High performance MR16 and Mains LED drivers April 2015
High performance MR16 and Mains LED drivers April 2015
INDICE SEMICONDUCTOR High performance MR16 and Mains LED drivers April 2015 INDICE DIMMABLE LED DRIVER BENEFITS We’ve done the hard work in power control so that our customers can take their LED product to market quickly with ultimate confidence in reliability and an impressive feature set to differentiate their product from competitors: • • • • • Ultra small designs due to high switching frequency (typically 1MHz+) only possible with Indice proprietary control technology Active temperature and power management & long operational life Broad compatibility with electronic transformers dimmers (leading and trailing edge) High power factor Compliant designs and capability – – • EMC compliance (US, Europe, Australia) UL, FCC, CE, CTICK, etc. Indice LED driver IC’s are at the heart of each power control reference design we develop – – Indice LED driver IC’s simplify dimmable LED driver PCB development Indice LED driver IC’s provide advanced power control functionality and enable excellent dimming performance www.indicesemi.com THE MR16 AND MAINS INFRASTRUCTURE OPPORTUNITY • Electronic transformers typically require 20Watts or more of resistive loads to FUNCTION CORRECTLY • Electronic transformer used require correct load to maintain oscillation, capacitances greater than 100pF can stall the inverter • Inverters have over-current detection, currents exceeding this cause temporary shutdown. • Typical energy saving products implement standard diode based rectifiers with capacitance for stable operation and EMC. • Inrush currents can exceed 15Amps when inverters first start, stalling oscillation and damaging rectifiers, causing early failure in both transformers energy saving globes. www.indicesemi.com LEADING EDGE / TRIAC DIMMERS Leading edge dimmers require minimum current draw to ensure the TRIAC “latches” and does not misfire which will cause the LED to strobe and flicker. The current must flow through the LAMP and the DIMMER. CURRENT Triac dimmer schematic simplified Triac dimmer example waveform www.indicesemi.com TRAILING EDGE / ELECTRONIC DIMMERS Trailing edge dimmers require minimum current draw to ensure the internal electronics have enough power to remain alive. Without a minimum load current draw they brown out and misfire which will cause the LED to strobe and flicker. The current must flow through the LAMP and the DIMMER. CURRENT Electronic dimmer schematic simplified Electronic dimmer example waveform www.indicesemi.com TEST CONFIGURATION The following slides are measured using the following configuration: V I www.indicesemi.com MR16 Waveform – HALOGEN reference waveform – Half AC cycle Voltage Current During this 10ms – Half 50Hz AC Cycle we can observe: • Smooth elliptical shape • Current and voltage in phase • No large current spikes www.indicesemi.com How to detect transformer compatibility INDICE Waveform • • • • Competitors Waveform COMPATIBLE Smooth elliptical shape Current and voltage in phase No large current spikes • • • NOT COMPATIBLE 15Amp peaks (Almost 300W peak energy) will damage lamp and transformer Current and voltage out of phase www.indicesemi.com INDICE – Real time adaptive switching Adaptive switching Adapts real time to input transformer, 67KHz near AC zero crossing and peaking to 2MHz during the AC cycle Current drawn through AC Zero crossing – Ensures dimmers and transformers have minimum current drawn in this period www.indicesemi.com Continuous current mode – Maintains the transformer resonance which ensures flicker free operation COMPETITOR LED DRIVER WITH BLEEDER CIRCUIT The active bleeder circuit is required for most LED drivers to ensure the dimmer remains alive during AC zero crossing Peak current spike is 600mA which reduces the number of LED lamps that can be put in parallel on a dimmer www.indicesemi.com INDICE MAINS LED DRIVER – Superior performance, compact size NO active bleeder necessary. Indice topology appears like a BOOST constantly drawing current INDICE: Half the Peak current spike allows twice the number of lamps to be put in parallel on a dimmer www.indicesemi.com LED DRIVER OPERATING FREQUENCY RANGE www.indicesemi.com INDICE delivers the lowest EMI profile INDICE LED drivers are asynchronous so there is minimal fundamental frequency and harmonics. Higher EMI Content Fundamental Lower EMI Content Harmonics Fixed frequency LED driver www.indicesemi.com INDICE LED driver INDICE: Fastest switching speed delivers the highest power density INDICE enables the next generation of innovative driver solutions. Our faster switching speed means smaller, more compact and