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CV in PDF -
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Toronto
5 King’s College Road, Toronto, Ontario M5S3G8, Canada
taewoo [dot] lee [at] utoronto [dot] ca
Postdoctoral fellow: Operations Research, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
PhD: Operations Research, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
Advisor: Timothy C. Y. Chan
Thesis: Generalized inverse optimization and applications to cancer therapy
MEng: Operations Research, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
BEng: Industrial Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
a. Journal papers
[a1] J. J. Boutilier, T. Lee, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, T. C. Y. Chan, “Models for predicting objective
function weights in prostate cancer IMRT,” Medical Physics, 42 (4), 1586–1595, 2015
[a2] T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, T. Lee, M. B. Sharpe, “Generalized inverse multi-objective optimization
with application to cancer therapy,” Operations Research, 62 (3), 680–695, 2014
First prize at 2013 Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Student Paper Competition
First prize at 2013 INFORMS Healthcare Applications Society (HAS) Student Paper Competition
[a3] T. Lee, M. Hammad, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “Predicting objective function weights
from patient anatomy in prostate IMRT treatment planning,” Medical Physics, 40 (12), 121706, 2013
b. Papers submitted
[b1] T. C. Y. Chan, T. Lee, “Preference preservation in inverse multi-objective convex optimization,”
under review
c. Working papers
[c1] T. C. Y. Chan, T. Lee, D. Terekhov, “Addressing the mismatch between model and data in inverse
optimization: establishing connection to regression.”
[c2] T. C. Y. Chan, T. Lee, “Learning parameters for stochastic dynamic optimization”
[c3] J. J. Boutilier, A. Goli, T. Lee, T. C. Y. Chan, “Sensitivity analysis on the effect of importance factors
on IMRT treatment quality.”
d. Refereed journal abstracts
[d1] J. J. Boutilier, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, T. Lee, M. B. Sharpe, “A logistic regression model to predict
objective function weights in prostate cancer IMRT,” Medical Physics, 41 (6), 395, 2014
[d2] T. Lee, M. Hammad, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “Predicting objective function weights
for IMRT prostate treatment planning using patient anatomy,” Medical Physics, 40 (6), 356, 2013
[d3] T. Lee, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “Determining critical objectives and importance
factors for prostate IMRT treatment planning,” Medical Physics, 39 (6), 3845, 2012
[d4] T. C. Y. Chan, T. Lee, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “Determining objective function weights in prostate
IMRT using inverse optimization,” Medical Physics, 38 (6), 3687, 2011
e. Conference presentations (*presenting author)
[e1] J. J. Boutilier*, T. Lee, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, T. C. Y. Chan, “Models for predicting objective
function weights in prostate cancer IMRT,” INFORMS 2014, San Francisco, CA, Nov 2014
[e2] T. Lee*, T. C. Y. Chan, “Preference preservation in radiation therapy treatment planning via inverse
convex optimization,” INFORMS 2014, San Francisco, CA, Nov 2014
[e3] J. J. Boutilier*, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, T. Lee, M. B. Sharpe, “A logistic regression model to predict
objective function weights in prostate cancer IMRT,” AAPM 2014, Austin, TX, July 2014
[e4] T. Lee*, T. C. Y. Chan, “Preference learning in radiation therapy treatment planning via inverse
convex optimization,” CORS 2014, Ottawa, ON, May 2014
[e5] D. Terekhov*, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Lee, “Stepwise inverse optimization for IMRT treatment plan
optimization,” INFORMS 2013, Minneapolis, MN, Oct 2013
[e6] T. Lee*, M. Hammad, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “Predicting objective function weights
for multi-criteria IMRT planning using patient anatomy,” INFORMS 2013, Minneapolis, MN, Oct
[e7] T. Lee*, M. Hammad, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “Predicting objective function weights
for IMRT prostate treatment planning using patient anatomy,” AAPM 2013, Indianapolis, IN, Aug
[e8] T. Lee*, M. Hammad, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “Predicting objective function weights
for multi-criteria IMRT planning using patient anatomy,” INFORMS Healthcare 2013, Chicago, IL,
June 2013
[e9] T. Lee*, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “Generalized inverse multi-objective optimization
with application to cancer therapy,” INFORMS Healthcare 2013, Chicago, IL, June 2013
[e10] T. Lee*, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “Generalized inverse multi-objective optimization
with application to cancer therapy,” CORS 2013, Vancouver, BC, May 2013
[e11] T. Lee*, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “Determining convex objective functions in the
multi-objective IMRT treatment planning problem,” INFORMS 2012, Phoenix, AZ, Oct 2012
[e12] T. Lee*, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “Determining critical objectives and importance
factors for prostate IMRT treatment planning,” AAPM 2012, Charlotte, NC, July 2012
[e13] T. Lee*, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “Determining critical objective functions for a
multi-objective IMRT treatment planning problem,” CORS 2012, Niagara Falls, ON, June 2012
[e14] T. C. Y. Chan*, T. Lee, T. Craig. M. B. Sharpe, “Approximate inverse optimization for intensitymodulated radiation therapy treatment planning,” INFORMS 2011, Charlotte, NC, Nov 2011
[e15] T. C. Y. Chan*, T. Lee, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “Determining objective function weights in prostate
IMRT using inverse optimization,” AAPM/COMP 2011, Vancouver, BC, July 2011
[e16] T. Lee*, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig. M. B. Sharpe, “Approximate inverse optimization for intensitymodulated radiation therapy treatment planning,” INFORMS Healthcare 2011, Montreal, QC, June
[e17] T. Lee*, T. C. Y. Chan, T. Craig, M. B. Sharpe, “An inverse optimization approach to determine
objective function weights in radiation therapy,” INFORMS 2010, Austin, TX, Nov 2010
Paper competitions
First prize at the Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Student Paper Competition
First prize at the INFORMS Healthcare Applications Society (HAS) Student Paper Competition
The Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology
(QEII-GSST) ($15,000)
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) ($15,000)
MITACS Accelerate ($30,000)
The Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology
(QEII-GSST) ($15,000)
Barbara and Frank Milligan Graduate Fellowship, University of Toronto ($1,000)
Other awards and honors
The INFORMS Student Chapter Award: Cum Laude
The INFORMS Doctoral Colloquium
Teaching assistant
MIE262: Operations research I (undergrad)
2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015
MIE335: Algorithms and numerical methods (undergrad)
2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015
MIE376: Mathematical programming (undergrad)
2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015
MIE1620: Linear programming and network flow (grad)
2011-2012, 2012-2013
Guest lecturer
MIE1620: Linear programming and network flow (grad);
On the topics of network optimization and interior point method
2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014
Session chair
- Optimization methods for cancer therapy, INFORMS International 2015, Montreal, QC
- Optimization methods for radiation therapy treatment planning, INFORMS International 2015,
Montreal, QC (different from the above)
- Inverse optimization in healthcare, INFORMS 2014, San Francisco, CA
- Optimization in radiation therapy treatment planning, CORS 2014, Ottawa, ON
- Optimization in radiation therapy treatment planning, INFORMS 2013, Minneapolis, MN
External outreach, INFORMS/CORS Student Chapter
(University of Toronto Operations Research Group)
- The INFORMS Student Chapter Annual Award: Cum Laude
MITACS Globalink student advisor, MITACS
Organizing committee/abstract reviewer, MIE Research Symposium, University of Toronto
NSERC CREATE PhD student: Healthcare Operations & Information Management
Trainee, University of Toronto Prospective Professors in Training (PPIT) program
MITACS Internship, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, ON
Available upon request
Last updated: March, 2015

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