, Age ,Gender & Address of the patient , Report will show the kind of disease from which patient is suffering. The Report detail will print after the entire information is fill in the form and another button is Display which will retrieve the entire data from the database after entering the patient registration number. 3.6 User User Form will save the data of the employee, when we click on user type we get list of different user such as Doctor, Admin etc. Entire data i.e. Full Name, Address, User Id, Password, Mobile No. Email Id. IJRISE||[email protected] International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 4. DESIGN Fig-1:Block Diagram Of Hospital Management System 5. CONCLUSION This study embarked on the hospital management system which substitutes the current method of sorting, handling, searching, and keeping of hospital records. This conclude the importance and indispensable nature of the computer and its application in the hospital. The database aimed at reducing paper work in the reception area to reduce the time wasted by patients in the course of waiting for their files to be retrieved. This also reduced the spaced occupied by the files and provide adequate security for patient s medical record. Based on the finding of this study, the design of hospital patient database record will be a solution to the problem being experienced by the current manual method of keeping patient medical records. The study has critically indentified the importance associate with using electronic in keeping hospital record to eliminate missing files and enhance speedy retrieval of patient’s record. The management of General Hospital North Bank has agreed that the manual method of keeping patient records should be change to computerized hospital records which will help them to eliminat e inefficiency associated with the manual method. Through the exhausted study and analysis made in this research, it was recommend that General hospital and other medical centre that had been providing health care service should have an automated system fo r effective operations[1] IJRISE||[email protected] International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Volume: 1 Issue: 1 e-ISSN: 2394-8299 p-ISSN: 2394-8280 6. REFERENCES [1] Asabe.S.A., Oye, N. D., Monday Goji,” HOSPITAL PATIENT DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”, COMPUSOFT An International journal of Advance Computer Technology. [2] Fellegi, A and mooney, S. (1998). “Population and higher individual standard for the quality of life”. [3] Miller, R. J. (1994). “Modernizing Health care through Electronic Medical Record “ information System” [4] Brown, P.J. 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