efficient drivers. INDICE: Up to 5x smaller than competitors drivers Traditional LED panel driver www.indicesemi.com Transformer detect – Why is it necessary? The INDICE0002 MR16 driver IC contains transformer detect which senses whether it is connected to an electronic or magnetic transformer. This is necessary as they are fundamentally different in construction and require different modes of operation. Electronic transformer – simplified schematic Magnetic transformer – equivalent circuit www.indicesemi.com Transformer detect – How it works The INDICE0002 MR16 driver switches ON a capacitor when connected to a magnetic transformer and OFF for an electronic transformer. This reduces over voltage spikes on magnetic transformers that can cause EMI and damage to the MR16 bulb. Without Transformer detect Vpeak ~38V With transformer detect - Vpeak ~18.5V www.indicesemi.com Deep dimming 100% 100.00% 90% 90.00% 80% 80.00% Relative light output Relative light output The INDICE MR16 driver includes deep dimming which reduces the light output at low dimmer angles to give the effect of turning off on most dimmers. This also helps with low level flicker present on some dimmer systems. 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 10% 0% 70.00% 0.00% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Dimmer Position Dimmer Position Without Deep dimming With deep dimming www.indicesemi.com 100% Power Normalisation Some electronic transformers have a narrow power envelope. The Indice MR16 driver compensates for this by drawing more power during the transformer “ON” time which keeps the light output more consistent across different models of electronic transformers. Narrow envelope electronic transformer Wide envelope electronic transformer www.indicesemi.com Active temperature management 10.0 W 9.0 W 8.0 W 7.0 W 6.0 W 5.0 W 4.0 W 3.0 W 2.0 W 78.6 °C 7.8 W 74.6 °C 7.7 W 68.3 °C 8.0 W 80.0 °C 82.6 °C 86.6 °C 83.5 °C 7.7 W 84.1 °C 83.4 °C 7.7 W 7.7 W 7.6 W 53.5 °C 70 °C 60 °C 50 °C 40 °C 35.6 °C 30 °C 28.8 °C 0 90 °C 80 °C 84.0 °C 7.8 W 7.6 W 85.5 °C 84.7 °C 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Input Power Time (minutes) LED power adjusted relative to the active temperature management set point www.indicesemi.com 20 °C IC Temp Input Power All INDICE LED driver IC contains a temperature sensor and control system that tracks to a maximum temperature set point. The user can adjust this with a simple resistor divider. Many LED drivers are contained within the heat sink where ventilation is difficult and its possible for the lamp to run at elevated temperatures that will lead to premature life of the product. INPUT LINE FREQUENCY - MR16 and Mains IC’s The INDICE0002, INDICE00A2 MR16 LED driver IC’s and INDICE0101 Mains LED driver IC’s are NOT dependant on input line frequency and will dim on a wide variety of 50Hz or 60Hz sources. Certain dimmer manufacturers have designed in dependence on the line frequency so their dimmers are only useable on 50Hz or 60Hz systems. There are dimmers available that do work on 50Hz/60Hz systems. www.indicesemi.com INPUT LINE FREQUENCY - LEADING EDGE / TRIAC DIMMERS Many manufacturers of leading edge dimmers use a RESISTOR and CAPACITOR time constant that is specific for the line frequency. The RC time constant, if not matched correctly will time out prematurely to the AC zero crossing event causing flicker. Such dimmers can only be used on 50Hz or 60Hz systems. R-C time constant can create dependence on the line frequency Fig 1: Triac dimmer schematic simplified www.indicesemi.com INPUT LINE FREQUENCY - TRAILING EDGE / ELECTRONIC DIMMERS Many manufacturers of trailing edge dimmers use a RESISTOR and CAPACITOR time constant or delay circuit (sometimes software) that that is specific for the line frequency. The RC time constant, if not matched correctly will time out prematurely to the AC zero crossing event causing flicker. Such dimmers can only be used on 50Hz or 60Hz systems. R-C time constant can create dependence on the line frequency Fig 3: Electronic dimmer schematic simplified www.indicesemi.com PART NUMBERS AND EVALUATION KITS LED Driver IC Part Number Type of LED Driver ICPart Number Description Low voltage LED Driver IC INDICE0002 LED Driver IC for MR11/MR16 / AR111 Enhanced LV LED Driver IC INDICE00A2 LED Driver IC for MR111/MR16 / AR111 Line voltage LED Driver IC INDICE0101 LED Driver IC for Mains (110/230V) LED Driver Evaluation Kit Part Numbering: Part Number EVAL01-MR16 EVAL11012W EVAL24014W Where to buy: Description 3x 7.5W Medium MR16 LED lamps + 20pcs INDICE0002 LED Driver IC 110V Mains Evaluation Kit 240V Mains Evaluation Kit www.indicesemi.com www.indicesemi.com