Sun. April 19, 2015 - Indianola Church of Christ


Sun. April 19, 2015 - Indianola Church of Christ
We are glad that you are here today.
If you are our guest, please fill out the Visitor Card on the back of
your bulletin and place it in the offering plate or turn it in at the
Connections Center. If at any time during the week, we can minister
to you in a special way, please feel free to contact us at 961-6548,
stop in and visit us, or drop us an email at
[email protected].
Sunday, April 19, 2015
For Children
Children are welcome to worship with their parents at any
time. However, staffed nurseries and Kingdom Kids
(Kindergarten through 5th grade) are offered during the
worship services.
 Check In: Nursery – pre-school age children need to be
checked in at the Connections Center before taking them
to their designated class.
 Children’s Bulletin: Kids, don’t forget to pick up the
children’s bulletin at the Connections Center.
Communion and Offering
We invite you to share in the “Lord’s Supper” if you are a
follower of Jesus Christ.
Before and after taking
communion, we encourage you to spend some time in
personal prayer and meditation.
Our time of offering is an opportunity for our members
and regular attendees to give back to God a portion of that
with which they have been blessed. If you are a guest with
us today, please do not feel obligated to give.
Need Prayer Today?
To submit a prayer request or a praise to share, please fill out the
prayer request form in the bulletin and drop the card in the offering
plate or the box located in the back of the sanctuary. Prayer requests
will be shared with pastors and elders who will pray for them for 30
days. Current requests are also located on the back of the bulletin. If
you have a prayer request to share during the week, please call or
email the church office.
Serving Today:
Worship Leader: Jim Blythe
Kingdom Kids: Jim & Cinda Blythe
Softball News
PRACTICE: Monday, April 20, 8:15 p.m. – Fields 2 & 3
GAMES: Will begin April 27. Schedule coming.
TEAMS: If you wish to play church softball this spring and have not
signed up, please see Chad Martens or Branden Martin. You must be
entering 9th grade in the fall or at least 14 years of age by April 1. Guys &
girls needed.
Youth Rummage Sale
Student Ministries will again be hosting a rummage sale fundraiser on May 2.
As you do your spring cleaning, please save items to be donated. Items for sale
will be accepted BEGINNING SUNDAY, APRIL 26.
Indianola Beautification Blowout
Saturday, April 25, Noon – 2:30 p.m.
If you did not sign up, but still want to be a part of this event, see
Carolyn Sheets.
Kingdom Workers needed to Mow Church Property
9:00 a.m. - Bible classes (infants – adults)
10:00 a.m. – Worship (Childcare/activities 0-PreK; Junior worship K-5th)
6:30 p.m. – NEWBZ (HS) Youth Group (Martens’ house)
Level Up Tutoring (K-5th) – 2:30-4:30 p.m.
Venture Kids & Jr. NEWBZ (MS) – 6:30-7:30 p.m.
OASIS Life Group - 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Coming Soon . . . .
April 24 – Secret Church, Woodland Hills Church of Christ
25 – Indianola Beautification Blowout, 12 – 2:30 p.m.
May 1, 2 – Youth Rummage Sale
17 – All Church Potluck
Sign up today to help in this valuable ministry! You may sign up as a
team or be assigned to a team on a rotation schedule (may ride or
push a mower). See Jim Blythe with questions.
Central Iowa Bible Camp News
Scheduled Camp Work Days, 9 am: April 25 & May 9. Lunch provided.
2015 Camp Dates
Scrapbooking Retreat
Family Wilderness 1
Grandparents & I
High School Camp*
Teddy Bear Camp
th th
5 /6 Camp*
Family Camp
Jr High Camp*
rd th
3 /4 Camp*
Sports Camp*
Girls Horse Camp
HS Wilderness*
Jr High Wilderness*
Family Wilderness 2
9 -13
st nd
1 -2
th th
5 -6
th th
6 -8
rd th
3 -4
th th
5 -8
6 -13
9 -13
th th
6 -8
May 1-2
May 15-17 $30/person - $90/family
June 5-6
$35/person - $70/couple
June 7-12
June 12-13 $35/person - $70/couple
June 14-19
June 19-21 $50/person - $150/family
June 21-26
June 28-July 2
July 5-9
July 9-11
July 12-17
July 19-23
July 24-26 $30/person - $90/family
CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE!!! All student campers are eligible
for a half scholarship through the ICoC Missions Ministry. Pick up a
scholarship application at the Connections Center or see Bryan.
Plus save $10 on your half by preregistering for any camps with an *.
Pick up 2015 CIBC booklet and registration forms at the Connections
More announcements & prayer concerns on back of bulletin.
Last Week’s Attendance:
Last Week’s Giving:
Budgeted weekly:
Budgeted ytd:
Received ytd:
Designated receipts ytd:
Prayer Requests and Praises
Name__________________________ Date__________________________
We are pleased to join you in prayer for specific needs and praises.
Please pray for/ Give thanks for:
(Check all boxes below that apply to the sharing of your request)
Pastor contact
Email/phone prayer chain
Please detach this form and place it in the offering plate.
Message for Today: Kirk Evans
“The Reality of the Resurrection”
John 20:26-29
A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas
was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood
among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands.
Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have
believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Secret Church 2015 - “Christ, Culture, and a Call to Action”
Friday, April 24 * 5:30 pm – 12:10 am
Woodland Hills Church of Christ, 2484 SE 68th Street, Pleasant Hill
The culture around us is constantly changing. How do Christians live in a world
rampant with behavior contrary to God’s Word? During Secret Church, we will
explore biblical answers to challenging cultural questions and come to
significant conclusions regarding how Christ calls EVERY Christian to engage our
culture with a firm grip on the gospel in the church and a fervent passion for God’s
glory in the world.
Talk to Pastor Kirk if you wish to participate in Secret Church 2015.
1. The reality of the resurrection ______________________
the disciples’ ________________.
Prayer Concerns/Praises
2. The reality of the resurrection is found in ______________
Betsey Baker's mom, Ruth Glascock, is now under hospice care.
Please pray for comfort and peace for Ruth as well as Betsey & Dan
and their family.
Cindy Binder's mom, Julie, has fallen twice due to her medication for
pulmonary fibrosis. Please pray for healing for her injuries from the
falls and also that new medication will help.
Visitor Card
We want to get to know you better and minister to you more effectively. Complete and
detach the form below and place it in the offering plate or hand in at the Connections
City ______
Zip ___
E-Mail ___________
Best time to call: Morning
Age: 13-18
First-Time Guest
Returning Guest
New Resident
Desire a visit
Want to know more about the church
Want to know more about
becoming a Christian
Invited by:____________________________
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Indianola Church of Christ
1112 East Iowa Avenue, PO Box 335
Indianola, IA 50125
Phone 961-6548
Kirk Evans – Lead Pastor
Bryan Hilgemann – Family Pastor
Adam Bates – Worship Intern
Helping people find, follow, and serve Christ
through intentional, investing and inviting relationships